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With a heavy heart, we share the news of Dr. John McDougall’s passing. A visionary physician and author, beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, mentor and friend, Dr. McDougall died peacefully at his home on Saturday, June 22nd, at the age of 77.

Newsletter Subject Index 2002-2003

January 2002

    • Halitosis Is More than Bad Breath
    • Vegetarians Live Longer
    • Immediate Harm from One Fatty Meal


February 2002

    • My Stomach’s on Fire and I Can’t Put It Out
    • Mammography is Unjustified–A Letter Few Newspapers Will Print
    • The Heart Association Condemns High-Protein Diets
    • Join the National Weight Control Registry


March 2002

    • Don’t Burn Holes in Your Stomach
    • Diet and Diabetes: The Meat of the Matter
    • Too Much Fat Causes Diabetes
    • Don’t Sleep Yourself to Death
    • Back Seat Passengers May Kill You


April 2002

    • A Stone-Free and Happy Gallbladder
    • Potatoes Are Pillars of Worldwide Nutrition
    • Vitamin A and Hip Fractures
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis study by Dr. McDougall Released


May 2002

    • Die With Your Gallstones
    • No Breast Self Examination
    • Prostate Trouble from Your Food
    • Exercise Lowers Blood Pressure


June 2002

    • The Liver – Savior from Our Own Abuses
    • Health Myths Dispelled: Omega 3 “Good” Fats
    • Atkins’ Diet and His Cardiac Arrest
    • Dairy Industry Admits They Sell Death


July 2002

    • The Pancreas – Under Attack by Cow-Milk
    • Nutrition Committee and AHA Battle
    • What’s a Woman to Do? Stop HRT Says Major Study
    • Antioxidant Vitamins (in Foods) Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease


August 2002

    • Bad Farts? Meat Stinks!
    • Phytochemicals and Phytoestrogens
    • Take Blood Pressure at Home – Get Off Your Medications
    • Change History & Save Lives: Write to the American Heart Association


September 2002

    • In Search of the Perfect Bowel Movement
    • Cholesterol – When and How to Treat
    • Treat “High Normal” Hypothyroidism
    • Vegetarian Times Spreads Protein Misinformation


October 2002

    • Straining for Relief – Damage Everywhere
    • Are You a Sickly Vegetarian (Vegan)?
    • Acrylamide – Do Carbohydrates Cause Cancer?
    • Teach Your Unborn Healthy Foods


November 2002

    • Chained to the Bathroom
    • Atkins Diet Is As Good as Chemotherapy for Weight Loss
    • Successful Weight Loss Tips
    • The American Heart Association Continues to Harm the Public


December 2002

  • Colon Polyps and Colon Cancer – The End Result of Daily Dietary Abuse
  • American Forces Roll on Top of Iraqi Troops
  • Diet for the Desperate
  • Exercise Does Not Lower Cholesterol
January 2003

    • Can We Afford Bad Health?
    • Taming Elevated Triglycerides, Insulin Resistance, and Syndrome X
    • The Right Diet Will Save Your Bones
    • The McDougall Diet Supported by the Most Ancient Clinical Trial – According to the New England Journal of Medicine


February 2003

    • Saving Yourself from Cancer – the Prostate (case in point)
    • Fish is Not Health Food
    • Niacin – A Time Honored Treatment for Cholesterol and Triglycerides
    • Vegan Diet Damages Baby’s Brain – Sensationalism!


March 2003

    • A World of Hope and Dreams – Early Detection – The Example – Prostate Cancer
    • Restrict Protein – Save Your Kidneys
    • Project Healthy Beginnings Sponsors California Resolution for Healthier School Lunches
    • Parents and Grandparents, Unite – Act Now To Change the World


April 2003

    • Dairy Products – 10 False Promises
    • Prevent Breast Cancer with Aspirin and Motrin – Not!
    • Weight Watchers Fail to Shed Pounds
    • Eating Out Mexican Style


May 2003

    • Marketing Milk and Disease
    • Understanding the New Atkins Research
    • Everybody Will Be Taking Blood Pressure Pills Soon
    • Eating Out in a Thai Restaurant


June 2003

    • SARS Protection – More than a Face Mask
    • Cure Your “Beef Habit” Today with a Little Mad Cow
    • Cleaning Out Your Arteries
    • Eating Out in a Sandwich Shop


July 2003

    • Meat in the Human Diet
    • New Trans-Fat Labels for 2006 – too little, too late
    • How Do I Gain Weight on the McDougall Diet? I’m Not Joking!


August 2003

    • Plants, not Pills, for Vitamins and Minerals
    • Life with the McDougalls in Costa Rica is a Daring Adventure
    • Lower Cholesterol for Improved Cancer Survival
    • Suck Carrots, High Protein Diet Advocates


September 2003

    • Building Your Own High-Performance Athletic Body
    • Proof that the Atkins Diet Works Like Chemotherapy By Sickness-Induced Starvation
    • Good Cholesterol “Worsens” with McDougall?
    • Just Established this Month – A Way to Make a Difference The McDougall Research & Education Foundation


October 2003

    • Surviving the Cold Season
    • The South Beach Diet
    • Favorite Five: The Constipated New England Journal of Medicine; Soon Diabetes Will Be Normal Like Obesity; Antibiotic Won’t Cure Your Heart Disease; It’s Easier To Skip The Burger Than Walk; American Doctors Damage More Breasts and Women


November 2003

    • The Myth About Meat
    • Acne Has Everything to do With Diet
    • Report from the First Alumni Weekend (Held November 7 to 9, 2003 )
    • My Favorite Five: Treatment of Blood Pressure Can Make You Stupid Pharmaceutical Industries Selectively Report (Lie about) Scientific Findings Do Microwave Ovens Destroy Nutrients in Food? Take a Tomato, Not a Pill, for Your Prostate Don’t Stop Aspirin if You Are a Heart Patient


December 2003

  • A Brief History of Protein: Passion, Social Bigotry, Rats, and Enlightenment
  • USDA Misleading American Public about Beef Safety
  • Macular Degeneration: Blind from the Western Diet