Hypertension...white coat syndrome at home?

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Re: Hypertension...white coat syndrome at home?

Postby sbkris » Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:56 pm

Thanks, Anneh,Will check it out.
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Re: Hypertension...white coat syndrome at home?

Postby Chrmann » Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:42 am

When I was in my early 30's, my Dr. put me on HBP medicine. I was very slim and had white coat syndrome. I had lots of issues with this Dr. The Dr. had diagnosed me with Lupus. She was always trying to trick me into taking a steroid. When I had a sinus infection, she gave me medicine for it . It was a steroid and she didn't tell me. I started having nightmares when I was awake. Scared me. Quit taking the medicine and it went away. Got back on the steroid and had nightmares again. So, I quit the medicine completely. When I went back to the Dr, she asked me how I liked the medicine. I told her "I didn't" and what problems it caused and that I was no longer taking it. She blew up and said she could've given me something to stop the problem it caused. NO THANK YOU! It is my body and I don't have to take that. She said allergies do not cause headaches. I knew that was wrong so I went to an allergy Dr. He said yes they can cause a headache. He took me off my blood pressure medicine, had me walk everyday, put me on Nasalchrome 2 squirts in each nostril 2x a day and told me to not eat the foods I was allergic to. He had me follow Dr. McDoiugall's diet plan. I week later, my blood pressure went down and I did not have any problems with my Lupus for over 25 years. Lately, I've been having some blood sugar problems. I've now got it under control. Eating potatoes a, bread, crackers and fruits and other starchy foods has caused it. I have changed my diet and lowered my blood sugar. I was eating unsalted rice crackers. Ha! I have found most of the McDougall diet had to be changed for me in order to keep my blood sugar under control. Even a small amount of fruit raises my blood sugar. My allergy Dr. had me eating 2 bananas a day. YIKES...up goes my blood sugar even with 1 banana. I probably have been having a blood sugar problem for years and didin't know it. Right now, I cannot eat any fruit, bread or potatoes. I have NO problems with sweet potatoes. I do not have the white coat syndrome with the blood sugar monitor... Thank Goodness!
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Re: Hypertension...white coat syndrome at home?

Postby KatherineUK » Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:11 pm

Wow I just started a thread on this.

I take my BP when I get in from work at 6pm after cycling home. I'm so relaxed at that point its a good time for me. I love the cycling even with the london traffic. I use a relatively quiet route and usually feel amazingly high when I get in. (Maybe it's actually just the bashing your head against a brick wall syndrome ... nice when it stops!!!) I also take my BP when I'm still a bit sleepy pottering around in the mornings. It tends to be a little higher then.


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