May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby RoseKatherine » Fri May 26, 2017 8:47 am

I lost 1.1 lbs this week. Now to get through Memorial Day weekend out of town.
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby hazelrah » Fri May 26, 2017 10:13 am

Another week, another pound (-1.0). Maybe I'm getting into a kind of groove. It's taken long enough.

Congratulations to all US losers.

Let's keep it going into June.

...the process that creates this boredom that we see in the world now may very well be a self-perpetuating, unconscious form of brainwashing, created by a world totalitarian government based on money, ... Wallace Shawn
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby bmccloud » Fri May 26, 2017 12:26 pm

Another week with no change.

I'm going to try having broccoli & potato for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the next week to see about moving off this plateau.

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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby anne57 » Fri May 26, 2017 4:11 pm

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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby cambitsgirl » Fri May 26, 2017 6:18 pm

Hello, this was another difficult week emotionally, but I need manage to drop 1.2 pounds this week. :) I am happy about that. I started exercising again too a couple days ago. Hope everyone had a great week.
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby galooop » Fri May 26, 2017 6:30 pm

"The inflammation seems to finally be going down, and that 'want to eat but nothing satisfies' feeling is almost gone."

hi, Anne -
So happy to hear that...!

I had big time inflammation in my whole right leg for months and it was the main reason I started doing Dr.McDougall's eating plan. After 10 days it got better and after 6 weeks, or so, it was gone. I could hardly believe it, but I was thrilled.

:-) Chris
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby anne57 » Fri May 26, 2017 6:47 pm

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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby amandamechele » Fri May 26, 2017 10:37 pm

Spudlover - Welcome! I hope we can be of support to you. Congratulations on your progress thus far! Though you have indicated you understand the program, I saw the following posted on Facebook today and was trying to figure out where to insert it, is a great visual for your meals when trying to follow the guidelines more closely. Best wishes this week.


The Five Pillars of Healthy Eating
"A Common Sense Approach To Nutrition"
By Jeff Novick

1) Plant-Centered - Center your plate and your diet predominately around plant foods (fruits, vegetables, starchy vegetables, roots/tubers, intact whole grains, and legumes (beans, peas & lentils).

2) Minimally Processed - Enjoy foods as close to "as grown in nature" with minimal processing that does not detract from the nutritional value &/or add in any harmful components.

3) Calorie Dilute - Follow the principles of calorie density choosing foods that are calorie adequate, satiating and nutrient sufficient.

4) Low S-O-S - Avoid/minimize the use of added Salts/sodium, Oils/Fats and Sugars/sweeteners

5) Variety - Consume a variety of foods in each of the recommended food groups.

Anna - I'm glad you had a good time camping. Best of luck this week.

Qwerty988 - Thank you for checking in. I hope you have a great long weekend.

Sue - Wonderful effort this week. :) Hope your weekend is great too!

Starchyme - Yay! Congratulations, I'm glad you managed to get everything in gear. How are you finding things so far?

Chris - Thank you and you hang in there too. Next week will be better. :)

Loralei -I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling. Please do stay positive! :) Are you having trouble saying on track consistently? Or just certain triggers, such a certain food? Location? Social setting?

Kathy (Yomom) - It's great to hear that you were able to get on track so quickly. It truly is the food. I don't know if you have a favourite hummus recipe already, but I'll share mine with you. In the vitamix I pour 1 can of chickpeas, with about 1/3 of the liquid, juice of half a lime, 4-5 garlic cloves (if you enjoy garlic), 1 tsp of tahini, salt to taste. Blend until smooth.

Kathy (RoseKatherine) - Good job! You've got this, Memorial Day will be just fine.

Mark - Groovy!

BMcCloud - Let us know how it goes. Sometimes a Mary's Mini is just the trick. Best wishes this week.

Anne - That's wonderful news and a wonderful feeling. Getting to that place of calm where the food no longer calls you from the cupboards is very rewarding and motivating.

Carol - I'm glad you had a good week weight-loss wise, now how can we best help with the emotional stuff? Here is a partial list of Dr. Lisle's webinars that are available on this website, maybe one of these will be helpful: (and even if they're not, they are fun to watch)
Stepping Stones to Self-Esteem
Dare to Be Lousy
Chef AJ Interview's Dr. Doug Lisle
Food Addictions, Emotional Eating, Weight Loss Part 1
Food Addiction, Part 2
Social Pressure to Eat an Unhealthy Diet
I can't remember which one this is...I guess it will just be a surprise...

Chris - Hi!!
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby LadyM » Sat May 27, 2017 6:35 am

Good morning everyone:

I am down 1.8 lbs. this week. Now that the weather is getting warmer I started to walk 2 weeks ago. First week I did 15 minutes every morning. I know it doesn't seem like much but it is for me. Second week (which I just finished this morning) 30 minutes a day. On Monday I will do 45 minutes. I am aiming for 6 days a week with Sunday off.

Hope everyone has a good Memorial Day and we will see you in June.

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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby Svenja » Sat May 27, 2017 12:25 pm


I almost forgot ... after a week off work, I get confused with the weekdays ...

And I can only report a gain ... 3 lbs :(

I actually managed quiet well for being at home and on break.
I had more veggies with my meals ... it's still a struggle for me. And since it is the first week of warm weather, I had a lot of fruit :)
I had a good week of managing the works in the new practice, studying und lot's of gardening.
Thinking about my food this week ... no idea where I got the 3 lbs from ... With my weight, I must have eaten way over 4000 calories to gain this much ... no way!

... I am still a little disappointed with my weight. But, as said before, I need to focus on other things at the moment. But I didn't have a single nut, avocado etc.
On facebook I read about these people who loose so much weight ... well, it's just the way it is. And I am still very happy about my improved blood pressure :)

Have a great Sunday everyone!
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby amandamechele » Sat May 27, 2017 8:06 pm

Hi All!

It's been wonderful to hear from everyone this week. :) Some weeks feel very long and others feel like they passed in the blink of an eye. I mean who can lose any weight in the time it takes to blink an I'm kidding; I am always encouraged when I see each of you consistently giving your all to changing your lives. One step at a time, one meal at a time and one day at a time.
A long-time Star McDougaller, who is active on the forums, named Nicole S. O'Shea summed up her success very nicely by saying it was due to time and adherence.
My take on that is the longer you stick with your plans, like following the MWL guidelines, the easier and more automatic it becomes. Secondly, the greater your adherance to the guidelines the better your resulting weight loss and return to health. You've probably read this phrase around here before; It's very simple...just not easy!
Nicole is a thoughtful and eloquent writer. I highly recommend you take a look at some of the many posts where she shares her insights. She had a major win in her life through reversing psoriatic arthritis.
Here is her thread entitled Time and Adherence! and here are her online journals documenting her journey:
Psoric Arthritis Journal
Psoriatic Arthritis Journal 2 - Equation for Change

This week I wish all of you much success in adherence (because you have all already been putting in the time)!
Best wishes,

Amy XO

Here are the results for the last week in May:

Next Weigh-In is on Friday, June 2nd, 2017

May 2017 Weight Loss Group :: Weekly Weigh-In Results
Total group loss reported in 2017: 449.36 pounds
Total group loss in January 2017: 137.25 pounds
Total group loss in February 2017: 102.91 pounds
Total group loss in March 2017: 111.3 pounds
Total group loss in April 2017: 56.1 pounds
Total group loss in May 2017: 41.8 pounds
Week ending 05/26/2017: 17 participants reported a total loss of 5.8 pounds

Loralei - 0.6
Svenja - 3.0
Total gains: 3.6
Spudlover - 0.0
AnnaUK - 0.0
Qwerty988 - 0.0
Suey51 - 1.6
Starchyme - 0.5
Galooop - 0.0
Yomom - 1.0
RoseKatherine - 1.1
Hazelrah - 1.0
BMcCloud - 0.0
Anne57 - 1.2
cambitsgirl - 1.2
LadyM - 1.8
amandamechele - 0.0
Donaldpetemc - 0.0
Total losses: 9.4

Total group loss in May 2017: 41.8 pounds
Week ending 05/26/2017: 17 participants reported a total loss of 5.8 pounds
Week ending 05/19/2017: 14 participants reported a total loss of 1.6 pounds
Week ending 05/12/2017: 17 participants reported a total loss of 5.0 pounds
Week ending 05/05/2017: 18 participants reported a total loss of 29.4 pounds

(Edited to add a participant)
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby Loralei » Tue May 30, 2017 5:32 pm

Amy wrote:
"Loralei -I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling. Please do stay positive! :) Are you having trouble saying on track consistently? Or just certain triggers, such a certain food? Location? Social setting? "

Hi Amy:
Yes, I am still having trouble staying on track....still caught in that darn Pleasure Trap. My husband does not follow this plan (I wish he would give it a try since he suffers from 2 auto immune diseases), so I have peanut butter, whole grain bread & pasta, and some snacks for my grandson in the house. I can go for weeks without touching them, but then I end up eating these things thinking I can control myself....NOT! I know what they say....."in your house, in your mouth...not a matter of if, but when". Then I start the mindset of, well... I'll just buy this one candy bar and start back on MWL tomorrow. I know Dr. Lisle says it takes about 3 days before that grip of the Pleasure Trap lessens. Well, I don't want to make excuses, but do you know that feeling of not being in control of your "time" because family obligations are pulling you every which way? I love my family, dearly, but something happens when I am pulled out of my routine and lose control of my "time". Anyway...enough rambling...I will get passed this struggle.

Take care and thanks for your support.
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby amandamechele » Wed May 31, 2017 4:34 pm

LadyM wrote:Good morning everyone:

I am down 1.8 lbs. this week. Now that the weather is getting warmer I started to walk 2 weeks ago. First week I did 15 minutes every morning. I know it doesn't seem like much but it is for me. Second week (which I just finished this morning) 30 minutes a day. On Monday I will do 45 minutes. I am aiming for 6 days a week with Sunday off.

Hope everyone has a good Memorial Day and we will see you in June.



Awesome improvements with your walking. :nod: Have you been able to move it up to 45 minutes?
I hope you had a great long weekend too.

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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby amandamechele » Wed May 31, 2017 4:38 pm

Svenja wrote:Heya!

I almost forgot ... after a week off work, I get confused with the weekdays ...

And I can only report a gain ... 3 lbs :(

I actually managed quiet well for being at home and on break.
I had more veggies with my meals ... it's still a struggle for me. And since it is the first week of warm weather, I had a lot of fruit :)
I had a good week of managing the works in the new practice, studying und lot's of gardening.
Thinking about my food this week ... no idea where I got the 3 lbs from ... With my weight, I must have eaten way over 4000 calories to gain this much ... no way!

... I am still a little disappointed with my weight. But, as said before, I need to focus on other things at the moment. But I didn't have a single nut, avocado etc.
On facebook I read about these people who loose so much weight ... well, it's just the way it is. And I am still very happy about my improved blood pressure :)

Have a great Sunday everyone!


I'm glad you didn't forget AND that you posted even though the week was disappointing. That takes fortitude! Maybe it is just a hormonal blip, or maybe a bit more sodium than usual, but it should work itself out considering how well you are eating. See you on the June thread!
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Re: May 2017 McDougall Weigh-In Group

Postby amandamechele » Wed May 31, 2017 4:47 pm

Loralei wrote:Amy wrote:
"Loralei -I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling. Please do stay positive! :) Are you having trouble saying on track consistently? Or just certain triggers, such a certain food? Location? Social setting? "

Hi Amy:
Yes, I am still having trouble staying on track....still caught in that darn Pleasure Trap. My husband does not follow this plan (I wish he would give it a try since he suffers from 2 auto immune diseases), so I have peanut butter, whole grain bread & pasta, and some snacks for my grandson in the house. I can go for weeks without touching them, but then I end up eating these things thinking I can control myself....NOT! I know what they say....."in your house, in your mouth...not a matter of if, but when". Then I start the mindset of, well... I'll just buy this one candy bar and start back on MWL tomorrow. I know Dr. Lisle says it takes about 3 days before that grip of the Pleasure Trap lessens. Well, I don't want to make excuses, but do you know that feeling of not being in control of your "time" because family obligations are pulling you every which way? I love my family, dearly, but something happens when I am pulled out of my routine and lose control of my "time". Anyway...enough rambling...I will get passed this struggle.

Take care and thanks for your support.

Hi Loralei,

I sure hear you and know that feeling all too well! :) You're in a tough situation, that many of us face. Just keep doing your best. Keep your environment as clear of your trigger foods and off-plan foods as you can. That way you won't be using up your willpower trying to avoid them as much. When you slip, just prepare for the battle ahead and face it head on.

PS. I am in the same situation as you, with a variety of different eaters in my home. If you have the personality for it (I don't) the best and easiest route is to get rid of all of the off-plan foods in your home, no matter what the others say.

I hope today went better for you. See you in the June thread.

XO Amy
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