My Daily "Weighing in"

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My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sun Aug 05, 2018 10:31 am

I have been thinking about journaling for quite a while. What stops me each time is that down underneath is a desire to be perfect at it and knowing that I can never do it perfectly. I just decided to do this just for me. Maybe journaling will help me and maybe it will speak to someone else as well. I will not be perfect !

I bought Dr McDougall's Maximum Weight Loss book a long time ago; maybe when it first came out. I have been trying to lose weight since I was 13 years old so it has always been on my mind. When I first read the book I thought "why did I buy this? " It sounded so radical and different ! I could NEVER eat like this ! I think I gave the book to Goodwill or something..... I DID keep thinking about it and reading up on vegan diets etc. as I got older and my daughter turned vegan.

I reached goal weight twice in my life following Weight Watchers. I know how wonderful it feels to be a healthy weight but always slipped back to my old way of eating. I just couldn't make those life-long changes that keep my successful !

Trying WFPB eating over and over again has helped me find good recipes that I love but also I now realize that eating simply seems to work the best for me. I still attend Weight Watchers meeting as I have made good friends there. I can eat plant-based (everyone at my meeting knows ) and I use my meeting as my weigh in. I have placed my scale in a far off bedroom and try not to weigh myself at home. I want to establish my plant based lifestyle and think about HEALTH and NOT the number on the scale so once a week weigh in is enough for me.

Right now I have cooked potatoes, carrots and beets in the fridge along with spinach, tomatoes and cucumbers for salad. I make a couple days worth of 3-2-1 salad dressing for the salad. Steel cut oats is my everyday go to breakfast and Michigan blueberries are wonderful on my oatmeal or on my homemade yogurt ! I use these things along with soup (zucchini soup this week ) to keep myself happy and full for the week.

I am going to add to this journal every day or so to keep my mind on my goals. :)

-Happy Sunday !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby Idgie » Sun Aug 05, 2018 1:08 pm

Good job! I'm finding journaling to be really helpful.
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Mon Aug 06, 2018 7:23 am

Thanks Idgie ! I hope it will be helpful to me. I want to keep this path and the reasons for it clear in my mind.

This morning I am going to the gym to get my steps in and do the weight machines. I have made it an important part of my day. I am 66 years old and see others struggling to walk, get up and down from their chairs....I am going to do my best to avoid all that if I can. Yesterday was my day of rest so I was a bit of a slug but I enjoy and look forward to Sundays. Finished reading a book, did some Zentangle drawing and did a little prep work in the kitchen. So today I begin my week as I usually do. Two or three miles walking and doing my weight machines and I will have a good start on my day !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby Morris » Mon Aug 06, 2018 8:08 am

This morning I am going to the gym to get my steps in and do the weight machines. I have made it an important part of my day. I am 66 years old and see others struggling to walk, get up and down from their chairs....

I just turned 60 and 10 years ago this was my motivation because I was one of those struggling to get up. Moving daily is my motivation now
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:44 pm

Yes, Morris, I have thought about this a great deal. I retired from nursing a year ago. Twelve hour shifts were tough physically and mentally. It was a lot of standing, walking, more standing and sometimes running ! It was hard on me and my feet KILLED !! One day I had to wait a long time for a baby to be born (I am/was an OB nurse ) and had to get a stool to sit on. I just couldn't stand any longer. I knew I had to do something. Besides my feet, my knees were starting to trouble me as well.

Now, after losing 65 pounds, my knees don't bother me any more and aside from a little arthritis in one foot, my feet feel fine !

I walk 2 to 3 miles , five days a week and do the weight machines at the gym. There is also a yoga stretch class I like to take twice a week. This has been my routine for a year and I hope to continue on this path and even make some changes now and then. I started slowly after retiring and have worked my way to this point. I think the combination of diet and weight loss have helped me get this far.

Really LIVING the rest of my life is my goal now. I love the quote from a plant-based cardiologist (can't recall his name ):" I don't mind dying I just don't want it to be my fault."

I sometimes feel guilty because getting activity into my day takes much of the morning but I have to remember that this is important and I probably get just as much done during the day anyway.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Tue Aug 07, 2018 12:08 pm

I don't know what is going on with me today. I walked my three miles and attended yoga stretch class.....then I went crazy and went to the grocery store and got lunch that was just like what I used to eat over a year ago !! Have any of you don't this?? Anyway. I have to think about what to do NOW as this next step is important . Do I keep going in this direction or do I "recalculate" and jump onto the right track. As I write this I realize that I need to jump back on to the path I have been following this past year. Memories of those old foods come flooding back sometimes. I know i didn't have to act on it and most times I don't. Well, I am not going to dwell on it any longer. My plan: take a shower, put in a load of wash, have a cup of tea, read a book and GET BACK ON MY PATH !! :evil:

Thank you for reading this. Any words of wisdom are appreciated. I will let you know how this all goes.

- squealcat
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby Idgie » Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:08 pm

Good job. One off meal happens to us all, but it doesn't have to become two, or two hundred.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:36 am

squealcat wrote:I don't know what is going on with me today. I walked my three miles and attended yoga stretch class.....then I went crazy and went to the grocery store and got lunch that was just like what I used to eat over a year ago !! Have any of you don't this?? Anyway. I have to think about what to do NOW as this next step is important . Do I keep going in this direction or do I "recalculate" and jump onto the right track. As I write this I realize that I need to jump back on to the path I have been following this past year. Memories of those old foods come flooding back sometimes. I know i didn't have to act on it and most times I don't. Well, I am not going to dwell on it any longer. My plan: take a shower, put in a load of wash, have a cup of tea, read a book and GET BACK ON MY PATH !! :evil:

Thank you for reading this. Any words of wisdom are appreciated. I will let you know how this all goes.

- squealcat

Yep. I've done it, usually not a meal per se, but the treats offered at work, or all the snackish stuff that is EVERYWHERE you look. "aww, one little bite of that fat pill won't hurt"

but Idgie is right. If you hit the rumble strip, correct and get back on the road right away. Don't go off in the ditch :lol: Sounds like you got the right idea, anyway. Back on track! woot!

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Mon Aug 13, 2018 6:02 pm

Well Idgie and Buns, Thank you for your input and encouragement. I did get back on track and have lost very well , so far, this week !

I am back to eating simply by making sweet potatoes, pinto beans , white potatoes, broccoli, some corn bread etc. I also came across a sloppy joe recipe from Brand New Vegan that was very good ! I try to stay away from bread so put it on corn bread and it was great ! I love it when I find a good new recipe !

The thing about bread (and me ) is that I cannot stop eating it ! I can have it once in a while but if I make it into toast and have peanut butter or just some kind of margarine on it I could then eat half a loaf ! It works better if I keep it for rare occasions. I have memories of my dad always making toast ..... he probably made me some too and thus started my addiction ! Ha ! :lol:

My dad was a "normal " eater and could eat a half of a donut and leave the other half, never returning to it. My mom and I could NOT understand that . I am married to someone who is just the same. He will eat half a sandwich for lunch and throw the other half away ! Dont' get it! I have to make just what I think I will eat and nothing more. I cannot leave any food behind. I would love to be like my husband and just stop when full. For now, I just stick to making what is just enough for me.

The McDougall way really does help me with portion control in that I really am satisfied with what I am eating and don't look around for more. Cravings happen much less now and I can get on track much faster. I am thankful !

Well, will see how things go the rest of the week. I am hopeful it will go well.

Today I walked 2 miles, did the weight machines at the gym and did some core exercises. Good day today ! :)

Have a good day yourselves !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Aug 14, 2018 7:55 am

squealcat wrote:Thanks Idgie ! I hope it will be helpful to me. I want to keep this path and the reasons for it clear in my mind.

This morning I am going to the gym to get my steps in and do the weight machines. I have made it an important part of my day. I am 66 years old and see others struggling to walk, get up and down from their chairs....I am going to do my best to avoid all that if I can. Yesterday was my day of rest so I was a bit of a slug but I enjoy and look forward to Sundays. Finished reading a book, did some Zentangle drawing and did a little prep work in the kitchen. So today I begin my week as I usually do. Two or three miles walking and doing my weight machines and I will have a good start on my day !


Zentangle! That's my favorite hobby...I absolutely love having down time to get out my tiles and pens and creating something cool to look at :) Do you have a blog or any other online place to display your pieces? I have a Pinterest board (that I haven't been on in ages) and a blog that is rather inactive currently. But there are several FB groups that do swaps or focus on specific challenges, where I post a lot of things. my blog TangleOoh! I'm trying to remember who on these forums started into Zentangle when she read about it on my journal. Anyway, cool! I always enjoy finding others who love to tangle.

But you're EXTREMELY wise to get/keep in shape. I have an acquaintance who is in her early 70's, who has fallen down 19 times in the past two years. She finally got to a physical therapist, who is working with her to strengthen her core...she got weak from simply not being active. Sitting too much. She told me she even felt shaky and fall-down-ish while standing in her shower. :shock: yeah, we none of us want that.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Tue Aug 14, 2018 11:16 am

Hey buns ! Great to hear from someone on this board that loves to "tangle" ! I took a class in January and two more since that and love it ! I never took art classes while in school but love doing this now. It is different from my work as an RN (retired now ). I can do it while watching TV or quietly at the table. So relaxing ! I just started looking at a Zia group on facebook and did a couple of pages of some ladies with tangle hats, dresses,....even made a tatoo on one ladies arm ! So fun.

I have had trouble with facebook app on my phone so haven't posted pics of my work on any sites. I guess I could download from my camera ..... I will for sure look at your work. I am not very techy (?) so don't know how to do all the fancy things on the computer. That is why you don't see pics or quotes from me here....don't know how to do it.

Anyway, thanks for calling out to me about this. Always nice to connect with a fellow tangler !

Took my oldest son out to breakfast. Did pretty well but will have to be careful the rest of the day. Anna's House in Grand Rapids has a great Hippie Hash with roasted veges, brown rice, potatoes, avocados (a substitute for the eggs ) etc.....I had that and love it. I will not eat again until hungry and eat to satisfaction today with caution not to overeat.

Have a great day ! Tangle ON !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:00 pm

squealcat wrote:Hey buns ! Great to hear from someone on this board that loves to "tangle" ! I took a class in January and two more since that and love it ! I never took art classes while in school but love doing this now. It is different from my work as an RN (retired now ). I can do it while watching TV or quietly at the table. So relaxing ! I just started looking at a Zia group on facebook and did a couple of pages of some ladies with tangle hats, dresses,....even made a tatoo on one ladies arm ! So fun.

I have had trouble with facebook app on my phone so haven't posted pics of my work on any sites. I guess I could download from my camera ..... I will for sure look at your work. I am not very techy (?) so don't know how to do all the fancy things on the computer. That is why you don't see pics or quotes from me here....don't know how to do it.

Anyway, thanks for calling out to me about this. Always nice to connect with a fellow tangler !

Took my oldest son out to breakfast. Did pretty well but will have to be careful the rest of the day. Anna's House in Grand Rapids has a great Hippie Hash with roasted veges, brown rice, potatoes, avocados (a substitute for the eggs ) etc.....I had that and love it. I will not eat again until hungry and eat to satisfaction today with caution not to overeat.

Have a great day ! Tangle ON !


One of the reasons I have kept at Zentangle as long as I have is that it doesn't take a lot of room, and there isn't much mess when you've had some Tangle Time. I have avoided picking up crafty hobbies because of the space investment and I'm not a "pick up as you go" type person. I'm a "pick up if I want to" type :lol: but there's nothing to "pick up" after a Zentangle session.

Your brekkie sounds WAY delicious. I'm going to make me some Hippie Hash ;)

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Thu Aug 16, 2018 4:05 pm

Buns : I looked at your web site. You draw some beautiful tangles !

I also scrapbook and you are right.....I always have a mess with scrap booking and not with drawing.I signed up for another class with zentangle and water color pencils. I am always excited to learn something new !

I think I mentioned that I go to weight watchers meetings and weigh in on those days. Today and last week we talked about establishing routines. This subject is dear to my heart as routine is what has kept me on track with many things. Even persisting with flossing my teeth each evening. I used to hate doing that and now it has been routine for three years ! A year and a half ago I wanted to get more veggies in and now every day I have a huge salad at lunch time and steamed vegetables with dinner and sometimes raw vegetables as a snack. NEVER did I think I would ever do that.!! I exercise five days a week and that has become my routine as well. Of course, when my kids were home still, all that was more difficult. All of you parents with children still at home deserve a lot of praise for what you are doing. It is hard !

Well, I will check in tomorrow on the MWL August spot on this discussion board.

Have a good evening !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby Lyndzie » Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:03 am

Hi Squealcat and Buns - I love this forum for all the great food info, but also the things that are not food related that I gain also. I had not heard of zentangle until I read about it in this journal, then looked it up and started doing it with my daughters. Then, I checked out Buns’s blog, and I’m ordering some tissue to make that fancy colored paper. Thanks to you both for your inspiration!
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Fri Aug 17, 2018 3:05 pm

Lindzie : So happy that you have found Zentangle ! There may be classes in your area so keep your eyes open for postings at art galleries, libraries etc. I am amazed as i look at facebook and see people that tangle all over the world. There is a man in Spain that has beautiful tangles that he has created and in other areas of the world as well. There are groups on facebook to check out too !

I had a very good weight loss this week (5.4 pounds) ! Last week was a little over a pound and the week before quite a gain after a vacation "up North" in Michigan. I need to be more mindful on our next vacation. I can't and don't want to keep doing this up and down thing. Well, the scale keeps going downward again in numbers and the bump up is done.

I continue to walk at the gym as it is too hot and muggy. Next week promises to be a little cooler and less humidity so I look forward to walking outside again. I can walk 3 miles easy out there !

I have beets in my instant pot right now and also made brown rice today. What works best for me is to have a few things i love all cooked up and in the fridge along with a soup. I just put together whatever sounds good, add some steamed vegetables or salad and that is my meal.

Have a good rest of your day !

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