teeth care

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teeth care

Postby gutbrain » Wed Dec 27, 2023 12:04 pm

Each time I have my teeth clean by a hollistic dentist, I have alot of cavites. I have 14 cavities in my recent visit. I follow the protocol recommended. I tried organic tooth paste, flossing, plus using a proxa brush. I even did at one time oil pulling. I used a hydrofloss, and only stopped when it stopped working recently. For lack of other alternatives, I went back to using homemade coconut oil mix with baking soda and peppermint EO. You may wonder what foods I am eating. I can sum that up by telling you I have been a vegan for 13 years.

My bank account is running low, so please, please provide a stop or minimize the x number of cavities.

Hoping you have a solution.
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Joined: Wed Dec 27, 2023 11:18 am

Re: teeth care

Postby pundit999 » Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:42 am

I was advised 12 years ago that I have to get four teeth out and get implants as my very last molars kept getting infected.
The dentist only wanted 30000$ !

I did a lot of research and found a simple process to keep all my teeth and to have easy cleaning sessions.
- use Arm and Hammer toothpaste with peroxide.
- use a Phiilps electric tooth brush, preferably twice daily.
- every so often (at least once a month or when I start feeling something not right with the teeth), use waterpik with 3 parts water one part hydrogen peroxide.

I bought the book the Smile Method from Amazon. And use their rinser (VITAPICK) with diluted h2o2 also. But I don't have to use it much anymore. May be once in a few months when I feel an infections coming.

https://www.amazon.com/Smile-Method-Avo ... merReviews
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