Accountability Journal

Share your daily McDougall menus and/or keep a journal describing your personal progress.

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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sun Sep 26, 2021 10:24 am

Did grocery pickup mid-week which helped a lot. No cookies this past week and had time to make another meal mid-week. Then ran out Sat and made a quick meal from the recipe list here. I feel like I had energy back, and just feel better.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sun Sep 03, 2023 7:39 pm

Wow I didn't think I could log in but it worked. I've been doing the same thing eating-wise, McDougall framework and adding junk food at times. I have been lurking all this time. Going to keep trying, I have been mostly failing about 1-2x a week due to stress, family food, work food. I'm not sure it will be helpful to write what I ate, especially when I had stuff I shouldn't after doing a lot of chores this morning and being ravenous. Maybe I'll go back to weekly checkins. I don't think I have time for daily posting. This is what I plan to eat this week:
Oatmeal with blueberries (or different add-in's this week, i'm getting bored)
Chili, rice or barley, sweet potatoes, greens, banana, cuties for lunch and dinner
Carrots/peppers/cucumbers before dinner. I don't have time to eat all that at lunch at work.

I have been all over the place with exercise. I really enjoyed it for a while but my ankle or toe has randomly hurt so just concentrated on eating better the past few weeks. Maybe I'll get a treadmill gifted to me soon so that might be fun. I need more activity for sure. I also think I'm developing carpal tunnel and need to lose weight because I read that could help stop it.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:04 pm

I don't know what happened to last week's post but I've been eating really well for 2 weeks. Trying to make it to 3. The cravings are gone.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby JeffN » Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:59 am

The board crashed over the weekend and when it was restored, we lost a weeks worth of posts. If you have a copy, feel free to repost it

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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sun Oct 01, 2023 12:13 pm

Thanks for the info on the posts. It's been 21 days and I feel like I'm back in that non-sugar zone I got into in the fall of 2020. I've been trying to get back there for 3 years and am very thankful I'm back in that state. I had help from a coach, someone to be accountable to, and that helped me break the sugar/ bread cycle. In the 3 years, I always tried to eat this way, and got some better habits with preparing food 2x a week so I had enough for the whole week and didn't fall back to junk on the weekends. I've lost 8 lbs in the 3 weeks and have about 30 to go. It would be so great to actually get there since I've been overweight the past 20 years, after having been normal weight all my life up to then.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sun Oct 08, 2023 12:16 pm

Everything is still going ok, amazingly. The posts about how to stay on this diet long-term in the pas few months really helped. There was the first one that suggested adding things like avocado from Dr Lisle and that seemed to make sense, then there was the later post from Jeff and wildgoose that mentioned that you might need to be more strict and add things like chickpeas or ww pasta if still hungry. (edit: i just reread that thread briefly and that's not what was said, that's just what I took from reading how wildgoose started out eating). That style of complete abstinence made the most sense to me. I think I've been struggling with it because my extended family pushes sugar especially at the holidays and birthdays (and as a result I am now overweight), and it's been part of my personality since young, someone who eats a lot of candy/cookies ... This year I will treat it as seriously as an alcoholic treats alcohol and just not have *any* sugar, even if pushed on me.

I appreciate that this site is free and has so much good information to share. I especially enjoyed going through the old journals, all the way back to 2010 to the present about a year ago. It was very interesting and I got some ideas about recipes and exercise. From one, I got the idea to get a rebounder and have loved it. My ankle has stopped hurting so I'll start up again. I'll check back again probably in a month.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:25 am

taz432 wrote: That style of complete abstinence made the most sense to me. I think I've been struggling with it because my extended family pushes sugar especially at the holidays and birthdays (and as a result I am now overweight), and it's been part of my personality since young, someone who eats a lot of candy/cookies ... This year I will treat it as seriously as an alcoholic treats alcohol and just not have *any* sugar, even if pushed on me.

I appreciate that this site is free and has so much good information to share. I especially enjoyed going through the old journals, all the way back to 2010 to the present about a year ago. It was very interesting and I got some ideas about recipes and exercise. From one, I got the idea to get a rebounder and have loved it. My ankle has stopped hurting so I'll start up again. I'll check back again probably in a month.

that's the ticket FOR SURE. The trifecta of fat, sugar, and salt has been clinically tested and proven to be literally addictive. You're best off staying away from it. Treat it like an addiction BECAUSE IT IS! Keep on doing what you're doing :)

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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:53 pm

Thanks for the confirmation Buns! I hope your journey is going well. I really need to exercise but I don't want to jump on my tiny trampoline with people in the house. :) I really should do yoga like you, maybe I'll try tai chi soon.

I made it all the way to today with no sugar or bread since 9/10. I feel like even though I messed up, I will be ok getting back on track. It has been 3 days of houseguests, a wedding, and a big cheesecake in the fridge for no reason, plus avoiding cupcakes, then having leftover cupcakes brought to the house. I made it 2 1/2 days before snapping. The cupcakes followed me.

Since 9/10, I lost about 15 lbs. I'm 1 lb away from normal BMI, probably more lbs away now. I'm pretty happy making it to this weight and have been enjoying cooking, I even got my husband to eat some food. He ate a modified lentils/basmati/walnuts recipe I got from Joy of Cooking, and a modified pigeon peas and rice recipe. He doesn't notice no oil. In the past, he ate potato fajitas and even ate them with no cheese. I'm too lazy to make those. I saw on another journal mezze which sounds good, maybe people will eat some of it for thanksgiving? I really want to make lentil loaf this thanksgiving although no one but me will probably eat and the guests will get to say "there was lentil loaf" at their thanksgiving. I'm definitely making the vegan mashed potatoes I made last year along with the regular that someone else will make. Maybe a veggie. There will be other food.

I found that I actually like olives if small amounts are chopped into dishes. I wouldn't eat them alone. I found that the vinegar, briny, lemon tasting foods make me want to have fruit for dessert. Also, greens are filling.

I read an article about ozempic and how it makes you actually feel fuller for a long time and some foods will do that. I have felt that way the past few months, where I eat 3 meals and don't crave in between. 3 meals plus I've been eating a small plate of potatoes or extra grain dish at night if I'm still hungry. I always feel like the weight loss will stop but it seems to keep going. I also have felt way different being off of sugar. When I was eating sugar, my appetite would spike and I would eat between meals and crave my favorite bakery foods and my life would revolve around getting them. I really enjoyed it but it made me sick too. I was taking gaviscon many nights a week and i knew it was the high fat sweets I was eating but didn't care.

I can't wait to get my blood tested in late Feb. I've never had cholesterol below 180, my LDL is usually 125. I remember when I first got tested at 20 it was 220 eating SAD food, and I was thin then. My A1C was right at the limit last year too so I hope that has improved.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Nov 24, 2023 12:52 pm

taz432 wrote:
I made it all the way to today with no sugar or bread since 9/10. I feel like even though I messed up, I will be ok getting back on track. It has been 3 days of houseguests, a wedding, and a big cheesecake in the fridge for no reason, plus avoiding cupcakes, then having leftover cupcakes brought to the house. I made it 2 1/2 days before snapping. The cupcakes followed me.

Since 9/10, I lost about 15 lbs. I'm 1 lb away from normal BMI, probably more lbs away now. I'm pretty happy making it to this weight and have been enjoying cooking, I even got my husband to eat some food.


Awesome that you went for a clip with no sugar or bread! Glad that you feel good about getting back on track. Personally, have found that it helps me to just do that and not feel bad about deviating. Congrats on your weight loss and getting your husband to try some of the food. My son will eat McD with me, but my husband.... not so much!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose! ... ight-loss/
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:22 pm

It's been a little over 3 months and I've lost 21 lbs. This is the first year I haven't had any SAD food for Thanksgiving or the holidays. It hasn't been hard so far. The food has been keeping me full enough to not be tempted.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby Matcha » Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:36 pm

good job!
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sun Jan 14, 2024 3:45 pm

The site kicked me out so trying again, copying and pasting from a doc. I thought I had stopped losing weight and this was it and I was ok with that. I’ve gone down a size and am happy about that. I also realized that I’m never really happy with how I look in clothes and wished I could have been happier at a bigger size and just gotten stuff to wear anyways. There’s really no difference with being smaller. So anyways, I lost a little more, 2 lbs. I’m going to go to monthly weigh-ins just to see what’s happening. I am really happy eating this way and have felt since Sept. that I’ll never lose any weight since I’m happy with what I’m eating and always eating when hungry.

This is the first year in my life that I didn’t make or eat tons of cookies, or buy tons of chocolate at the holidays. It’s pretty huge. I’d like to get more exercise in because it makes me feel better. I aim for 7500 steps or other activity a day. I notice I sleep better when I get that much. I just get too busy with other things at times, it hasn’t been a priority.

I’ve been eating fairly high starch since Sept maybe 30% veg. I’ve been having roasted spiced potatoes with hummus, and pigeon peas and rice with olives. My husband has been having the pigeon peas dish and has lost weight. He still eats frozen chicken and fries. I eat cooked frozen kale a lot. I have really been enjoying eating.

My finger joints completely stopped hurting and my one index finger stopped being numb at the end. That was kind of scary. My toes also stopped hurting. It’s a lot easier getting up and down these uneven metal stairs I sometimes have to use. And I walk-jogged twice. I get my bloodwork in a few weeks. Can’t wait to see if there’s a difference.

Thanks for posting that cauliflower recipe from wildgoose, I think it was Starflower(?), can’t wait to try that and see if my husband likes it.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby Starflower » Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:08 pm

Now that’s progress! I think of those pleasure trap foods as pain on a plate. Well done! :)
This journey is one of constant small adjustments. Nothing is ever static, no matter how long you've been eating this way. If something isn't working, you tweak it and make small changes until it works better.
- Wildgoose
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sat Feb 10, 2024 10:17 am

Thanks Starflower!

Not sure why I’m having such a hard time posting. Maybe copying/pasting a document will work again. My cholesterol went from 185 to 144, and LDL from 125-135 to 83. My A1C went from 5.6 to 5.5
I have never had cholesterol below 180 or LDL much below 125 in my life. I am a little surprised my A1C didn’t drop more. Could it be because I eat a lot of white rice? No sugar or flour. I’ve been eating this way since Sept.
I can’t believe my cholesterol got this low. I also went from BMI 28 to 23.6
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