Newly pregnant and obese

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Newly pregnant and obese

Postby talesofagooseberry » Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:27 am

Not the most flattering journal title, but I am hoping that it is clear cut. I am in my early 30's, 5'2 and 180 lbs (60lbs over my prime!). I am early in my first trimester and have only told a couple of people BUT, I am here because my biggest concern is my weight. I am not at all where I envisioned myself being when I got pregnant again and am frustrated that I am where I am at. Right now I am hoping that by focusing on the RIGHT foods my body will take care of what needs to be taken care of and I wont gain a ton, maybe I will lose a little. I just want to have a smooth pregnancy and I have not started out on the right foot.

Simple goals:
- Move daily with walks and/or workouts
- Eat on POINT ... I was trying to do a 50/50 plate to lose weight fast, but found out I was pregnant and now I just want to focus on clean food (50% - 90% starch) and let my body do it's thing.

I have been trying to get my food in check for a while. I tend to err on the side of being a massive emotional eater and sneaking in that vegan junk food. That needs to stop. I want to log in what I am eating on here and move forward doing the best thing I can for myself and the baby.

Anyway. Enough of the pity party. I will start tomorrow and just do my best.

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Re: Newly pregnant and obese

Postby Susan5 » Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:02 am

Cara, your plan sounds good. As long as you're eating well, your weight should normalize throughout your pregnancy. You'll lose fat while you gain baby weight, leaving you lighter by the time you have your baby.
~ The best thing I did was to break-up with food; it was an unhealthy relationship.
~ You can't let go while still trying to hold on.
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Postby talesofagooseberry » Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:21 pm

It is still only just after lunch, but I thought I would go ahead and make a post.

Breakfast at 8:30am: This morning for breakfast I made 1 cup of dry oats with blueberries, brown sugar, and a dash of almond milk. My goal was get full so I don't have to snack between meals. I wish I could just not feel like I have to graze, but it is what it is. I could only finish half my bowl, so I ate about 1/2 cup dry. I also had 1.5 cups of almond milk with chocolate syrup (I did measure the milk out)

Snack at 10:40am: I ate 2 cups of pineapple.

Lunch at 12:30pm: I am going to provide a before and after picture to give you an idea of how much I am getting in (maybe not, can't figure out how to put a picture in). I did white rice (which is what I have easier access to), some mixed veggies, salt sprinkled on top and then buffalo mustard drizzled on top. I ate until just past being full. I had about 70% starch and 30% veggies and just a bit of rice left at the end. I also had one of those mini cans of pepsi.

I will edit this post at the end of the day. I plan on another snack, dinner, and then taking a 1-2 mile walk.

Snack 3pm: 2 raspberry fig bars and 1/2 a gatorade. I was feeling a bit nauseous and gatorade seems to help.

Dinner: Family had panda express and so I partook just a bit and then stopped myself before really making a meal of it. The food is caked in oil! I just reminded myself of my goals. What I do have a difficult time with is getting overwhelmed by my goals and then feeling just defeated with where I am at. So I am working on really being more mindful and not letting the emotions and negative thinking control my actions. I am still hungry, but I am about to go for a walk. I am going to hold myself over with some pineapple and then eat the same thing I had for lunch.

I had one cup of pineapple to hold me over. I went for a brisk 2 mile walk and then came back and made a shake. I know it's not the ideal thing to have so I will work to make some fast food options tomorrow. I my dinner smoothie:I had 10 ounces of almond milk, 1 scoop of Ghost Vegan chocolate powder, 1 banana, 1/4 cup of oats. (now that I am thinking of it, I could have totally made oatmeal!)

I have had a total of 74 ounces of water today.
Last edited by talesofagooseberry on Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Newly pregnant and obese

Postby Lyndzie » Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:33 pm

I’m so excited for you!! When are you due? Do you have any littles already?

I followed the McDougall plan religiously before my last child, but nausea made things a struggle at times. That was 2 1/2 years ago, and I’m 5 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight right now, so it can be done. You’ve got this!
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Re: Newly pregnant and obese

Postby talesofagooseberry » Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:34 pm

Lyndzie wrote:I’m so excited for you!! When are you due? Do you have any littles already?

I followed the McDougall plan religiously before my last child, but nausea made things a struggle at times. That was 2 1/2 years ago, and I’m 5 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight right now, so it can be done. You’ve got this!

THANK YOU! Due mid- September. I have two kiddos and this would be my second pregnancy. I have had fertility issues in the past so this was a surprise. We are not quite at that safe zone, but I really wanted to get on turning my diet around asap. I felt it was important information to share here as I am logging in my food. I had to take iron supplements with my youngest so that is a big concern. I was junk food vegan with him and gained way too much weight and have really struggled to get it off. I am hoping that things will balance out and I can lose the weight by simply eating a starch based diet while pregnant.

Thank you for your support!
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Re: Newly pregnant and obese

Postby Susan5 » Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:13 pm

talesofagooseberry wrote:I have had fertility issues in the past so this was a surprise. We are not quite at that safe zone, but I really wanted to get on turning my diet around asap.

Awww, how exciting! Taking care of yourself is the best thing you can do for you and the baby to help ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
~ The best thing I did was to break-up with food; it was an unhealthy relationship.
~ You can't let go while still trying to hold on.
~ Focus on less...less desire, less obsession, less holding on.
~ "Learn to care less about food."
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Re: Newly pregnant and obese

Postby talesofagooseberry » Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:17 pm

I am back. I struggled for a bit. Nausea and fatigue have really hit hard. Nothing sounds good to eat, but I seem to be getting a better. Yesterday most of my meals consisted of cubed hashbrowns with some garlic salt on top. I have been up and down with consistency, but since I have been feeling better I am going to give this another go. I really want to balance my weight: lose fat and just keep on that NEEDED baby weight. I really want this to be a healthy pregnancy....well, I want it to turn it into a healthy pregnancy.

Here's to take two.
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Re: Newly pregnant and obese

Postby Susan5 » Wed Feb 24, 2021 8:05 am

Nausea doesn't help at all. Whatever sounds like you can keep it down is the diet of that day at that point in pregnancy. Hang in there!
~ The best thing I did was to break-up with food; it was an unhealthy relationship.
~ You can't let go while still trying to hold on.
~ Focus on less...less desire, less obsession, less holding on.
~ "Learn to care less about food."
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Postby talesofagooseberry » Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:40 pm

Breakfast: Rasin Bran and Chocolate Almond milk (because I am 5 lol)
Snack: Kids cliff bar and orange
Lunch: Plate of potatoes with some ketchup
Dinner: 2 rolls of carrot/cucumber sushi and Dr. Pepper
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Re: Newly pregnant and obese

Postby Susan5 » Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:37 am

How are you doing, Cara?
~ The best thing I did was to break-up with food; it was an unhealthy relationship.
~ You can't let go while still trying to hold on.
~ Focus on less...less desire, less obsession, less holding on.
~ "Learn to care less about food."
Posts: 81
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