Caroveggie's Journal

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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Idgie » Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:54 pm

Don't kill the messenger, but I wonder if the reason you're craving the Chipotle bowls is the extra fat they put in? The rice has 4 grams of added fat per serving and the black beans have 1 gram of added fat. Not a huge ton, but still, more fat than you probably add at home.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Fri Oct 19, 2018 7:26 pm

I didn't even know they added fat to rice and beans! How disappointing. Oh well. I was just thinking that I can easily make up a bowl like a Chipotle bowl at home, I just need to get lime for the rice and actually do it. A project for the weekend. Thanks for telling me, I had no clue. I wonder where the fat is coming from? Maybe cutting out Chipotle will speed some weight loss! Hopefully!

I also bought a polenta that's been sitting in the fridge so I'm going to cook it soon and have it with fat free refried beans, salsa, and corn. I just slice the round tube of it into round slices, bake those, and put a dollop of refried beans on top, along with the corn and salsa. I've had it once before and it was very good.

Well, I came home from my last Chipotle for a while. It was also too spicy this time, and too many beans. But I'm pleasantly stuffed and I'll move on to other foods soon.

Everyone enjoy their weekends.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Idgie » Fri Oct 19, 2018 9:41 pm

I just found pre-cooked Lundberg rice bowls at Smart & Final today -- it's just rice and water. Maybe that would help in your homemade Chipotle?
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:37 am

Thanks I might check it out. I have brown rice and was thinking I could buy white rice and then cook both together in my rice cooker, and add lime to the bowl later. I think it's a good idea for me to cook enough rice ahead to have rice on hand for these kinds of meals.

I'm thinking of creating a bowl of rice, black beans, corn, salsa, and lettuce with lime. It should probably be tasty and I can get a lot of meals out of the ingredients. Maybe add brussels sprouts so I have some veggies in there.

I'm looking forward to cooking that this weekend!
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Idgie » Sat Oct 20, 2018 7:15 am

Please let me know how the mixed rice turns out! When I've tried that in a pot, it hasn't succeeded (white rice gets mushy by the time the brown is cooked), but maybe the rice cooker, with its more precise hydration, will do better.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Sun Oct 21, 2018 2:46 pm


Not sure if that will work, but that's my Buddha Bowl. It's so good. I ate it with lime and my hummus. The salsa I added at the end but I liked it better with just the lime. So good. I think I'll be having Buddha Bowls for dinner for a while.

Speaking of dinner, last night I ate at my parent's house and had Subway for dinner. Not the healthiest either, I had their veggie patty, which I'm pretty sure has egg. I also had fiery cheetos, soda, a (small) cup cake, chips, munchies, and 2 cookies. Ay yi yi. My parents house is a disaster area for food and I really need to get it together mentally every time I go there. This morning when I weighed myself I had gained 2 pounds.

I'm back on track but the episode made me consider why I went awry in the first place. I know I could've held out but I was tired and struggling with cravings, which I haven't had to deal with too much. Something about having driven all the way out there spur of the moment (my mom needed help) but not prepared foodwise...sigh.

I'm going to check out a bike store now. Not sure I'll get a bike but I can look and see if I fall in love with one. I have 2 bikes but I'm not liking either one. I really miss having a comfortable bike I like riding.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:01 am

It's one of the big drawbacks of eating out. Restaurants use oil in all their food prep. I think chefs believe it can't be done without. And of course, they are making large batches for many customers, so they have these big piles of oil-included ingredients, ready to go. Then a McDougaller comes along and says "I need it all cooked without oil" :? which makes it difficult to eat out. *sigh*

I can't wait to see how your mixed rice turns out. I'm getting hungry for a rice meal here pretty soon. :nod:

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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Tue Oct 23, 2018 5:57 pm

I wimped out and just cooked white rice for my Buddha Bowls. I was afraid the rice would get mushy. Although, I remember my old roommate a long time ago cooking mixed rice in his rice cooker, and I don't think there was a problem. I will try it eventually, if only to report back here!

I'm going to try to finish up all the food I have in my cupboards. I'm well stocked and it's time I started cooking these abstract and miscellaneous foods I keep finding. Like a jar of jalapenos (I'm wary of them), many cans of beans, 25 pounds of rice now, and goodness knows what's going on with all my cans of various types of tomatoes (I prefer tomatoes freshly chopped or in salsa). So, a lot to get through and it'll save me money also. I want to work on that as my next project so that I can buy groceries each week according to a plan and not haphazardly, where I end up buying too much and overstocking my little kitchen.

At least the fridge (which is at full capacity right now) is all my own. I just need to make a big Buddha Bowl with chard, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and call it a day! :lol: Everything-and-the-kitchen-sink Buddha Bowl.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:27 am

I've been eating a lot of Buddha Bowls recently. I really enjoy them. Although, if I have time this weekend, I want to make soup I think. I'm still trying to eat out of my cupboards. I have so much food! But I'm planning to do it and trying not to buy anything else because I just keep adding to the food pile that way, instead of making do with all that I have.

I went to the dollar store last weekend and suprisingly, they had a lot of organic items. I think I will start shopping there as a first choice the next time I really do need to buy food.

Right now, I have these produce items to get through:

portabella mushrooms bought to have with pasta
cherry tomatoes
carrots sticks I keep forgetting to take to work!
Brussels sprouts
sweet potatoes
chard (finishing that up with today's lunch)
an onion

Then I am very well stocked on beans and rice also. So I have a lot of food at home this week to get through!

Actually, I think I might have to freeze some of these items!
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:40 am

Guess who packed, and then forgot to bring, her lunch today?

Yeah, so I guess I'll eat an assortment of my snacks laying around the office instead. I can also have breakfast again. I'm determined not to spend money going out to eat!
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:20 am

Good idea, eating "for free" (that's my way of saying "I'm fixing food that I already have in my pantry") It's a very good way to save money, and it's always better to know exactly what the ingredients are. :nod:

so, the dollar store, eh? There is one near my work. I'll have to click in there during lunch and see what they have. It's been ages since I shopped for food in a Dollar Tree.

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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Fri Oct 26, 2018 3:50 pm

Yep, I'm trying to save money. The dollar store I went to is called the 99 cent store. Everything in it is 99 cents, except for a few items that are 2 for a dollar or $1.99. I was surprised to find they had organic food, even organic berries! I had no idea. Organic berries are usually around $5-6 in my area, so it's great savings. I bought some raspberries and I would say the quality was good, but they were a little sour, meaning maybe picked a bit early. But over the week they sweetened up. I eat them with cereal anyways. I'm a fan of dollar stores.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Lyndzie » Sat Oct 27, 2018 5:48 am

I love your signature. It got me stuck playing freerice again when I had trouble sleeping the other night.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:45 pm

Lyndzie wrote:I love your signature. It got me stuck playing freerice again when I had trouble sleeping the other night.

Great! Freerice is fun! Thanks for stopping by. I love your journal with all those pics. I can't remember how to post pics on here. I'll have to figure it out some day.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:46 pm

I biked to work today! Well, I e-biked. It is 9.5 miles, so quite the exercise. It took me 53 minutes, just what Google said it would. I am a slow electric biker because my ebike is heavy and I'm out of shape, but it was fun. I listened to a podcast the whole way.

I've had avocado and peanut butter recently and still have some avocados to get through but after that I'll tighten up and get back to trying to lose weight. The rest of my diet hasn't been too bad. I really enjoy Buddha Bowls with corn in them. I still haven't made soup, although I want to. It's just hard to find the time. I may try tonight or tomorrow to get some cooking done so I can have some soups for lunches or dinners. The Oh She Glows cookbook has some tasty soups (I just omit the oil).
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