Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Sat Aug 27, 2022 10:54 am

Hello journal! Reposting my Team T&A MWL report for posterity..

Hello Team Time & Adherence!

LOL - every week I have to check to see if I spelled "adherence" correctly. I wonder if that is a reflection of the struggles I've had historically with adherence! :lol:

1. Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit.

I started putting fruit on top of my oatmeal bowl on the days when I eat breakfast. I eat that first before I dig into the oats. That is my attempt to do some low cal density pre-loading at breakfast (when eaten). I feel I am in a good groove on this point for lunch and dinner!

2. Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches. Choose fruit for dessert.

I am eating overall more non-starchy veg by visual volume than starch. I don’t always put them on the same plate – I often eat the veg first, and then the starch last. Do others do this? Is putting it all on the same plate 50/50 important? If not, I will stop mentioning it every week.

3. Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts, too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them.

I feel very good about where I am on this point. There is salt in some condiments (primarily ketchup). I find myself adding less and less salt at the table. I feel like I have gotten a good feel for how much salt I seem to need to avoid he leg cramps at night. I feel super good about the sugar thing! I am really feeling this freedom from the sugar/salt/fat triad of the Pleasure Trap and that is AMAZING for this food addict!!!!!!

4. Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood).

Done with ease!

5. Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy).

None of these foods at all this week!

6. Eliminate any added oil.

Amazingly, done with ease!

7. Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e., bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit.

I’m so grateful for the suggestions, support and encouragement of this group, and of my McDougall support specialist. When I first joined this group and first started the 12-day program, I really thought I would have a VERY hard time completely eliminating these types of foods. I was already in a routine of Ezekiel bread toast with EVERY bowl of soup! It was challenging at first to break this habit. But I did! And now I don’t even think about that toast, and lord knows I eat 1 or 2 bowls of soup every single day! And there is Ezekiel bread still in my freezer, so I wouldn’t have to go far to get it if I really wanted it. It’s amazing to me what I think “I can’t live without” and that thought is simply NOT TRUE. Thank you team Time & Adherence for helping stubborn me see the light!

8. Don't drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages).


9. Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself.

This continues to be an area of uncertainty for me, but I feel I have made a tiny bit of progress. At least some of the time now, I put a little less on my plate (of starch and fruit such as watermelon) than I think I might want, while reminding myself I can always get more if I’m still hungry (or if I get hungry before the next meal time). On the occasions where I have done this, I have found I am satisfied with a little less. With the watermelon, I figured out that I will eat the whole container no matter how bit that container is, so I’ve started using smaller containers! :D

10. Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking).

Wow – I made progress this week with intentional exercise as well! I did a 2 mile loop at least 5 days this week. I had over 15,000 steps on my fitbit on those days. Only one day was under 10,000 steps. I would like to get 10,000 steps or more EVERY day, but I am learning that grace is important too.

Victories: Overall an excellent week! I enjoyed compiling this report because it allowed me to reflect and realize how far I’ve come as a result of working on small changes week in and week out. This is a valuable process.

Comments: I would like to improve with more regular updates / reflections in my own journal, and spending more time reading and commenting in the journals of others.

Concerns: I’m still working on “faith v. fear” that is all related to my long dieting history. I’m very grateful to have mustered up enough faith to KEEP GOING with this program one day at a time. I still have moments where irrational thoughts creep in such as “this works for others but will never work for me.” I am getting better at recognizing this faulty thinking when it happens, and just reminding myself to trust the process that has been successful for so many, many people. Onward!

Questions: Are others “legalistic” about the 50/50 plate? Or is it really about making sure that calorie density of meals is lowered by eating the visual volume of non starchy veg? (as noted above, I often eat the veg first, and the starch last rather than put it all on the same plate. I think I am accomplishing the goal, but want to make sure I’m not missing anything!)

Thank you in advance to Mark for your feedback and encouragement! Also thanks in advance to any others who weigh in with comments or suggestions ! Hope everyone is having a good week.

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Sat Aug 27, 2022 11:02 am

Hello journal and fellow McDougall travelers!

Bingo is continuing to amaze us with her energetic spirit. She is living her life to the fullest one day at a time. What a nice reminder to take that attitude in life!

Scale victory - 164.4 today. I am accepting that things have shifted. For the first long stretch of this journey, once I got 100% Starch Solution compliant, weight came off steadily. Now that I am probably less than 20 pounds from goal weight (not sure exactly what goal weight is yet, but that is OK), it's coming off 1) more slowly overall and 2) in fits and starts. The scale will be stubborn for a while. And this past week was the first week I had to report a GAIN when I did my 2X monthly checkin with Stephanie. But then the scale took a big leap down. I'm already prepared for the scale movement back up again, and some bouncing before a new low happens. This paragraph probably makes it sound like I'm scale obsessed! Believe it or not, I feel like I am making a much needed peace with Mr. Evil Scale. (for once in my life!!) Maybe someday I will throw it away, but I am not ready for that yet.

I continue to keep my food really plain and simple. That's working so I'm not messing with it!

I've been having a little too much fun shopping. I am still amazed that I pull a size 10 pair of pants off the rack, and they look WAY too small for me. So I also grab a 12. And the size 10 is the one that fits. My brain has yet to catch up with my body.

We are at the river this weekend and I need to go finish cleaning off the patio so we can sit outside and enjoy this beautiful daay! Feels good to come here and do this little proccessing and brain dump.

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:08 am

Hello journal!

In the MWL checkin thread, Mark was kind enough to share this awesome post from Jeff about calorie density and satiety. Re-posting the link here so I can easily find it - this is one I will re-read a LOT as a great reminder about what I am trying to accomplish with MWL guidelines! ... ..#p216121

I hope that link works when I post this. I am such a TECHNOT when it comes to computers! (Ironically or perhaps luckily, I am married to a professional computer guy! :lol: )

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Mon Aug 29, 2022 8:14 am

Hello journal!

What an honor it was to be on the Zoom Ask Me Anything last night with Heather, Dr. McDougall and Mary! I've never been on "that side" of a Zoom call before so it was interesting to just experience a little bit of "behind the scenes." Heather & Co. sure have it down to a science! The 12-Day Program was such a massive game changer for me - I am so happy to help spread the word.

My high weight last winter was 218 pounds. Today I weighed in at 165.4. Approx. 20 pounds of weight loss from Dec/Jan to May with partial compliance (and BRACES, which definitely put a damper on recreational eating!), and then 30 pounds of weight loss since May 13 when I started the 12-day program. FINALLY able to remain compliant and see this miraculous program work in my life! MEDICATION FREE! I still can't believe all the years I spent on Thyroid medication that is now so obvious was unecessary. And the low dose Naltrexone therapy to help calm inflammation is also not needed now that my diet is accomplishing that, and more! So amazing. And I love my food and I'm never hungry. I need to make sure I never forget the power of the Pleasure Trap, and how quickly I could be right back there if I flirt with it.

Gotta run...

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Ruff » Mon Aug 29, 2022 12:49 pm

Beth, it is wonderful to read your journal, you are seriously rocking it. I can see the 12 day programme has really inspired you. Just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby VegSeekingFit » Mon Aug 29, 2022 2:48 pm

Lizzy_F wrote:Hello journal!

What an honor it was to be on the Zoom Ask Me Anything last night with Heather, Dr. McDougall and Mary! I've never been on "that side" of a Zoom call before so it was interesting to just experience a little bit of "behind the scenes." Heather & Co. sure have it down to a science! The 12-Day Program was such a massive game changer for me - I am so happy to help spread the word.

BETH!!!! :D :-D :) :-)

Watched this live... OMG --- You are so inspiring!!! It is apparent how positive, excited and engaged you are in this Program --- as well as all of the benefits that you have achieved!!!! Fantastic that you could share your experience in this way!!!! :D

If anyone missed this, check it out on YouTube / McDougall channel!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose! ... ight-loss/
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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Tue Aug 30, 2022 3:23 pm

Thank you so much Stephanie! It was really fun (despite the NERVES!!) and I'm so happy to help spread the word about this MIRACLE!

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Sat Sep 03, 2022 7:53 am

Reposting 9-2-22 MWL report:

1. Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit.
Breafast, when eaten, was “all in one.” Lunch & Dinner always started with soup or cooked veg. (no salad – braces)

2. Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches. Choose fruit for dessert.

3. Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts, too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them.

4. Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood).

5. Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy).
Yes – I find myself saying to myself “that is not a weight loss food” when I see nuts/nut butters, seeds and avocados in my pantry. (husband eats these) I don’t even feel tempted these days, and I enjoy that!!

6. Eliminate any added oil.

7. Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e., bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit.
No – had a few servings this past week of Mary’s Golden Gravy. (rice flour)

8. Don't drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages).

9. Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself.
No – I felt a bit “stuffed” a couple of times. I really need to keep working on this one. I don’t have to clean my plate. I can take smaller portions, and have more if I’m still hungry. It’s amazing how childhood patterns follow us always! I grew up in a house where there was never as much as everyone wanted on the table – you better get it fast, eat fast, and clean your plate because there are starving children in China! (thank goodness for the Chinese children that they were eating rice back then, and not eating what we were eating LOL!) How long will it take for me to figure out I am not living there anymore??

10. Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking).

No - I continue to have frustrating setbacks in this area. It seems I get in a little (short lived) groove, and then a sore knee or whatever will surface – and then I have to rest it. The latest is that I feel like I have a painful bruise on the bottom of my left heel??? That is a new one. It feels like I think it would feel if I stepped down really hard on a sharp rock or something – but I certainly don’t recall anything like that happening. So…resting that now. Sigh.

Victories: I feel really good about my routines around food. My meal plans are super simple, but I love this simple food and I am OK with that. I expect to incorporate more variety at some point, but for now I am just laser focused on my goals (weight loss and continued reduction, hopefully, to inflammation in my body) and simple meals of veg, potatoes (or oats for breakfast) and fruit are getting me there. Weight is now down over 50 pounds total, and over 30 pounds since doing the 12-day program in May.

Comments: Mark and Goose and team T&A – I appreciate you all so much. The more I weave the MWL guidelines into my life as habits, the better I do with my goals. I feel like my behaviors are finally, FINALLY, aligning with my goals. I was all out of sync for years and years. It feels so good to finally be getting my goals, my behaviors, my thinking, my body all on the same page! MWL Team Time & Adherence is a critical component for me, so THANK YOU!!!!

Concerns: I am hoping that I will continue to experience inflammation related improvements in my body mechanics as I continue on this journey. It has only been just under 4 months of strict adherence, so I am hoping for more improvement – mainly so I can keep walking consistently and having fewer setbacks that require rest.

Questions: For others who have had challenges with body mechanics (i.e. arthritic joints, artificial joints, back problems, etc.) what has your journey been like as far as improvements in pain, ability to consistently exercise, etc.? I need to hear some experience strength and hope in this department!!

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Sat Sep 03, 2022 8:21 am

Hello journal!

It's been another steady McDougalling kind of week! Food is simple and solid. I wonder if I will ever get tired of potatoes and ketchup! Maybe, but I don't think that day will come any time soon LOL!

Exercise remains frustrating per my comments in the MWL report. It seems like pain things just sort of ping around my body from place to place. On whole, I feel things have gotten a lot better since getting 100% compliant with McDougall in May. Especially true with my knees, and right knee in particular (torn miniscus). My hips (both artificial) feel really good, and that has stayed consistent. With the weight loss, I can now sit with my legs crossed! I wasn't able to comfortably do that previously. So those are victories for sure. I'm just feeling down about whatever this thing is with my left heel. It really feels like a bruise or something. I think the most unsettling thing is that this is something new, and I don't know what to expect. Is this a new on-going problem? How did it happen so I can avoid it in the future? How long will it take to feel better? Sigh.

Our microwave oven at the main house (I am at the river cabin right now) is on the fritz. I didn't realize how completely dependent I have become on that thing!! I cooked some cabbage in there for 14 minutes as usual the other night, and it was a little warm, but still crunchy. So it's not working, but sort of working. That makes it frustrating for my husband to try to diagnose and fix. Of course when he heated up a cup of water, it seemed to work just fine. :duh: Anyway, I prep so much food ahead and rely on the microwave to heat it up. I steam virtualy all of my veg in the microwave. If that thing is toxic, I'm in big trouble! Anyway, hubby went to Menards and got us another smaller microwave to sit on the counter as backup. We can store it in the basement after that, but I feel better now that we have a backup microwave. I know I can use the stove / oven / air fryer to cook or re-heat food. I guess this is just further evidence of our crazy "gotta have it right now" world. But I'm not going to let a malfunctioning microwave be my reason for sticking something inappropriate in my mouth. So there you have it! :D

I wish I could go for a walk because I am feeling energetic (another huge change since 100% compliance!) but I'm pretty sure if I push it right now, that is a bad idea. So I'm going to tend my flowers, which are still hanging on by a thread even though it's looking like fall out there. Then I'm going to clean the leaves off the patio and uncover the furniture. Then I'm going to lay around and read a book!

I'm almost done with The Great Alone. I know someone recommended it - I can't remember if I read about it here somewhere? (Stephanie or Tiffiny or Ruff perhaps???) or heard about it somewhere else. A trip to Alaska is at the top of my bucket list. It will be years before my husband is ready/able/willing to travell like that (he owns his own business and is chained to our local customers). So I may be in search of a female friend to do some traveling with. Anyway, Alaska just intrigues me and while The Great Alone is a novel, I suspect much of the story line as it pertains to life "off the grid" back in the 70s/80s is probably realistic. I definitely know the cycle of domestic violence described in the story line is unfortunately, realistic. Anyway, I've enjoyed the read and am almost to the end.

I love getting electronic books from the library on Kindle. I also love the blog Free Kindle Books & Tips I signed up for his daily e-mail several years ago and I have collected literally hundreds of free books. There are always a ton of free books available on Amazon, but I don't take the time to sift through and find them. His daily e-mail will contain links to and handful of 4 or 5 star free or discounted books in several popular genres. I just grad what looks interesting to me - I hardly ever pay for fiction any more between that and the library. I have always loved books. I remember traveling with a heavy tote bag full of books everywhere I went as a kid. A kindle is so much more convenient! And lighter LOL! :lol: I remember being a teen? Tween? And reading The Thorn Birds with a flashlight under my covers at night after bedtime. And The Stand read the same way. I don't know where I got those books back then - I'm sure neither one would have been on the Parental Approved List at whatever age I was!

Anyway - I'm off to the flowers.

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Sat Sep 03, 2022 11:13 am

Hijacking this wisdom from Esther that kirstykay posted in her journal:

This is from Esther Loveridge's Facebook page. I just like how simple it is. Whole Food in it's whole form. Have it ready to eat. No complicated recipes or fancy menus. I'm posting it here for quick reference whenever I need it.


In the beginning, we are told, there was a garden and so it is that when we think about beginning a whole food plant-based way of eating, we need to revisit the garden.

When I first started following The McDougall Program for Maximum Weight Loss, I knew I needed to lose weight quickly enough to keep the momentum going so I wouldn’t get discouraged. It wasn’t that I chose the MWL book over any of Dr. John McDougall’s other books, but it was the book that was given to me knowing I needed a fast plan and that is what worked for me.

When we listen to a choir of voices, it is easy to “play” one “authority” against another until we find the plan which will give us the excuses we want to continue eating toxic food.

Perhaps that is why I decided to put Dr. McDougall’s MWL Program to the test and follow only that plan to the best of my ability so that I could determine if it worked. If I played around with it, the results would not be any more accurate than a sloppy scientific experiment.

I was desperate in July of 2016. It is true that I was already down 25 pounds from my all time high of 282 in 2011, but that didn’t matter when the doctor told me I had to lose 70 pounds before he could even refer me to an orthopedic surgeon to see if I qualified for knee replacements. I weighed in at 257 and was going to give it my best shot. I wanted quick results so my painful knees would not interfere with my desire to continue traveling the world.

Eating a plant based diet is very simple. These are my guidelines:

First of all, I learned the joys of batch cooking. Why would I want to start from scratch for every meal when I could reheat a plateful of food in the microwave for one minute (or maybe a bit longer) and have a meal?

Here’s what I try to have on hand at all times:

1. Steel cut oatmeal: I follow the directions on the package of oats but make 8 servings at a time. After cooking the batch, I pour the oatmeal into an oblong container (which has a lid) and after it cools, I cut it into 8 sections much like you would a baked product. (Notice I do not name the sweets because it just might trigger us wanting it, ha). This lasts for 8 days unless you are sharing it with others.

2. Potatoes: Potatoes are another staple that can be cooked in batches in the Instant Pot (or any other way) for 15 minutes with a cup of water. I don’t use a trivet nor do I poke holes in them. They can “rest” in the pot for hours after cooking and be warm when you return from any excursion or used after releasing the pressure.

3. Sweet Potatoes are my new favorite food. I started out cooking them in the Instant Pot but really find roasted ones orgasmic. I put them on a tray (can use parchment paper to eliminate any crusty juices) and roast them in the oven at 400 degrees for an hour.

4. Rice: I prefer brown rice but white rice is not a deal breaker. Asians have led healthy lives eating white rice. I cook my rice in the Instant Pot while singing a 3:2:22:10 jingle. 3 cups of water, 2 cups of rice, cook 22 minutes and release pressure after 10 minutes.

5. Beans: Do you know how many different beans there are? I sure don’t but I do know that I like Mayocoba, Pinto and Garbanzo beans. I like lentils too but forget to make them so these three are my staples. See my Instant Pot Quick Cooking Chart for details.

Once you have these 5 groups taken care of, you can add fresh or frozen vegetables and fruit to your plate and you have a complete meal in a very short period of time. These foods can be presented on a plate, in a bowl, added to salads or eaten with your hands.

Spudfit Taylor has proven that we can live on potatoes alone (he did that for a whole year) and very successfully, I might add, so any other food you add to your plate besides a potato will be a bonus.

Is that simple yet? Have your plate be ½ starches (potatoes, rice, beans or corn) and the other half green and/or yellow vegetables and you’ve got a good place to start.

You might want to know what to drink? Well, there is warm water, cold water, water with a squeeze of lemon, water with herbal tea or filtered water if you want to get fancy.

There is no need to drink calories when we can use those calories by eating fresh food which we get to masticate. That means, we get to spend time chewing the whole food which is a lot better than having a machine chew it for us.

Eating from the four food groups: Fruit, Vegetables, Grains and Legumes makes it simple. Eating food in its whole form is important.

By choosing foods from these four categories, we realize we have all we need. Questions always arise about exceptions but if you ask yourself “Is it a vegetable, a fruit, a grain or a bean” you will know the answer. Get over it. It is that simple. You are on a journey to clean up your palate, your view about food and create a new healthy body. Weight loss is an added bonus.

We think our lives will collapse if we can’t put something on our salad. I keep that simple too: 3 parts Balsamic vinegar, 2 parts Dijon mustard and 1 part lemon or orange juice. I use ¼ cup as the measuring tool and that makes enough to fit into my 12 oz squirt bottle.

This dressing is also good over Brussels sprouts, green beans, broccoli etc. Condiments are allowed as well but by now you know how to read labels and watch for sugar, salt and oil content.

I prefer to focus on what we CAN eat and not list the no’s.

Suffice it to say that if it is not a fruit, vegetable, grain or legume, consider it toxic to you. When I pass the bakery section in a store, I cross my arms in front of myself and say “poison”. When I go past the dairy and meat cases, I add up all of the money I am saving by not even having to think about any of that. I do not look for vegan substitutes. I am simple. Substitutes often have excessive fat in them and that is what I want to eliminate from my body.

If you just don’t know how to enjoy a potato by itself, in a salad or in a soup, they are great buried under salsa, beans, dipped in mustard and/or a “safe” BBQ sauce.


Reinforcements are necessary as is support. Be sure to join a positive oriented group – not one where the people seem to be looking for loop holes to following a radical plan.

What really helped me in the beginning was watching documentaries. If we don’t get scientific information about what are the real needs of our diet, we fall prey to gimmicks. Of course we have all wanted to find the magic bullet – the one that will not cause us to give up any of our favorites…but that is a myth. Instead of looking for a quick cure, decide what you want and pay the price of being honest with you and learn from others who have been successful – not just successful but sustained over time. (I don’t qualify for the 5 year suggested period of time, but I am worth listening to.)


Forks Over Knives, What the Health and The Game Changers

I was initially told to read success stories but I figured they were all fake. They are not. My story is posted on Dr. McDougall’s website ( as “Esther’s New Life” with a follow up story as well.


For beginners I suggest getting well acquainted with Dr. McDougall’s website. ALL of his information is free. He has a good search bar where you can type in any health issue and get solid information that you can trust.

Dr. McDougall has a team of experts supporting his program. Dr. Doug Lisle is a psychologist who has helped us a great deal in learning that we are not weak people with no will power. We learned that it is normal to be drawn to the most calorie dense food in our environment. So, you say, what is the answer?

Get rid of all processed food or anything which has been a “go to” when you are under pressure or stress. (As you get some of this under your belt, you may look for podcasts on YouTube or you can buy “The Pleasure Trap”.)

Jeff Novick is an expert on nutrition so when you are not overwhelmed with so much new, exciting information, check him out on YouTube too. Learn the tools of his calorie dense chart and you will understand why sticking with the four food groups is the answer to ingesting foods too high in calorie content for a successful journey.

Dr. Anthony Lim is on Dr. McDougall’s team too and he has podcasts too which are informative and helpful. He helped me realize after hearing my story that I did not need to put myself back on levothyroxin for my thyroid for which I had been medicated for over 30 years.

Chef A.J. is a great source too even if all you learn is that “If it is in your house, it will be in your mouth”. A clean environment is the best antidote to “slipping” off the wagon. She is a real chef and provides great support for “food addicts”.

There are many additional doctors that I love too but this is all about helping the beginner and not getting overloaded with too much information.


Perhaps as important as anything is our mental health. What we think about, we bring about. If we don’t have a positive, energetic attitude, how would we expect healthy patterns to develop?

When we realize we are the creators of our own life, we are the ones who put food onto the end of our fork and we can be the ones who pat ourselves on the back and forgive ourselves when we screw up, we find that there is no one else to blame. Blame and shame never lead to success. We must be kind with ourselves and know that we are all babes in learning a totally new way to live and eat. There will be times when we make less than best choices and when that happens, I have found that having a potato be my next bite goes a long way to getting back on track. One error can be immediately changed. Binges are not productive. We still have to face what set us off looking for comfort in the first place. The problem will be patiently waiting for us anyway.

I say, “No guilt, only learning”.

I have found that it is not why I eat, when I eat, or how much I eat that is the issue. The only thing I have to consider is WHAT I eat. As long as I stick with the four food groups, I will be fine. I may overeat one day but that doesn’t matter. It all averages out.

Seek first your health. It is not what I did but what I have learned. If we eat the right food, the weight loss will be a positive side effect.

Keeping it simple,

Esther Lebeck Loveridge – “Esther’s Nutritional Journal" Author of "From Donuts...To Potatoes".

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sat Sep 03, 2022 9:00 pm

Lizzy_F wrote:Hello journal!

It's been another steady McDougalling kind of week! Food is simple and solid. I wonder if I will ever get tired of potatoes and ketchup! Maybe, but I don't think that day will come any time soon LOL!

Exercise remains frustrating per my comments in the MWL report. It seems like pain things just sort of ping around my body from place to place. On whole, I feel things have gotten a lot better since getting 100% compliant with McDougall in May. Especially true with my knees, and right knee in particular (torn miniscus). My hips (both artificial) feel really good, and that has stayed consistent. With the weight loss, I can now sit with my legs crossed! I wasn't able to comfortably do that previously. So those are victories for sure. I'm just feeling down about whatever this thing is with my left heel. It really feels like a bruise or something. I think the most unsettling thing is that this is something new, and I don't know what to expect. Is this a new on-going problem? How did it happen so I can avoid it in the future? How long will it take to feel better? Sigh.

Our microwave oven at the main house (I am at the river cabin right now) is on the fritz. I didn't realize how completely dependent I have become on that thing!! I cooked some cabbage in there for 14 minutes as usual the other night, and it was a little warm, but still crunchy. So it's not working, but sort of working. That makes it frustrating for my husband to try to diagnose and fix. Of course when he heated up a cup of water, it seemed to work just fine. :duh: Anyway, I prep so much food ahead and rely on the microwave to heat it up. I steam virtualy all of my veg in the microwave. If that thing is toxic, I'm in big trouble! Anyway, hubby went to Menards and got us another smaller microwave to sit on the counter as backup. We can store it in the basement after that, but I feel better now that we have a backup microwave. I know I can use the stove / oven / air fryer to cook or re-heat food. I guess this is just further evidence of our crazy "gotta have it right now" world. But I'm not going to let a malfunctioning microwave be my reason for sticking something inappropriate in my mouth. So there you have it! :D

I wish I could go for a walk because I am feeling energetic (another huge change since 100% compliance!) but I'm pretty sure if I push it right now, that is a bad idea. So I'm going to tend my flowers, which are still hanging on by a thread even though it's looking like fall out there. Then I'm going to clean the leaves off the patio and uncover the furniture. Then I'm going to lay around and read a book!

I'm almost done with The Great Alone. I know someone recommended it - I can't remember if I read about it here somewhere? (Stephanie or Tiffiny or Ruff perhaps???) or heard about it somewhere else. A trip to Alaska is at the top of my bucket list. It will be years before my husband is ready/able/willing to travell like that (he owns his own business and is chained to our local customers). So I may be in search of a female friend to do some traveling with. Anyway, Alaska just intrigues me and while The Great Alone is a novel, I suspect much of the story line as it pertains to life "off the grid" back in the 70s/80s is probably realistic. I definitely know the cycle of domestic violence described in the story line is unfortunately, realistic. Anyway, I've enjoyed the read and am almost to the end.

I love getting electronic books from the library on Kindle. I also love the blog Free Kindle Books & Tips I signed up for his daily e-mail several years ago and I have collected literally hundreds of free books. There are always a ton of free books available on Amazon, but I don't take the time to sift through and find them. His daily e-mail will contain links to and handful of 4 or 5 star free or discounted books in several popular genres. I just grad what looks interesting to me - I hardly ever pay for fiction any more between that and the library. I have always loved books. I remember traveling with a heavy tote bag full of books everywhere I went as a kid. A kindle is so much more convenient! And lighter LOL! :lol: I remember being a teen? Tween? And reading The Thorn Birds with a flashlight under my covers at night after bedtime. And The Stand read the same way. I don't know where I got those books back then - I'm sure neither one would have been on the Parental Approved List at whatever age I was!

Anyway - I'm off to the flowers.

Hi Beth!!! :D :-D :)

I LOVE that I have met you because you are the most awesome person in the world!! So, McD Got us there!! :-D You say such kind things about me and I appreciate that 100%... just want to say you are amazing!!!

You come over anytime for food... Mi casa es su casa... :lol: Totally have enough food for us McD enthusiasts!! My 20+ yr. old son eats my stuff (and I bet nobody could eat more than him)... LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Come on by!! (I bet you can't eat more than him!!! But if you could, all good!!!)

OMG... I missed your love of reading from prior posts... So relate to what you read as a kid under the covers!!! I have always been crazy reader (and understand this flashlight thing).... Was only once censored.... My mom had bought me all of the Judy Blume books and then.... "Forever"... Hmm... :) Somebody told her what this one contained and she hid it in the linen closet... Pretty hilarious ... And yeah, I found it... (but I had read it already....)...

Have read most of Stephen King (loved The Stand!!! Firestarter, Salem's Lot... )... many others and then wondered on "nightmares"... :)

In my day and age, we read this Flowers in the Attic thing that ... hmmm... if you think about it, is pretty disturbing..

I didn't recommend what you are reading on Alaska, but will read based on yours and other's feedback and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Kristin Hannah. Totally recommend " The Nightingale", but get some tissues... Funny how you want to go there (Alaska)... My hubby and I did a few years ago and he HATED ALASKA... (and I loved)....)which was funny because I am usually wanting heat... We did a cruise; I'd like to do a real go into the woods trip...

You are doing such an AMAZING thing with eating simple!!!! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!!! I love to see this --- potato & cabbage thing... I totally am happy doing really easy things... I just buy different produce to mix with starches. (Mostly I like potato too!!!) Great that you are not letting anyone complicate stuff for you!!!

I hope that your heel feels better!!! I have found (personally) that it is best to follow what your body is telling you... Like, if you hurt yourself.... you are out for a bit... Best to start slow / progress in a manner that you won't get hurt ...

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose! ... ight-loss/
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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby squealcat » Sun Sep 04, 2022 5:51 pm

Lizzy, I was the one that read The Great Alone recently and I really liked it. That author certainly is gifted ! My sister and brother-in-law are currently in Alaska and posting pictures on Facebook. So beautiful ! That living off the grid thing sounds so tough and something I could never do. I did love reading about how all the neighbors pitched in and helped each other . Wonderful community . The abuse though....hard to read about but I felt like I was watching something real.

I posted on my journal about how I make steel cut oats in my instant pot (if you are interested). Pretty easy. I only do easy ! :lol:

I had a heel spur a long time ago that bothered me and sounded kind of like what you are experiencing. Don't really know though. I think I still walked but not as long or as much. I went to a foot doctor for advice and had an X ray done. I am sure I still have it but it doesn't bother me any more. I still do heel stretches though after every walk.

Hope your weekend is going well ! Mine is pretty quiet after my tornado granddaughter left. I DO love her so much !

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:03 am

Marilyn - I'm so glad to have read The Great Alone - thank you for stepping up so I can give you credit for the recommendation!!!!

Last late winter/early spring I fell down the Iditarod rabbit hole! Netflix did a series "inside" the race a number of years ago, and I became hooked. I can't even fathom the toughness required on the part of the people and the dogs to train and compete that race.

The "off the grid in the 70's" theme totally tracks with the history of Brent Sass's homestead - he was the 2022 Iditarod winner. For anyone interested in this sort of back woods Alaska stuff, his website (Wild and Free Mushing) has a ton of history that I find really interesting. And a lot of great dog pictures too!

I also have enjoyed learning about Susan Butcher who not only won the Iditarod multiple times, but she completely changed the face of how sled dog training happens. She placed the highest priority on her relationship with the dogs, which was not how the "old timers" in her day did things. It worked, and many mushers today including this years Iditarod winner credit her with their current dog rearing and training methods. This is an interesting artlicle about her from Adventure Journal. ... d-her-dog/ It's really sad that her life was so short.

Technology is so amazing in what it allows us to see and experience. These days, one can totally follow the Idatarod with up to date info on where every team is on the trail. They do a lot of live interviews, bio pieces, etc. during the race. It was really fun to follow. I subscribed as an "insider" to support the race. The history of the race itself is really interesting. I didn't realize for a long time that it was started as a way to preserve the Alaskan Huskey breed and sled dog tradition after the introduction and subsequent broad proliferation of the "snow machine" (snow mobile). Anyway, for anyone else who might be facinated by this stuff, here is a link to all things Iditarod.

Someday I will go there!!!!!! It would be SO MUCH FUN to be at the start of the race in Anchorage and experience all that, and then head to Nome for the finish! There would be plenty to do and see in between! I'm sure there are adventure tours or whatever that organize such a thing. I need to keep getting physically strong so I can do these things in the coming years!

Still eating potatoes and following MWL guidelines to the best of my ability. Weight today was 162.6. :D I also fit into some size 8 jeans that I ordered just for fun. Holy Cow.

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Ruff » Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:14 pm

I had a bone bruise in my heel which was diagnosed after an MRI. Are you able to get an MRI? The bone hurt for over a year, and then developed into chronic pain in the heel. I worked on fixing that and now it only comes back if I am very tired or very sad.

Thank you for the information about the Iditarod.....I had never heard of this and I am now trawling the internet reading everything I can about this. Amazing! The Antarctic dogs Scott and co took to the ice came through Christchurch. Even today the USA has a base at Christchurch for people going down to McMurdo station. So I know about sled dogs, but the Iditarod is new to me.

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby squealcat » Mon Sep 05, 2022 5:42 pm

I will certainly come back here and look up all that Iditarod info ! I can tell you are VERY much interested !

So exciting to be in smaller sizes !! I can't wait !! 4 years ago I dropped a bunch of weight (about 40 pounds or so ) and I remember how great it felt to wear regular sizes ! Glad I am still in regular sizes but it sure will feel great to be in smaller regular sizes !!

You are doing so great ! Love everything you have to say to all of us !

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