My Daily "Weighing in"

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby Mark Cooper » Sun Jan 05, 2020 3:59 pm

It is so wonderful that you had such a special, loving visit with your grandson! I'm wishing all the best for him, and his parents.

You seem to be making very effective use of the checklist. Way to go, Marilyn. :D
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Mon Jan 06, 2020 4:53 pm

Here is what happened today:

Breakfast was my usual oatmeal with fruit, I went to the gym for an hour and walked a mile followed by 30 minutes on the exercise bike and then stretches. I had to rush to shower when I got home and had a quick lunch which was two Japanese sweet potatoes . No time to make my usual salad so I skipped it in favor of the potatoes which would fill me up more.

I went to meet a group of ladies for knitting and chatting. Had a nice time. Drank herbal tea and skipped the muffins that were on the table. After that I went to the store and was getting hungry. I by-passed the bakery section which can really suck me in and just got the things I needed. All was well until I got home. I had planned to make the salad I skipped earlier but instead I had a mandarin orange then before I could think much further I grabbed a slice of my husband's home made bread and other things that I usually stay away from (don't want to temp anyone who might be reading) was bad.

Thinking on it all now, I really did well up to a point. I even thought about what I really wanted which is to form a good habit of eating things that are good for me and reaching a weight that all the healthy eating would bring to me. I did many little things that work a lot of the time. I did get too hungry and also I think all the talk that I listened to while knitting about dining out and all they food a certain lady eats when going out .... was just too much for me. Maybe I should have just gone home right away. Maybe I should have packed a couple of potatoes. I think eating the salad that I planned was also not a good idea because it required too much prep time as I didn't have the greens washed and chopped yet. I have to have things easy and ready to go or it doesn't work for me.

OK, I feel a little better now. I probably won't be very hungry later so will have something small for dinner....or nothing.

Now I have to think about the 10 MWL points and not about weight loss. It will come. That is tough for me especially after a day like this. I tend to think about "will I still lose weight this week ?" and other things that make me feel sad. No, I will continue on and see how this week goes. I am curious about this week and will look at it Friday and sum it up in my mind and make any changes that are needed. I also will get together more quick foods (just in case).

OK, this is long enough. Today was a sunny day and beautiful ! I am going to enjoy the rest of it.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sun Jan 12, 2020 12:54 pm

Ok, I just read my last entry in this journal. My comment is Ugh !!! I have not eaten right since I wrote that. In fact, I have been eating constantly ! What the heck is going on ?

No problem with breakfast as I eat oatmeal every morning with fruit.... I never get tired of it.

Usually lunch is not a problem. I have salad stuff ready to go and black bean soup too. Potatoes are cooked and my hummus is made.

After lunch (esp if there is no one in the house) is my tough time. If I am bored, if I see advertisement or even if I listen to a podcast with food.... I feel the need to search the house for something to help me "feel better". Maybe I need to give up listening to podcasts. Yes, I will try that (as much as I love listening to them). I need to get on the steady road and not the bumpy road.

It is 1:49 PM. I am back on the steady road. No more listening to talks about food (esp. the ones from people that follow other plant based ways of mixes up my brain and gets me off course)

Starting once again . I can do this !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby AnnetteW » Mon Jan 13, 2020 7:17 am

squealcat wrote:
No problem with breakfast as I eat oatmeal every morning with fruit.... I never get tired of it.

Usually lunch is not a problem. I have salad stuff ready to go and black bean soup too. Potatoes are cooked and my hummus is made.

After lunch (esp if there is no one in the house) is my tough time. If I am bored, if I see advertisement or even if I listen to a podcast with food.... I feel the need to search the house for something to help me "feel better". Maybe I need to give up listening to podcasts. Yes, I will try that (as much as I love listening to them). I need to get on the steady road and not the bumpy road.


This has been the exact same problem for me. I love my oats/berries for breakfast, and a salad/potato for lunch (or leftovers), but then all afternoon I'm hungry and searching the house and then I eat the wrong things (usually nuts/raisins.) Dinner is generally not an issue either.

I have started having a 2nd bowl of oats in the afternoon, actually the first day I started with a triple serving, then down to a double, then a normal sized serving. I'm using steel cut oats. It really has helped me a lot and I plan on doing it all day this coming week. Yesterday I didn't do it, we ate out for lunch, I got off track and guess what I snacked on later (and not even hungry), of course, nuts and raisins.

So basically I overfilled myself on something totally on plan (the oatmeal) and started cutting back. You might try it if it sounds like it would be helpful to you.
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Tue Jan 14, 2020 4:16 pm

Annette: Thank you for this advice :-) ! I plan to try this tomorrow and see if it works. Certainly a big bowl of steel cut oats would be much better than the richer foods I have been eating in the afternoon :nod: . Today I got off track again but have started making a "to do" list of little things to get done around the house. So instead of eating the entire afternoon, I got a couple of things done and stopped the frantic search for food. I have , for quite a while, practiced a form of meditation most mornings. It is suggested to practice this meditation twice a day but I have never done it. Today I did it, choosing 3PM as the average time to practice it. I felt much better after that .

Now I feel armed with something new to do during those difficult afternoons.

Thank you again ! I don't think I will have a loss this week but if I can conquer this afternoon binge-thing, I will feel like I have had a win :thumbsup: !

I will report back .

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:49 am

Today my goal is to simply just eat Starch Solution/MWL and not interject my day with "other" foods that are dense with calories.

I am so terrified of gaining weight right now. I have lost 50+ pounds about a year and a half ago but have plateaued then slowly gained back 15 to 20 pounds. Again: I feel terrified ! My knees are starting to hurt again. I cannot walk 3 miles anymore so I walk 1 mile then use the bikes at the gym or the elliptical to get in more exercise. You would think all of this would deter me from my crazy eating but I think it is stressful and keeps me going.

I know what to do.

Steel cut oats for breakfast with fruit. Large salad for lunch followed by black bean soup and some brown rice. Potatoes for dinner with mushrooms and beans . I also have brussel sprouts to finish up . Oh, steel cut oats in the afternoon with my second fruit to keep hunger at bay.

I did read Jeff's comment that it is best to use starch and not fruit or veggies when hunger hits. I used to eat an apple but realize that it only made me feel better for a second or two. Annette suggested oats so I will try that. If I can just get a few days in I think I will feel better about myself and start to lose again.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby AnnetteW » Wed Jan 15, 2020 8:35 am

Looking forward to seeing how it works for you. I'll be back on it today myself. I really am amazed at how similar some people's eating habits are (or aren't). You and I seem to have the same dangerzone, the afternoon, 3 pm. Heck, if I get to 4 pm and haven't eaten, I'm fine till dinner, it's that 2:30 -3 pm range that's bad for me. And I'm often home at that time, so food is easy. Luckily a bowl of oats is easy too.

Keep me posted.
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:48 pm

Well Annette, I started off good but that next afternoon did not go well. I don't know what the problem was but it took a few days for me after that to get back on track. Now I am much better. Yesterday was great and I really don't know what the difference was. I DID chop up a boat load of veggies to have for salad and steaming and that always is a big help for me and my family. I have been eating oats each morning as usual.

Today I saw a recipe in my email box from Forks Over Knives and it was for a salad made with quinoa, kale, winter squash, apple.....don't remember what else but I had everything all ready in my fridge ! I made it up and it was delicious ! You can leave out the seeds and you won't miss them. I am still full from that salad so that was a winner !

Off I go in a few minutes to church. Picking up my granddaughter afterwards and she will spend the night at my house. My husband purchased the Disney Aladdin movie and I am excited to see it again ! Always have fun with my granddaughter and look forward to it. I am sure my daughter and her husband look forward to a night out too !

Good weekend to all !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Mon Feb 24, 2020 4:19 pm

I continue to feel out of control but I know I am not completely out of control. That 2:30 to 4:30 time is my toughest time still. Usually the house is empty then or at least quiet. I don't even have to be bored....I usually have things to do. I try to not think about food or recipes. I try to stay away from facebook entries about food. Maybe I don't try hard enough.

Lent is the day after tomorrow. Ash Wednesday usually is not a problem for me. I eat three meals and nothing in between. Not eating meat is (of course) no problem. I should give up or do something extra when others are giving up meat.

I continue to attend WW meetings as I have for years. The support of friends there really helps me. I use my weekly weigh-ins as my official weigh-ins for the week. I am in the 190's right now. It makes me sad to think that a year ago I lost on MWL and was in the 170's. I would love to be there again. The WW purple plan is so similar to the Starch Solution if you stick to zero point foods and stick to plant based. On good days it is easy to follow. On my difficult days I stumble no matter what I do. I sometimes think I am confusing myself by thinking about too many plans.....MWL, Starch Solution, WW.....

Well, I have some things to think about. I have plenty of things all prepared and in the bean soup, cauliflower bisque, roasted potatoes, cheeze sauce, my hummus, chopped raw vegetables. No sweets in the house.

I will just jump in and eat what I have all ready in my fridge. I will follow the MWL checklist tomorrow. I will just start with that and document how I feel.

Tomorrow afternoon I will be at the hospital training to take care of my new grandson. He is 4 months old and in the neonatal unit at the children's hospital. He will go home with nurses, equipment, and lots of people who love him. I take classes 3 days a week so I can help out. It is a little stressful and I am so tired afterward. He is so cute and his character is starting to show. Despite a muscle condition which affects his breathing and movement, he is full of smiles and tries to "baby chatter" even though he has a trach. His voice comes through once in a while and he is happy when he can hear himself. This has nothing to do with weight loss but it reminds me that even though sometimes it feels like weight loss is my whole life, it isn't. My family and my faith comes first.

Have a good evening !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby JeffN » Mon Feb 24, 2020 5:48 pm

squealcat wrote: I sometimes think I am confusing myself by thinking about too many plans.....MWL, Starch Solution, WW.....

You might benefit from this article on “The Road to Success: Creating Healthy Habits” ... hy-habits/

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby MaryP » Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:29 pm

Good article, good advice, Jeff!
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Mon Mar 09, 2020 12:35 pm

"The only new behavior you have learned (or reinforced) is to keep checking every day and week for the latest piece of information that you hope is going to be the answer. And you remain confused "

Thanks for that article Jeff ! I have read it before but now it means something to me. Time to just do what I know is right for me. I am stepping back and just keeping it simple, easy and smart. Then repeat, repeat, repeat !

Breakfast today: 3 small sweet potatoes (I was on the road)
Lunch: large kale salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, red pepper, a few banana peppers with my hummus and flavored balsamic vinegar stirred in.
Dinner: (planned) steamed broccoli and potatoes

That quote from the beginning of this post is what I have been doing all along. I was looking for "the answer" and hoping I could find something easy that would work for me. What I need to do is just do what I know is true. I am doing that today.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:40 pm

Yesterday went just as well as I would like ALL days to go. I decided to just see how a day with mostly potatoes and veggies would feel like. No fruit or most other starches other than potatoes and some of my own hummus. I have never done this before. Thinking that keeping it simple without foods that excite my taste buds would be helpful. I just didn't know if it would bother me to eat this way.

Well, it way really easy and I didn't miss fruit too much as long as I had potatoes to eat. I made a great kale salad and used only a balsamic vinegar and hummus stirred in to it. Delicious ! I will do that again !

I was going to make a sweet potato soup but found a soup that was mostly cauliflower and sweet potatoes already in my freezer so thawed it for today and the next few days. That will hit the spot !

Today: Breakfast was a couple potatoes and hummus
Lunch was a large salad made with mixed greens, cucumbers, tomatoes,peppers, banana peppers, balsamic vinegar and hummus. I also made potatoes with peppers, onion and mushrooms
Dinner: Potatoes, cauliflower bisque, steamed broccoli

Trying to drink lots of water.

Visited my newest grandson today who is 4 months old and in the neonatal unit at a children's hospital near me. He is doing well. His parents and I are training to be able to take care of him once he is discharged. He is on a ventilator so will need special care and nurses whenever we cannot be there. He is a smart little guy and is figuring out his world and we are enjoying watching him learn new things. He is my joy ! I love him so much ! Tomorrow we will learn and demonstrate CPR . We will probably be done with all the learning stuff after that. Just have to keep practicing until we are comfortable.

I want to continue to eat the same way tomorrow. Need to keep away from the rich foods . I really do love eating this way and hate it when I wander away.

May be back tomorrow !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Wed Mar 11, 2020 6:04 pm

Potatoes again??? Yes !!!

Today was mostly potatoes once more with veggies and cauliflower bisque soup which is sweet potatoes, cauliflower, onions (if I remember right). Hasn't been hard so far but I miss fruit a bit. Oh, I did have one of my muffins made with oats and bananas as a quick fill-in because I was on the road this morning. I am kind of doing a Mary's Mini but switching it up a bit to meet my needs and what I have in the house. Really, I am keeping it simple and I like it !

I want to notice the good that comes from eating this way. Stating it here will help me really notice any changes and help me to continue on this road of mine. My mood is much better after these couple of days....probably because I have succeeded in eating well. I can paste the "failure" label pretty easily on myself.

I went to our local health food store and purchased some Japanese sweet potatoes and Jersey sweet potatoes as well as Idaho's. I have had to cook potatoes every other day this week ! I am waiting for my husband to say something.

Listening to the news about the corona virus made me get out broccoli and cauliflower and steam it up for dinner. Gotta keep up my greens !

All done with training to care for my grandson ! Last class was today. I talked to his nurse and will go in to help with his care tomorrow. I am determined to do as much as I can before he is discharged so I am comfortable .

Breakfast today: 1 medium sweet potato and an oat/banana muffin
Lunch: large salad with various veggies , my hummus and a flavored balsamic vinegar over all. Potatoes with more hummus after that
Dinner: Cauliflower bisque soup with steamed broccoli and cauliflower added. More potatoes with my hummus.
that is all for today !

Stay healthy !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Thu Mar 12, 2020 5:49 pm

I started off my day going to see my little grandson in the Neonatal unit at the Children's hospital. I have passed all my requirements for taking care of him so I was able to do a lot of his care. This made me so happy ! His nurse just stood by and watched to make sure I was doing it right.....made me feel good to be able to pick him up, feed him and make him feel good. He is over 4 months old and we hope he will be going home soon. I plan to care for him once a week while his parents are at work. He needs care around the clock. The unplanned DOES happen. I never thought I would be grandma to a special needs child. I never thought I would feel so much love for this little guy !

Today I walked a mile and a half on our street. Good for me to walk outside again in the fresh air. I figured it would be healthier to stay away from the gym right now if possible. I plan to do this tomorrow too unless it rains or something.

I continue to eat mostly potatoes. It still is going well although I got this urge to chew on something crunchy so am eating a few fat free pretzels right now. That is all the snacks I will have. I promise !

Breakfast : hash brown potatoes with veggies
Lunch: large salad with raw veggies. I added bok choy to the mix today ! I also had one medium sweet potato and one small yellow potato with my hummus
Dinner: steamed brussell sprouts, cauliflower bisque soup, potatoes, fat free pretzels
that is all. I promise !

Stay healthy !
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