the Love of Grains
grains are currently the most
important nutritional component of
the human diet—and for thousands of
years grains have been recognized as
staples—necessary foods—and extolled
as “the staff of life.” In Roman
times Ceres was the goddess of
agriculture.1 The gifts
offered to Ceres at festivals were
referred to as cerealia.
Since the most important gifts
offered were wheat and barley, these
grains naturally became known as
cerealia or cereal. The value of
grains is reflected by common
sayings such as: “The greatest thing
since sliced bread,” signifying the
absolute best, “bread and circuses”
refers to keeping people happy,
“cash” is called bread or dough, and
“breaking bread” speaks of a sense
of sharing.
It may
surprise you to learn that after
this long association of grains with
goodness that this staple food is
now under attack. I hear:
Don’t eat rice and other grains
because they turn to sugar, which
will make you fat. Even the tiniest
bite of a grain will trigger your
body to crave more and you will
become obese. After all, grains are
used for fattening livestock, and
they will do the same to you.
2) If
you don't soak your grains before
cooking, they will “steal” nutrients
from your body—this is due to phytic
acid and other anti-nutrients in the
Millions of people are intolerant to
the protein in grains, causing
problems from arthritis to cancer,
for most people, not just those few
with celiac disease.
Grains harbor toxic fungi that can
cause cancer.
Grains have drug-like substances in
them that create addiction. If you
eat them, you will become hooked on
Separating the wheat from the
chaff—fact from fiction—begins by
knowing that cereal grains provide
an abundance of our most important
nutrient: starch—70% to 83% of the
calories found in grains are in the
form of this clean burning
carbohydrate fuel.
are the seeds of grasses.
Globally, the most
important cereal grains
include wheat, rice, and
corn, whereas the minor
grains include oats, rye,
barley, triticale, sorghum,
and millet. Triticale is a
hybrid between rye and
wheat. Wheat accounts for
one-third of the total
worldwide grain production
and rice accounts for
one-fourth. In order to
bring out their nutrition
and flavor, grains are
almost always consumed after
cooking and/or grinding
Rice and sorghum are grown
in warm climates; whereas
wheat, rye, triticale, oats,
barley, and spelt are grown
in colder seasonal,
temperate regions.
quinoa, and
buckwheat are
pseudocereals derived from
broadleaf plants, not
grasses, however, they are
used much like cereal
Starch is a “complex
carbohydrate” made up of
long chains of sugar
molecules, stored in the
plant’s parts for the
future. This stockpile is
used for survival overwinter,
to regrow the next year, and
to reproduce. In the case
of grains, the starch stored
in the seedling provides the
energy for the first few hours of life,
before the leaves begin
their own photosynthesis.
Starchy plant food-parts,
are simply called
“starches.” Tubers
(potatoes, sweet potato,
cassava), winter squashes,
legumes (beans), and grains
serve as organs for storing
starch. In contrast, green
and yellow vegetables, such
as broccoli, cauliflower,
and asparagus, accumulate
relatively little starch,
and fruit sugars are simple
sugars, not starch. |
People Are Obligate Starch-Eaters
the past 35 years I have been
teaching a “starch-based diet” as
the fundamental means to health and
healing. This is different from a
“vegan diet,” which could be at its
worst, colas and potato chips; and
different from a “plant-food-based
diet,” which could focus on
low-calorie broccoli and apples, or
high-calorie nuts and avocados. Most
people—lay and professional—fail to
grasp this simple lifesaving
premise: people are starch-eaters.
And they suffer horribly from this
most important support for my conclusion that
we are starch-eaters is based on an
observation that you can easily
validate for yourself: All large
populations of trim, healthy
throughout written human history,
have obtained the bulk of their
calories from starch. Examples of
thriving people include, Japanese
and Chinese in Asia eating sweet
potatoes, buckwheat, and/or rice,
Incas in South America eating
potatoes, Mayans and Aztecs in
Central America eating corn, and
Egyptians in the Middle East eating
have been small
communities of people living at the
extremes of the environment, such as
the traditional Eskimos of
Greenland, who have lived on a diet
low in starches (high in meat).
Over the past century there has been
an escalating trend in Western
societies of people abandoning
starchy plant-foods for
low-carbohydrate meat and dairy
foods. A worldwide epidemic of
obesity, heart disease, diabetes,
and cancer has followed this
dietary change. Thus, there are no
exceptions—all large populations of
healthy, trim people have lived on
starch-based diets. We are obliged
to eat starch, and failure to eat
this way, means failure to
thrive—both as individuals and as
Historical Examples of
Grain-Based, Starch-Based,
Barley – Middle East for
11,000 years
Corn – Central and South
America for 7000 years
Millet – Africa for 6,000
Oats – Middle East for
11,000 years
Sorghum – East Africa for
6,000 years
Rice – Asia for more than
10,000 years
Rye – Asia for 5000 years
Wheat – Near East for 10,000
years |
Science Proves Starch-Based Diet for
Through genetic testing scientists
have proven that we are obligate
Examination of the number of copies
of the gene for the production of
amylase, an enzyme in our saliva
that digests starch, has found an
average of 6 copies in humans (range
of 2 to 15 copies), compared to only
2 copies of this gene in great apes.
This amplified number of gene copies
allowed early humans to thrive on
starchy foods that “lesser” primates
ignored. The diets of great apes,
like those of chimpanzees, our
closest relative, are nearly pure
vegetarian in composition;
consisting largely of fruits, and in
the dry seasons when fruit is
scarce, they eat tree seeds,
flowers, soft pith, and bark; with
termites and small mammals making a
very small contribution all year
long. Chimpanzees eat very little
and chimp DNA is roughly 99%
identical, but that 1% difference,
which includes genes to digest much
more starch, proved crucial for the
evolution of humanity's earliest
ancestors. More salivary,
starch-digesting, amylase produced
by more copies of the gene opened up
a reliable supply of sugar for our
early ancestors, which allowed their
sugar-fueled brains to develop.
Twenty percent of our daily food
intake is used to energize our
brains; and brain tissues
preferentially burn sugar for fuel.
The theory that the addition of meat
or fish to our ancestor’s’ diet was
the critical factor for the
development of our ancestors’ brains
is obviously incorrect based on our
physiology and genetics.3-5
Furthermore, since most early humans
ate meat only sporadically, meat
alone could not have supplied the
extraordinary amount of energy
needed for the brain to grow from
monkey-size to human-size (three
times difference).3-5
Apparent Imperfections of Grains
single food is always perfect for
every person: Beans may be a little
too high in protein, especially for
people with inadequate kidneys,
white potatoes are classified as
nightshades that can contain a toxin
called solanine, winter squashes may
be too low in calories for athletes,
corn may cause food allergies in
sensitive people, and wheat has
gluten which causes celiac disease
in a few people. Recently, several
writers, who by no coincidence also
recommend diets high in meat, fish
and/or dairy products, have misled
the public by stretching the
truth—overstating the importance of
the imperfections and minimizing the
benefits of grains.6-8
Some of their claims are:
Grains Will Make You Fat—Not So!
Really: Obesity is unknown among
more than 3 billion people who
currently live on grain-based diets
and the billions more who have done
so in the past. Grains are low in
calories, low in fat, and high in
appetite-satisfying carbohydrates.
While overfeeding with grains can
easily fatten food-animals, like
cows and pigs; the human body only
reluctantly converts carbohydrates,
like those found in grains, into
body fat.9
Grains Rob You of Nutrients—Not
Really: Grains are loaded with
minerals; therefore, the more grains
you eat the more minerals you
consume. Phytic acid, also
plentiful in grains, is considered
an anti-nutrient because of its
ability to bind with minerals, such
as zinc and calcium, and prevent
their absorption. Two often-cited
examples of zinc deficiency are
among people living in small
communities in rural Iran and
Australia (Aborigines).10-11
Multiple nutritional factors, not
just phytic acid, were involved in
both examples. Consumption of large
amounts of unleavened bread seemed
central to the development of zinc
deficiency. Once the bread is
leavened, then the activity of
phytic acid is reduced, and zinc
becomes readily available.12
Soaking, germination, boiling,
cooking, and fermentation all
inactivate phytic acid and free up
minerals for absorption. In
real-life situations, for otherwise
healthy people, the consumption of
grains in recommended amounts has
had no adverse effect on mineral
acid actually has many beneficial
health effects—you won’t want it out
of your diet. It acts as a powerful
antioxidant and has been shown to
reduce blood sugar, insulin,
cholesterol and triglycerides.14
Phytic acid is linked to a reduction
in heart disease, diabetes, obesity,
and other chronic diseases in
Grains Cause Human Disease—Some Do
Really: Some people (at most 1%
of people) are intolerant of a
protein, called gluten, found in
some grains. High concentrations of
gluten are found in wheat, barley,
and rye (but not in rice, corn,
oats, sorghum, and millet). (See my
September 2005 newsletter article.)
The condition, called celiac
disease, can result in malnutrition,
autoimmune diseases and cancer.
are slightly acidic; therefore,
theoretically, they may cause loss
of minerals, including calcium, from
the body. (The relative acid load
of grains is about +1, compared to
the very high acid loads of cheese
+10, fish +9.3, chicken +7 and red
meat +6.3).15 Limited
research shows grains do not
increase calcium loss,16
and grain-consuming populations,
such as the Japanese and Chinese,
have very low rates of osteoporosis.17,18
allergies to wheat and corn do occur
in less than 1% of people, but
allergies to rice are very uncommon;19
this is one reason rice is an
accepted food in elimination diets
designed to test and treat food
Fungi on Grains Will Poison You—So
Don’t Eat Spoiled Food
Aflatoxins are naturally occurring
that are produced by many species of
Aspergillus, a
fungus. The
toxin-producing fungi grow as the
grains spoil in storage. Aflatoxins
are toxic and
carcinogenic. High-levels
of aflatoxin exposure can produce
acute tissue
cirrhosis, and
carcinoma of the liver. This potential and serious
problem should cause us to avoid
spoiled grains. Boiling and
pressure-cooking reduce the activity
of this toxin.20,
Will Become Addicted to Grains—Yes!
Really: Just like you have
become addicted to water and the
oxygen in air. The human body is
designed to enjoy and become
satiated by carbohydrate—both simple
and complex sugars (starches)—not
surprising since this substance is
our intended fuel. Consider the
tips of our tongues have
sweet-tasting taste buds. We are
designed to seek and enjoy this
flavor. There are no similar sensors
on our tongues for fat or protein.
(A cat has taste buds for protein.)
Once consumed, carbohydrate causes
changes in bodily hormones and brain
chemistry, resulting in satisfaction
of the appetite—our reward for
eating correctly. Failure to eat
sufficient carbohydrate, when people
consume beef, chicken, fish and
cheese, all containing almost no
carbohydrate, leaves them wanting
sugars, which may cause some people
to conclude that they are addicted
to carbohydrate.
Nutrition in Grains
are derived from the seeds of
grasses. They contain all the energy
(starch), protein, and minerals
needed to germinate a seedling,
therefore they are inherently
nutritious. Grains contain no
cholesterol, are low in fat, and are
high in dietary fiber. Although
grains are low in fat they are well
supplied with the few kinds of fat (linolenic
and linoleic acid) that are
essential for our health. The
ingredients in single grains easily
meet our nutritional needs, except
for vitamins A and C. Thus, people
cannot live on grains alone; they
must also include a fruit and/or a
green or yellow vegetable to supply
these two essential vitamins. (In
contrast, vegetables, like potatoes
and sweet potatoes supply all
necessary nutrients and can serve as
sole sources of food. Qualified
exceptions to this statement of
completeness are vitamins B12 and D
– see my September and November 2007
McDougall Newsletters.)
Established Benefits of
Eating Whole Grains
Lowers Blood
Insulin Levels
Lowers IGF-1
Reduces Risk
of Thrombosis
Heart Attack Risk
Reduces Risk
of Type-2 Diabetes
Reduces Risk
of Obesity
Insulin Resistance
Lowers Colon
Cancer Risk
Gastric Cancer Risk
Bowel Function
Bowel Transit Time
Gastric Emptying
“Good” Bowel Bacteria (bifidobacteria)
”Bad” Bowel Bacteria (E.
Anti-oxidant Activity
Thousands of
scientific studies confirm
the healthful benefits of
whole grains.
(Unfortunately, most of this
research has been funded by
the cereal industries.22) |
Can I Eat Flour
Products, Like in Bread?
Although cereal
grains at the farm gate are very
nutritious, the processing and
refining steps that follow usually
turn them into packaged products
that are now stripped of their
nutrients (fiber, vitamins, and
minerals) and loaded with salt,
oils, sugars, dairy- derivitives,
and chemicals. Whereas, whole
grains reduce the risk of heart
disease, diabetes, cancer and
obesity, that box of sugar puffs in
your pantry may be doing just the
opposite. In general, the more
original and unadulterated the
grain, the better for you.
I am often asked if
there is any harm in using a
home-bread-machine to make
bread—after all, nothing is added or
removed in the processing. For most
people whole grain breads are an
excellent choice, but it is not the
same as eating whole grains. Beating
the whole grain more than 1000 times
with the whirling steel blade of the
bread machine converts the kernel
into a powder, known as flour.
The intact cell wall of the
kernel has been destroyed and now
the digestive enzymes (amylase)
easily digest the inner nutrients.
In addition, the flour has a much
larger surface area to volume ratio
than did the whole grain, making
digestion and absorption much more
rapid. For you this physical change
may translate into easier weight
gain, and higher blood levels of
glucose, triglycerides, and
cholesterol. The
amount of insulin released by
the pancreas into the blood is also
increased as grains are processed
from whole grains to cracked grains
to coarse flour to fine flour.23
More insulin can mean more weight
gain, and maybe, more risk of
diabetes and heart disease. However,
compared to animal-foods, free-oils,
and plant-parts processed beyond
recognition, whole wheat bread is
definitely health food.
Can I Eat White
If you must. As a
young doctor, I began my practice in
Hawaii. Ancestors of many of my
patients had recently emigrated from
countries, like Japan, China, and
the Philippines, where rice was
their staple food. That is white
rice. In these cultures, eating
brown, whole grain, rice was a
social disgrace; because it was
cheaper, brown rice was consumed by
the lower class, financially poorer,
people. Thus, a social prejudice
existed: refined people eat refined
rice. I could not overcome this
irrational bias, so I sanctioned
eating the McDougall diet with white
rice—and my patients still became
healthier, lost weight, and stopped
their medications. Why? Because
white rice replaced their meat,
cheese, and ice cream. One of the
most successful diet therapies ever
used to treat sick people has been
the Kempner Diet from Duke
University. The founder, Walter
Kempner, MD, fed his patients mostly
white rice and fruits. This
treatment quickly and effectively
reversed hypertension, type-2
diabetes, diabetic eye damage,
arthritis, heart failure (cardiomegaly
and EKG changes), kidney disease,
and obesity.24
Think Simple. Think Starch.
The two most important dietary
messages I want you to learn are:
Health and personal appearance
change dramatically by simply
changing the composition of the
foods consumed. When cheeseburgers,
pork chops, chicken wings, and
cheese are the daily fare, then
people are fat and sick. Filling
the dinner plate with whole grains,
legumes, tubers, green and yellow
vegetables, and fruit results in
robust health. Don’t complicate
matters by focusing on secondary
issues, like heredity, exercise,
stress, etc.
Starches, not green and yellow
vegetables and fruits, must make up
the bulk of the meals for
satisfaction and proper nutrition.
Grains are an excellent source of
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