Nancy's Journal

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Nancy's Journal

Postby Nancy Lou » Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:12 am

June 24, 2021

It is me: Morris (Journal of my journey). For some reason I cannot log in under my old journal, but considering I was so off track I decided to start over. Because that is what I am doing, starting over. I need to get focused and committed to eating better, to eat for health.

This past year has been rough. I gained 15 pounds and I would say I am amazed at how quickly the pounds added up, but not really. I was so stressed that I was buying those bite-sized candy bars, in the Costco sized bag, and they were mine, all mine. I am living proof of "the fat you eat is the fat you wear". Not really the best testimony but it is what it is. If I could turn back time...

Well, I think I reached bottom and scraped myself up quite a bit and have decided it is time to get back with the program. I have been slowly working on my mindset to get back to the right frame of mind and I am almost there 100% percent.

I need to focus on me, myself and I and not worry so much of what others want to eat. We watched 2 of the grandchildren and I made some lentil sloppy joes. The youngest, 6 years old, asked what we were having and I said, "Sloppy Joes." Her reply, "Is it the kind that we won't like?" And I answered, "Probably, because you are at grandma's house." But she ate most of her serving of it.

My why:
To avoid heart disease and diabetes
To get rid of aches and pains
To appreciate food - real food
To drop these extra pounds and get to my ideal weight
To be the best I can be

Nancy Lou
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:47 pm

Re: Nancy's Journal

Postby Lizzy_F » Thu Jun 24, 2021 11:41 am

Hi Nancy! I am in a place that seems similar to your place, from the sound of things. The pleasure trap is real, and it's powerful! My "why" list is also similar to yours, and I'm hoping that some recent sketchy blood tests results have strengthened my "why!"

I join you in this adventure!

"Long-term sustainable change is what we are really after." ~Jeff Novick
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Re: Nancy's Journal

Postby Nancy Lou » Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:08 pm

June 24, 2021

Hi Lizzy,
I would be glad to join you in this journey. :) Always goes better with company.

Today, I had my routine coffee, but I had those fruit bars which total 200 calories. Not the best choice but it has been a habit for the past months and I ate them while on autopilot this morning.

For lunch I had a bag of salad - the iceberg kind with the carrots and radicchio added, I try to find the bag that has lots of those extras. I got into the habit of added a bit of dressing to my lettuce, I am working on cutting that out all together once again.

For dinner I had some whole wheat shells with marinara sauce.

Somewhere in my clutter is my The Starch Solution Book, I will be reviewing that in these next few weeks.

I recently did a section of the Superior Hiking Trail. This section was not as difficult as the section we did last year. we skipped the last camping spot though due to low water level. So, we hiked out and visited another state park that the highlight of the park was a waterfall, water was still flowing there so it was pretty. Then we drove south to another state park and just camped in the campground. We were lucky to get two spaces back to back for our group.

Haven't done much walking in the woods or running lately. I try to balance that exercise with my outdoor chores. It has been too hot that I have decided to do one or the other. I'd say I am lazy, but I know that is not true; I am just too busy and I do not work as fast as I used to so my chores take longer than I think they would.

I am feeling good about finally getting back on track even if I do slip.

Nancy Lou
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Re: Nancy's Journal

Postby Nancy Lou » Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:39 am

June 26, 2021
Weight - 143.6 I have been hanging out here for some time now, but it is at least 1+ pound lower than my highest weight gain.
I have not been doing much of my running lately. It seems that I just am too busy and am not making time to just get out and do it. I have not even been doing my walks in the woods.

Speaking of walking, I really need to leash train my puppy - she is getting older now (9 months), and she is a big dog. I have been doing a lot of outside work and she stays close by. Sometimes when I am sitting and relaxing, she just lays by my feet. I like that and am hoping she calms down just a bit more.

Yesterday, I made some vegetable fried rice and this morning I am going to make a rice pudding with some fruit and nuts. I am going to sneak in some riced cauliflower and hopefully the grandchildren won't notice.

Nancy Lou
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:47 pm

Re: Nancy's Journal

Postby deweyswakms » Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:23 am

Glad to see you back and working the program. This past year has been SO HARD, we all need to be gentle with ourselves.

I resurfaced with 5# weight gain, not so much some might say but it is a 'slippery slope' of bad habits. So I rejoined the MWL group to immediately regroup and change my behaviors. I fall into the pleasure trap of sugar.

take care, Marsha
start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: Nancy's Journal

Postby Nancy Lou » Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:48 am

July 1, 2021
weight - 145 -- up but I did not eat as much yesterday so I am a bit disappointed that the scale number is higher than a couple days ago. However, I think I am a bit dehydrated - when that happens, the scale number always seems to be higher. Could be my imagination but I am rolling with that for now and will make an effort to drink more water.

I am not 100% back on track but I am getting there, slowly but at least I am moving in the right direction. My main focus is to stop eating so much junk food and I have greatly cut back and I am noticing that I am able to move better now and do not have as many aches and pains.
Yesterday I had:
cinnamon rolls - I know bad and off plan

(we ate at a Mexican restaurant and I ordered sides, but when I asked for salsa, I think he thought I wanted chips too and those were on my plate. I ate them and they were salty - could be the real cause of my weight gain.

It was a late lunch and I wasn't going to have supper but I kept thinking of snacking. So, I decided to have a 1/2 sweet potato and some broccoli. I'll admit that was much more satisfying that what my other choice was going to be.

It is all about choices!

My why:
To avoid heart disease and diabetes
To get rid of aches and pains
To appreciate food - real food
To drop these extra pounds and get to my ideal weight
To be the best I can be

Nancy Lou
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:47 pm

Re: Nancy's Journal

Postby Nancy Lou » Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:19 pm

July 3, 2021
weight - 144.8 up a bit. I am thinking I can get this to go downward if, and only if, I can start to include exercising into my day. To be honest, I am getting lazy and it is difficult to get that motivation to do it. Plus, we are watching two of the grandchildren for a few days each week, the youngest is 6 years old. That sort of puts a kink in my day. I look at it as they are only young once and we are creating memories.

Things I have been eating:
Breakfast rice with apple (found on this site)
Green Bean-Yellow Split Pea Stew (Betty Crocker's Home Cooking)
Vegetable fried Rice

Slowly getting back on track

Nancy Lou
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:47 pm

Re: Nancy's Journal

Postby Nancy Lou » Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:22 pm

oh, just glanced at my post from July 1 and see that my weight was down a bit from that day.

I seem to have trouble logging in, anyone else having issues? I rebooted my computer so the problem may be coming from my end. I guess the "When all else fails, reboot," is still true

Nancy Lou
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:47 pm

Re: Nancy's Journal

Postby Nancy Lou » Mon Jul 05, 2021 9:33 am

July 5, 2021
Weight 143.2 -- that took some effort and some great consideration of what I put in my mouth. Feeling pretty good about it.
Nonscale victory - I put on my work jeans and did not have to struggle getting the zipped and they actually felt comfortable around the thighs. (These are my 15 pounds ago jeans) They are wearing pretty thin now and I want to buy the smaller size when I replace.

I actually planned my breakfast ahead of time and made some overnight oat:
pecan pieces


for lunch:
red lentil vegetable soup

not sure yet - I'll be reorganizing the pantry so will pick something from whatever I find in there

Nancy Lou
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:47 pm

Re: Nancy's Journal

Postby Nancy Lou » Mon Jul 05, 2021 9:58 am

adding a ticker to give me a visual

Nancy Lou
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:47 pm

Re: Nancy's Journal

Postby Nancy Lou » Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:57 am

July 9, 2021
Weight 143.0 -- This is taking an effort; mainly I am trying to pay attention to when I am hungry, I mean really hungry when I decide to eat,

Finished up the soup I had made, but for some reason it was salty, salty, and some more salty -- almost inedible salty. I ended up throwing out the last of it.

My next adventure was some gallo pinto (rice and beans). I am still eating that; it seems I am the only one that likes that in this house (grandchildren are here).

I need to start eating more vegetables and am still working on getting rid of the junk food and the cravings that go along with it. I am getting better at it. I noticed hubby's stash of chips above the fridge and I totally left them alone. Of course, that was his snack and I know how possessive I am of mine. So, I respected his space and left my fingers out of that chip bag. My pet peeve is when he has a whole plate of something in front of him and he begs for what is on my plate. Sheesh! Dude, eat your own food!

The grandchildren and I weeded the garden and I discovered we have a whole lot of purslane growing -- Guess what we had on our salad! It was kind of different, in a good sort of way. A freebie green. According to cronometer- one cup is only 9 calories and 28% vit A; 3% calcium; 15% vit c and 5% iron --- not bad for a weed. :lol:

I am still not 100% on plan, but when I did my little ticker thingie at the bottom, I had a graph of my weight over the years -- talk about skyrocketing upward. I have been stuck in this range for some time now. But I have not got back into my exercise routine yet. It has been too hot and I have been too unmotivated (polite way of saying too lazy to get off my butt). I have too many things going on - yardword, gardening, grandchildren, taking hubby to his appointments. etc.

I will be eating left over gallo pinto and some salad for today's meals and watermelon

Nancy Lou
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:47 pm

Re: Nancy's Journal

Postby deweyswakms » Sat Jul 10, 2021 7:51 am

I LOVE rice and beans, so looked at a gallo pinto recipe. You know, one way you could add more veggies is to use romaine lettuce leaves as a wrap for them.
start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
Posts: 630
Joined: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:30 am

Re: Nancy's Journal

Postby Nancy Lou » Mon Jul 12, 2021 4:21 pm

July 12, 2021
Weight - as of saturday 143.8 I am stuck in this neighborhood cannot seem to leave it. I cannot tell if I am losing inches or not - fresh washed jeans are tight but they stretch out - plus they are my super old jeans so who knows how weak the denim is. If I try to be positive, it looks like I am losing a bit of inches around the tummy.

I am focusing on not snacking as much and am successful in some areas and need work on other area. But, hubby had a stash of chips above the fridge and I was not tempted by them. I am trying not to eat between meals unless I am truly hungry and not eating for the sake of eating. I am not there 100% but am working my way to it.

Finished up the gallo pinto -- now I have to think what to make next... I am thinking of lentilogna - I picked up some whole wheat pita bread and tomatoes -- that will make a good sandwich.

But I don't know. Grandchildren are coming and I am rethinking saying, "Sure, we will watch them this summer while you work." But, I remind myself, that I never did anything with my grandparents and I really do enjoy making memories. Less than 6 weeks til school starts.

My puppy is huge and follows me around wherever I go. I have not yet formally trained her, but she is smart and learns quickly. She is a good dog I hope she will be a good camping companion -- the way things are going I will never know because "Who has time to go camping?"

I want to make hobo dinner - potato carrot and onion over the campfire for dinner - Time to get supper prepped.

Nancy Lou
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:47 pm

Re: Nancy's Journal

Postby Nancy Lou » Thu Jul 15, 2021 9:49 am

July 15, 2021
weight 142.0 - had to hop on a couple of time due to disbelief that it was a lower number than 143. Hopefully, I am breaking this plateau.

Yesterday, I did a ibx running treadmill workout, a progressive run where each interval of running it was to be a bit faster than the one before. I actually had to motivation to do it as stated and managed to increase the treadmill speed each time. I had a bit of mind issues after the forth one, but I told myself that I could do it and it was only for 2 minutes. <pat myself of the back here> I actually felt good after the workout. win-win for me.

I made extra of the hobo dinners - potato, onion, carrot and summer squash. Tasty leftovers.

I baked a half of dozen baking potatoes and that has been my main dish these past few meals. Yesterday, I just added salsa and this morning I cut one up and 'fried" it and as it with some spinach tomato and red bell pepper. I also has a couple cups of tea.

Here is the link to the ibx running youtube channel if anyone else is like me and needs to be told when to run and when to walk (I prefer the blonde lady over the dark haired one) Just my preference with the talking.


Nancy Lou
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:47 pm

Re: Nancy's Journal

Postby Nancy Lou » Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:44 pm

July 24, 2021
Weight: 140.8 it was one of those moments when I hopped on the scale and said, "I'll take that."

I went camping with a friend the other day and it was so nice. Unfortunately, she had sprained her ankle, but that made it a relaxing trip and we sat around doing not much of anything. We hiked in about 3/4 of mile. Once all the critters of the woods settled down for the night it was so peaceful - not a sound. It was a well-kept site and there was a shelter there, which was nice because before we could get out tents set up it rained quite heavily. We stayed dry and our gear did not get wet. That was better than if we would have been at the regular campground - there we would have had to sit in the car or get wet. So, the hike in site was a good choice for us.

I am rereading the Beck Diet Solution to get my mindset at least facing the right direction. I recall when I first started that cognitive therapy and learning to rethink how much dialogue I had going on in my head when I was facing temptation. Then the chaotic life hit and all thoughts of self preservation went out the window and I listened to those sabotaging thought. I am looking forward to being strong again in my thoughts and being stronger than the negative.

I flipped open the back of The Starch Solution to the recipe section and decided on the Split Pea Soup with Vegetables. I only had some yellow split peas and not quite the 2 cups so I added in some barley to make up the difference. That was a good choice, I liked the texture. I also had more celery than onion so I included more celery than the recipe called for. I also cooked it in the Instant pot rather than stovetop. Other than those changes, I pretty much followed the recipe and I am declaring this one a keeper. I will be portioning it out and freezing some for future meals when I am too lazy to cook.

Hubby and I visited my parents, who are doing well considering my dad now has issues with his face -- Bell's Palsy perhaps? But he seemed to be in good spirits. He is making the best of the situation. (My mom not so much) My mom is in the assisted living section and he is in the nursing home. Fortunately, they bring him to where the building connect and I am able to bring him to mom's apartment so they can visit. My mom is not physically fit to walk to his room. But not that it matters now, one of the staff tested positive and they no longer have indoor visitation. I am glad I was able to get them to visit each other before the facility was closed again.

Seeing my dad and his issues and me having issues with my hand and finger, I am getting a renewed motivation to get with this WOE and sticking with it. Plus my work jeans have now worn out and are just randomly ripping. I now have holes in my knees and I am thinking - WOW! I just saved $69.00 and I can just wear my holey old work jeans and be right in style. :lol:

I am setting August 1, 2021 as my new start date -- I am taking this week to get my act and mind focused on what I need to do. I cannot believe I let myself go and come to this. But, on the positive and I give myself credit that I have not given up completely despite what it may look like - but then, looks are deceiving. Somewhere, deep inside me is my motivation to do what is best for me.

So, come August 1st, if I do not seem to be on plan based on my posting, feel free to give me some encouragement.

Nancy Lou
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:47 pm


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