The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - October 2022 Group

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Mark's Replies for October 28

Postby Mark Cooper » Sat Oct 29, 2022 1:23 pm

BambiS - Cheers for your good week! :D Your impending return to the office will undoubtedly present some challenges; if you take your time thinking through your plan for a creative and successful approach, test your plan in action, and assess and adjust as needed, I'm confident you'll get it all figured out. :thumbsup:

carwex - Given the big changes in your living situation and all the various responsibilities you are faced with, Carol, I don't think it's surprising that some obstacles have arisen in your path toward adherence. :) You are totally on point with your observation about what I would recommend: reconnecting with and, if necessary, reassessing the core important reasons you are pursuing MWL. The other thing that probably make sense under the circumstances of feeling distracted and somewhat over burdened is too aim for the easiest possible routine that is adequate for attaining adherence. In other words, try to keep it simple, if you can.

Ejg - In a pretty good groove is a nice place to be, Eric! Kudos to you for that great thrift store find! I love potatoes and sweet potatoes steamed in my Instant Pot. As you observe, having the recommended foods prepped, available, and easy to access is key to success. Keep it up! :D

Rebecka22 - These stretches of challenging times come along periodically, right? Usually, I think, spurred by a change in context, situation, routine, environment, or sometimes even just the change in seasons. I think you have done a really excellent job thinking through the chain of potential factors that could be contributing to these difficulties. :nod: Everything you've laid out to address the situation makes sense to me: adjusting your environment to better support where you are at right now, and planning in advance to address that expected after-work hunger with an appropriate snack. :thumbsup: Let us know how that goes.

Lizzy_F - Great progress, Beth! :D I think the thought process you outline in regard to calorie dilution and the volume of food consumed is quite astute. Speaking as a volume eater myself, I definitely found it necessary to "dial in" a lower overall average calorie density than what might be appropriate or adequate for someone eating a smaller overall volume of food. :nod: Thoughtful application of the MWL principles is exactly the way to do that. Congratulations on your exercise VICTORY! That 12-Day chat was fun, right? I hope we'll see some new folks here in the group, if they feel what we're doing here suits there needs.

VegSeekingFit - Kudos for your diligent efforts! It sounds like those feet, however willful, are serving you well! :lol: I much prefer walking outside, too; let us know how it goes and what, if any, strategies or other alternatives you try out.
VegSeekingFit wrote:I can understand on a rudimentary level these flaws in estimation and the materiality – I mean 20% leeway would be off the charts (definitely MATERIAL)… (if we were talking dollars… which we aren’t).
I know, right? It is wild that people feel like they can pursue that path successfully (and I was one of those people for entirely too long a time :o ). This is why, from my perspective, changes in behavior over time, with ongoing assessment of results and thoughtful adjustment seems like the only viable path to a success that is both sufficient and durable. I hope you have fun saying goodbye to all those too-big clothes!

Gimmelean - Whether it is work, socializing, travel, or something else, we all find ourselves in environments that we aren't able to control (at least fully control), right? Depending on how often this is the case, it can present a real challenge, and that is often aggravated by other stresses, developments or changes in our situation or routine. Given the current situation you're describing, I think you are right about being better off not having even "one piece" because it can so easily "escalate into many." Better to avoid that path, if possible. That said, none of us are perfect, so it might also we worthwhile to develop a plan for the rare occasions when that "first bite" DOES get taken, tactics to intercede and disrupt the chain of events that otherwise might lead toward "letting go" completely. And, of course, don't forget to treat yourself with kindness and compassion. :)
Gimmelean wrote:I thought to do a Mary’s mini for a reset using wheat berries as the starch and plain steamed vegetables batch cooked for the green and yellow vegetable component. Truthfully it sounds like what we do every day but taking the variety, condiments, and additional choices out of the mix. Would this be ok?
Provided that you are able to do so within the broader context of the recommended pattern of behavior (as described by the 10-Point Checklist), I don't see any problem with that. See you in November!

Ellen Withrow - Welcome, Ellen! I'm so glad to have you joining the group! And congratulations on your long-term success in eliminating animal foods! :thumbsup: Your self-assessment with the MWL 10-Point Checklist gives you a great roadmap for where to focus your efforts in adjusting your pattern of behavior. In those areas where there is the opportunity to do so, aim for steady progress moving closer to adherence with the recommendations, from week to week, day to day, and even meal to meal if appropriate. Adjusting our behavior and moving away from a long-standing habit, like drinking sugar-sweetened beverages can certainly be difficult. You mentioned liking something sweet in the morning, and also trying unsweetened black tea; would it be possible to pair the black tea with a serving of some sweet fruit that you especially enjoy? Maybe something like mangoes or cherries (or whatever fruit appeals to you)? Could be worth a try. Keep at it! :D

Noella - That looks like a great week for you, Noella! Thank you so much for sharing the various strategies and tactics you use to best support your adherence in a home environment that includes some non adherent foods; I think what you describe could be really useful for others who are in a similar situation. Awesome! :D
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Mark Cooper
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Summary for October 28 Reports

Postby Mark Cooper » Sat Oct 29, 2022 1:38 pm

That is it for October, folks! As usual, I'm thoroughly impressed with the ongoing efforts you all display in this group, particularly the willingness to think through challenges, formulate potential solutions, test, and adjust: thoughtful trial and error can build a path to success! Facing obstacles offers an amazing opportunity to learn, grow and emerge stronger than ever. Onward!

I'll post the new thread for November on Monday. I hope to see you there!

For those of you who will be celebrating Halloween, or even if you just feel like that holiday is likely to throw some challenges your way, I would encourage you to spend some time thinking through likely scenarios, and building a plan to mindfully support your adherence.

Here are a couple of fun threads discussing how one might have Halloween treats on offer that are congruent with Dr. McDougall's recommendations.

McDougall Approved Halloween Treats?

Alternatives to Candy for Halloween Treats

Best to all for an amazing week and month ahead! Take care and be well!
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Mark Cooper
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Location: Princeton, NJ 08540


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