Quick Steel-Cut Oats with Blueberry Topping
By Mary McDougall
Steel-cut oats are a very healthy and delicious breakfast cereal, always very popular during the McDougall 10-day live-in program. However, they do take a long time to cook so I always recommend that they be soaked overnight to cut the cooking time down to about 10 minutes. The blueberry topping can be made ahead of time and kept in the refrigerator.
Serves: 2
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 10 min
1 Place the water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Stir in the oats and cinnamon or mace, if using. Turn off heat, cover and let rest overnight. In the morning, mix well, add a bit more water or some non-dairy milk of your choice if too thick. Cover and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve with a small amount of the blueberry topping over the cereal.
2 Topping: Place the blueberries and agave nectar in a small saucepan. Cook over low heat until blueberries soften into a syrup, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and let rest for 5 minutes, or cool and refrigerate until ready to use. Serve warm or chilled over the oats.