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With a heavy heart, we share the news of Dr. John McDougall’s passing. A visionary physician and author, beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, mentor and friend, Dr. McDougall died peacefully at his home on Saturday, June 22nd, at the age of 77.

Bobby Andersen: The Plant-Fueled Trucker, Wants to Help Millions of People with His Success Story

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trucker1ropti-7132286Bobby Andersen has been making a splash on social media lately after he began posting photos of his 100% plant-based meals.

While sharing photos of one’s meals is nothing new on the Internet, the twist here is that Andersen is a long-haul trucker who has been driving five to six days a week, 11 hours a day, for the last 21 years. It would be easy for him to blame any poor eating habits on his job. But he’s not into blaming; he’s into changing his eating habits so that he can feel good now and far into the future.

Andersen, who is 45 years old, shares photos taken from the cab of his semi-truck, photos that seem to say, “If I can cook healthy in here, anyone can do this.” He is especially well-known for making meals in his Instant Pot electric pressure cooker, and has garnered such a following that he now has his own promotional code (bobby123) on the product’s website where people can get $60 off of their own Instant Pot purchase.

truckerlogolopti-4172693He has been in high demand, with people wanting to interview him left and right, including The Today Show. “At first, I thought it was a scam, so I blew it off” he said, not believing that the Facebook message he received from one of the show’s producers was legitimate. But it was, and the show sent a reporter out to his hometown for three days to get the story, which aired this July. The number of “likes” on his Facebook page jumped from around 6,000 to nearly 24,000 that day. Since then he’s also been approached by The Dr. Oz Show, but nothing firm has been scheduled yet.

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