my RD talked me out of beginning a WFPB diet

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my RD talked me out of beginning a WFPB diet

Postby cate1898 » Sat Oct 07, 2023 8:01 am

I'm 65 years old and I've been on hypertension drugs for the past 25 years. My original GP (now retired) told me diet and exercise will not help BP or stop me from needing meds for it. I wanted to try and do diet and exercise before beginning a lifetime of meds. Currently I'm on 4 hypertension meds along with 2 for high cholesterol, and an immuno-suppressant for my (currently in remission) autoimmune disease (GPA - very rare autoimmune disease that affects the lungs and kidneys and is potentially fatale if not treated).

I'm currently being treated for my hypertension with a Cardiologist who has me on the 4 BP meds, and now for the past 6 months on Ozempic to assist both weight loss and my hypertension. I also have sleep apnea for which I still have poor sleep quality, migraines, and several other lesser issues.
My Cardiologist has me talking to an experienced Registered Dietician who basically very diplomatically talked me out of beginning a WFPB no oil or dairy diet.

So, my question is, do I have any hope that I can improve my health with respect to my hypertension and autoimmune diagnosis, or better yet any chance of completely reversing these conditions?

I'm still contemplating beginning my WFPB diet shortly which will be difficult as I will be the only one in a 4 person household that will be eating this way.
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Re: my RD talked me out of beginning a WFPB diet

Postby DynoDan » Sat Oct 07, 2023 3:56 pm

Your questions may be answered by studying ALL the information available on this free website. Then decide (few physicians get any training in dietary science BTW)
Only my personal opinion, but I believe there is an exponential benefit from 100% WFPB compliance, though those around you not eating same will likely treat you like you had joined a cult. People who survive a diet-related/life-threatening medical crisis seem most receptive to change.
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Re: my RD talked me out of beginning a WFPB diet

Postby michaelswarm » Sun Oct 08, 2023 8:33 am

The rewards are certainly worth the effort. I’m 60, and the dad of 3 young kids. Reversed high cholesterol and returned to healthy weight and waist size. I researched this lifestyle because of previous girlfriend, who passed of cancer.

Unfortunately, you are not going to find whole plant food dishes in restaurants and markets. If you can cook, or learn to cook, you can reverse most or all of your conditions. I cook 3 meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Takes a couple of hours every day. Give up television, social media or anything else to make the time.

Sad that your dietician, cardiologist and doctors did not recommend this first. But that is the world that we live in.

There is now medical specialty of lifestyle medicine, and growing network of WFPB medical professionals, with perhaps the largest specialty represented among cardiologists. But still, this is not taught in medical school, and vast majority have not read the science.

The evidence and science for diet as cause and cure for cardiovascular disease is solid. Much evidence for metabolic and autoimmune diseases, and much else.

Dr McDougall: Common Health Problems (Recommendations, References) ... -pressure/
- Has recommendations for high blood pressure.
- With references.

Dr McDougall: Common Health Problems (Articles) ... ertension/
- An index of links to articles specific to high blood pressure.

Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine (PCRM): Health Topics
- Includes News and 21 Day Kickstart action.

I highly recommend consulting directly with Dr McDougall and his team, and any other qualified WFPB professionals.
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Re: my RD talked me out of beginning a WFPB diet

Postby pundit999 » Sun Oct 08, 2023 11:17 am

I cannot think of a good reason a RD would advise against a whole plants only diet.
Forget about what the health professionals said. Just eat only whole plants for 3 months. You will not go back.

I was diagnosed as having heart disease 12 years ago. All doctors were advising me to get an angioplasty and stents.
I researched online and discovered these procedures don't address the underlying problem which is essentially food poising through the standard American diet.
I ate only whole plants for several weeks and my angina started getting better and my labs were excellent.
You can do anything for a few weeks. Just try it for yourself.
But be careful. Since you are on those meds, you will quickly become overdrugged.
I was. My cholesterol went below 50! I had to reduce the statins and had to stop the metoprolol.
Good luck.
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Re: my RD talked me out of beginning a WFPB diet

Postby cate1898 » Mon Oct 09, 2023 12:56 pm

Thanks for the replies! Good info. And good to hear the success that you've had! I wish it was in the budget to have a consultation with Dr. McDougall, but far too costly for me.

Based on my research so far in addition to your comments and the fact that I have basically nothing to lose by committing to try it for a short period of a few weeks, I am going to start this in a few days when I know I do not have to be away from home for any extended time and can commit to making all my own meals. I guess truly I have nothing to lose and a lot to potentially gain from doing this - better health and hopefully side bonus of weight loss.

I recently purchased "The Starch Solution" and have read most of it so far. The advice in the book on how to make meals based on a plate of half starchy food and half non-starchy vegetables with a "starch solution" approved sauce to make it palatable sound doable. I also just ordered "The China Study Cookbook" and hope it proves to be worth the purchase.

Thanks for all the info! I do have one question regarding my blood pressure....If my BP starts to come down, at what point do I seek medical advice re my BP meds? Will my BP likely come down slowly, or will it be quick as Dr. McDougall mentioned in his book that when he starts people on this way of eating he immediately takes them off all their meds. I ask this because up here in Canada, although to some our health care system sounds great because it is 'free' (trust me-we're paying for it in our high taxes), I often wait 4-6 weeks to get an appointment with my GP. The other alternatives available to me would be 'trying' to get a hold of my Cardiologist, a medical walk-in clinic, or going to a hospital Emerg Dept. (which I would only do IF I deemed it of urgent nature).
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Re: my RD talked me out of beginning a WFPB diet

Postby Daydream » Tue Oct 10, 2023 6:13 am

You absolutely need to be in touch with your doctor to adjust your blood pressure medication if you change your diet to a whole food plant exclusive diet. Get some professional guidance on this and monitor your blood pressure every day. I wish you all the best!
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Re: my RD talked me out of beginning a WFPB diet

Postby Ejeff » Tue Oct 10, 2023 7:48 am

I am also in Canada. If I were in your position I would start the WFPB diet asap. Call your GP and book an appointment for every week. Or at least every second week. Explain what you are doing with your diet and you need help with reducing your medications. Get a blood pressure monitor that you can use at home so you can accurately monitor your BP. Ideally you could get a new cardiologist that wants to help you actually reverse your illness as opposed to masking it with all these medications. Or perhaps the cardiologist could find you a dietician that WILL support a WFPB diet. Just insist on that. I find with my doctor I really need to just be firm with what I want and then he usually listens.

I wish you success and this program really works well if you are willing to commit to it.

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Re: my RD talked me out of beginning a WFPB diet

Postby cate1898 » Wed Oct 11, 2023 5:22 pm

Thanks Ejeff. Co-incidentally I started WFPB yesterday (Tues. Oct. 10). Decided not to delay. If I were to try to get in to see my GP my next appt would be in 4-6 weeks depending on her availability. She is truly that busy, but I really like her and find her very thorough. I do have a reliable Omron BP cuff and take my BP as directed.

I have a follow-up phone appt with my Cardiologist this Friday. I have a few things to discuss with him including what signs to look for to indicate that my meds need to be reduced. I am hoping most of this can be done by phone, or online as I leave in less than 2 weeks for Florida. With the exception of the month of December, we will be in Florida until the 3rd week of April, so medication adjustments need to be done long distance hopefully, otherwise I will have a very expensive trip to the doctor's office.

I'm hesitant to tell the Cardiologist about my WFPB change in diet and what positive changes can be expected as I guess I feel he will be rolling his eyes upon hearing this (even if he doesn't actually physically do this - he'll be thinking it).

What I would love to find is an MD here in Ontario (Canada) that fully supports WFPB (not a Naturopath), but I'm guessing if I did find such a doctor, that he or she would be not only very busy, but very expensive and definitely not covered by OHIP. (Ontario Health Insurance Plan). However, depending on the actual cost, I would certainly consider it.
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Re: my RD talked me out of beginning a WFPB diet

Postby bo1953 » Mon May 20, 2024 5:52 pm

cate1898 wrote:Thanks Ejeff. Co-incidentally I started WFPB yesterday (Tues. Oct. 10). Decided not to delay. If I were to try to get in to see my GP my next appt would be in 4-6 weeks depending on her availability. She is truly that busy, but I really like her and find her very thorough. I do have a reliable Omron BP cuff and take my BP as directed.

I have a follow-up phone appt with my Cardiologist this Friday. I have a few things to discuss with him including what signs to look for to indicate that my meds need to be reduced. I am hoping most of this can be done by phone, or online as I leave in less than 2 weeks for Florida. With the exception of the month of December, we will be in Florida until the 3rd week of April, so medication adjustments need to be done long distance hopefully, otherwise I will have a very expensive trip to the doctor's office.

I'm hesitant to tell the Cardiologist about my WFPB change in diet and what positive changes can be expected as I guess I feel he will be rolling his eyes upon hearing this (even if he doesn't actually physically do this - he'll be thinking it).

What I would love to find is an MD here in Ontario (Canada) that fully supports WFPB (not a Naturopath), but I'm guessing if I did find such a doctor, that he or she would be not only very busy, but very expensive and definitely not covered by OHIP. (Ontario Health Insurance Plan). However, depending on the actual cost, I would certainly consider it.

Cate1898 - how are you progressing, thus far???

In health... bo1953
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