May 2022 12-Day Program Graduates Accountability Journal

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Re: May 2022 12-Day Program Graduates Accountability Journal

Postby Lizzy_F » Thu Jun 16, 2022 4:41 pm

Hello to anyone reading this - classmates or not!

June 13 was the one month anniversary for me of starting the 12-day program, and being compliant with food. I'm so very excited to have a full month (+ a few days) of TIME AND ADHERANCE under my belt! It's a start!

Potatoes continue to be my miracle food.

I'm on a cabbage kick right now, so for the moment, I'll call cabbage my miracle non-starchy vegetable LOL! I steam it in the microwave, then add the "table blend" version of Mrs. Dash, a small sprinking of regular salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Yum yum! I've been eating that first, (HUGE bowl!) and then my potatoes. There are other non-starchy vegetables sprinkled in, but I probably stick with steams cabbage about half the time.

Today I made something I've been wanting to try for breakfast. I've heard about people adding riced cauliflower to their oatmeal in order to follow the MWL guidelines, and just to lower the calorie density of the meal, even if not strictly MWL. I do not consider myself to be following strict MWL, although I think the majority of my meals probably meet the guidelines. At any rate, Jeff Novick is in my head suggesting I be mindful of calorie density, keep an eye on the healthy eating placemat, etc. So I made what used to be 4 servings of oatmeal (1/2 cup oats, 1/2 apple, 1/2 cup blueberries, 2 cups water per serving) and turned it into 6 servings by adding 2 pouches of steamed riced cauliflower to the pot. So the volume was the same or maybe a little more, but the calories and calorie density went down. I initially could taste the cauliflower, which was unusual for me in oatmeal. But I like cauliflower, so not a bad taste (to me). Just different. I think next time I will steam the cauliflower a bit longer to give it an even softer texture. Then I think it will blend right in and hardly be noticeable. Now that I've stuck my toe in this water, I can see myself trying savory oats, which I've never quite gotten the full desire to do before.

I should just put some potatoes in my oats! :lol: :lol: :lol: Then I would probably want to add ketchup, and I think it would be downhill in a hurry after that! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I went out to eat on Monday while my brother was in town. My husband and I virtually never eat out, so that was a new adventure. Brother and I met up in a very small town that is about half way between where he was staying and where I live. So no many restaurant options. I could only find one where there was a hope of compliant food! I called ahead to make sure they would have a couple of baked potatoes with no oil on the skins for me, which they did. What they did not end up having once I got there were any cooked vegetable options (I don't eat salad because I have braces on my teeth). The waitress was SO nice and kept running back and forth to the kitchen just to make sure we explored all options and double checking about added oils/fats. So when all we could come up with was a baked potato, I gave her a huge smile, a huge thank you, and asked her to bring me a second baked potato. And ketchup. I LOVE EATING THIS WAY! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Exercise has been derailed the last couple of days due to my bad knee. Neither knee is great (both have arthritis issues) but one knee also has a torn miniscus. It was scoped, but I have continued to have problems so I don't think the job was done completely. So sometimes I will get really painful twinges. I have to just rest it for a couple of days and then it's better and I can resume. I probably pushed things a little too fast with distance. I hope to start back walking again tomorrow and I think I will stay in the 1 - 2 mile range for a while. I think the 3 mile day was the problem. What I DON'T want to do is use these occassional knee events as an excuse to just quit all together. Somebody please help me stay accountable!

I weighed in at 182.8 today! So continuing to make progress on that front. SOMEONE NOTICED TODAY! That was a first! "Have you lost weight?" That was music to my ears! I still have at least 30 pounds to go, and perhaps ideally 40 pounds to go (I am 5'9") but I'm so happy about this progress. And not being hungry! Miracle miracle miracle!

Well, that's it for today. With the toxic food world we live in, I am so happy that the fat I SEE is not the fat I wear! :D

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Re: May 2022 12-Day Program Graduates Accountability Journal

Postby Ejeff » Fri Jun 17, 2022 6:23 am

Lizzy awesome job in following the program! I love how you are so excited, it reminds me of when I first discovered this program 7 years ago. I too felt it was like a miracle, I could eat so much food and lose weight at the same time. I almost couldn’t believe how well it worked to be honest. I’ve been eating this way many years now and I stay slim and have no chronic pain issues. It’s quite amazing how the body heals itself. Several years ago I blew out my knee playing soccer, had an MRI and the doctor was surprised I could even walk on it. I ended up having to wait so long for surgery that the pain subsided and the surgeon said if you aren’t in pain we won’t do surgery. I’ve never had an issue with it since.

I have also started to include riced cauliflower in my oats. I suppose it could be added to other starches like brown rice and barley as well. I agree that the more the cauliflower is steamed the less the texture will be noticed. Although this week I didn’t steam it quite enough and I think I liked the texture. Somehow a bowl of oats is now even more enjoyable just knowing there is a healthy veggie included. :-D

Great job at the restaurant! Nice they were so willing to provide excellent customer service.

As for the walking, perhaps when you have pain you don’t take a complete day off, but you walk just 10 minutes slowly. Sometimes it’s easier to do just a bit then it is to restart from zero again. Guess it depends on your pain level. Another option if your goal is to walk 3 miles a day, perhaps you could break it into 2 walks or even 3. Just a couple things for you to ponder.

I enjoy your journal entries, you made my day reminding me of the miracle we get to experience thanks to Dr. McDougall and his entire team.

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Re: May 2022 12-Day Program Graduates Accountability Journal

Postby JeffN » Fri Jun 17, 2022 9:08 am

I have removed my post for now. I will repost later with my thoughts

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Re: May 2022 12-Day Program Graduates Accountability Journal

Postby Lizzy_F » Fri Jun 17, 2022 4:27 pm

Hi Jeff! I saw your earlier post but was on the run (had to check in with my support specialist, who is so awesome helping me stay on track and inspiring me!). So I look forward to whatever additional thoughts and clarification you will add? I can complicate and confuse ANYTHING as you have probably figured out. So I look forward to the straight scoop from your perspective on this cauliflower in the oats business! You are still in my head on every grocery shopping excursion.... "Do we believe anything printed on the front of the package? NO!...." :D :D :D I now get so tired of looking at labels that I just buy a head of cabbage, a huge bag of potatoes, a bottle of ketchup and call it a day. :D Well, I guess some oats and frozen riced cauliflower made it into my cart at some point....

Ah I'm feeling a bit punchy here on a Friday.

Erin - thank you so much for your encouraging post! It's exciting to hear that your knees go so much better that you were able to thus far avoid a surgery. Overall my body has been feeling SO much better and ache/pain free, I just know inflammation is coming down. I just have to accept that my knees may give me trouble every now and again. I like your suggestion of breaking down longer distances (not that 3 miles is a "long distance" LOL!) into smaller chunks. I suspect that will work better. I also need to get more diciplines about doing something else for exercise when walking doesn't feel right. I don't have to sit on my a$$ and do nothing when one knee is off! :lol:

I wore a BODY SUIT today, which is something I would NOT have felt comfortable wearing just a few short months ago. And size 14 shorts. Last winter I was in size 18 pants/jeans. So progress is definitely being made and my body is changing! I'm stiff feeling really sad and a little lost with the prospect of sizing out of Torrid (a plus sized shop for those who might be reading and don't know that). I just love their fun clothes (age inappropriate, but I don't care!) and I also really like the people who work there - they make shopping in their store so fun. I am already in their smallest tops, and have only 1 more size to go to be in their smallest bottoms. I'm going to really miss shopping there! I need to find a new haunt.

Food for today is really simple. I love it that way! I've got enough food prepped for the next several days, so I can take the weekend off from cooking. Oats+fruit (and cauliflower until this batch is gone), baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, vegetable soup, non-starchy veg all washed and cut and ready to cook. Grapes washed. Strawberries washed and sliced. Bananas rfeady to peel n eat (my kind of food!). Stocked up on ketchup. :D I'm ready for a potato strong weekend!

Exercise: My knee is feeling as good as it gets today, so will go for a walk this evening when it cools off a little. Life is so good MdDougalling! I am so grateful for the 12-Day Program and the wonderful support team. And for potatoes. :D

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Re: May 2022 12-Day Program Graduates Accountability Journal

Postby JeffN » Fri Jun 17, 2022 4:33 pm

Lizzy_F wrote:Hi Jeff! I saw your earlier post but was on the run (had to check in with my support specialist, who is so awesome helping me stay on track and inspiring me!). So I look forward to whatever additional thoughts and clarification you will add? I can complicate and confuse ANYTHING as you have probably figured out. So I look forward to the straight scoop from your perspective on this cauliflower in the oats business! You are still in my head on every grocery shopping excursion.... "Do we believe anything printed on the front of the package? NO!...." :D :D :D I now get so tired of looking at labels that I just buy a head of cabbage, a huge bag of potatoes, a bottle of ketchup and call it a day. :D Well, I guess some oats and frozen riced cauliflower made it into my cart at some point....


Glad you got to read the post. My comments from the post still apply. I talked to Tiffany, who also saw the post, a little while ago and she mentioned she communicated with you. From the sound of it, it seems Ike everything is good and you are doing great. You have made some big changes and are making some great progress.

If you have any specific questions, or anything comes up, feel free to let Tiffany know (she is GREAT!) or email me.

My Best

PS Enjoy the Ketchup!

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Re: May 2022 12-Day Program Graduates Accountability Journal

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Jun 17, 2022 6:23 pm

Hi Beth!!

Your enthusiasm is catching!! :) Thank you for that (and keep going)!!!

JeffN says that you have Tiffany as Support Specialist... OMG!! You are a lucky girl!!! I have her too and she is an amazing person --- knowledgeable, kind, patient!!!! YAY!!!!! :)

I saw and learned a bit from the deleted post... (it wasn't really pertinent to me personally, but I thought helpful....)

Anyway --- wanted to ask you if your group is doing a Zoom???

If not, wanted to ask you if you would care to join our Nov. 2021 Zoom?? I have cleared this with folks --- if you want social support --- we meet now on Monday nights at 6:30PM CST. You would fit in great.. :-D You are welcome to come --- if interested, just PM me your email address and I will add you to the invite.

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose! ... ight-loss/
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Re: May 2022 12-Day Program Graduates Accountability Journal

Postby Lizzy_F » Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:05 pm

Tiffany is indeed AWESOME and also very inspiring. The McDougall team really is amazing. I still can’t help noticing how fit and trim every single McDouall program staff member is that I met through the 12-day program. Compare that to how everyone looks at my local doctors office where the vast majority look as fat and sick as I did at 218 pounds.

My goal is to be a Star McDougaller someday. Already spoken aloud to Heather, and now the goal is out of the bag here too! :D :D :D

Stephanie thank you SO MUCH for the invite to your groups Monday Zoom! I would love to join! I currently have a commitment on Mondays at 6:30 CST but that will be ending sometime in July. Hopefully sooner rather than later! So if you can hook me up with the call info, I will join in as soon as I can. Im excited to meet you and your group!

I’m at our river cabin this weekend and what a gorgeous day! The last week was record breaking hot, but we have a reprieve for a couple days and it’s gorgeous! Im sitting on the patio listening to the birds and filling my brain with McDougall things! :-D

Starches for today: oats, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes.

Other: cauliflower (4 more oat servings to go), vegetable soup, steamed cabbage (1/2 of a head - LOVE that stuff!), part of an apple, blueberries, banana, strawberries. Maybe some grapes if I feel like a snack. KETCHUP! Might make some of Mary’s golden gravy unless I get too lazy. Im fine with plain mashed potatoes and Mrs Dash.

Wow I love that list of fresh whole food! Time for lunch!

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Re: May 2022 12-Day Program Graduates Accountability Journal

Postby Lizzy_F » Sat Jun 25, 2022 8:55 am

I need to get more regular with accountability posts!

Since I seem to be the only one right now who is active on this thread from our May ‘22 class, I am going to start posting my accountability stuff in my personal journal. I have false started multiples of those here over the years, but I will dredge up the most recent one.

See ya there potato strong!

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Re: May 2022 12-Day Program Graduates Accountability Journal

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:53 pm

Hi Beth! :)

It seems like should be all good for Monday. Look forward to meeting you!

Wanted to just say (from your comment on my journal)... do NOT follow my goals example... I have come to the conclusion that it has put unneeded stress on my brain... :eek:

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose! ... ight-loss/
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