Plant Based Pizza Recipe
By Mary McDougall
Almost everyone knows how to put together a pizza without a recipe. It is possible to be very creative when preparing pizzas for yourself and others. You can start with a traditional red sauce, either homemade or store-bought pasta sauce, and layer favorite, healthy ingredients on top of that. Or you can try something a bit different and use a variety of mashed beans for the base with assorted vegetable on the top. Baking time is only about 10 minutes, so you can have dinner on the table very quickly.
Serves: 8
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 10 min

1 Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Spread sauce evenly over pizza crust. Layer on the toppings of your choice. Place on a baking tray and bake for about 10 minutes. Remove from oven, let cool slightly, then slice and enjoy.
Hint: Other recipes for pizza may be found in the McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook.