March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Fri Mar 01, 2019 12:19 am

Welcome to the March Weigh-In Thread for Dr. McDougall's Maximum Weight Loss Program.

For the program details visit the MWL Guidelines thread in this forum. Please check out as many of the links as you have time for, there is so much here to discover!
A couple of other great resources, for those just starting out, are from Jeff Novick the staff dietician for the program: The Ultimate Guide to Free Calorie Density (MWL) Resources and his 1 hour video explanation on Calorie Density: How to Eat More, Weigh Less and Live Longer.

Hi All!

We are marching into March! Let’s march off more pounds while having some fun conversations, learning from the experts and working hard towards our weight loss goals!
(I just liked this image, it is not an endorsement of it’s creator, but acknowledgement is only fair)

Speaking of fun conversations, recently in Jeff Novick’s Forum someone asked about sources of information to provide to friends asking about our way of eating. A link Jeff provided led to a really fabulous list he compiled in 2013 including many (all at the time?) studies done by some big names in the WFBP world. There was a time when I enjoyed trying to talk with my friends about these things, but a combination of wearing out my welcome on this topic and just not wanting bring a spotlight on myself has lessened this in recent years. But, many of you may want to have a few of the seminal studies on the tip of your tongue for when questions from friends and family come up; Have fun with these resources that Jeff provides.

To jump topics without a segue, next week I am attending the Spring 3-Day Intensive Program with my son. I am super-stoked! I have attended programs in the past when I am in need of a reboot, and this time is no exception :eek: . I love meeting other people who are giving this way of eating a shot; I love being re-immersed in the details of the program; I love getting to see all of the staff and speakers.
I was excited to see that the weekend schedule, menu, and recipes are all posted. I can’t remember if I’ve ever had so much info going into one of these weekends before. It looks like the menus have been revamped with a lot of new inclusions: Asian bowls, burrito bowls, a white bean gravy that I’m really excited to try from Chef Katie Mae, Italian scallop potatoes...and the list goes on.
My goal is to limit myself to MWL offerings only. I’ll photograph everything I eat and post it for you all to see.
Hopefully seeing some of the delicious meals will inspire you to give some of the recipes a try. I’ll photograph my son’s plate too, but I’ll post those in my online journal.

I wish you all the best this coming week, and remember to weigh-in here today and tomorrow for the first March weigh-in.

Amy :)

Here are the standard monthly instructions for participating in this thread:

Our weigh in's are on Fridays and you have until 12 PM PST on Saturday to report.

This weekly weigh in group is for those wanting to follow the Maximum Weight Loss (MWL) program or Mary's Mini's. There is a sticky at the top of this forum on the guidelines for the MWL program..

In order to tally the results please submit your results by posting the total pounds you have lost or gained that week. You don't have to share your total weight if you'd rather keep that to yourself. This is an honor system so we take the gain, loss or maintain you give us in order to tally. (Please make a new post each week)

If you are a new member and would like to join but don't have a weight to be counted for the week then you will be counted either as a body with a zero starting weight, or when you check in for the weekly weigh in the following week. Large amounts of weight lost over a period of months or weeks, prior to joining the weekly weigh in group, will not be counted towards the weekly total.

If you measure your weight in something other than pounds please convert the measurement to pounds.

All gains will be counted towards the total to encourage weekly participation. Posting is encouraged whether it's a gain, a loss, or a maintain.

You are welcome to share as little or as much as you want on your weight loss journey here in this thread. We encourage members of the group to talk to each other, cheer each other on and set goals together.

This thread is for the mutual support of all who wish to participate.
Last edited by amandamechele on Fri Mar 01, 2019 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby anne57 » Fri Mar 01, 2019 5:57 am

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Re: March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Idgie » Fri Mar 01, 2019 8:50 am

Good morning, all! I'm weighing at 289 on the new scale. No idea how that compares with the old scale, so let's just call this a new start, since I can barely believe it's March already anyway! (You'd think after 50-plus of these short Februaries, I'd be used to it!)

My low weight was 276 on December 1st, and now it's 3 months later and I'm up 13 (roughly -- new scale) from that. I don't mind being fat, to be honest, but gaining weight is a good sign that I'm not eating well, because when I eat well, the weight just melts off. So this is a reminder to me to head in the other direction.

Amy, how exciting! I am always motivated by conferences and retreats, even though they wear me out by using up all my social energy.

Anne I know a lot of people say weighing less often is a good strategy. Hope it works well for you!
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Re: March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Linda Dorrill » Fri Mar 01, 2019 11:38 am

Happy day to all,

I'm down 1 pound to 170...a total of 15 from Jan 1. :-D

March 4th is Monday. A friend of mine from high school's birthday is that day. He told me very long ago that it's the only day that tells you to do something...So, on Monday, I'm going to do my best to March forth and get some exercise. 8) :!: How about you?

Have a great weekend.
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Re: March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Rosey » Fri Mar 01, 2019 12:15 pm

Really not feeling like checking in on weight with it going up and down 20 lbs with in the week. doctor has me checking it lots and 2 days ago I was 263.6lbs and today I'm 283.8lbs and I even went and check on their scales to see if it was really that big of a difference between days and theirs is saying it too. but since this is Friday to Friday 276.1 lbs was my last and I'm 283.8 lbs today for 7.7 lb gain.

Beyond flustered.
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Re: March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Michele613 » Fri Mar 01, 2019 12:23 pm

Hi Amy.....In Las Vegas now to visit friends in the suburbs and not the Strip. Amongst the right foods have been several slip ups but I am just not going to take agiant guilt trip. I am still on goal in my head which is good.

UP 2 lbs....First gain in 8 weeks so will just try early to undo tit and not let their gain undo me.

Wishing everyone a successful and healthier month.
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Re: March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby sirdle » Fri Mar 01, 2019 2:21 pm

Down 1.6 lbs! 8)

Steady, steady. :-P
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Re: March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby anelson108 » Fri Mar 01, 2019 3:19 pm

Weigh-in today: 194.2
Last week: 196.4
Results: 2.2 pound loss
Total loss (since joining MWL): 10.4
Goal weight: 150 pounds (5' 6" height)
NOTE: A much better week for me but there is still room for improvement.
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Re: March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby fiftysix » Fri Mar 01, 2019 4:03 pm

Same weight as last week.
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Re: March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:21 am

Anne Happy Friday! LOL, I like the second version. I’m wishing you a great week.

Idgie - Way to commit... you are right it is a sign and I’m glad you are back here weighing-in. You are so brave...I’ve been avoiding weighing myself again for a few weeks, much less posting it. I’ll think about it tonight, thank you for the inspiration. What is your plan? (You totally don’t have to answer this, I’m just curious). Will you be slowly working towards MWL? Jumping right in? I’ve jumped right in this past week, I’m going to try and get some advice from Jeff when I go to the 3-day program too. Do you have any questions you’d like me to ask (though he would totally answer them right here too LOL)? My goal is very close compliance (I don’t want to use the p-word for fear of summoning the Ego Trap) to get into a good pattern. I don’t have any house guests for the next four months so this is my chance. I am very lucky my family supports me going to these kind of programs periodically. I am also like you. I really love going to these events but I definitely find myself needing some quiet time too.

Linda - I love it! Think of what your neighbours would say if they actually saw you marching up and down the street. Hee hee, that visual is making me giggle. What kind of exercise are you thinking of adding to your routine? You ask how about us? I have finally began walking again 5 days a week.

Rosey - I would be flustered too and send you my love. I’m glad to hear you were at the doctor’s and I do hope they come up with a plan to figure this out. I’m also extremely glad you keep checking in. It is bound to be helping you make some good choices knowing that Friday is coming up. And all those good choices help, not just for weight loss, but maybe for the edema too. Eating a regular McDougall or MWL plan is much lower in salt than a conventional diet, so imagine what you’d be going through otherwise.

Michele - That is a very good attitude to take. No use feeling guilty about the past, just continue to navigate the environment the best you, looking for every opportunity to eat compliantly. I’ve never been to Las Vegas, but it’s on my list. I’d love to goto a Cirque du Soleil show and see Celine Dion perform (funny that this Canadian girl wants to travel to Nevada to see Canadian performances...LOL). The Hoover Dam, walking the Strip, wandering through a couple of casinos, the Las Vegas Museum of Natural History and The Mob Museum. I’m not sure if you have any plans to do touristy things, but if so, we’d love to hear about them.

Sirdle - Steady as she goes! Great loss.

Anelson108 - Wonderful loss this week and as a total. You are making great headway on your goal.

fiftysix - Thank you for checking in! You are a person of few words, but if you ever want to chat, I’d love to hear how you are finding the program.
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Re: March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby JeffN » Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:44 am

Greetings everyone!

Welcome to the March Weigh-In Thread for Dr. McDougall's Maximum Weight Loss Program. This weekly weigh-in group is for those wanting to follow the Maximum Weight Loss (MWL) program or Mary's Mini's. The McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program is for those who have trouble losing weight and/or are volume eaters.

***If you are not familiar with the programs and their guidelines, check out these links...***

The Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines - Long Version ... ushing.htm

Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines - The Quick Start Guide

The McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program is based on the principles of calorie density. Here is a full 80 minute presentation on the topic:

Calorie Density: How To Eat More, Weigh Less & Live Longer!

For the volume eater: ... 100vol.htm

Clickable List of MWL recipes from McDougall Newsletters

Some forum members have found it helpful to keep a daily journal of what they eat each day and their activity. If you would like to do so, you can create a journal here. When you click on the link, you can also see several of the current journals.


Looking forward to a successful March for all of you.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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Re: March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Belana » Sat Mar 02, 2019 10:44 am

Hello MWL companions,
I waited until Saturday morning to weigh in. I knew that because of how active I've been that I've lost weight this week. The activity I speak of is more inadvertent than anything else. My neighbors and I dug out of a monster snow storm last week. I live alone, so thankfully, I have great neighbors who helped dig out a lot. I'm the only one with a snow thrower/snowblower, so I worked my butt off clearing our alleyway. Man, that's a lot of hard manual labor, snow thrower notwithstanding! My neighbors helped push that machine around too, but I did most of it.
I'm still just eating basics, but it's working. Thankfully, there's McDougall soups for sale at the grocery store I mainly go to, so I eat those frequently.
I feel like I'm getting in better shape too. Skiing doesn't feel so awful.
I think I've got a good momentum, but social situation are still difficult, and struggle with that constantly.
Unfortunately, I re-injured the wrist that I broke the year before last, being distracted and slipping on ice that was hidden by a dusting of snow, but luckily it's just a sprain and not another fracture. I think my new healthful lifestyle is helping it heal quickly.
I've been playing Pickleball with my friends and I don't want to be forced to sit out too long! That's the big bummer about re-injuring my wrist. :-(
March is my birthday month and although getting older sucks IMHO, I feel that I'll be aging better without all the excess blubber on my body.
Weight: 116.2
Total loss: 2 lbs.
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Re: March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Humberto » Sat Mar 02, 2019 11:13 am

Hola and Hello, 230.40 (last Friday was at 232.20) thank your very much to me :) and the REAL food.
Almost back in the 220's.

All the best to all,
Last edited by Humberto on Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby moonlight » Sat Mar 02, 2019 11:52 am

I'm holding steady at 173. No loss or gain. I've had a crazy emotional week and I've had to eat out a lot. One thing I've noticed is that I've stopped having emotional eating binges. I keep craving healthy food to help me control my emotions. :D

Best of luck to everyone this week!
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Re: March 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Frymom » Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:13 pm

Hola! I was afraid this might be my first week gaining a pound or so since starting in January due to a couple of poor choices driven by emotional eating, but mostly I was very good and it showed with a .6 weight loss for the week, for a total of 17.8 pounds lost since January 4th. My Clothes are fitting so much better and I am encouraged I can keep going!

Hasta la próxima semana ~until next week!
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