Anna's Journal

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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby moonlight » Sun Jun 17, 2018 8:06 am

Anna Green wrote:I love Sat morns. I have also come to love making a big ole delish salad...

You are inspiring me to make a salad today. Thank you!
My sis and I are doing well. We talk everyday about what we are eating.

It is so sweet that you and your sister are following this diet together! Wish I could say the same...
,,,, journaling here gets me to change talk versus what the motivational interviewing people call sustain talk which is about keeping things the same. The more we engage in change talk the more likely we are to change. So here I am.

Thank you for this!! Change talk. I've always thought that if I write about changing my lifestyle enough it will happen. I love reading your journal. :)
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Tue Jun 19, 2018 6:08 am

Moonlight, thank so much! You inspire me. I'm so grateful for this site.

I'm feeling good and for the most part doing really well. Had a little avocado and beer incident this weekend but really i'm pleased that my going off the deep end just ain't what it used to oyster poboys and fries were involved! And it was just one higher fat oil still...and I got right back on it. Don't ask about the beer.

I feel good. Less anxious. I got in a nice walk with a few stairs yesterday. I delivered flyers for a community dinner so I walked up and down some stairs while walking the neighborhood. I also did a 10 min meditation before work and intend to do so again today. Really helped. Monday morns I get anxious and don't want to go in to work but this changed my attitude because it helped me deal with the anxiety. Got another tough day ahead so I need the meditation.

Sister is doing well. She told me she feels happier. If for no other reason than that this is all worth it. We feel good.
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Fri Jun 22, 2018 6:42 pm

I'm doing well. Did a ton of work today and it didn't wipe me out because I'm eating well and the bod is happier!. Sis is doing well too. So is friend. I'll say more later but I just wanted to check in on Fri eve. I'm on my couch and having a beer and feeling so so happy about the food. I love this way of eating. Plan to have seasoned hashbrowns rolled up in green lettuce and corn tortillas with a little picante and avo (not too much). Love that I didn't feel the desire for eating crap this eve because it's Fri night...has always been a difficult night. Have a day to myself coming tomorrow and I will enjoy. That's all for now.
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby kirstykay » Sat Jun 23, 2018 10:47 am

You are doing so great! I'm just checking in...not doing too well myself, so it really encourages me to see that you me hope. I can't bring myself to journal or follow through with the MWL thread, but I'm not giving up...just finding my motivation. I know I have to. Been dealing with some scary stuff with my son, and it's taking all my energy to get him well. He's not going back to college in the fall, which I think is a great plan for him, and I feel grateful that he will be close enough for me to keep an eye on. I feel like he's out of the woods at the moment, but very fragile. Sorry...don't know why I'm going into this here, just wanted to say "hi" and let you know I'm still fighting, and I'm rooting for you. So happy to hear about your sister!
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:34 am

kirstykay, thanks so much! I understand the energy it takes when worried about our babies. Nothing like it! Look, don't worry about getting it all just right for now. How about you just try to get your greens and veggies in with each meal? Just that for now.

I'm getting the food right for sure and the weight is coming down. Not so great on coffee and alcohol and exercise. Hope next post I'll say I'm doing better. If I would get these other things down the weight would come down even faster. I have to say though I feel alot better overall. Sis does too.
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Jun 29, 2018 10:58 am

Anna Green wrote:kirstykay, thanks so much! I understand the energy it takes when worried about our babies. Nothing like it! Look, don't worry about getting it all just right for now. How about you just try to get your greens and veggies in with each meal? Just that for now.

this is great advice! Anyone remember Norm? Raymond Cool, who started out at 498 lbs...and was solidly his story some time. He's got a testimonial on the site somewhere, I do believe. He started by ADDING things, such as whole grains. He didn't take anything away at the start. He simply added whole grains, especially breads. And that started him on a 300 lb weight loss :nod:

I'm getting the food right for sure and the weight is coming down. Not so great on coffee and alcohol and exercise. Hope next post I'll say I'm doing better. If I would get these other things down the weight would come down even faster. I have to say though I feel alot better overall. Sis does too.

heh...glad I'm not the only one. Esp on that alcohol thing jeez louise. It's bad for the body, and it is HUGE calories, ZERO nutrients. :? But I'm in the same boat: the weight is creeping downward, and tops that weren't fitting me I can now put on to ditch the booze :lol:

but it's so good to see both of you still slugging away. I was happy to see familiar names when I came back ;)

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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:27 am

Buns! I remember Norm! Yes, sometimes I'm in a space where all I can do (or feel like I can do) is harm reduction. Thanks for the visit. It means alot to me. I feel like a big L sometimes being here this long....

Anyway, the month challenge is complete and I am very pleased with our results. Both of us dropped 9-10 lbs and lost some aches and pains and lowered bp. And my work buddy lost some too I think. Not sure how she did overall with compliance but I helped as much as I could and she was a good sport in trying the food I brought her some of which she liked.

So of the 30 days of June I was MWL mostly, some Reg plan (too much avo though), and 2 days had oil in them. Cheating with animal is not an option any longer. If I did cheat once a year or so with animal it would be an oyster poboy. Maybe in the future. That doesn't bother me as animals who have the ability to suffer. Would depend on where they come from too because we don't want farmers and enviro to suffer as well. It's funny though as I'm writing this I feel indifferent about oyster poboys. OMG don't let the coonass ancestors hear! (Jim there is no other word available for coonass. It is who we are. I don't make the rules :) )

This was the best I've done in a long time and I feel good. I ran my buns off yesterday shopping and making the pasta salad. I just felt more energetic. So Pye and I plan to continue doing this. For her it's after a pizza tomorrow. For me, it's now because yesterday I ate some of the pasta salad I made for a memorial service with vegan mayo. Wasn't worth the inflammation of the endothelial cells, if I got that right. I feel less and less desire to do stupid stuff like that. Also, I think I may have mama leaning toward joining us. She had to get off some of her RA medicine and is scared.

So I am making food cause that's what I do to care for my beloveds. I found some deals at the Asian supermarket yesterday and the Latino supermarket so I will make Mommytang's Kimchi stew w/o the oil though now that I saw Dr. Gregor's video on salt and RA I'm thinking it isn't a good idea to make this for her. sigh. I am not a big salt eater usually but I do have some and I understand she probably won't give it all up at once. Dang. I wish I could get her to True North or 10 day or something.

I am also making a Gai lan. eggplant, and shroom (P says I can't say shroon anymore so it's shroom) stirfry over rice, and a variety of wraps including collard, rice paper, and possibly sushi rolls. And lastly, I plan to make a kind of stew with yucca, tomato, poblano, corn on the cob, zucchini, cumin, etc. Don't know what it's called. It's been in my head for a long time. I tried to find a recipe but never found one that is what I'm wanting. My kitchen is already a disaster so I have to clean it first and try to get some of this done today and the rest during the week or even next weekend. I want to make my mom and sister good food that will have them feeling like they are getting a treat more than sacrificing something. It will be nice for me too but honestly if I wasnt cooking for them I would be happy mostly with those potatoes I also bought with my curry ketchup and salads and rice and veggies. I am heading toward more simple foods and less time in the kitchen.

I am sad about the transgender woman found dead in the street here. (memorial was for her) She had no home and wouldn't go to the shelters any longer because she wasn't treated decently. I feel guilty too. We didn't do enough. We have been trying lately but not soon enough for her. We are working on getting better info/data, training service providers, increasing access, etc. Having a big event soon to develop better relationships with the LGBTQ community. I'm working closely with members of this community who are leading the planning.

So this is what is up with me. My daughter is doing well in Seattle. She is working, healing, building relationships. Can't even express how relieved I am about this. All moms and dads know what it's like to be scared for our children. It feels like a weight is lifting. Don't think it will ever be gone but it's easier to breathe for sure and I just feel hopeful for us.

It's the fry an egg on the sidewalk hot here so I will probably using the pressure cooker/slow cooker and the rice cooker because my air conditioners can't keep up. That's all I got.
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Mon Jul 02, 2018 9:49 pm

Just checking in. So glad the journal is still here. I would have been so sad.

I'm doing well. Loved my food today...rice, garbanzos, greens, broc, plantain, cheezy sauce, and homemade fries. What's not to love?

I'm headed to mom's tomorrow. Bringing her the yucca stew and decided to make her some mushroom risotto. I'll bring her some wraps too. I'm too ambitious I know. I just know how much easier this is with support.

My sister was so excited today...more lbs lost and she just seems happier. That makes me happy.

I haven't weighed but I can feel the loss. I haven't exactly been exercising but I've just been moving alot more. Plan to exercise this week. I took off a few days and am looking forward to it.

I don't know how to explain it. I am not only less anxious but I feel more peaceful too. And so grateful.
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Idgie » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:45 pm

That's wonderful!
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby VegSeekingFit » Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:14 am

Anna Green wrote:I don't know how to explain it. I am not only less anxious but I feel more peaceful too. And so grateful.

Hi Anna! :D
Awesome result! I feel better too and it is more powerful than a lower # on the scale...
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose! ... ight-loss/
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:53 pm

Idgie and Stephanie, thanks! It is wonderful. I still have my moments when I consider bad behavior but they are easier to let go of.

I spent time with my mom for the 4th and made her food...the shroom risotto, the yucca stew, collard and rice paper wraps. She liked it all and moved in the direction of embracing this. I could see her wrestling with the idea that there is no pill to fix it and that we can't just do what we want and expect to get better. Y'all all know how much I've wrestled so I have deep compassion for her. I'm hoping she will do it because so many of her worries will lighten...fear of dementia, fear of being disabled, etc. And I'm hoping feeling good will be worth it. Right now it is for me and I want to stay the course.

I also have been clawing at my twin bro (no motivational interviewing this time) to do this instead of surgery next know the weight loss band or whatever. He is considering Ornish program near his home if he can get insurance to pay. I so hope. I asked him to do a session with Dr. Lisle. He agreed. And you better believe I'll be calling to see if he made the appt. I'm ridiculous I know. Can't help myself. I'm so worried.

In case you think all this is deflection, it's not. I'm paying attention to my own behavior. I'm doing pretty well. About to make me some greens and rice and perhaps some airfried yucca. Sounds so good.
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Jul 06, 2018 8:57 am

Anna Green wrote:Idgie and Stephanie, thanks! It is wonderful. I still have my moments when I consider bad behavior but they are easier to let go of.

I spent time with my mom for the 4th and made her food...the shroom risotto, the yucca stew, collard and rice paper wraps. She liked it all and moved in the direction of embracing this. I could see her wrestling with the idea that there is no pill to fix it and that we can't just do what we want and expect to get better. Y'all all know how much I've wrestled so I have deep compassion for her. I'm hoping she will do it because so many of her worries will lighten...fear of dementia, fear of being disabled, etc. And I'm hoping feeling good will be worth it. Right now it is for me and I want to stay the course.

I also have been clawing at my twin bro (no motivational interviewing this time) to do this instead of surgery next know the weight loss band or whatever. He is considering Ornish program near his home if he can get insurance to pay. I so hope. I asked him to do a session with Dr. Lisle. He agreed. And you better believe I'll be calling to see if he made the appt. I'm ridiculous I know. Can't help myself. I'm so worried.

In case you think all this is deflection, it's not. I'm paying attention to my own behavior. I'm doing pretty well. About to make me some greens and rice and perhaps some airfried yucca. Sounds so good.

It's hard when we watch our loved ones health begin to fail. I don't even try to talk to people about it. However! We are getting ready to move in at my mom's house, and I hope to introduce her to some of my favorite recipes. Hopefully your brother can wake up and start doing the needed things to bring his health around without surgery.

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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Mon Jul 09, 2018 5:48 pm

Buns, cooking for her will help. My mother told me the other day if I cooked for her all the time she could do this. My mushroom risotto was really good!

I'm doing ok. Still doing good with food. Went for a walk today. Not drinking as much alcohol and coffee but not giving up yet. I'm a little sad. I belong to the Feed Justice team at church and I spent the day with these delightful women yesterday and watched them eat pig, chicken and cow. We do good work in that we hold community dinners and invite neighbors. We have given a grant to help a young woman start her own food business. She was making mostly vegan. But we aren't working on the most important issue for our health, animals and planet. I just wrote them a letter telling them about how I feel while giving them alot of love. I asked them to see Brenda Davis, RD's new video on Paleo (some of them are doing this) and basically how messed up it is (Jim, I erased another word to replace with "messed" but I gotta say it doesn't quite do the job). Anyway, I hope they hear me. I told them all about the Physicians Committee and Dr. McDougall and Dr Greger, etc. and the activism they do for health and planet and I'm guessing animals too.

That's all I got. Good thing is I won't eat poboys and fried chicken to stuff these feelings. Gotta keep at it.
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Jul 13, 2018 10:15 am

Anna Green wrote:Buns, cooking for her will help. My mother told me the other day if I cooked for her all the time she could do this. My mushroom risotto was really good!

I'm doing ok. Still doing good with food. Went for a walk today. Not drinking as much alcohol and coffee but not giving up yet. I'm a little sad. I belong to the Feed Justice team at church and I spent the day with these delightful women yesterday and watched them eat pig, chicken and cow. We do good work in that we hold community dinners and invite neighbors. We have given a grant to help a young woman start her own food business. She was making mostly vegan. But we aren't working on the most important issue for our health, animals and planet. I just wrote them a letter telling them about how I feel while giving them alot of love. I asked them to see Brenda Davis, RD's new video on Paleo (some of them are doing this) and basically how messed up it is (Jim, I erased another word to replace with "messed" but I gotta say it doesn't quite do the job). Anyway, I hope they hear me. I told them all about the Physicians Committee and Dr. McDougall and Dr Greger, etc. and the activism they do for health and planet and I'm guessing animals too.

That's all I got. Good thing is I won't eat poboys and fried chicken to stuff these feelings. Gotta keep at it.

How far you've come! I joined a few months after you, in 2009, and IIRR, you live in New Orleans, and had all that amazing food all around you, whenever you were out and about and the po boys and jambalaya etc were huge temptations to you. Hopefully I'm right in thinking it was you?

either way, knowing that you WON'T use the junky SAD foods for emotional comfort! well done :)

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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Tue Jul 17, 2018 6:10 pm

Buns, yes! I'm getting better and better about not comforting with SAD. I am even better about not eating SAD after a martini or two. :rolleyes:

I did go to the 1st ever vegan soulfood fest here on the weekend and let's just say I had a major stomach ache that night.

What I loved about it was that it was hosted by black women and it was well attended by the black community. Not just a bunch of of us hippyesque older white people and pretty young white girls. There was local flavor such as Jambalaya. The whole thing made me happy. We now have a soulfood restaurant and a wholly vegan restaurant and many others with large vegan menus. It was only 10 years ago when most of this didn't exist. I'm thinking about asking one or more of the vegan restaurants to have a few items with no oil. If they do it you will hear my scream of glee from wherever you live!

I'm on the straight and narrow again and tummy is good. I am happy about it too. And that salad I just ate with oil free dressing was as pleasurable as anything I had this weekend. I know food doesn't have to be entertainment but it sure can bring pleasure and there is no reason it shouldn't.

That's all I got.
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