Shmookitty's Journal

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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Wed Nov 27, 2019 7:24 am

Thank you, both of you! I was very irrational yesterday. Sorry!

God must have wanted me to publicly humble myself. I poured my heart out here and on one of my Sparkpeople teams. This morning I was down nearly two pounds. Just goes to show that sometimes you can get in your own way - and also goes to show that Dr. McDougall knows his stuff so we can trust in his process without overthinking it! I have only been at it seven weeks so am still learning.

I will still be taking the calorie density chart to heart and eating on the lower end. Jeff's calorie density lecture was very helpful. I will have to take advantage of the wealth of free videos and keep developing my McDougalling skills! I am usually a reader and not a watcher, but some stuff is too good to skip over.

Will still enjoy my beloved barley, but half as much, supplemented by sweet potatoes and things like corn and peas. I usually only eat two slices of bread a week and I'm okay with that. I thank everyone who helped support me during my meltdown! :lol:

Today's nutrition -
B - Carrot Larabar (not that great, won't buy it again)
L - We are going out to our favorite restaurant - having a salad with fresh spinach, apple, walnuts, red onion, yellow peppers, tofu added, and bringing some oil free dressing and two slices of compliant bread with me.
S - Sweet potatoes
D - A huge steamed acorn squash
Last edited by Shmookitty on Wed Nov 27, 2019 2:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Nov 27, 2019 10:20 am

I love barley too! It's the best thing to add to soups. Such a yummy texture.

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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Wed Nov 27, 2019 7:18 pm

I am reading the stickies on Jeff's forum about things like keeping it simple and getting a life.

I now realize that I am making this SO much more complex than it needs to be, and, like I said earlier on this thread, trying to undo a lot of old ingrained habits and beliefs. Things like calorie counting and trying to figure out which food in a particular group is "the best," like when I asked yesterday about rice vs. barley.

I don't need to do that anymore with this way of eating. But it's so hard to give up!

I read this on one of the threads -

"I can see how the McDougall plan can be made difficult! There is a lot of letting go involved. Letting go of ingrained habits and ideas of what should be on the dinner table. The program is simple. Everything you need is in your produce isle at the grocery store. (Imagine how small stores would be if people only shopped the produce isle?) It does take time to get used to. And I have had to change a lot of my ideas on food. That's something that I continue to work on."

Yes. I have to learn to let go of all that "minutae" as Jeff called it on one of the threads. I am not dieting anymore.

I made that list of meals I talked about earlier in this thread, with their respective calorie counts, because I didn't think I could live without calorie counting. Have I used it even once? No. Because *I don't need to count calories!* I spent about two hours painfully entering each line item for each food grouping, so I would have a list to use instead of logging food in daily. That was supposed to make me feel better about not tracking every bite every day.

Then I decided I was losing weight *too* quickly and had to add more calories. I succeeded in halting my weight loss, I freaked out. Maybe hyper-analyzing my food would help. Isn't that what I used to do?

Lyndzie, your comment about brown rice and barley having the same calorie density really touched something in my broken brain when I read it this morning. I AM NOT MAKING THINGS SIMPLE. They should be simple. It's not Dr McDougall making it hard, it's ME. Why am I insisting on making it hard?

I love the post on Jeff's forum called Get a Life! I am not guilty of following a lot of different WFPB doctors and programs, I only follow McDougall. But I *am* guilty of overthinking it and making it complex. Food and planning food takes up too much of my life. (It doesn't help that I am home a lot while job hunting). I have not relapsed with my bulimia, but I am spending just as much time planning my food and trying to figure out how to make it "optimal." Hey dummy, Dr. McDougall has already done that for you. Just eat the food.

One of the first things I downloaded when I started this WOE was the calorie density chart you see all over the McDougall Facebook groups. It's featured prominently on my Sparkpeople page, so I can see it whenever I want. It hasn't been until the last day that it really *clicked* though.

So I apologize for being so dramatic on here and making it too complex. And for talking about things like counting calories and worrying about which grain is making me fat. I'm sure people who have been doing this longer are just shaking their heads and vowing never to read my journal again! I promise to try to do better. Really. :nod:
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby AnnetteW » Thu Nov 28, 2019 8:22 am

I do a lot of the same things you do, I figure it's just learning a new system. Letting go of the old definitely IS difficult. We all have our own personality types, and some can just let it go, but others need to analyze and think. I'm a thinker and I question and I experiment. And I love food and don't want to give things up. I'm always amazed at how easy it actually was to give up meat and dairy and even oils, but it still is difficult to eat in the real world, and I am very much a part of that outside world.

So I do my best.

I have found that when I don't overthink it I do better. Hmmmmmm.....crazy huh.

I'm definitely a lot like you, I write out my thoughts in my journal, with literally a new plan each day on what I need to do. I need less of this, more of that, etc.

Eventually it will all work itself out and I try not to stress over it. And JeffN called me out on it just a week ago in my journal.

At least we get good foods to enjoy. Happy Thanksgiving
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Thu Nov 28, 2019 12:38 pm

I'm glad I'm not alone! :-D

That huge acorn squash I steamed yesterday was SO good! Chris wasn't thrilled about going to Food Lion the day before Thanksgiving, but they were prepared with lots of cashiers so it wasn't bad. I loved the acorn squash I steamed on Monday so much, I had to have more before our weekly Saturday grocery run. My mom couldn't figure out how I could just steam it plain and not bake it filled with butter and nutmeg. My way is better. Obviously butter is not McDougall-compliant, but more importantly the squash is awesome on its own. I had planned it for today's breakfast but I couldn't leave it alone that long. :lol: It was probably too big for breakfast anyway. My tummy doesn't wake up quite that fast. Hopefully they restock before our Saturday trip - I bought two of the last three acorn squashes.

I had first suggested Whole Foods rather than Food Lion, because I really want to try purple sweet potatoes but FL doesn't sell them. Then I considered exactly how big a zoo WF would be the day before Thanksgiving. I didn't even want to think about getting into the parking lot, much less battling my way inside the store. That will wait for another day.

I had originally planned the make the spicy white bean pitas again today for Thanksgiving, but I had two slices of bread with lunch yesterday and don't want bread again so soon, much less twice in one day. Calorie density lessons.

Today's nutrition -
B - 1/4 cup old fashioned oats in Silk vanilla yogurt
L - Barley/corn/peas/greens/onions/peppers/chickpeas/carrots/salsa
S - Sweet potatoes
D - Whole grain pasta with oil-free tomato sauce
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Fri Nov 29, 2019 1:06 pm

I saw someone on this forum talk about delicata squash. I'm not familiar with it, so I googled it. They had some of that with the acorn squash at Food Lion. If it's still there tomorrow, I am going to buy some to try and steam. Not sure how hard it is to cut - hopefully not as bad as butternut - but I am definitely interested. Wikipedia says it's also called sweet potato squash...that sounds promising!

I bought two yellow summer squashes a week ago, but didn't really like it. I ate half of one (steamed) and then threw out the other half, plus the other squash after it got all soft in the fridge. Kind of disappointing. I used to eat yellow squash occasionally, but with lots of butter. Every other time I've eaten a previously loved starch or veggie without butter, I've liked it better than before (hello, acorn squash, especially). Oh well. It's okay not to like something anymore.

Listening to Dr. McDougall's Starch Solution lecture on You Tube, and am listening to him advise a questioner that supplemental vitamins are toxic, except for B12. I stopped taking my multi-vitamin about three weeks ago after reading something else from Dr. McDougall, but then last week started a 25 mg D supplement alone since I tested at a 14 a few years ago, which my primary care doctor said was way too low. I had not made any other changes. I don't go outside a lot, especially at the peak of sun, so I thought the supplement would be helpful. Guess not. I have found myself getting very fatigued about two hours after taking the D, then it wears off again after an hour or two.

I take a psych med called Zyprexa that gives me insomnia, so I take it first thing in the morning, in order to be able to fall asleep at bedtime. The Zyprexa gives me a lot of energy so I haven't dealt with any daytime fatigue since I started it in March. I can definitely tie the fatigue to starting the D.

When I was taking B12 injections, I used to take them at bedtime because I would absolutely HAVE to sleep for at least two hours afterward, sometimes four. My primary care doctor said that usually people get energy bursts from B12 shots. Not me. I think the D is doing the same thing to me, so I am going to stop it. I will continue taking my sublingual B12 on Sunday mornings (that doesn't cause fatigue), but that's all.

I guess I'm kind of hard headed - I did read in the SS book that you only need B12. For some reason, I must have thought I am an anomaly. Not so much! I am learning, just slowly, and needing to be told twice with several things now! Once again, making simple things complicated. The food works. Simple as that. Eat the food, trust the food. Okay.

edited to add: I am becoming a winter squash addict. Just steamed my third one in a week. It was smaller that the one from Wednesday so it will be tomorrow's breakfast. I also ate the entire 24 oz bag of sweet potatoes for dinner, so I have my last bag just beeping done in the microwave to steam. Thank goodness tomorrow is grocery day - I CAN'T be without sweet potatoes...or squash! :-D

Today's nutrition -
B - 1/4 cup old fashioned oats in Silk vanilla yogurt
L - Barley/corn/peas/onions/peppers/chickpeas/greens/sriracha
and then I was still hungry so I ate TWO bowls of frozen cherries :shock:
S - 6 Whole Foods Woven Wheat crackers (oil-free)
D - Sweet potatoes
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Sat Nov 30, 2019 12:08 pm

Well, yesterday for dinner I ate the ENTIRE 24 oz bag of steamed sweet potatoes. I was hungry. So I ate them all, knowing they are a lower calorie dense food, and knowing Dr. McDougall says if you're hungry, eat. I am trying to be a good girl and follow those guidelines. My entire meal was starch too (grocery day is tonight and the only veggie I have in the house is carrots, which I don't particularly like). For the first time in...basically forever...I didn't worry about how many calories there were or try to count them. Small victory.

Unlike the red potatoes when I ate the whole bag (twice), I didn't feel overly uncomfortable, and woke up this morning with the feeling I'd lost weight (I didn't, I maintained exactly, but I just lost two pounds three days ago though, so it's okay). Something about those red potatoes doesn't like me.

Today's nutrition -
B - Steamed acorn squash
L - Barley/corn/peas/onions/peppers/chickpeas/greens/salsa
S - Sweet potatoes
D - Subway veggie delite on wheat
S - Banana
Last edited by Shmookitty on Sat Nov 30, 2019 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Sat Nov 30, 2019 4:01 pm

Really? I don't have that problem, but I got super bloated both times from the red ones and it didn't go away for a couple of days.

Actually, since I started McDougall I have also started having absolutely EPIC bowel movements. I have always had trouble with constipation in the past, after trying to heal from heavy laxative abuse when I was bulimic, so it's nice that I don't even need to take daily Citrucel anymore. Sorry, don't mean to be gross!

We are doing our weekly grocery trip today. I am CRAVING hominy so hopefully I can find it there. I have bought it at Food Lion before. Hoping for a good winter squash haul too. My name is Renee and I am addicted to acorn squash. :-D

My birthday is Monday so we will be going out to dinner at an Indian restaurant next week. I know the meal will likely have oil, but it's only one day and it's a special occasion. I did not eat off plan for Thanksgiving, and won't for Christmas or Easter, so I guess it's just my turn now. :) I am planning to have Chana Aloo Pilau - Chickpeas & potatoes sautéed in a light Masala sauce and cooked with Basmati rice. This will be my first Indian foray since starting McDougall - I am sure I will feel just a little pain to avoid the Korma and the paneer! I haven't had trouble adjusting to the vegan aspect of the diet, but I sure did love Korma and paneer! By comparison, the Biryani dish is a better choice.
Last edited by Shmookitty on Wed Dec 04, 2019 3:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Sat Nov 30, 2019 5:42 pm

Sweet potato lovers alert - check your grocery store - my Food Lion had sweet potatoes on sale for 29 cents a pound! I got seven pounds. It was only $7 before the discount, but then it got SUPER CHEAP! I guess they had more than usual on hand because of Thanksgiving and are now clearing the excess. They do sell sweet potatoes normally, but not that big of a display. I am not a candy eater, but this is like my day-after-Halloween! :-D

Also got two cans of hominy, the Brussels sprouts, one package of pre-cut butternut squash, and four acorn squashes. No delicata. Will have to look for that at Whole Foods with the purple sweet potatoes and purple cauliflower. Chris and I will go on Thursday before Maharaja.

They did have buttercup squash, which I haven't seen before. It looked hard to get into. Has anyone here tried it? Is it worth fighting to get into it? I googled it and one of the sources said it's harder to cut than butternut and can be drier unless you steam or stew it (which I would).
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Sun Dec 01, 2019 3:09 pm

Today's nutrition -
B - 2 packets instant oats with cinnamon
L - Spicy White Bean Pita from the Quick and Easy Cookbook (made with pink beans since I needed to use those first)
S - Sweet potatoes
D - the other pita from lunch (I only made two servings worth)
S - Banana

I probably shouldn't have made the pitas since I just had Subway bread yesterday, but I wanted the chili. I know, I could have subbed potatoes or a grain for the bread and had a lower calorie density. I didn't think of that until the pitas were already thawed from the freezer and I didn't want to refreeze. Next time maybe. I still had plenty of starch with the corn in the chili. I used a full can of corn for only two servings of chili because I was hungry.

Steamed some butternut squash for tomorrow's lunch, and another batch of sweet potatoes for snacks. I will also be steaming some Brussels sprouts for lunch to go with the squash. I am quite full for today, but I admit I am looking forward to that squash tomorrow!

I am getting my money's worth on that steamer lately. I bought it when we first moved to this area in December 2011 and barely used it, but McDougalling has meant that I never put it back in the pantry. I just bought a new toaster for my husband's morning bagels so we could retire the toaster oven to the top of the pantry and I can keep my steamer out full time. It's still a tight fit in this little kitchen we have, but there's more room now than there used to be.

We have decided we don't need an Instant Pot by the way. I posted about it early in this thread, but after thinking a lot about it and doing some research, we came to the conclusion that it would probably just take up space. I already have a steamer and that's probably all I would use an Instant Pot for. Chris couldn't come up with enough that he would use it for on a regular basis, so we're going to save the money. Well, we bought a knife set on Amazon to cut all our produce with better - I am definitely looking forward to getting it to cut my winter squashes and sweet potatoes - but that was cheaper than an Instant Pot anyway. I know a lot of WFPB people love them but we just don't need one. I like the convenience of canned no-salt-added beans too much to start putting dried ones in the pressure cooker. And my barley and other grains cook just fine on the stove top. We're just not fancy when it comes to food. One reason why McDougall's program appealed to me - it's simple. Even though I made it hard for the first while. :oops:

edited to add: I updated my Sparkpeople page today - and realized I lost 12 pounds in November. Thank you Dr. McDougall!
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby SilverDollar123 » Sun Dec 01, 2019 10:37 pm

Happy Birthday Shmookitty! Enjoy your day! Tell us how you celebrated. RAS
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Mon Dec 02, 2019 11:42 am

Thank you for the birthday wishes! :-D

We're celebrating at an Indian restaurant on Thursday evening when my husband is off work. I am making the "sacrifice" of avoiding Korma and paneer in favor of a vegetable Biryani dish. It will probably have oil or ghee, but it's only one meal and then I will get right back on track! I did not go off-plan for Thanksgiving, and I won't for Christmas or Easter either, but Indian is my favorite so I am compromising for that one meal.

Speaking of being on track, I am finding myself getting hungrier the last two days. I want to eat more food and I have done it. Not necessarily more calories, just more volume of food. Like, I just finished lunch - I ate an entire steamer bag of Brussels sprouts and a container of steamed pre-cut butternut squash. Probably not very many calories but it was a lot of food.

I feel satisfied with a full tummy now, like yesterday when I ate the spicy bean pitas for lunch and dinner, made with a full can of corn for only two servings. My weight was up two pounds today to 214. I don't think I've gained weight, I think it's the sheer volume of food I put into my body the last two days. That, and I had bread for four meals last week, way more than usual, so maybe I did really gain two pounds. I don't want to keep feeling this hungry though and I don't know why it's flaring up. I don't want to trigger a binge.

I spent the last of my birthday money yesterday on two cotton sweaters from Belk. I had $15 "Belk Bucks" so it gave me a nice discount off sale prices. I have a purple sweater already in XL and I like it so much I bought an emerald green and a turquoise one in large for my "forever wardrobe." Very reasonably priced and free shipping so I didn't have to go to the store to pick the order up. I have worn the purple sweater three times now and have gotten multiple compliments on it. Since it's 100% cotton, I will try to shrink it in the dryer once it becomes too big, so I don't have to give it up. We'll see.

I need to stop spending money on clothing now that I have burned through all my birthday money! I can't help it, it's so nice to shop in a regular women's section instead of plus! It makes me happy.

Today's nutrition -
B - 1/4 cup old fashioned oats in Silk vanilla yogurt, and about a cup of frozen peaches, strawberries, and mangos
L - As above - steamed butternut squash and steamed Brussels sprouts
S - Sweet potatoes
D - Barley/corn/peas/chickpeas/greens/onion/peppers/sriracha
Last edited by Shmookitty on Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Tue Dec 03, 2019 8:36 am

Well, it's official, I am still at 214, so I did gain two pounds back. I adjusted my weight here on my signature, and on my Sparkpeople ticker, to be totally transparent.

Had to be the bread, I did not eat off-plan, and I did eat bread four meals in the last week (two slices seed bread with a salad, Subway wheat bread, and the two small pitas from Sunday). I was just getting the calorie density lessons through my thick skull too! Will definitely be limiting my bread to a maximum of two slices per week from here on out. Not worth gaining weight back! :cry:

I am trying to be okay with it. It will come off again, now that I am being mindful of the calorie density of foods. Temporary glitch, that's all it is. I'll just have to keep reminding myself of that.

Today's planned nutrition -
B - Steamed acorn squash
L - Barley/corn/peas/pink beans/greens/onion/peppers/sriracha
S - Banana
D - Sweet potatoes, one cup frozen cherries
Last edited by Shmookitty on Tue Dec 03, 2019 5:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Dec 03, 2019 9:51 am

Mmm that acorn squash sounds good! A stop at the grocery store may be in order :nod: I'm with you about the calorie density thing. Gotta keep it at the low end of the spectrum.

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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

Postby Shmookitty » Tue Dec 03, 2019 11:54 am

I have already eaten four steamed acorn squashes in the past week, and I have three more on hand! I can't get enough! :-D

They're so easy - I cut them in half, de-seed, and put them face down in my steamer for 20-25 minutes. So good!
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