Learn About the Criminal Behavior of the Pharmaceutical Industry—Save Yourself and Your Family
People who believe that there is a "pill for every ill" and the next miracle is going to save them from a miserable life and an early death are wrong. You must resolve this misunderstanding so that you can begin to focus on what will make a difference; and that is no-cost, side-effect-free changes in the way you eat and live.
The pharmaceutical industry has no morals—they will lie and cheat to make a profit no matter how much it hurts the ones you love. That is a fact you can verify with a little reading. Here are 3 very valuable recommendations from me. These two books are among the best summaries I have read about this subject—they are entertaining and easy to understand for the non-professional reader:
1) Free and On-line:
The hidden big business behind your doctor's diagnosis, A special report by Susan Kelleher and Duff Wilson in the Seattle Times: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/health/sickintro.html
2) Overdo$ed America—The broken promise of American medicine by John Abramson, MD.
Read more about the book, see sample chapters.
Buy from Amazon.com
3) Selling Sickness—How the world's biggest pharmaceutical companies are turning us all into patients by Ray Moynihan and Alan Cassels.
Read more about the book.
Buy from Amazon.com
BTW: Don't expect your doctor to help you defend yourself against the drug industry—many are in bed with these crooks and here is some recent evidence to support that claim from the September 24, 2005 issue of the British Medical Journal: One of the largest doctors' groups in the United States, the American Academy of Family Physicians, has refused to rent exhibitionspace to No Free Lunch, a group that says that pharmaceutical industry promotions are harming patients. However, this group has agreed to rent space at its annual scientific assembly to be held in San Francisco from 28 September to 2 October, to the fast food giant, McDonalds, as well as Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, Abbott Laboratories, Coca-Cola, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, and Pfizer, among others.
No Free Lunch is an organization that tries to encourage doctors and other healthcare professionals to provide high quality care based upon unbiased scientific evidence rather than on biased pharmaceutical promotion. The group, based in New York, urges doctors to not accept gifts—from pens and prescription pads to all-expense paid "vacations" or free-food—provided at noon-time advertising conferences held at every hospital in the USA and free-doughnuts brought in by provocatively-dressed drug reps.
Lenzer J. Doctors refuse space to group fighting drug company influence. BMJ. 2005 Sep 24;33:653.