Jennifer's 200LB Journey

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Jennifer's 200LB Journey

Postby Jennifer-L » Sun Dec 31, 2023 2:39 pm

Ok, I'm getting this started with a fresh mindset for 2024. I have a bit more than 200 pounds to lose. As of today I'm 47 pounds in, with 153ish to go. I am tightening the belt a little bit, because I'm losing slowly. I can do more, and I want to be accountable for that. I've been doing starch solution for a year, and I'm moving to Maximum Weight Loss. I've been dabbling with it and going back and forth from MWL to SS and that changes on Jan 3rd. I'm doing a 4 week challenge with Stacy's weight loss group and it starts then - meanwhile, I'm eating, discarding or giving away the last of the tofu, nuts and dry carbs in the house! Ohhhh. Cashews, I will think of you fondly as I step on the scales of judgement each week without you.

I'm going to start going to bed earlier. Farewell to how the gates to my stomach open wide like a baby bird squawking for snacks at midnight. Looking back at this past year, there have been many calories consumed late in the evening.

Am I going to have salad, fruit or a non starchy soup to start each meal? My guess is 'hardly ever'. For some reason that is an obstacle for me that I don't quite know how to tackle easily. I don't know how to make a normal sized salad. It inevitably gets poured into a bigger bowl and then it's so big I need more dressing on top and then the calories start working against me. Soup tempts me in to more salt. And sometimes just a few bits of pasta floating in it. And then maybe just a few beans or potatoes. Then I find myself eating a potato pasta soup with some cabbage to garnish, instead of a light soup to start. I'll work on this step.

My goal is to completely reverse my 'significant fatty liver' in 2024. How embarrassing. It falls into the discussion category of thick ankles and overactive bladder. I also want to reverse my insulin resistance. I started the year 500% of normal, and ended 400% of normal, so progress is still needed.
In 2024, I want to share stories that I couldn't in 2023. I want to discuss how I walked around the block during bear season, because I'm not afraid of dropping dead while I get the hell out of the way. I want to tell you how I ate a normal sized bowl of food, and instinctively stopped eating when I was no longer hungry. And I'm going to share my stories of going on vacation and walking down the beach for hours while I pick up shells and feel warm wind pushing against me. I can't do any of those things today. But it's coming soon.

Background/timeline. I started McDougall with the 12 day course in Feb 2021. I lost 48 pounds in about 6 months, and then my mom's illness progressed, and she died. That was a painful and stressful time, and during my 30 minute drives to and from her house I comforted myself with fries, and started eating worse out of convenience and trying to kill the pain. I gained back most of my lost weight over the course of the next 8 months while we settled her things.
I restarted on McDougall the day after Thanksgiving in 2022. It was titled in my calendar as "Black Friday, Indeed."
In one more pound, I'll have made up for my gain. My body isn't the same now. What once took 6 months now took 14 months.
Other things are different about my shape and how my body reacts to little things. The slower path might be what I need, even if it's not what I want.
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Re: Jennifer's 200LB Journey

Postby Jennifer-L » Mon Jan 01, 2024 6:15 pm

I'm posting this week's food log. I don't know how often I'll do it, but for now this is what I need. I'll update as the week goes.


B Oatmeal and blueberries

L soba noodles, spinach, carrots, 2 ounces smoked tofu, teriyaki

S sumo mandarin

D quinoa bowl with roasted acorn squash, spinach, lemon balsamic


B Oatmeal and blueberries

L Soup (Lentil, onion and carrots)

D veggie sushi, stir fried red cabbage, carrots and tofu


B Oats, banana, blueberries

L potatoes, spinach

D potatoes, lentil curry, spinach, curried tomatoes and eggplant

S - tortilla chips. Womp womp. This will not happen again.


B Oatmeal, banana, blueberries

L lentil soup, salad

S 2 new potatoes

D pasta and mushrooms with marinara and basil


B Oatmeal and bananas

L Chana masala, rice, steamed broccoli with curry balsamic and lime

D cold rice noodle salad and fresh rice paper spring rolls


B oatmeal and blueberries

L Chana masala and rice

D more Chana masala and rice, with sautéed spinach


B nothing - strangely not hungry

L vegetable and bean soup

S Hannah sweet potato

D pasta with sautéed tomatoes, spinach and arugula, and vegetable soup.
Last edited by Jennifer-L on Mon Jan 08, 2024 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jennifer's 200LB Journey

Postby Jennifer-L » Mon Jan 08, 2024 8:11 pm

Last week was really a struggle. It must be the psychological aspect of knowing that you cannot have some thing that makes you want it even more. Each day however, everything's got a little bit easier. I have tried to simplify as the week went on, and I incorporated leftovers more so than at the beginning of the week, and I think that helped a lot. I will continue basically the same method this coming week and hope that things go smoother and that I see loss. I actually gained a couple of pounds from last week and I don't know how. I assume that it could be water weight because I've always been really sensitive to that .

I am also going to try and start walking more. My steps are lousy! I bought a vibration plate and that seems to be a big help with achy legs but it's also made my bone spur hurt more. Maybe the jostling around is just irritating it. I'm going to just keep my fingers crossed that it works itself out because I do want to use the vibration plate regularly to help with a few different things.

I'm wearing my Fitbit every day and sheesh I didn't realize how sedentary I am. We'll see how that adds up on the scale next week.
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Re: Jennifer's 200LB Journey

Postby Jennifer-L » Mon Jan 08, 2024 8:18 pm

This week's food diary:


B oatmeal, banana and blueberries

L Vegetable Soup, sweet potato

D red potatoes, basmati rice, curried vegetables

S Sumo mandarin


B oatmeal, banana and wild blueberries

L veggie wrap (wrap not compliant)

D chickpea/lentil pasta with sautéed tomatoes, spinach and arugula


B oatmeal and blueberries

L curried soup and potatoes

D roasted sweet potato, spinach, and a veggie sushi roll

S 1 cup of leftover pasta with sautéed spinach


B Oatmeal and berries

L pasta and broccoli

D broccoli, potatoes and leftover brown rice pasta

S oatmeal


B oats and blueberries

L curried potatoes

D Pasta with Arugula, marinara, basil and nutritional yeast


B oats and blueberries

L vegetable sushi

D linguine with roasted tomatoes and garlic, basil, and a salad with tomatoes and carrots, slice of sourdough (not MWL)
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Re: Jennifer's 200LB Journey

Postby Jennifer-L » Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:58 pm

Last week got a bit easier. I focused more on starches and less about trying to drop to a half/half starch and vegetables plate. I sometimes overthink things, and this is one of them. I am trying to be a little more go with the flow so that I don't get stuck in mind games of RESTRICTION because this is not a restrictive plan at all. The only restrictions are animals and oils. (And coconut)

It's super cold out this month and we have had snow, which is maybe a once a year thing and usually just a little. So I think during these times my body wants to slow down and fill up on soups and comfort food. In the summer, I find it's the opposite. The biggest challenge right now is getting in healthy movement. I was athletic when I was younger, and I'd like to get back to that!
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Re: Jennifer's 200LB Journey

Postby Jennifer-L » Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:09 pm

Food Diary Monday Jan 15 to Sunday Jan 21


B oats and Blueberries

L roasted vegetables and curried potatoes

D pasta, mushrooms, roasted potatoes, nooch

S oatmeal, sweet potato


B oats and Blueberries

L salad and a sweet potato

D aloo gobi, sautéed spinach, roasted vegetables, rice

S popcorn ( Not MWL)


B oats and Blueberries

L salad and a sweet potato

D pasta, marinara, vegetable soup, slice of sourdough (not MWL)


B oats and Blueberries

L curried potatoes and spinach

D pasta, arugula, and marinara


B oats and Blueberries

L pasta, marinara, arugula, mushrooms

D baked potato and steamed broccoli, salad


B leftover pasta, arugula.

L salad with leftover pasta, mandarin

D black bean burrito bowl with air fried squash


B oatmeal and blueberries

L soba noodles with stir fried vegetables

D lentil kofta with pickled cabbage, cauliflower chick pea soup
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Re: Jennifer's 200LB Journey

Postby Jennifer-L » Thu Jan 25, 2024 1:04 pm

MWL continues to get easier, but I'm not losing weight. It could be a plateau that coincidentally started when I changed from SS to MWl. I'd been trying to keep starches down to about 50% but I get hungry sooner and then I overeat some at the next meal. I'll work the balance out.

I have started walking 30 minutes a day and my knee says WTH. I'll take it easy for a day or two.

Ok that's enough awkward elevator talk for one day!
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Re: Jennifer's 200LB Journey

Postby Starflower » Thu Jan 25, 2024 2:06 pm

Easier is good! When my foot (old injury) bothers me I split my walk into three parts, one mini walk after each meal. It all counts, right? Keep going when you can! :)
This journey is one of constant small adjustments. Nothing is ever static, no matter how long you've been eating this way. If something isn't working, you tweak it and make small changes until it works better.
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Re: Jennifer's 200LB Journey

Postby Jennifer-L » Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:01 pm

I'm taking a break for two months - I'm having some medical issues and I'll be under the care of my doctor and dietitian. It's probably not going to be exactly McDougall for a few weeks, and it's not helpful for anyone else to journal about it here. I'm still reading the board, I just won't be journaling for a couple of months.
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