McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

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Re: McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

Postby Salo » Fri Apr 26, 2019 6:30 am

Day 15

Today was a busy day. We had some church appointments for our son's christening. To be honest, I am not really a religious person and I was skeptical since I knew the parson would visit us at home. But the whole talk was interesting and positive - I think it will be a nice day in June. She visited us already early in the morning, so no breakfast except coffee for me.

Then we had to do the groceries, visited my in-laws and did some housework. For lunch I had whole wheat pasta with my mixed bean salad and salsa. I think the portion was too big, because afterwards I needed a little nap, lol.

In the evening I was able to catch up my missed Pilates. (42 mins) Afterwards I had the leftovers from the mixed beans with brown rice and steamed broccoli for dinner - yummy! I'm still tracking my foods if possible* for a nutrient point of view. So I can check if I get enough vitamins and adjust if necessary. Yesterday I saw a lack of vitamin c, so I simply added three medium broccoli florets to my dinner and met the daily vitamin c goal from my app. Who knew getting enough vitamins will be that easy? :D

(* I don't track portions from prepared bowls like bean salad etc. anymore)

A bit of lady talk for the end of the post.
First I wasn't sure if I should write about it but in my opinion it's important for me and maybe for some interested ladies as well. Before I switched to the McDougall plan and even before I tried that Keto thing, my menses was pure horror. Month after month my menstruation was quite heavy and accompanied with headache, cramps and sickness. I was told I need to take the pill to stop the heavy bleeding and so I did. Over years. Nothing changed. So I was given another pill, and another pill, and another pill...and then I got pregnant. Not getting my menses for months was such a relief, lol. After my son was born it took 3 months after my menses was back. Now it was even worse. The bleeding was so heavy I couldn't (and shouldn't !) get up on these days. My doctor told me it is possible to the constantly take the pill and so I tried this. It was planned to take the pill for six months and then get the menses. This also didn't work for me because my body just managed 2,5 months. But this was way better than before so I continued this plan. Every 2,5 months I would get my menses, heavy but not that heavy anymore I couldn't even get up. I thought it's better to have this headache, cramps and feeling of sickness every 2,5 months than every month.

On Keto the whole thing turned out to a nightmare.
My bleeding didn't stop anymore. It wasn't heavy anymore but it simply didn't stop anymore. After having my menses for over a months I went to a doctor. When she asked "When was your last period?" and I replied "Since 1,5 months" she was shocked. I tried on my own the following experiment: If I ate more carbs the bleeding stopped as long as I lowered the carb intake again. I did this several times so I could be sure this is really the problem. So it became normal to plan my days like this: Do I want to lose weight or do I "need" to not have my menses. This sounds so weird but that was my daily routine.

So you can imagine how scared I was to get my menses again during following the McDougall plan. I even took a week of vacation so I didn't have to go to work if it would turn out with heavy bleeding again. Did one of you ever took vacation for menses? Well, I had to consider this for the last past years. :( And so I waited. Waited for "the worst case scenario" ...and then it didn't happen.
I got my menses, but it was like it never was before in my entire life. No headache, no cramps, no sickness and I WAS ABLE TO LEAVE THE HOUSE. :eek: I even went hiking! I even exercised. No restriction of movement was something I could vaguely remember from when the whole thing started at the age of 12. Since I use a menstrual-cup for years now I was able to actually "see" the difference. It's still unbelievable for me. Today is day 4 and it's gone. Over the past years having my menses was usually a 7-10 days nightmare.

I don't know how this McDougall experiment will tun out for my blood levels in the end. But it was already able to improve a life-long impairing issue for me. I have no words for how much I want to thank Dr McDougall for gaining back life quality again.
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Re: McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Apr 26, 2019 11:52 am

ahhh, what wonderful pictures! I love getting outside in the sun and fresh air! just lovely!

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Re: McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

Postby Salo » Sat Apr 27, 2019 3:37 am

You are right, bunsofaluminum! And I have these places just in front of my door. Sometimes we just need to open our eyes for such spaces. :nod:

Day 16

No breakfast as usual.
For lunch I put together my leftover brown rice, frozen Asian vegetable mix and 2 cubes from my hearty gravy in a pan. Interesting taste. :D As a snack I enjoyed two Granny Smith apples. For dinner I had air-fried potatoes on iceberg lettuce. Exercise part for the day was 25 mins of Pilates in the afternoon.

Unfortunately, in the evening I had some Pringles. :\ But I am proud I could stop after some, because once started I used to eat a lot of chips in the past. For day 17 I am planning to finally bake the oat cookies Ejeff suggested right in the beginning. Just have to hide the ripe bananas from my son, who became a banana-addict the last days. :D
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Re: McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

Postby Salo » Sun Apr 28, 2019 4:41 am

Day 17

Like planned I baked the banana oat cookies Ejeff suggested. They are now formally known as the "Ejeffookies" here. :D I used two ripe bananas and 1 1/2 cup soft* oats. (* I don't know how they are called in the US. Unfortunately, in Germany you can only buy two kinds of oats, soft oats (=zarte Haferflocken) and pithy oats (=kernige Haferflocken) I got 10 cookies from it and had to try one after they have cooled down. Simply wow! I already planned to have some of them for breakfast on day 18)

After 30 mins of Pilates I was in the mood for breakfast. I mashed a ripe banana and added some soft oats and ~ 2 tbsp of water. Very tasty and just the right after my exercises.

After baking the Ejeffookies I tried one after they have cooled down. I find they are very filling, so I didn't need a lunch.

For dinner I prepared marinara sauce. I never cooked a "tomato sauce" that way, means I usually would have never considering onions in such kind of sauce. I tasted the sauce from time to time and was somehow disappointed first. Why is everyone telling this sauce is so good? It just didn't taste like expected - at first. :unibrow: So I let it simmer, and simmer...and then, lol, at minute 53 the magic happened. I was once told a tomato sauce is done when it starts to "spit". (This happens when all the water is cooked and gone away and the sauce starts to thicken) I put the sauce aside and tasted again. Now I was very surprised because the sauce tasted amazing. I couldn't wait to eat it with my whole wheat spaghetti. Great meal! And enough sauce for having this meal again the next day.
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Re: McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

Postby Lyndzie » Sun Apr 28, 2019 5:36 pm

Hi Salo. As far as I can tell, kernige haferflocken would be what is referred to as “old fashioned oats,” and zarte haferflocken would be “quick cook oats.” The cookies have my mouth watering. I need to go whip up a batch!
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Re: McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

Postby Salo » Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:11 am

Hi Lyndzie, I would say so too after looking up some pics via Google. But I still ask myself what are "steelcut oats" ?

Day 18

Started the day with a coffee and two Ejefookies for breakfast.

Lunch 1 was steamed zucchini with marina sauce.
Lunch 2 was boiled potatoes with chickpeas and marinara sauce.

Dinner was leftovers from lunch 2.
Take a day off from Pilates.

Day 19

Overslept. :-( First day of work after vacation and I was too late for everything. I had no time to prep a meal in the morning for the office. :crybaby:

For breakfast I had nothing, for lunch I bought a dry roll from the bakery. But dinner was a hearty bean soup with poatoes. Had three big servings of it.
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Re: McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

Postby Ejeff » Tue Apr 30, 2019 7:37 am

Glad you enjoyed the cookies! If you have never had steel cut oats you should try them. They look like little pellets, they are not rolled out flat like rolled oats. I love the texture of them, but you do need to cook them longer. I cook them in a pressure cooker and it only takes 8 minutes or so. Then I just reheat the leftovers in the microwave. They would not be so good for baking as far as I know.
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Re: McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

Postby Salo » Thu May 02, 2019 1:24 am

Hi, Ejeff! If they are worth it, I would import them. :) No change to buy them in any market here.

Days are becoming busier, in private life and also at work. That's why I am not able to post the prior day each morning.

Day 20
Overslept again, but not that much. So I was able to prepare some food for the office. I took a jar of bulgur salad with me, which I enjoyed in three sittings. Late breakfast, first and second lunch. In the evening I had two vegan rolls with homemade hummus, tomatos and scallions.

Day 21
Lol, I even forgot to weigh myself.
Breakfast was nothing. For lunch I cooked Mary McDougall's black bean chili, which I ate over bulgur. This was first and second lunch, for dinner I enjoyed two bowls of it right after each other. It was sooo tasty!

Currently I have the feeling something is going on. I don't know how or why but I feel a kind of change. Emotionally, mentally, physically. Something has changed in the night from day 17 to day 18. I woke up and I knew something was different. It's so difficult to explain. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to sound like one of these gurus or so. There was no enlightenment or so, lol. I just woke up and knew: Something is different.

During the past four days I found out my feelings have changed. My entire life I felt like the average kind of girl or woman. Every other girl/woman was more beautiful, funnier, more interesting, prettier and so on to me. The more I tried to change for others the more difficult it became for me. People started to make compliments when I wore a ton of make up or actually dressed up in a way I usually do not. The more I didn't look like myself the more I seemed to be accepted by others. That created a feeling of emptiness deep inside me. Over the years I started to forget who I actually was. I was like others wanted me to be, or at least I was like the people I wanted to be around accepted me. During the past weeks I often thought about why I started this keto thing. I made myself believe I did this for health reasons and overcoming food cravings - but all I wanted was to be thin and be accepted for this. When I started the McDougall plan weight loss was no aim. After my bad blood levels there was no time to waste, I had to do something for my health. Of course people got curious and asked me if I didn't continue keto. And it was actually the first time I heard myself saying "I don't need to lose weight". I had to explain this several times and the more I told this to others the more I knew it was true. I have already lost a lot of weight. I am aware that I am still somehow overweight but to be honest I don't feel like a fat woman anymore. My weight became "my decision". I don't feel like I have to lose weight for others anymore. And losing weight on the McDougall plan while actually not having planned it helped me to relax even more about this topic. It's difficult to explain but I feel my body belongs to me again. And this includes all parts of my body. I still wear make up but not in a way I used to wear it before. In the mornings I choose clothes I actually want to wear and not those I thought others would like on me. Summarized, I take care of my body again.

During the past weeks there was also a mental change. I learned not to say "yes" because it is a social claim. I often heard terms like "But everybody eats this or that" and "On [fill in any occasion] everybody eats this or that". The longer I decided on my own what to eat and what to eat not the more I see people seem to eat what everybody expects them to eat. During the family barbecue my mother in law ate a piece of meat she actually didn't like. I asked her why she ate it when she doesn't like it at all. "Well, it was on sale. So we bought it" For Easter my son got tons of chocolate from the whole family. I asked "Why do you give so much chocolate to a little child. It's not healthy." And all I heard was "It's Easter. You have to present chocolate on Easter." So I asked again. "Would you give all that chocolate to him when it was your child." And I got an interesting response. "Of course not". So it seems everybody wants to do it right but when it comes to others everybody does what he or she is expected to do. Difficult to explain as well. Summarized, nobody want his own child to eat tons of candies, chocolate and so on. But they all present tons of it to other children. Logic? Not found here. I try to use my own awareness instead now. There was a birthday of my friend's child. So I called her and asked "I want to present [insert any toy]. Do you want me to present candies as well?" My friend was surprised. "Wow, you are actually the first one who ever asked me. If it's okay for you, I would please you to not buy any sweets. She is getting so much from her grandmother. We won't buy anything either. But I am glad you asked. You know, it's difficult to tell others not to present candies." So I asked myself if it's really this difficult. I called my mother in law and told her I don't want her to give more than one treat to my son when he is at her house. "Okay. Your child, your decision. I will accept this agreement." And she did. Also for Easter he didn't got a ton of chocolate from her. Was it difficult? No. Sometimes we just need to be the one who makes a change.

And although there is already a wall of text here, lol, there was a physical change as well. Not just because I started with Pilates. My sleep improved, I got more active in general. I didn't lose much weight but I actually feel like I lost a ton of it. Because of my Pilates workouts I feel I got taller - don't laugh! Try out Pilates and you will understand. Lol. I have a complete new feeling for my body. I move in another way as well. I move faster and in upright carriage like a zoologist would say, lol. No sagging shoulders anymore and no more "couching" on the office chair. Suddenly I prefer standing which is interesting because I used to sit a lot. Whenever there was a possibility to sit down I sat down. My co-workers start to hate me because I now do meetings while standing around a table and not sitting, eating cookies and sipping coffee anymore. :mrgreen: (I do actually believe our meeting became more productive because of this change!)

These changes didn't happen overnight. But from day 17 to day 18 I started to realize these changes. And I am glad they happened.
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Re: McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

Postby Salo » Thu May 02, 2019 10:25 pm

Day 22

Breakfast: Cucumber and homemade hummus

Lunch: Potato + Kale

Dinner : Iceberg lettuce with bell-peppers, cucumber, tomatos + potatos with green beans

Snack: Banana
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Re: McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

Postby Salo » Sun May 05, 2019 9:02 pm

Weight + Day 23

Start: 87 kg / 191,8 lbs --- 31% body fat
Week1 : 87 kg / 191,8 lbs --- 29,2 % body fat
Week2 : 84,7 kg / 186,73 lbs --- 29 % body fat
Week3 : 83,2 kg / 183,42 lbs --- 28,6 % body fat

I prepared brown rice, red-bell pepper, cucumber and homemade hummus in the morning for the office.

Breakfast: nothing
Lunch 1: Prepared salad
Lunch 2: Prepared Salad
Dinner: Prepared Salad with green beans

Day 24

Breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: Potatoes + salsifies
Dinner: Bulgur + steamed broccoli + chickpeas
Snack: Apple

Day 25

Breakfast: nothing
Late Lunch / Dinner: Off plan; husband ordered pizza for all. :oops:
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Re: McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

Postby Salo » Wed May 08, 2019 1:09 am

Day 26

Today I exercised before work, so I was in the mood for breakfast. :) Overnight oats with apple.

For lunch I had nothing in the office.

Dinner was iceberg lettuce with tomatos and cucumber, potatoes and chickpeeas.

Day 27

Nothing for breakfast.

Took my overnight oats with apple to work for lunch.

Dinner was boiled potatoes with all leftover gravy cubes.
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Re: McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed May 08, 2019 3:31 pm

Salo wrote: Because of my Pilates workouts I feel I got taller - don't laugh! Try out Pilates and you will understand. Lol. I have a complete new feeling for my body. I move in another way as well. I move faster and in upright carriage like a zoologist would say, lol. No sagging shoulders anymore and no more "couching" on the office chair. Suddenly I prefer standing which is interesting because I used to sit a lot. Whenever there was a possibility to sit down I sat down. My co-workers start to hate me because I now do meetings while standing around a table and not sitting, eating cookies and sipping coffee anymore. :mrgreen: (I do actually believe our meeting became more productive because of this change!)

These changes didn't happen overnight. But from day 17 to day 18 I started to realize these changes. And I am glad they happened.

I've had the exact same sensation thanks to yoga! There's a space where you roll up to seated, or mountain, one vertebra at a time...and wow does it make me feel tall! And so strong. I've never done Pilates, but have done a yoga/pilates workout, and now do just regular yoga every day following a youtube yogi... wonderful changes you describe! isn't it great!

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Re: McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

Postby Salo » Sat May 11, 2019 5:08 pm

It is indeed, bunsofaluminum! And it's great you experience the same with your yoga routine. There is something like a mix of both? I didn't even know! But I will check out. :nod:


Wow...Time flies!
When I started this experiment I thought "Whew! Did I overtax myself by saying I will do this for a whole month?" and now I am sitting here and cannot believe the month is already over. During the whole time I imagined how I will compare both ways of eating to each other at the end. Right at the beginning I noted some points which I thought I should consider with special attention. Interestingly my own opinion towards these points changed during this experiment. It changed like a lot of things did within the past four weeks.

What did not change was my idea how to exactly structure the comparison.
  • 1. An unprejudiced comparison of personal important points in both ways of eating
  • 2. Can and will I continue and why
  • 3. Comparison of the blood level test

I cannot have my blood levels checked before Tuesday. So I think without actually knowing what the McDougall plan did for my body I am able to compare objectively. Since I followed this WOE only for a month I want to be fair and will only compare it to my early Keto experiences.

1) Comparison of PIP - Keto vs The Starch Solution

Was it easy to find enough information?
Short answer for both - yes! I live in Germany but was able to find enough books, web information and documentaries in my language. The general low carb idea was also supervised by my doctor. I was curious and checked if there would be some kind of dietary adviser for the Starch Solution as well, but I couldn't find one in my area. But I found out we actually do have nutrionists in Germany who are inspired by Dr McDougall and can be consulted - which I think is quite great. In my own area I found experts for a vegan way of eating in general and - that was the most surprising to me - a vegan or vegetarian way of eating for children. Especially raising a child vegan is still somehow despised in this country. We all know a lot of people do this but every pediatrician will actually try to dissuade parents from doing so. But that's a different matter.

Was it easy to start?
Advantage for Dr McDougall. When I decided to start I just needed to stop eating the wrong foods. From fancy to simple meals I could go shopping in almost every supermarket here. When I started Keto it wasn't that easy. Day by day I had to learn which foods I have to avoid so I could meet my calorie goals.I remember how frustrated I was in the beginning because my husband could always eat more than me. I also remember I felt so restricted. During the past four weeks I did not even miss dairy or meat. Seems I can keep them out easier than my beloved potatoes, lol.

Which WOE was more expensive?
Keto! Although we kept it simple we have spent a lot of money for everything. Tons of butter, organic meat only from a butcher and not packaged, organic eggs...and later also supplements, protein powder, nut flours, sugar replacement, and lot of more stuff which created the illusion of being able to eat anything you want if you just use "the right ingredients". In my opinion the McDougall plan saved me a lot of money. The foods you are allowed to eat are usually inexpensive in general and I was able to get them everywhere. Except for dairy, meat and vegetables I needed to buy my Keto stuff online.

Which WOE was easier to follow?
This one is difficult to answer, because I tend to say: Both in their way. Before I started Keto I tried some diets from time to time but usually failed because I never felt satiated and then got cravings which ruined everything for me. When I say cravings I don't mean "Oh, it would be so nice to have some [insert any candy here]". Actually I was more the "When I don't get this immediatly I will kill everyone in this room"-craver. :roll: I just knew two conditions: Being hungry or being nauseous. Keto was such a relief from this. I suddenly felt no hunger anymore and started to eat when it was time for food. At first I thought this is the key! But tracking all my food, weighing myself every morning + evening, checking my ketones in my blood and my urine on a daily basis created another extreme behaviour - I got afraid of food. A very dangerous competition between my husband and me started. Who needs less food and will lose weight faster. You don't need to be a graduate of biology to know that men can grow muscles or lose weight easier than a woman. The more succesful he was the less I actually ate ...until I just drank a buttered coffee twice a day in the end without eating anything anymore.

When I started the McDougall plan I was somehow afraid my cravings will return. At first I was very insecure if I should eat more. Maybe you remember I tracked my food in the beginning as well. I was impressed how low in calories my daily foods actually were and I had to get used to eat again in general. I tried not to stress myself about this and this was just the right decision. When I moved more I ate more - not because I planned it like this but because I was hungrier then. Then at one point I thought about portion sizing. I realized I don't eat so much food anymore - except for when I want to. To be honest: I have those days. Days on which everything is frustrating or days when my son reminds me he is in his phase of defiance. Days I just want to enjoy a big bowl of anything with a blanket on my couch to be able to go on the next morning. I know it's not okay to use food as consolation - at least I used to think so. I always felt ashamed when I did so in the past. But now I can accept such days because potatoes became my consolation, lol. Baked, boiled, mashed, steamed - give me 3 to 4 medium potatoes and the world is great again. So I found my inner peace and my personal balance between "just eating" and still choosing the right foods. Except for this, I learned to eat again. I learned I can feel hunger and I experienced the feeling of satiation without tons of fat in my food. My fear of food is gone.

Which WOE worked better for the family?
The Starch Solution! This one is difficult for me as well, because I still feel ashamed for this. When my husband and I started Keto we didn't even consider to feed our son this way. Ironically we both were one that he still needs a variety of food. But my son became suddenly a picky eater. I always had a presentiment something is wrong, but a lot of people told me "It's just a phase." In the end he just ate pasta and bread with chocolate spread. When we had our family meals he always looked at my plate then on his own and said "I don't like this." In the end we gave up and he were happy when he accepted some spinach on his pasta from time to time.

When I started the McDougall plan I often let him help to prep the meals. On the first days he looked at my plate and me with an very close eye. I usually asked him if he wanted to taste but he declined and prefered his pasta. Then one day, he helped me to get the cut potatoes in a cooking pot, he asked if he could eat with mommy and if mommy could take care of him. I asked why I need to take care when we eat together and then he replied "Because the food is so evil." :eek: I had a flashback to one family meal when my husband and I were joking around and I said "Food is the pure evil". One day later I started Keto. So the "evil foods" were just on his plate and not on ours anymore. I felt to ashamed as I suddenly realized I affected his eating behaviour with this. From then on he started to accept more and more foods again and now eats almost the same like I do.

My husband is still a toughie. He accepts some of my meals but "waits" for me so that we can do Keto together again.

Which WOE was better for the skin?
I had some breakouts in the beginning of both. But my skin got actually better with the McDougall plan.

Bloating and Constipation
This was an issue in the beginning of Keto, but then not anymore. No bloating or constipation at all at the The Starch Solution.

Difficult to compare because I cannot forget how weak I felt at the end of Keto and how sick I got. It was a nightmare. But to be fair I just compare the beginnings: I needed two weeks on Keto to actually feel some kind of energy. With the McDougall plan I already felt a change after three days. My sleep improved at both WOEs (at first!), I felt very focused on Keto but more calm and more relaxed on the McDougall plan.

Lady issues
Improved on the McDougall plan. I wrote about it in the journal and will not get into details again here, lol.

Weight loss
First I have to mention that I started Keto to actually lose weight but that weight loss wasn't my aim at the McDougall plan. Else I would have tried MWL. I lost more weight on Keto than on The Starch Solution, but I lost more body fat in 4 weeks than on Keto. I tend to think a slow weight loss is more effective because actually I didn't think my body and skin couldn't get firmer but they did. And for the ladies: My stretch marks fade away. :nod:

Since it's already 1:07 am over here, I will continue with part two after some hours of sleep. ;-)
Last edited by Salo on Sun May 12, 2019 4:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

Postby Salo » Sun May 12, 2019 4:47 am

2) Can and will I continue and why

Basically I would say yes. This WOE is easy to follow and I noticed several benefits. Some can be read in the post above, others are more or less difficult to name. It's easy to explain that my digestion improved a lot, that I sleep better, look better (skin) or feel great in general. It's more difficult to explain what changed because of a lot of things but actually is not connected to the food or eating itself. Does that make any sense? :mrgreen:

I have a lot more energy so I started to exercise. Exercising feels good for my body and my mind, so I feel more comfortable and happy in general. I feel calm and relaxed, which helps me to "survive" my mom-life, my job, my [insert any relationship here]. By absorbing all the information about the WOE I discovered other interesting persons and topics. Hygge, minimalism and zero waste - just to name three. I changed my entire home decor, I've thrown away a lot of stuff I had at home and I visit a "zero package" store regularly now. With the improvement of many many small things I finally had time and willingness to focus on my bigger issues. Bigger issues which I wasn't able to see because I had to deal with so many small annoying topics. Like said before it's difficult to explain, but maybe somebody understand. Without wanting to sound like a guru, I really do believe I changed as a person. I changed to a better version of myself. This did not happen because I have chosen potatoes instead of fries or rice instead of a burger. This happened because the WOE changed a lot of small issues for me. Try to see it as a chain reaction which happened when these smaller issues disappeared.

I feel grateful, I am pleased and I understood I need time for myself as well. So I do believe I am now a better friend for my friends, a better mother to my son and a better wife for my husband. I don't feel like "the whole world is against me" anymore. Difficult to explain. I found some kind of inner peace with almost everything. Figuratively, I believe I fed anger, fears, grief and such things with the wrong foods. They could "grow" because I felt bad in general because of my food choices. So yes,in my opinion the current WOE changed this, because it was able to eliminate different detrimental factors.

So if everything is fine why do I say "basically" and "I would" ?
I think when you follow this WOE with 100% you are able to achieve the most benefits from it. I somehow believe I could be totally satisfied with just 95% as well. What does that mean? I will continue this plan - if it has improved my blood levels or not, which I cannot say yet. Several things improved for me and I now lead a kind of life I am satisfied with. Aiming "only" 95% means for me that I will

a) enjoy something off plan ocasionally if I am not in charge of the food (i.e. christmas dinner at parents house, family birthdays)
b) prefer a not SOS-free vegetarian meal instead of eating meat when dining out (which we do..2-3 times a year)

For myself and my own meals I will take care but I won't try too hard. I am also practicing more a "OS-free" than "SOS-free", lol. I still use salt, not in an exessive way, but I do use it and to be honest that's something I don't want to change. Also I don't want to stop drinking coffee. I reduced my intake and I am fine with it.

The whole thing will be quite easy for me but not for my husband. Like written in the prior post he is waiting for me so that we can continue Keto. I hope my blood levels will have improved so that he can also see this all makes sense. He isn't convinced at all although he also says I have changed a lot in a positive way. We made a deal that I will never force him to any food changes, BUT that I won't cook his meals when he wants to eat in a different way. That's not to annoy him, but I am married to him and not to our kitchen, lol. He understood this. ;-)
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Joined: Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:10 pm

Re: McDougalling for the next 4 weeks

Postby Ejeff » Sun May 12, 2019 7:38 am

Salo, thanks for the detailed information on your 4 week experiment. Glad you have decided to continue with this way of eating. I really like the “I am married to you and not the kitchen”!

I began eating this way 4.5 years ago and have experienced all the things you have found, more peace, greater energy, weight loss, lower grocery bills. I wish you continued good health and a happy mother’s day.
"The more disciplined your environment is, the less disciplined you need to be. Don't swim upstream."
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Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:00 pm
Location: Alberta, Canada


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