Journal of my journey

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:42 am

July 8, 2019
Time-wise, this is going to be a busy week for me. My dad has 3 doctor appointments and hubby has 1. I am the driver, 1 hour one-way. I guess it is no time like now to learn how to budge my time.

It seems like it has been quite rainy for the first half of the summer, but it has been sunny these past couple of days, and the plants in the garden are growing so fast. Cannot wait to see the fruit of the plants. I told hubby that you could almost stand out there and watch them grow. I sort of wish I would have taken daily pictures - sort of a time-lapse.

I am liking my new plan, I failed miserably yesterday though. That was only because I ate too much white bread. I think I will like this new modified checklist - for some reason I do not seem so overwhelmed with it and it actually seems doable. I think I just have too much going on in other areas of my life and focusing on the do's and don'ts of what to eat was a bit too much for me to handle. As long as I focus on the "no chips and no ice cream" I think I will do all right with my goals.

What I plan to eat today
oatmeal with banana and fruit/nut mixture

subway- veggie delight

pinto beans
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:09 am

July 9, 2019

UGH! I cannot even stick with a simple meal plan! The only thing I ate that I planned on yesterday was the banana. The positive is that I chose a different place to eat lunch and instead of Subway I chose the Pacific Wok and had a bowl of brown rice and vegetables. If they used oil, it was minimum. Good choice for me.

I was so tired when I returned home, I took a nap. I needed to get outside and do some garden work, so I grabbed some peanuts and then made a mix to drink that added electrolytes ( mostly a mix of sugar, potassium and salt), I doubled the water for the packet because it is way too sweet.

I worked outside for 2 hours, then was too tired to do anything else. Bad supper I know, but I was more tired than hungry. This morning I feel like I actually slept well last night. Too bad I was charging my fitbit; I don't have my sleep stats. But, it felt good to wake up rested for a change. (the night before was an itchy night - I got into poison ivy again doing yard work)

Today is going to be a long day, more doctor appointments for my dad and hubby. My dad had an EKG done yesterday and I could not believe what treatment they were purposing even though the test result showed that his heart possibly corrected itself - they suggested inserted a plug to block of what they called a little room in the heart that may or may not have blood clots form. The video was that if you have heart afib, there is only a 6-7% increase that you won't have a stroke. The procedure is only 3-4 years old - only done on humans - no long term study on the effects. I asked about the risks and she absolutely denied to answer and said we'd have to talk to the ones that would do the procedure.

And my dad walked away saying, " sure don't want to have a stroke.' -- All he heard was that it is intended to prevent a stoke from happening, but not the small chance that it would. It won't correct the afib but will insert a foreign object into the body and interfere with its function. The only times my dad had the afib detected was when he was in the hospital and hooked up to the machine -- no other symptoms at all any other time. Both times he was totally stressed out.

Since we are going to go to town today - most likely hubby will want to eat out at a restaurant - Thai or Mexican will most likely be his choice. At least at either place I can have some vegetables ~

No menu plan today
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Jul 09, 2019 12:47 pm

It surprises me that they haven't recommended a pace maker for your dad. My ex has a-fib, that he cannot feel (asymptomatic) but it still puts him at risk. Last year or so, they installed a pace maker and as far as I know it's doing its job. I never heard of plugging off a section of the heart! sounds appalling.

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed Jul 10, 2019 6:53 am

July 10, 2019

My mom is not doing well in her new place, mainly because her expectation of services is not what she was expecting. Due to some of her complaints, I checked out their website and they are not advertising what my mom was expecting. I am guessing that they did not really know what questions to ask when they checked out the place. They are thinking of moving to a different place now.

My brother and I think they ought to be looking for a place that also offers the on-site nursing home. My dad is going downhill fast and I cannot believe how quickly he is weakening. It is so hard to see. But I am reminded of my grandfather (his dad) and how he was before he passed. This is what my dad is afraid of happening to him- he has always mentioned that when he was told to take it easy. He stated that he was afraid to stop moving because of what might happen to him. It is now happening...

The antibiotic I took for that infection in my knee did not take care of the issue - I am now on a second round of antibiotic. When I picked it up the pharmacist suggested I get some yogurt with active cultures to help offset the disruptions in the gut bacteria. I'll be seeing an orthopedic doctor tomorrow just to make sure that there is not something else going on since I had that fall back at the end of May.

We ate at a Mexican restaurant for lunch - I ordered the lunch fajita but asked for black beans instead of meat. I also asked for no seasoning and no oil ~ but I don't think I got that. They added some potatoes to the fajita mix - that was a pleasant addition. And yes, I did eat some chips. But I surprised myself with a bit, just a bit, of self control and did not pig out on them.

I weighed myself this morning and I am up a pound - but I was so off-plan yesterday. I ended up eating chips and chocolate covered cherries, and then the yogurt. ~sigh~

I have a piece of paper where I put my list of my "new guidelines":
No chips
No Ice cream
Sweet Treats: Homemade using WFPB recipe
Meals: Starch solution compliant / calorie density
Hydrate sufficiently

It is almost discouraging that since they are my rules that I chose and I cannot even follow them. But I am not giving up - On some of these websites, this one and Sparkpeople, I see so many come and go. And there are those that return - even me, this is not my first time on this forum. I was on under a different user name in the past. I wish I could find those posts because I'd really like to see how far I have really come since then. I had gained 40 pounds back then - today, I am maintaining that weight loss even with my bad eating. I think it is because I keep returning to the guidelines even if I am not perfect at it.

So, if any of you are reading this and struggling with the plan, don't give up on it or yourself. If you go off plan, just recognize it and get back on as soon as you can. Together, we can do it!
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby keithswife » Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:36 am

bunsofaluminum wrote:It surprises me that they haven't recommended a pace maker for your dad. My ex has a-fib, that he cannot feel (asymptomatic) but it still puts him at risk. Last year or so, they installed a pace maker and as far as I know it's doing its job. I never heard of plugging off a section of the heart! sounds appalling.

I second what Buns is saying. Some relatives of mine got a pacemaker for their a fib and are just fine. I'd get a second opinion if it's in the cards. That heart plug sounds so scary. :shock:
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:25 am

July 11, 2019
Well, I did not do much yesterday other than go for a 5 mile run. It was a misty rain while I ran. I really enjoyed the run and went off the main road and ran a couple of the trails. Then I made lunch (broccoli, potatoes and beans), just as I was ready to go out and work in the yard, it started raining. ~ whoo hoo! day off for me. I am slowly getting that book read which I started about 5 months ago.

We went to town to get some grass seed - we had some yard work done and need to reseed some areas. Hubby wanted to get some sushi - so we went to an Asian Cuisine place. I ordered some udon noodles with vegetables - too saucy for me - I got another plate and pulled it out of the sauce. This dish looked like it may be easy to make at home. Really how hard is it to boil some whole grain noodle, stir fry some veggies, add a sauce and there you have a dish. Makes me wonder why I am spending so much money on a dish that is so seemingly simple to make.

No idea how my eating will go today - I am seeing a doctor for my knee ~ looking at it yesterday and am wondering if I was stung by a bee and still have a stinger in it _ but then I did have that bad fall a while back. That appointment is north. I come home and hubby has an appointment that is south = 3 hours in the car. Hubby will want to go out to eat, I am bloated from the meal yesterday - UGH! I will need self-control later on today
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Jul 12, 2019 6:13 am

July 12, 2019

Good news about my knee - it is just the bursa sac that has filled with liquid - doctor says unless it gets bigger and more sore not to worry about it and let it run its course. The antibiotic seems to kicking the infection, this doctor said it did not look infected at all. I was given different instructions as how to treat it this time - ice not heat, compression wrap and ibuprofen. and continue with this round of antibiotic. I am so glad that this doctor gave the same diagnosis as the first. However, it after this antibiotic if the swelling goes back up, then I may need to have it opened and drained. ~ hoping that won't be necessary.

Today is my dad's visit with his primary since his discharge from the nursing home. He is not comfortable with me getting him in and out of the car, but today, unless my brother or niece shows up at the doctor, I'll have to do it solo.That much care for them is way out of my comfort zone.

To be honest, I have never had a good relationship with my parents. They are not easy people to get along with and but there came a time in my adult life that I just started to stop by once a week just to see how they were doing. Eventually that led to weekly going out to lunch with them. And now, since the have moved, this is actually the most conversations I have had with my mom ever. It is so weird, she is calling me to give me updates on what's going on with them. Never before has she been this personal with me.

Today, at 9:00 at this morning, my childhood home will no longer be ours - this is going to be so odd, not being able to go there anymore. After D2 and I went there to clean it after the auction, I have not been back. I drove by it one time, only because there was a detour and it led me that way that I decided to drive by it. 3 other houses went up for sale and were sold - all within 1 month.

Deer have gotten into our one garden and have eaten most of the squash plants. This is the garden that I cannot keep up with. Although I do have some green beans growing so maybe we'll still be able to get some green beans. The other two plots are doing well and the squash is growing and we have blossoms on the zucchini plants so it won't be long it we are able to start harvesting those. Even our experiment tomatoes seem to be growing - we saved and planted some Kumato seeds. We have no idea what kind of tomato these are, but they are ready to eat in 3 stages: green, red and brown. In the past, we researched it but we were not able to find out if it was a hybrid, gmo or heirloom. So, we saved and planted a few seeds to see what it will produce if it produces at all. And then we bought some heirloom plants just to see if tomatoes will grow better in these plots because they get a lot more sun.

In the past, tomatoes did not do well for us because our one garden plot got too much shade. I had given up on growing them. We'll see what happens in these other plots; D1 and SIL did not have much luck growing them, but then they never tended to their plants after they planted except to water. And they had a business selling vegetables - they go to Farmer's Markets. I always remark how I never saw farmers that would plant their crop and then just let nature take over.

I need to get a grip on my eating better. I am making the connection that when I overeat the junk, I feel like crap the next day. I am smarter than this to keep on doing something that makes me feel like this day in and day out. I am rereading my list of "whys" that I made when doing the Beck Diet Solution - one of which is "To be Free of the Sugar, Salt and Fat Trap" - I am noticing that when I eat a no-to-low fat meal, that I am wanting to eat more even though I know that I ate enough.

I am getting to be exhausted and my eating is reflecting that. It does not help that hubby bought me a bag of chocolate covered peanut caramel clusters. I tried to ignore the bag, but he so graciously pointed out to me that he bought them for me. Thanks for helping get my eating in control - on the positive, there are still some in the bag. I need a reset ~ physically and mentally.

What I plan to eat today:
Riced cauliflower oatmeal with blueberries,banana

peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread
carrot and celery sticks
green/black grapes

unfried vegetable rice

Let's see if I can get my eating back on track - I am on day 10 of my 100 day streak for exercise at 20 minutes activity = 1 mile
and I am following a plan on my Nike Run app -
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Jul 15, 2019 8:11 am

July 15, 2019

It has been a few days since I posted, not that I did not try but sometimes I take too long and I get logged out. If I do not remember to copy my post before I hit submit I lose it completely. That is what happened.

I am going in with my dad for his doctor appointments and I met his primary care doctor for the first time. I mention that because he lived across the street from my parents before the moved. He is a young doctor and I was pretty much impressed with him. My dad wanted to get off of about 3 medicines he was taking. The doctor's reply was that the reality is that is it up to him which medicines he wanted to put into his body.

The bad news is that he does not think there will be much, if any, improvement in my dad's condition. My dad tries to scoot around in his wheel chair and so I asked the doctor if is still beneficial for his circulation. The doc told me that walking is the best - he pointed out how when people have surgeries that one of the first things they do is to try to get them up and walking. He says that walking is so beneficial in more ways than just circulation. Now, if I can get hubby to realize this.

I was watching youtube videos last night and the channel for avantgardevegan came up in my feed - OMG! he is a professional chef and has some pretty impressive looking dishes. I watched a few and he gives the no oil option if it will still have the end result he is wanting for his dish. There was one where it was necessary (in his opinion) and he said if you did not want to use, sorry you were out of luck and would not get the same result. He makes those fancy looking dishes seem so easy to prepare. It is all about presentation - often we eat with our eyes. Me, on the other hand, I prepare my entree and then just slop it on a plate.

I was going to go camping, I thought about leaving yesterday, but severe thunderstorms were in the forecast - and boy did it rain - good news is that my new tent is almost waterproofed. I checked it after the rain and it looked like it leaked a bit on the top - that is where I did not get enough of the water sealant on - so I guess I will buy some seam sealant and then that tent will be good for backpacking (it weighs about 10 pounds) but if GD1 comes along we can split it up in our packs. I am not in the mood to go today because I'd prefer to go for more than just overnight and I really ought to get my garden mulched.

Speaking of my garden, one plot is just not going to do well at all - weeds are overtaking most of it because I just don't have the time and energy to tend to it as I ought. And deer have gotten into it and ate most of the crop. I have seen a doe and 2 fawns running away on several occasions. Last night a fawn was running away as I walked out the door. It ran a bit then stopped to watch me, curiosity got the better of it and it stood there for a bit and then it decided to "threaten" me and gave me that little stomp that deer do. It was so cute.

Since our other plots are doing well, I am going to focus my time and energy on those. Our experiment Kumato tomatoes seem to be growing - I cannot wait til the fruit develops, If any, so we can see what type of plant it is - hybrid or heirloom. Plus we planted some "fancy" melon seed to see what will grow from those - those took off almost right away - again no idea what the final out come will be on those.

Our first planting of the butternut squash did not take and now we have all the plants mixed together because we just put the extra starters where the ones that died were. So, I guess we are having a mystery garden this year with the exception of GS2's choices - carrot and watermelon.

As for my eating - I really need to make focus on what I am grabbing for snacking - if it weren't for the snacking I could be on plan - I was listening to Marion Nestle on the vegsource channel and she was talking about how just having all the choices of "junk" food available makes it difficult to eat well- she said that she is not supposed to call it "junk" but rather foods of low nutritional value - haha, like that will make a difference in its quality.

What I plan to eat today:
riced cauliflower oatmeal with berries and apple


curried squash soup - I found some squash in the freezer

unfried vegetable rice (mixed vegetables)
side of beans

Exercise - repeat yesterday's workout - I tried to do it after I spent a couple hours outside in the heat - it did not go well at all. Tempo workout for 3/4 of a mile.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Michele613 » Mon Jul 15, 2019 12:45 pm

Wow you are one busy gal. I am glad that you are having some level of renewed relationship with your folks. In the end..its important though frequently not easy. I remember reading your posts from waaaaaaaaaaaay back have active familial relationships with several...can be a challenge to keep them all in balance.

Camping...I used to like to do that but never on my own. I took my sons when they were children. I wouldn't have the motivation these days though I might tag along with someone else in my life had.

Your garden sounds amazing and BIG. A lot of tending to anything I guess...means caring for, adjusting and readjusting, guarding, etc etc. I felt so tired after reading about your day and the horse wasn't even in it.

Well I hope all goes well for you in the coming days as well....I mean you need 'more' exercise after days like that?
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Michele613 » Mon Jul 15, 2019 12:47 pm

An afterthought: maybe you don't have 'the horse'...could be someone else's post. Gets confusing for me with all of these pseudo-names and journals....argh! :D
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Jul 16, 2019 7:03 am

July 16, 2019

I have a change of plans, GD1 really wants to go camping so arrangements have been made that we will go sometime next week. I really hope the weather is good and calm. I really do not want to be in a tent under trees during a thunderstorm. She says she wants to do a hike in - should be fun.

For Breakfast, I had the riced cauliflower oatmeal with blueberries
For lunch, I made some curried squash soup - I put too much curry powder in it and it is a bit spicy. I made it with: onion, celery, carrot, apple, potato, a winter squash, coconut flakes. I served it with corn on the cob and a salad.

Those were my meals, breakfast was ate late and I was busy throughout the afternoon so I just had an early supper. I wish I could say no snacking, but no. Snacking is my downfall for staying on plan. I am working on it, but so far I am not very successful. My commitment for not giving it up is just not there yet. Some days are better than others. I believe that someday that motivation will hit me and I'll be able to commit to the plan. That is why I am still here -- I have not given up and abandoned the plan.

Today, I think I will try to make the Corn and Chickpea cakes from the latest edition of Forks Over Knives Magazine. It is topped with a Tomato-Apple Chutney, which sounds like it'd also be a good salad topping. Or the Confetti Corn Pasta Bowl

I checked the garden yesterday, zucchini is on the way - the plants are producing now. Soon, we'll have plenty to eat even though I only have 2 plants. I am bummed that the deer ate my beans though. I was looking forward to fresh green beans.

Exercise for today is a 2 mile recovery run. I think I'll do my run through the woods and see if I can make it the whole way like I did last time. If I go the same route I can challenge myself to improve my time. This route has a nice gently slope for the hill in the middle but it is sandy and sometimes it feels like I am running on a beach.

Well, lots of things to do today. I am hoping to finish mulching the one garden plot, plant some kale - it is cold hardy so hopefully the heat won't stunt it. Second plantings here are usually in August. I am going to take a chance and plant a couple weeks early. That way, I can get that plot mulched also and work around that area. I need to lessen the weeding that I am doing because I could really be using my time for other things to do.

Oh, progress report: renewed my driver's license yesterday, I noticed that I am down 5 pounds from last time that gives me a loss of 1.25/year ~ slow and steady :-)
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed Jul 17, 2019 8:28 am

July 17, 2019

I need to make this quick - lots to do before the doctor appointment. I am having anxiety, our cabin up north was broken into and we cannot get up there until next week - UGH! Why do people feel they are entitled to what belongs to other people.

Despite not sleeping last night, I managed to at least walk 2.25 miles on the treadmill. More storms in the forecast. Will it ever end? I suppose next month we'll be complaining of drought conditions.

Yesterday, I managed to finally get 1 garden plot mulched. D2 came and helped with mowing the yard, so that saved me some time and effort. I am so glad that this one is coming around.

D1, the one I have issues with, has been calling me too frequently lately. I still get angry when I talk with her because of all the crap she put us through - I swear she has no remorse about it. Turns out they need someone to watch our GS1 - only calls when she wants something.

Changed the camping date with GD1 to sometime in August. This will be better because maybe we'll be able to get the hike in site I really want - the 2 I wanted were already reserved. We'll see what happens.

Did not follow my meal planned for yesterday, I was outside doing the garden work and was obsessed with getting at least that one section finished mulching - 6 hours. Not bad considering I was estimating it taking me 8. I will work on the other section as time and weather permits. Hubby made dinner: spaghetti with red sauce, Brussels Sprouts and broccoli.

I still plan on making those corn cakes so I must get my rear in gear and get moving.

Happy starchin' - stay positive in all this gloomy weather.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Jul 17, 2019 11:55 am

Ooh, zucchini! That is one veggie that I really want to grow. I'm that neighbor that ASKS people for their garden zucchini :D Next year, for me. I'mma clear a corner of the yard and make a tiny veggie garden. We only have tomatoes currently, and two cucumber plants that are not putting out blossoms, because we planted between the trees and shrubs on the border of the yard.

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Jul 18, 2019 7:24 am

July 18, 2019

I think I slept well last night - it was 4 o'clock when I woke up. Again, when I slept well I was not wearing my fitbit so I cannot check my stats. I like to see how long it records REM and deep sleep. But, it felt good to actually wake up feeling rested. This does not happen often for me.

As I passed the garden last night, I saw a Zucchini that is ready to be picked. I am so glad that we finally got this section of our property back to where we can use it, these plots get so much more sunshine. Our squash plants in the other plot are doing well also. I am seeing a lot of blossoms on them. Even GD2's watermelon plants are starting to blossom now. I have a small section of one plot where I'll do the "second" (fall) planting of greens. Another good thing about these plots is that it is up on a hill so when it starts to get cold, there is an extra week or so before the frost settles.

Yesterday, I made the chickpea and corn cakes from the Forks Over Knives Summer 2019 edition - the Tomato-Apple Chutney to top it elevated the flavor. That recipe is a keeper. GD2 said he did not want to eat it, mostly because it was different from what he is used to eating. So, I cut his in half and told him to just eat half of it. Well, he ate that, then the other half and then asked for another one. He is only 8 years old - so that is a kid friendly dish.

For dinner, I made some mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans and curried squash soup. The gravy was not compliant with this plan. I still make adjust with meals when the grand children are here just to make sure they will eat the meals. I just try to crowd it out by adding the things that are compliant.

I am hoping that things will slow down a bit for me, this constant needing to go to town is wearing me out. Last week it was every day driving to town - this week, I do not have much energy to do what I need to do to get things done. I really need to organize my time better, but it so hard with others putting demands on me. It is so hard for me to prioritize my time and what I need to do. Having these garden plots overwhelmed me. We weren't going to as big of a garden until the guy came to till and we saw how good the soil was in the other location. But, with me helping my parents with their doctor appointment, I need more time in the day.

The other day, while waiting for hubby at his doctor, I was in the cafeteria and glanced up at the TV and thought, "What's Dr. McDougall doing on mainstream TV?" - turns out it was Pat Boone doing an advertisement for something.

What I plan to eat today:
riced cauliflower oatmeal with blueberries


stir fry veggie with rice

My turn for Share a Meal tonight - ?

Exercise - speed work today. I need a flat section on my route - only spot is by the gravel pits, hope they are not working today because those truck drivers just come barreling out of the driveway like a bat out of hell. Once a driver just drove right into an oncoming car. I am not hearing them, so I don't think it'll be an issue today - only heard one truck go down the road
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Jul 20, 2019 6:58 am

July 20, 2019

Well, my dad's condition is so that the doctor he saw said that he'd recommend he make a referral to the Mayo Clinic and see if they would be able to help him. His condition is too far advanced now. And the doctor stated he was not even sure the Mayo Clinic doctors would even attempt to try to fix mainly due to his age.

I had to help my dad get ready for the MRI - yesterday, my relationship with him just went to a new level, just a step beyond my comfort zone. I have never been very personal with my parents, even these past few years when hubby and I had weekly lunch "dates" with them. My dad once stated that he raised all of us to be independent and I am just now realizing what he meant by that - he never had a personal relationship with any of us - but, now that I think about it that was how his relationship was with his parents. In the past, I always thought of that as he let us to figure things out for ourselves, but now I am thinking differently about that statement.

The hardest thing to deal with is how the dynamics of my relationship is changing - my mom stated it clearly the other day as I was helping them get into the car when she said, "It is like you are taking care of a couple of toddlers." Man, that must have been hard for her to say.

I did fairly well with my eating yesterday, although it was a bit high on the oil side ~
for breakfast I ate: sweet potato, corn and Madras Lentils
Lunch: mashed potato with gravy and California Mix vegetables with kale - cafeteria style = added fat/oil
Supper: Tomato Basil Soup (from a deli) I also bought a Tomato Mozzarella Basil Sandwich, but it was so poorly prepared (stale bread and dripping with olive oil) that I returned it.
Snack : popcorn and trail mix

It is hard to eat out without getting all that unnecessary oil - I really need to start bringing my own food with me when we go out. AND get my mind set to NO EATING JUNK FOOD. Good news is that although I had popcorn and nuts, I resisted the urge to buy potato chips.

I need to work on drinking more water throughout the day. When I was on that antibiotic, I was told to make sure I drank a lot of water while doing so. I felt so much better when I was staying hydrated. Women's World magazine featured a story of some lady that I follow on facebook and, so odd, she was suggested a 'diet trick" (which was not what she was promoting on the facebook page - beach body and Eat to live) but rather just drinking 16 ounces of water before you ate anything. Now, somewhere in the back of my mind, I am thinking that Dr. McDougall also recommends to drink water either before and during a meal.

I realized that I having water with my meals helps me not eat as much as I normally would. As I am typing this post, I am seeing a notebook on my desk where I have it opened to:

FOCUS -- Follow One Course Until Successful
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