Updated April 11, 2013
Pregnancy and children are two of the most sensitive subjects in nutrition. Many parents would be prepared to dramatically change their own diets, but not take the perceived risk of doing so with their child. If concern for your child’s health is a priority, then now is the time to change their diets because rapidly growing bodies are the ones most likely to suffer from the adverse consequences of too much fat, protein, cholesterol and environmental chemicals. Human breast milk is ideal and should be the exclusive diet until six months of age, and then part of the baby’s nutrition until age two. At six months, solid foods (like cooked starches and fresh fruits) can be started and then become an increasing part of the baby’s diet. Vegetables are added along the way. Following these simple rules of breastfeeding and good foods will mean a reduced risk of infections, hospitalizations, bowel diseases, constipation, precocious puberty, acne and obesity. Children with better diets will also be more intelligent, healthier and stronger. The ideal diet for young growing children, including adolescents, is based on starches with the addition of fruits and vegetables. When necessary, heightened calorie needs can be met with the addition of more dried fruits, nuts, seeds and avocados.
(articles open in a new window)
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