What a difference 6 months makes

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What a difference 6 months makes

Postby kates » Sun Feb 04, 2018 8:55 am

I have been lurking for the last few months and wanted to post to say a big thank you to the McDougalls, Jeff and everyone else for all the help and support this forum has given me and to share my story.

I am 57 years old. Most of my life I have been a 'normal' weight and have always been in reasonable health. My diet wasn't great but could have been worse - freshly cooked meals, few take-aways, tried to limit sugar and salt - but not enough vegetables and far too much oil, meat, eggs etc. I don't like milk but loved yoghurt & cheese. However, over the last five years my weight was climbing until I ended up at 12.5 stone (175 lbs) and was on the cusp of being considered obese.

In 2016 I had a terrible year. My husband was diagnosed with throat cancer on April 4th and on April 16th had a laryngectomy. My mum lost her fight with skin cancer in July - just as my husband finished his 6 week chemo/ radiotherapy and my dad was diagnosed with Parkinsons. I found I was spending a lot of time thinking about my own mortality - and making plans as to what I would do when my own health deteriorated - and although not depressed, found it hard to think positively about the future. I had heartburn most nights, my thumbs were painful (wear and tear according to the doctor), I had fluid at the back of my knees and when I got up in the morning my joints would feel sore and it would take a while for me to walk normally.

In 2017 I was feeling very heavy - mentally and physically - and my energy levels were almost non-existent which was completely out of character. In August I watched Forks over Knives and did research on the WFPB way of eating and decided to take control. Instead of thinking about what to do when I got sick - I decided to do everything I could to ensure I didn't get sick! This was not an straight forward decision. My husband has always cooked for me. After his laryngectomy he had to learn how to eat solid food, his sense of smell has gone - and for a while his sense of taste was lost (luckily he did get it back). I knew how much pleasure he got from cooking for me and knew I was going to take that away from him. I also knew it meant I had to learn how to prepare food for myself on a regular basis as there was no way he would do it with me (he loves his meat and oil).

I began on August 18th 2017. Initially I decided to do it 5/2. Weekdays I would be 100% compliant (no animal products, processed food or oil), at weekends I would eat whatever I wanted. The first week I looked forward to my eggs on toast at the weekend. I ate a LOT of eggs and it was one of the things I couldn't imagine never eating again. The weekend came - I didn't feel like eggs on toast - so I didn't have them. I then decided 5/2 wasn't going to work - instead I would aim to be compliant 80% of the time - which meant I could have up to 4 meals a week which were non-compliant.

I have stuck to this since that first week. I don't count the one cup of coffee I have every morning and I don't count bread which has a bit of oil e.g. a whole wheat pitta from the shops (although I don't have shop bought bread very often). Outside of that everything non-compliant counts - a meal of tinned baked beans with a pile of mushrooms & tomatoes is the same as a plate full of meat, dairy and oil fried foods. Both will get a red mark in my diary and I can't have more than 4 red marks a week. Increasingly, I only have one or two marks a week for a bit of oil or a nearly compliant meal out - but I'm happy to know the others are there if needed.

To start with, cooking for myself was a nightmare. Luckily I like really simple food - I can't handle spicy or hot food - and I could just about make a reasonable soup and salad. I also love potatoes and when I read The Starch Solution I knew I could use it as a template moving forward. I would have porridge, berries and flaxseed for breakfast, soup and salad/ sandwich for lunch and then potatoes and veg for tea. I made hummus every week and still have it nearly every day - love it as a sauce with potatoes and veg, on Ryvita or stirred into soup. Gradually I am adding new things - a coleslaw with avocado dressing, a bean stew etc. The golden gravies have been great over the winter and I now have a 2 litre electric pressure cooker and can knock up a mean lentil dal or black beans with rice.

By the end of November I was really happy - I had lost 28 lbs and more importantly felt fantastic. I felt lighter physically and emotionally. I'd found out I loved beans, lentils and peanut butter, I could manage my own food and everything was great. Then on the 26th November it all changed. I went for a family meal and on the way home - BAM - my face erupted in a mass of red spots covering my cheeks, chin and part of my forehead. I knew exactly what I'd eaten - but I'd eaten it all over the last 3 months and I had never had an allergic reaction to anything in the past. My skin had always been fairly good and it was a huge blow - I should be glowing and the picture of health! Initially I panicked but then sat down and worked out that it must be something I was eating now that I hadn't eaten before. (I did go to the doctors but knowing it would take a while - my allergy clinic appointment is next week - I decided to see if I could help myself in the meantime). The only thing I could think of was nuts/ coconut. My sister had made some vegan cheesecakes especially for me - they contained coconut cream and a lot of crushed nuts for the base. I'd had two (it was a red tick meal) so had eaten a fair amount of nuts in one go. I had been eating a bit of almond milk, nutty muesli, a few nuts or a teaspoon of peanut butter etc. but not massive amounts. I realised though that prior to August I didn't really eat nuts, I couldn't remember ever buying any (hence didn't realise I liked peanut butter). I cut down and eventually removed nuts for the next month and my face gradually improved. On Boxing Day I had a couple of Brazil nuts and the face rash was back along with a coughing fit and an itchy torso, inner thighs and arms. I haven't eaten nuts since.

I got back on track (minus nuts) and I am now just under 10 stone (over 35 lbs lost). My BMI is just over 22 and I expect to lose a bit more weight (I still have a fair bit of belly fat). I am confident I will eat this way for the rest of my life and next I intend to tackle exercise. I am going to put away the scales and take out a tape measure! Over the last 6 months I managed 10,000 steps most days - now I'm aiming for at least 30 mins of brisk walking (if possible including stairs) as part of the 10,000 and some strength/ resistance exercise. I am a very lazy person - so I'm looking for something which is quick, easy and maintainable. I am currently doing basic squats, push ups etc as a starting point and have just ordered a kettle ball - it looks like such fun. I will keep going until I find something that I can maintain indefinitely. I like easy :-D

I no longer have any heart burn, my thumbs are good most of the time, no more swollen knees or hobbling first thing in the morning (and I still haven't had eggs on toast). I have lots of energy and feel so much better. I am still going to have my 1 coffee in the morning and up to four red tick meals but I am also going to learn how to make bread and further fine tune the way I eat. My family are 'interested' - 2 sisters are gluten intolerant and sugar free, 1 has been a vegetarian for years, my parents overhauled their eating when my mum was diagnosed, a niece is diary free, a nephew has a severe nut allergy - so they are reasonably receptive and used to 'special dietary requirements'. We are having a big family holiday in June so I am hoping to have a couple of recipes under my belt that everyone can enjoy. Best of all my husband has agreed to cook for me occasionally and eat it too - and as he sees how well I am doing he is talking about eating more vegetables and getting a bit more exercise.

I can't believe what a difference 6 months has made - I was lucky enough not to have any serious health issues but I am convinced it was only a matter of time and I am like a different person. I have had a few ups and downs but overall I can't believe how easy and enjoyable it is! A big, big thank you for all the ongoing help & support. I couldn't have done it without The Starch Solution and this forum!
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Re: What a difference 6 months makes

Postby Atheria » Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:11 pm

What a totally wonderful story of transformation. :-)

I am sorry for all of your loved ones' health challenges and passings. :-( You are indeed being a great example for your family. I wish you continued success.

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Re: What a difference 6 months makes

Postby acts410 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:33 am

Thank you so much for sharing your story this morning! I came to this forum this morning looking for some inspiration and found it!
Lisa :)
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Re: What a difference 6 months makes

Postby Ruff » Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:28 pm

Congratulations on the weight loss and on your journey.

As the Mum of an anaphylactic (tree nuts) I would suggest you get your nut allergy checked out. You may need to carry an epi-pen. Even if you think you have checked everything they can still get you. We nearly lost our daughter to a mislabeled bakery product....


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Re: What a difference 6 months makes

Postby beachkat » Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:45 am

Thank you for sharing. You've done wonderful things for yourself and others. I hope you get your allergy sorted out.
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