Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:37 pm

SilverDollar123 wrote:Hey Buns! are you ok? Heard about the earth quake. My daughter lives there. Let us know how you are.Post when you can.
Praying everyone is safe. RAS

Hey RAS thanks for the note.

Yep, about 7:00 a.m. I'm working from home now and was just sitting down to my computer, hubby sitting on the couch when suddenly it felt like the house was rolling back and forth on huge rollers, and lasted probably 15 seconds or so. Pretty freaky. It was a 5.7 a littel west and north of Salt Lake but felt all along the Wasatch front. Kind of a bigun. And three dozen aftershocks. There was some damage to buildings in the town nearest to the epicenter, and I heard about some injuries but no fatalities. Power outages to 55,000 people, but that didn't affect us. It was alarming, and the aftershocks were even moreso, but otherwise doing good. Thanks for asking.

So my employer sent us home to work remote for social distancing during the pandemic. I"m hoping it won't be for long, but also hoping that they get my phone line up and running before it's time to go back :lol: and hoping I don't think I need to wander to the fridge every time I turn around.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:54 am

K that was a minor relief. I stepped on the scale this morning and have not gained any. After a few days of stress eating. And now back to normal, right? Except I might have some chocolate.

Broccoli oats for breakfast. I made dal the other day, so I'll have that over rice for lunch. Not sure about dinner, because I have to make a decision. My part time job is at a call center where people do not have their own desks. At that place I would go in and select a vacant desk. Who knows has been sitting there for their shift, and probably within an hour of me arriving. IOW, their germs are all over the desk, keyboard, mouse, and in the air evidently, since the WHO has discovered that SARS CoV 2 can stay airborne for quite a little while. On plastic surfaces for literal days. And disposable wipes aren't killing it.

So...me, 59 years of age, just getting to the tail end of a flu that hit me a couple of weeks ago and still coughing some. Do I go in, or don't I? SMH. We cancelled our St Paddy's Day family feast because we are more than 10 people. I'm really torn about this. The pay from that job is how I am paying my VISA and another loan. I have the day to decide.

Meanwhile dinner. Because I'm already home maybe I'll make some not-chicken-noodle soup. Yum!

Remote work. I have access to all the internal stuff, emails, data bases, etc. All external internet is good to go. But my phone is not working at all. This means I can do the boring cut and paste part of my job, but not receiving any broker calls. :| And I never thought I'd say this, but I wish I'd get a call. Supposed to be resolved today.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby moonlight » Fri Mar 20, 2020 8:09 am

Hi Buns,
I hope you decide to not go to the call center job. Hopefully they will have remote capabilities soon. I think you can expect forgiveness on loans for a while. Perhaps you can pay a very minimum amount to show good faith in repayment. Please consider your health as a priority.

This is all so concerning. My husband works at a call center, too, and we get our health insurance through his company. His company is trying to get switched to remote work. So far my husband has been able to use FMLA days and vacation days, waiting for the remote option to be in place.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby SilverDollar123 » Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:07 am

How is Utah& your city handling the earthquake&virus? RAS
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Re: Buns Again

Postby SilverDollar123 » Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:08 am

How is Utah& your city handling the earthquake&virus? RAS
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Mar 20, 2020 2:26 pm

moonlight wrote:Hi Buns,
I hope you decide to not go to the call center job. Hopefully they will have remote capabilities soon. I think you can expect forgiveness on loans for a while. Perhaps you can pay a very minimum amount to show good faith in repayment. Please consider your health as a priority.

This is all so concerning. My husband works at a call center, too, and we get our health insurance through his company. His company is trying to get switched to remote work. So far my husband has been able to use FMLA days and vacation days, waiting for the remote option to be in place.


Hey Moonlight.

They will never be able to go remote, because they have at least twice as many workers as phones. All cubicles are "get it while it's free" and when you leave your shift, someone else will sit there for sure. It can get so crowded that people coming on shift can't find empty desks, so people on lunch are asked to move their stuff, and leave their desk open for newcomers. But I don't work a long enough shift for a lunch break, and plan on sitting at my desk off calls for my 15 minute break. I googled and though they don't know the specifics of this novel virus, the family of corona viruses are destroyed by ammonium based disinfectant wipes. Wipe the surfaces and let it dry. wash my hands after I get settled, and then stick to my cubicle for my full shift. That's my plan, then I'll take out my spray and use it to keep coworkers away :lol:

But yeah, I gotta get out of here. Wylie is in a WAY cranky mood. I ain't sticking around. ;)

Got my not chicken soup made, lunches for the next little while. I'll probably make more dal as well. Going to start increasing my non-starches and stick close to MWL guidelines.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sun Mar 22, 2020 7:14 am

SilverDollar123 wrote:How is Utah& your city handling the earthquake&virus? RAS

They're still talking about it on the news, now about the damages to buildings. Some downtown buildings lost some stonework, for instance the Rescue Mission had a retaining wall made of cinder blocks on the roof. That all came down. A blessing that the sidewalks were empty due to the voluntary self-isolation that is taking place. The epicenter of the quake was in the west end of the valley, about four miles from Magna which got the brunt of structural damage. Every now and then on Facebook you'll see a picture of a home that is deemed unlivable. Which hello? We're being told to stay home and what do they do, if their home was destroyed?

We had 160 aftershocks, several of which we felt here on the east side. My older daughter who lives further west felt all of them. Her two year old boy told her to stay in her room where she would be safe. awwww. She said the most alarming thing was the sound, like a freight train rushing through their back yard. And all day long, with aftershocks, feeling wobbly and wondering if every little thing was one. I felt one aftershock on the second day after the earthquake. That is, I was in chat with work people at my home work station, and the coworker who I was chatting with lives near Magna. I felt this very minor wobble and his post at the same time "aftershock"...I wouldn't have known it was an aftershock but now every time I jiggle my computer chair I think it's an aftershock. That wobbly stuff of the aftershocks is very alarming.

My son and his family live in Magna and had no power for a day. He was driving to work when it hit and he thought he'd gotten a flat...started fishtailing and stuff. When we talked, he was on his way back home to be with his family. But their home had no damage thank God. My younger daughter and her partner had some stuff fall off shelves and by mid afternoon they were here, because it was sort of freaking them out. Heh we ended up playing a game of Karma which was fun. I'm so glad they came over. I fixed dal and rice that everyone enjoyed.

So, minor structural damage, a couple of injuries in the form of like a scrape on the leg when someone dived under his table, etc, and no fatalities. There is a very cool image making the rounds on FB showing the ripple of aftershocks spreading out from the UT earthquake over the whole continent of North America. VERY cool and so interesting as you can see the ripple effect, just as if someone tossed a stone in a pond.

Now on to my emotional state. I did end up going in for the PT job. When I got there, I went in the breakroom and scrubbed my hands, then filled up my jug with ice and my traveling mug with hot water for tea. On my way to the cubicle I had selected, I grabbed a couple of disposable wipes. Scoured the entire surface of everything: mouse, keyboard, under the keyboard, the entire desk, the arms of the chair. Then I went to the restroom and washed my hands again. Then I stayed in that cubicle for the entire time, including my 15 minute break. I ate a peanut butter and honey samwich right there, during my break. Okay, all that to say I kept as safe as I could for myself. I am going to fashion a face mask from paper towel to protect others, when I have need to be out to the store again (which I don't anticipate needing for at least two weeks, maybe a month...we are SUPER well stocked at home)

This PT job is captioning telephone conversations for the hard of hearing. It is SO boring, but it pays okay, enough to help pay down some debt faster. What I do is say out loud what I hear on one end of a conversation, word for word. There is one topic right now, which is okay except it is frustrating as HELL to have people telling each other faulty information. I can't modify it in any way, so when Maria says "Nope, even if they develop a vaccine, I'm not going to take it. Poison in my body? no thanks" :mad: :angry: :mad: but I have to just say exactly what she says. grrrr.

Oh heh. ON Friday they gave me my traveling papers. Imagine a WWII movie, set in a town that has been occupied, where people must present their permission papers to the armed guard in order to get to their destination. Yes, THAT kind of papers. Because this is a communications job, it is considered "essential personnel" and the FCC created a document on Homeland Security letterhead for me to present when we are in lockdown "except for essential work" ... so the imagination runs to what it must be like to be under martial law. And then I see some statement on the internet about how Anne Frank and seven other people had to live in complete silence in a 450 sq ft attic to avoid being detected by the Nazis who came in whenever they wanted to arrest Jews and I think what am I griping about.

Well anyway, last night when I got off the clock, I looked at FB where there was an article about the course of the illness...a nurse in Italy or something. It started up some tears, and I cried for part of my way home. Prayed some. Stopped at the store on my way where the bananas were completely gone, and my foot hurting SO much. But I had some light gardening gloves in the car which I put on my hands to avoid contact with the contaminated shopping cart. No one in that store had face masks on. When I went in for rice at the Asian market, all the workers there had face masks and I should've. But at my quick stop off at the store last night, I got what I needed, my feet screaming in pain. And when I got home, Wylie was peeved because he had texted me about picking up some pretzels and I didn't see the text message and I just started crying. Slammed a door that shouldn't EVER be slammed because our stained glass panel is attached to it. No damage done, but that didn't make Wylie any happier. We did make up...he gave me a huge hug and I cried on his shirt, and he went to bed. I followed him about an hour later, after I had wound down enough to sleep.

But then I woke up and everything is still the same, except the post I read from a friend with people in Italy, who texted her to say "It doesn't matter what they say about your job. Don't go to work. PLEASE" :oops: :oops: :oops: And I have a freezer full of food, a pantry with REALLY full shelves, a 10# of potatoes, two 5# of rice, some beans, some lentils, bread even. When I turn the faucet, clean running water comes out. And here I sit, all panic stricken and feeling bad for my son and his family, for my daughter who is worried about her little one if her and her hubby both get sick, and my daughter who (used to) work in a theater and her partner who works at a ski resort that is closed until further notice...it's too much. I"m letting it get to me.

I'd go for a long walk if my FREAKING FOOT wasn't in agony. Dammit.


after all 80% of people who are exposed to SARS CoV 2 have mild symptoms (which means "the worst chest cold you've ever had") and they say many people are exposed and asymptomatic. I have a really strong immune system, and am eating food that keeps my gut healthy...where T cells are formed...so I am almost for sure not going to get sick. But yes, I am going to make a face mask and stop breathing out in places where less strong people might be.

And I maybe will quit going on FB, or possibly hide people who are sharing these disastrous "What happened to me when I caught Covid 19" stories. Focus on the Zentangle groups, and the pictures of birds. :nod: Currently watching Too Cute! on TV and that helps, too.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:50 am

so I finally figured out what to do for a mask: Bandana! Stage coach robber style :nod: which I did when I had to go to Office Max for a chair. I have a pink bandana, in the classic paisley pattern square and the color looks really good on me :D That way I wasn't breathing germs on anyone and I plan on not going out in public again for a long, long time. I have a back yard, we just started some flowers in their little peat pellets. Might not plant peas since I don't have the seeds and am not going out to get them. Hopefully things will be eased up in time for putting tomatoes in the ground.

Here in Utah, a bunch of people...around 200...gathered at the airport as the various Mormon missions have been shut down and missionaries were returning so even though there were "guidelines" about how many people were "allowed" to come inside and wait, all the families sent ALL of their members so this crowd gathered and stood around, shoulder to shoulder, waiting for their younguns to come home. This ticked me off SO MUCH. We seem to be ignoring the voluntary guidelines for social distancing and we're going to pay with Martial Law or something like it, where there are checkpoints, and armed guards checking your papers and a government ordered and enforced quarantine will be put into effect. Because we aren't governing ourselves, the authorities will come with external governing techniques.

Anyway, so far today I am not as stressful as I was yesterday. Finally yesterday they were able to get my phone up which was nice. Wylie being home while I'm at work isn't wonderful, but I'm doing the best I can and he knows from HIPAA and PHI. This might actually start to feel like normal.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:01 am

Hanging in there. Foot pain is pretty bad. Eating is moderate. I'm doing well with meals, but having chocolate daily. :| Watching the news...I live in Salt Lake City, with ski resorts in the canyons to our east. Park City, Alta, Snowbird, Brighton...etc. All of them closed due to the pandemic. Summit County (Park City) is under Stay at Home orders as of yesterday, due to the alarming number of Covid positive people. Their numbers per capita are 20x that of Salt Lake county. All businesses are closed except grocery stores, banks, and post offices.

You know what's funny...I watched an episode of some cop show the other day and felt so anxious at the crowds portrayed, and when a cop got right up in the face of a suspect I was all...SOCIAL DISTANCING! :lol: We've had one death in UT. The man was diagnosed four days before he died. Three days before his diagnosis, he was with many other people at a religious event. :cry: Finally the Mormon church has closed all temples.

When all is said and done, my anxiety level went down and is staying low. I think the news has been the same for so long, without me personally knowing anyone who has gotten sick...plus my work at home station is fully functional. That's a huge stress relief. Yesterday we lost everything for a little while and I almost had a meltdown. Thankfully my lunch break happened at the same time that all systems went down but it still set me off and I had to go take a breath in another room. And Wylie got mad at me. Believe me when I say I did not have a meltdown. Sure, I was crying, and I know my voice was heightened but I didn't freak out or anything. I got frustrated FOR SOME REASON...like, how does it feel to have your systems go down while you're on a call trying to help someone but you can't because nothing comes up. On top of just the weariness, the non-stop battling depression, and COVID 19 self-isolation. And he stomps out of the room? Good grief. You're not helping, man. Get over yourself.

Going to set some daily goals. Qigong every morning to start. Something to get my body moving. I love it, but haven't gone back to it after about three sessions from YouTube videos. Huh, that will probably help with my fight against the blues more than anything.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:37 am

Hanging in there. My eating is not good, my depression is worse, and I'm fighting it harder. I miss joy.

Yesterday I went out back and saw where flowers are coming up, tulips, buds on the shrubs. Lilac buds coming out. Tulips up and almost open...the clematis we planted last year has some baby leaves on it...there's leaf mulch turning to soil, birds singing, squirrels chattering...so I decided I'll plant some veggies. I want to get peas and beets into the ground. Carrots. Maybe some green onion. Trying to think if I have room anywhere for cukes or squash. There is space, but it needs work if we're going to grow anything there. That might be a project for this summer, in preparation for next year.

This whole CV thing...the public reaction of panic buying, the bare shelves in the grocery stores, the TP shortage...

First of all, I'm extremely grateful that my "relationship with food" has always meant that I have lots of it around. My whole adult life I've kept plenty of staples and a good supply of canned goods. So when the mayhem started the first week of March, I already had probably a month's worth of food at home AND I happened to have bought toilet paper. The last weekend of February. In a leisurely weekly grocery run. Yes. I used to just hit the store once a week and wander up and down the aisles not even thinking about how much of everything there was. :lol: But it's very cool that I "happened" to buy about $75 in groceries that time around so I had my freezer and pantry items AND lots of fresh.

But I'm also thinking about how dependent I am on the grocery store. There isn't any of my own food on my shelves. I haven't grown my own food in a long time, aside from tomatoes. It'll do me good to get out in the soil. Get my nose out of the damn screens and into fresh air and sunlight. See how I do with a few root crops. Ooh wouldn't it be fun to try that garbage can potato thing. Hm. Now some plans are perking.

Hopefully I'll get away from the stress eating. I'm trying to be patient with myself...I've read an article likening it to grief, and reminding us to relax and not force ourselves into the same level of productivity that we practiced before things got so wobbly. If I were grieving the loss of a loved one, I and everyone around me, would expect me to take a few days, right? We moved all our office stuff and hooked it up at home, so I don't get to see my work team. We don't know if we've been exposed. Can't go see my little dude. Of course, the grocery stores were depressing. Etc. So yes, it is a lot like grieving and we give ourselves some gentleness and patience when we're going through this kind of thing.

Today after work I'm going to Home Depot and buying seeds and digging around in the leaf mulchy soil. Something to look forward to!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Apr 08, 2020 7:24 am

So a week later. Last week I had the joy of a Facetime lunch with my daughter and her little boy which was awesome. Lifted my mood SO much. And on Friday, at the end of my shift, my team at work had a 30 minute team meeting by Zoom (Yes, I've heard about the hackers that are making Zoom unsafe...next time, we'll have a password) ... It was AWESOME! I am on the absolute best work team, by far. Funny, friendly, goofy. It was so nice seeing all their faces. Those two "face to face" meetings just turned me around.

I'm still thinking about CV all the time, and last night my dreams even centered on it (don't remember the details. Just remember it was about Covid 19) ... and I hate that we're going through this, but I"m no longer despondent. From what I've been seeing on the news, in Utah anyway, the projections with our isolation measures may well flatten our curve. And no one I know has it. My co worker who got so sick is recovering, my coworker's wife who had symptoms and got tested, came back negative. That made me SO happy.

Oh! we went out and checked the bees. One hive is gone. Ghost hive with a few solitary individuals here and there. The other one is vibrant and very active. THAT was heartening. We found them barely hanging on at the beginning of March and both of us got depressed. The pandemic plus bees that didn't make it...sad, sad. :(

Now to get a grip on my eating. Also, to commit to my morning exercise. QiGong is wonderful and having a routine habit will do me good. I don't think it was possible a week or two weeks ago. Everything just pushed me deeply into the depression I had been fighting. But I feel better now. Possibly even pulling out of that depression. That would be nice.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:29 am

Seems I've turned a corner.

On Sunday morning, when Wylie left for work at 4:00 a.m. I couldn't get back to sleep. One of the things keeping me awake was hearing my pulse in my ears. Before this pandemic, that pulse in my ears thing was happening often enough for me to want to get a physical, but then everything was shut down and I didn't make an appointment.

Well when it kept me awake, I was frustrated and worried. Got out my little BP cuff and got a blood pressure reading of 170/110


THAT'S alarming. My desk job, my obesity, the stress of my entire life. I mean, I've been fighting depression for months prior to CV taking us all down. Winter just held me under, that's the only way I can think of it...and then spring hit with "Stay home! Social distancing! Killer virus!" with the media frenzy (What ARE they going to do when this story dwindles away? as if I didn't already know that they'll keep it going as long as they can with death stories and interviews of exhausted medical workers, and footage of trench graves for the bodies...etc, etc. and when it DOES dwindle away, the media WILL find some horrible thing to pour into our homes, right?)

Okay, so really high BP. I took it again this morning and it was 130/90 which is still too high.

And I made some decisions. I mean, I felt the switch turn in my mind last night. First of all, going to get tight on this diet. Period. No more effing around with it. But also, going to schedule time for sitting and breathing, and QiGong is going to be part of my daily routine. PERIOD. I already downloaded an app called Loona, which has guided coloring...helps you wind down and focus. I already have Zentangle which is amazing for calming focus, but this is really good for evening, to wind down. And I can choose sleep stories or music if I need it. Because frankly it can be really hard to get back to sleep when Wylie gets up for work at 4:00 a.m.

As for exercise. Part of the depression I've been fighting is how out of shape I am. Obesity aside, I can't even walk due to my foot pain; the yoga that I love injures me EVERY TIME I try it; my resting heart rate is in the low 70's but feels a lot faster and I HATE that it roars in my ears and besides, low 70's is too high for a person whose resting heart rate has typically been 60 on the dot, for my whole adult life... Etc. But this is the key to the switch in my mind. I was so bummed about being THIS out of shape, that I stopped doing anything at all. Then the other day the thought occurred to me: so you are now THAT out of shape. Deal with it and start where you are. Quit being maudlin about where you used to be, and work it TODAY with WHAT YOU GOT.

One thing I did right away was to quit coffee. Sunday morning my BP was in the stratosphere and I didn't have any coffee. Didn't have any this morning, either. I did take a dose of headache relief which is Tylenol, aspirin, and caffeine and ate a couple of chocolate covered espresso beans but not going to drink coffee anymore.

To sum up

1) no more putzing around with the McDougall Plan. Going 100% unprocessed, low fat foods. Period. Eating below 700 calorie density foods
2) daily, or more than daily, stress relief practice: breathing, quiet focus. Centering.
2)a- I do not need to know the latest statistics. I only need to know what I should be doing, and that is Stay Home, Wash Hands, Wear Mask in Public
3) do exercise every day starting WHERE I CURRENTLY AM. And QiGong really is suiting that perfectly.

This is what switched on the other day. The light came on.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:50 am

Doing well this week. There are a few places where I need to clean up. Triscuit crackers e.g. and I had a Nature Valley crunchy granola bar yesterday. Otherwise, I'm eating on plan. Zero ADDED fats. Whole foods, low fat, plants only. So much of my eating over the weeks of Self-isolation has been on the "screw it, I'm gonna eat whatever I think sounds good because emotions" and I'm not doing that anymore. They might tweak my emotions, but no one can control what I put in my mouth, but me.

Other consumption, aka Bad News, Disaster Coverage, Crisis Headlines, Death Interviews...etc. I'm just not doing it. Last night I was *this close* to clicking on an article about something with the Pandemic and my hubby said "stop" so I stopped. It is imperative that I do not peer into these places. It will tip me, and I will dive head first into a stress filled, tumultuous, roiling emotional boil. THAT is bad for my health.

QiGong is interesting and enlivening. I found a YouTube series with different practices based on the various elements. The one for Wood/Springtime is my favorite so far, but I like it all. Because the movements are slow and controlled, and there's meaning behind all of the motions. For instance, the Wood/Spring practice brings in the idea of reaching upward toward the sky, and downward towards the earth at the same time. I thought that was so cool. Someone got really philosophical while meditating on wood. I want to meditate on wood. ;)

These practices also bring in the body parts that go with the elements. So Wood has the joints and ligaments, and a lot of the practice is about stretching and opening the joints. Each practice also incorporates movements from an animal. The Earth element has Monkey, and there were some monkey movements in that practice. The Fire element used Crane movements. Etc. Very cool.

Something from QiGong that fits with my self-realization the other day. The saying is The journey of a thousand miles starts from beneath your feet That is, begin where you are. When my light turned on, and I quit being pissed at myself for getting so out of shape, was when I realized that I must start where I am. I'm out of shape. I can't do the Bird of Paradise yoga position anymore, nor the Crow for that matter, nor even Down Dog thanks to the foot issue. But what CAN I do? That is what I WILL do.

It goes along with "What do I REALLY NEED to know?" which amounts to what I am doing in my own life, and keeping in touch with my loved ones. I don't need to know about drones "reminding" people to maintain social distancing, and I do NOT need to know about the trench graves where bodies are being laid in NYC...wish I'd never seen THAT particular headline, eh?

What I need to know is

1) The Hygiene Guidelines of hand washing, mask wearing, distancing, sanitizing surfaces, etc.
2) Are my kids okay? How are my coworkers?
3) What in MY OWN LIFE needs dealing with? We have bees. How are they doing? How is the soil in the area where I want to plant peas?

In short, I need to know how things are within my literal reach. If I can touch it, then knowing about THAT is pertinent. Everything else is none of my business, really. Even knowing the numbers every day...what can I do about any of it? Not a thing. So I have to let it go. I don't need to know ANY of the things that the media is trying to tell me. If a loved one within my circle gets ill, I'll do what I can to help. It won't matter whether the curve is flattening or is there a spike in numbers, if I have to help with a little one or take someone to get tested (Or whatever....just rambling here) and if none of my loved ones does get ill, then I can rejoice and STILL don't need to know any of the data.

The sense of relief, no longer needing to know all the things? Priceless. Immediate release of stress. By far the worst thing to come to me in this pandemic has been the stress. I haven't even really been afraid, just loaded with cortisol as I was flooded with information that I didn't need to live my life. Well I'm done with it. Gonna live my life without knowing a darn thing about the pandemic.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby SilverDollar123 » Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:08 pm

Thought of you today,daughter called & said Utah had another earth quake...are you ok?
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Apr 16, 2020 10:44 am

SilverDollar123 wrote:Thought of you today,daughter called & said Utah had another earth quake...are you ok?

Hi RAS...We didn't feel it on the east side, but half of my kids live in the west side of the valley and they told me about it before it made the news. There was another one, ten minutes ago. My son texted me about it. I don't think there was any damage. It was 4.2, where the one in March was a 5.7 and knocked some bricks off buildings and a few items fell off shelves. This time it's just wobbly ground...but still. :eek:

My work team are all talking about it in group chat, and looking into it...UT is the inland state most likely to have a massive earthquake. So yeah, yikes. Doesn't rain but it pours, so they say. There have been 212 aftershocks since the earthquake yesterday, and this morning's quake was probably one of them. But a strongish one at 4.2.

So far, 2020 has been a wild ride, for sure.

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