Carbs to cure anxiety...? Maybe!

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Re: Carbs to cure anxiety...? Maybe!

Postby eXtremE » Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:23 am

Atheria wrote:Wow! Thank you. I didn't know orange oil could be used for anxiety and totally forgot about lavender! Ativan is what they gave me too... which works well, but I'd rather treat this through diet and natural methods.

Thanks again,
Be careful with the benzos like ativan Atheria. Benzos are magic bullets for anxiety but they are terribly addictive as hell if you take them on a daily, regular basis and can be almost impossible to stop taking even after you become tolerant to the anxiolytic effects and the medicine ironically starts making you sick and your anxiety and panic worse. I took benzos for over 25 years and have been thru several horrendous detoxes (almost died when they tried to take me off klonopin). You will never go thru a more painful withdrawal process if you ever have to withdraw. It is worse than heroin and a lot longer according to many ppl. Takes many ppl years to get over the protracted w/d effects. I am still taking a small dose of valium PRN and my doctor is working with me to eventually not have to rely on these meds anymore since I have basically become immune to the effects.
On 7/8/2013, I decided to change my diet to a "mostly" WFPB diet. I have always been somewhat lean and muscular due to being a lifelong exerciser. Change in diet due to feeling crummy all the time despite a healthy outward appearance. Image
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Re: Carbs to cure anxiety...? Maybe!

Postby Atheria » Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:46 am


Argh! Well, I am not a fan of meds as a general rule (I have chronic pain and mostly just live with it unless I have a REALLY bad day...then I'll take Aleve, which doesn't do much, but helps take the edge off the pain) so if a doctor gives me a regular prescription on Wed. (right now I just have a few pills from my ER visit) my plan has been to just take it on an "as needed" basis, not daily. The psychologist, I can tell, already plans on TRYING to talk me into a daily antidepressant, but I'm not depressed and am not taking something every day. I would MUCH rather heal myself with diet and herbs, essential oils, etc. Your personal experience with anxiety meds convinces me even more that I should only use pharmaceuticals on an emergency basis.

By the way, have you checked your estrogen:progesterone ratio?

The difference in my "inner calmness" is palpable with a mixture of St. John's Wort and a McDougall eating plan. It's not perfect, but the improvement is undeniable. There are certain things that will probably remain triggers for me (remote locations where I feel far away from medical care, traffic jams where I feel trapped, closed in spaces, etc.) but I've learned to keep food in my car (which helps during traffic jams) and do whatever I can do to make other situations better. What IS upsetting is that I used to travel overseas by myself with no issues, and now even driving up to Santa Fe or Taos makes me nervous. I had a panic attack when I drove to Durango and another one when I dared drive to Denver. But, that was last year too...and I wasn't eating this way and wasn't taking St. John's Wort. I do want to go back to Durango (and check out Pagosa Springs, CO) later this spring to see how I do. I am determined to beat this.

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Re: Carbs to cure anxiety...? Maybe!

Postby eXtremE » Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:49 pm

Hi Atheria...I am a male so no estrogen:progesterone ratio check. :)

I think you are doing a wise thing by taking the meds PRN and trying to manage things with diet and things like herbs, exercise, and meditation. Sometimes, opting to take the drugs might be the best option even after knowing the long-term risks but I would try everything else bf going the long-term drug route. If you never became tolerant to the drug's effect and never had to increase the dose, the addiction aspect would not then be that bad IMO. I may even try the St. John's Wort again now that you mentioned it. SSRI's never did me any good either but most docs are now eager to Rx them to all anxiety patients. They work on anxiety in a secondary manner and are seldom beneficial to patients whose primary complaint is severe anxiety and/or panic. AD's will also completely wreck your sex drive and often after ppl stop taking them, the sex drive problems remain and can be permanent.

Hope you are having a peaceful weekend.
On 7/8/2013, I decided to change my diet to a "mostly" WFPB diet. I have always been somewhat lean and muscular due to being a lifelong exerciser. Change in diet due to feeling crummy all the time despite a healthy outward appearance. Image
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Re: Carbs to cure anxiety...? Maybe!

Postby Atheria » Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:40 am


OOPS! So sorry! :-)

I've not even needed the Ativan for at least 2 weeks...maybe 3. I've lost track. I see a psychologist on Wed. (he's the one who has already mentioned antidepressants) but I'm tempted to cancel the appointment. I would like to have Ativan (or something) handy in case of emergency, but that is the only time I would take it. For example, I may need to fly from ABQ to ROC in July for my high school reunion and I'm considering not going for a few panic issues being one. I'm not sure I can handle flying that far. So, having something for instances like that would be a good thing. I almost got off a Southwest flight from ABQ to LAX (which is only about 1 hour and 45 min. to 2 hours) when, just before takeoff, I started to freak out. It took every bit of strength I had to calm myself down.

I had some blood sugar issues Saturday night because, in retrospect, I think I accidentally under ate earlier in the day (was busy) and then drank something I normally wouldn't, which had quite a bit of caffeine and a little bit of sugar in it (Starbucks gave me a free fancy drink and although I got the sugar free version, the soy milk had a little sugar in it) and had to eat some concentrated protein to get my system stabilized. I vowed not to let that happen again, and did really good yesterday. I paid more attention to how many calories (and how much protein) I was eating and didn't skip any of my 6 feedings even if I didn't feel like eating. It paid off. My sugar was stable all day. Hummus is my friend! I did REALLY good with some hummus added to my lunch. If I can keep my blood sugar stable, it definitely helps keep anxiety at bay.

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Re: Carbs to cure anxiety...? Maybe!

Postby Miked74 » Thu May 15, 2014 2:20 pm

Hope and Help for Your Nerves and Pass Through Panic: Freeing Yourself from Anxiety and Fear By Dr Claire Weekes. I have suffered with Panic attacks and GAD for years! I have been on and off meds, Seen Doctors Hospitals you name it! Since I read her books My life has dramatically improved with panic attacks and GAD. I haven't had a panic attack in over 2 years but from time to time I do get a bit of over exaggerated Anxiety and its usually stimulated by Thoughts about my Health! But I swear by the book Pass Through Panic! When reading it its like she was talking about me in detail about my panic attacks!
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Re: Carbs to cure anxiety...? Maybe!

Postby Atheria » Thu May 15, 2014 2:26 pm

Thank you so much for the book referrals. My panic disorder is definitely health worry related due to my hypoglycemia. Remote locations where hospitals aren't handy are my biggest triggers...although I survived Mesa Verde last weekend. I'll look for the books.

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Re: Carbs to cure anxiety...? Maybe!

Postby Miked74 » Thu May 15, 2014 3:20 pm

Mesa Verde! I am Jealous That place looks Amazing :-o Did you have a good time?
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Re: Carbs to cure anxiety...? Maybe!

Postby Atheria » Thu May 15, 2014 3:25 pm

I could only handle the REMOTE location for a little while, and didn't go to all of the houses, but the Spruce House was very cool! You can see me at it right now as my Facebook cover: - There is quite a bit of upsetting fire damage in the area, but right around the Spruce House was very pretty. I was so proud that I was able to go alone and not freak out!! You should go.

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Re: Carbs to cure anxiety...? Maybe!

Postby ihartsacto » Fri May 16, 2014 12:53 am

Anxiety and panic are absolutely horrible problems. I definitely think that they are related to diet as well as hormonal levels. One thing I have noticed is that both are related to when I am out of breath but start having anxiety rather than thinking I am simply at my limit of pushing myself. For example when I am swimming laps I will panic instead of realizing I am out of breath because I have gotten out of shape because of my tendency to feel I can mentally push myself. Try observing yourselves and see if anyone else notices a similar occurrence in a situation where your oxygen level might be getting a little lower than it should be.Take care of yourselves and best wishes! :o

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Re: Carbs to cure anxiety...? Maybe!

Postby Atheria » Fri May 16, 2014 8:03 am

Well I had a combo low blood sugar and panic attack at 10,000 feet after a long hike in 2010. So the oxygen thing makes sense. I start to not feel normal around 9,000 feet elevation. I live at 5,000 feet in Albuquerque.

My panic disorder is directly a result of hypoglycemia, triggered, I think, by pre-menopausal hormonal shifts. The more stable I can keep my blood sugar, the less tendency I have to freak out when feeling trapped or far from medical care and food.

Thank you,
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Re: Carbs to cure anxiety...? Maybe!

Postby Atheria » Sat May 24, 2014 7:41 pm

Coffee doesn't seem to aggravate my panic disorder... thank goodness. And yes, once you throw yourself off, it can take weeks (for me) to get more stable again (blood sugar wise...which directly affects my panic disorder). Certain things, like margaritas, just aren't worth it.

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Re: Carbs to cure anxiety...? Maybe!

Postby christianvegan » Mon Dec 08, 2014 1:32 pm

Niacin helps with neurological issues too. Along with a great diet, helpful supplements, adding Craniosacral Therapy can REALLY help too. See for information on this. Getting it regularly benefits the most. I have been practicing this professionally for almost 20 years and am really amazed that my panic/anxiety clients stop having attacks or they get totally manageable, without meds and even without diet change, as long as they do it reguarly (weekly or biweekly).
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Craniosacral therapy

Postby Atheria » Mon Dec 08, 2014 2:41 pm

Wow, that's interesting about cranialsacral therapy. I tried it for a while many years ago because of constant pain from a major whiplash accident. It didn't help the constant headache, which I'm scheduled to get Botox for on the 23rd, but it felt great.

In light,
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Re: Carbs to cure anxiety...? Maybe!

Postby maggieleaps8 » Sat Dec 20, 2014 8:01 am

I have experienced extreme relief of my anxiety and depression when I eat the McDougall way. When I don't it comes back. It was truly amazing when I realized what was happening! After 2 weeks being really adherent I realized I was no longer obsessing about little things, or having anxiety attacks, or feeling aimless, sluggish or blue. I read a few years ago that St. John's Wort is actually not good for those symptoms in the long run. I don't know what McDougall says about it, if anything but I would research it well before taking it long term.
I wish you the best on your journey, I know these issues can affect and destroy many parts of our lives and I hope you are able to find long term relief.

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I am convinced high carb, low fat DOES help anxiety.

Postby Atheria » Sat Dec 20, 2014 8:51 am

Hi Maggie,

After the past week's experiences, I am convinced strict low fat McDougalling DOES help control anxiety/panic disorders. I'd been doing really good blood sugar wise (which is important as my anxiety/panic issue is tied to my blood sugar) but let a fellow hypoglycemic friend who is not a fan of this way of dealing with my hypoglycemia (she's Paleo) talk me into cutting carbs, and increasing fat last weekend. Mistake! I'm not kidding you, my blood sugar freaked out immediately and I felt totally panicky and was scared I was going to have a bad low blood sugar attack. Thankfully, it didn't get that bad, but my sugar started seesawing up and down and higher than the first peak and lower, etc. Once it starts doing that, I feel like crap, and I panic that it's going to get worse. I was able to calm myself down through pure willpower and yoga, but I hate, hate, hate that feeling of "I'm about to lose control of my body and mind". So, trying her way lasted only 1.25 days. Upon returning to 100% strict McDougall, I felt instantly better, like night and day. My system reacts quickly to good things and bad things. My blood sugar has been really good and I've felt calm again.

I've never heard anything bad about St. John's Wort. Uh Oh. I've not taken it for a while, but had been taking it for a decent length of time. But, then again, herbs are drugs too and I'm not thrilled with being on anything FOREVER.

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