mtns journal 2011

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Re: mtns journal 2011

Postby mtns » Sun May 22, 2011 3:02 pm

Well I calculated what I am going to eat tomorrow and see if I can stick to this number of calories. I know I need help to get this weight gone. I think it will help to track calories for this week at least and see if that helps me out. I was planning on losing most of this weight by my sister's wedding which is in two week, I guess it is not going to happen. But I still want to try and not give up.

B: oatmeal with a few walnuts, stevia, 1/2 banana

L: leftover tofu, baked potato with bbq sauce, salad

S: green smoothie

D: don't know yet, maybe some oatmeal or potatoes
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Re: mtns journal 2011

Postby mtns » Mon May 23, 2011 1:49 pm

Well I had a fairly good day yesterday. I had a Jamba juice instead of my green smoothie yesterday. It was a greens and apple one. It was pretty good, but had a slighly green taste to it. Some of my kids didn't like it. I drank half and let the a couple of the kids finish it off.
I bought the book "Made to crave" yesterday and I just love it so far. I am hoping it will really help me out. I plan on cooking up some potatoes and sweet potatoes to have on hand in the fridge. I know that would help a lot as well. I took cut up, baked sweet potatoes in a bag last week to munch on while they were out and it worked good to satisfy me.

E: 1 hr. x-biking

B: oatmeal with cinnamon, stevia

S: 1 rice cake with 1 tbsp almond butter, 1/4 cut up banana

L: hashbrown potatoes, baked tofu

S: green smoothie

D: split pea soup, salad

S: raspberry crisp
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Re: mtns journal 2011

Postby mtns » Tue May 24, 2011 1:27 pm

Well yesterday was the perfect day to make split pea soup. We went to my 2 son's baseball game last night. It seemed nice to start out with. It was cloudy but nice. Then after 10 min. the wind picked up and the temperature dropped. 15 min. later it was hailing and pouring rain. So the coaches decided to wait it out 15 min. Luckily it stopped raining, but it was freezing cold. Me and my other kids were babies and spent some of the time of their game in the car with the heater on. My boys were freezing. So it worked out good to come home and have split pea soup waiting for us in the crockpot.
I was not very hungry so last night I had some cinnamon airpopped pocorn. It was a really good day. I went slightly over my calories for the day, but not by very much. The nice thing was that I felt satisfied, but not stuffed.
We might be going to my husbands softball game tonight if it doesn't rain again.

E: 1 hr. weight class, 30 min. elliptical

B: oatmeal with stevia and strawberries

S: 4 small pieces of tofu

L: leftover split pea soup, salad

S: green smoothie

D: sweet potatoes ( I am craving them), steamed veggies

S: raspberry crisp if still hungry
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Re: mtns journal 2011

Postby mtns » Wed May 25, 2011 1:12 pm

Well my husband and I went out to eat last night. We went to mongolian BBq place. I had all veggies and some tofu. I had some sauce. I couldn't tell if it had oil in the sauce, probably a little I am guessing. But I didn't get any added oil. It was really good. Then for snack I had 2 rice cakes with a little pb and jelly. Overall I feel good about yesterday. It was hard to calculate total calories since I ate out, but througout the day I stuck to my plan. I have been planning out my days before hand with calorie counts and all to make sure I stick to the right number of calories. I have also been measuring my food. That has helped I think. At least for now until I get better about judging my food intake.I really want to get to a place where food doesn't control my life. I always love this way of eating and will stick to it forever, because it is doable. But I don't want to overeat and snack on stuff I shouldn't.
I have family coming in next week. They are coming in for my sister's wedding. I always stress when they come in to what we are going to eat. My sister a lot of times does the cooking and I make sure there is a vegan option. But it is always hard and I like to plan ahead. I think my meals are pretty good, but I worry serving them to my family. My mom I think would be okay and so would my other sister because she lives with a vegetarian, but my dad is a meat person and likes to have his meat. He doesn't really like beans all that well, because of the gas problem. I remember the last time he came we had a stew one night. He fixed a beef stew and I fixed a veggie stew. So I don't know what to plan on. I was thinking one night of making fetticine alfredo.I love Happy Herbivores recipe for it. Of course I could make a dairy version for them. Otherwise I don't know what else to fix.

E: 1hr. x-biking

B: oatmeal with stevia and strawberries

S: apple, a few pieces of tofu

L: sweet potato with spicy mustard ( yum), carrots

S: green smoothie

D: veggie burger, salad

S: cinn. sweet potatoes
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Re: mtns journal 2011

Postby mtns » Thu May 26, 2011 1:32 pm

Well I am ashamed to say I gave in to a handful of chips last night. We had our Awana party last night and my husband served up hot dogs and chips to the kids. I love chips. It is my big downfall. I love doughnuts too, but I can ususally pass those by, but chips are hard for me. I love the salty stuff. Then we brought some home last night so I had like 4 or 5 chips today. They need to be gone.

I am glad school is almost over. Today is our last big day. I am so excited.I need the break. We will do math and reading throughout the summer, but next week we are taking totally off. I am thrilled.

E: 1 hr. zumba, 30 min. weights

B: oatmeal with 1/2 banana, stevia, a few walnuts

S: 1 small homemade cookie

L: 1 veggie burger ( without bun), sweet potatoes with spicy mustard, salad, 1/2 slice of rice bread

S: green smoothie

D: mashed potatoes, steamed asparagus, green beans( I like to mix my green beans in my mashed potatoes, and asparagus was on sale and sounded so wonderful)

S: raspberry crisp if still hungry
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Re: mtns journal 2011

Postby mtns » Fri May 27, 2011 3:26 pm

I have been so hungry today. I don't know what my deal is. Yesterday I went over my calories by 200 because of those stupid cookies I made the kids. Some days I am okay with my eating and not very hungry and some days like today I am starving.
We had fun today. I took the kids to the park today. The group we went with had hot dogs and stuff for the kids, but I brought my mashed potatoes and ate those. I did eat a couple of chips, but that was it. It was fun for the kids to have a good time playing.

E: 1 hr. x-biking

B: oatmeal with cinnamon, a few raisins, stevia

S: 5 slices of baked tofu

L: mashed potatoe with green beans and homemade gravy, 2 slices of watermelon

S: green smoothie, 3 slices of tofu

D: either black bean burgers or faefal, salad

S: apple with "caramel" dip or frozen banana with chocolate
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Re: mtns journal 2011

Postby mtns » Sat May 28, 2011 1:05 pm

Well I made the mistake of making a snack for myself and the kids last night. I made choc. covered frozen bananas. They were way good, and probably not too bad. But the choc. chips have sugar in them and sugar really affects me. I had such a hard time sleeping last night. Not a good idea for me to have sugar again. I did also have snack on some sweet potatoes which wasn't bad, I just should have stuck with those.

E: 1 hr. step aerobics, 30 min. weights

B: oatmeal with a few walnuts, 1/2 banana, stevia

S: 5 slices tofu

L: leftover split pea soup with a few guiltless gourmet tortilla chips

S: green smoothie

D: homemade falfael or hummus, salad

S: oatmeal if still hungry

I am thinking about doing a Mary's mini and sticking with it and making oatmeal and sweet potatoes and maybe potatoes as my main starches. I know that I didn't choose just one starch, but to me that would be big to work on this.
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Re: mtns journal 2011

Postby f1jim » Sat May 28, 2011 2:53 pm

Chips seem to be a recurring theme! What's with those?
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Re: mtns journal 2011

Postby mtns » Mon May 30, 2011 2:01 pm

I want to thankyou Jim for what you said. It is nice to have the accountability. Most people would think a few chips wouldn't hurt, but they do, because for me they set me up with cravings, they I don't normally have eating the Mcdougall way. So for me it wasn't worth it.

I am kind of glad in a way that it is icky outside. It is rainy and cold. I don't like the weather, but at least I won't be tempted with unhealthy foods as our church bbq, which they cancelled. Church is the worst for unhealthy foods. Last night we had a going away party for someone who was moving and we had cakes galore. I watched people come through a couple of times. I watched one guy eat 6 pieces of cake. I was glad I was the one doing the serving. I did have two bites of cake last night, which still not good was better than it could have been.

Well today would have been bbq food, but that is okay with me.

E: 50 min. elliptical, 30 min stairstepper

B: oatmeal with 1/2 banana, stevia

L: black beans and rice over salad

S: green smoothie

D: sweet potato with dijon mustard, steamed veggies

S: oatmeal if still hungry
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Re: mtns journal 2011

Postby mtns » Tue May 31, 2011 12:40 pm

Well, I stuck with my plan yesterday. My husband got fried and grilled chicken for dinner and I bought veggie burgers for my one daughter as she is like me and doesn't like meat, but I didn't even have a veggie burger. I stuck with my sweet potatoes and they were very good and filling. I need to come up with some other ideas for ways to do sweet potatoes now for the next couple of days.

I am tired today and feel like I am starting to come down with a cold, I pray that I am not, I think it might just be lack of sleep. I need to get to bed earlier. I think that would help a lot. My sister-in-laws baby is due any day now and I am supposed to be at the birth, so I am hoping that I can get rid of this before she has her baby.

E: 1 hr. weights, 40 min. elliptical

B: oatmeal with 1/2 banana, stevia

L: sweet potatoes with a spoonfull of sour supreme, black beans and salsa, asparagus

S: green smoothie

D: sweet potatoes with dijon mustard, lg salad

S: oatmeal
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Re: mtns journal 2011

Postby mtns » Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:46 pm

Well, I had a good day yesterday. I find that eating this way, I don't crave things near as much as I used to. I find that I am full, but not overly full. It is a nice feeling. I think next I will do a Mary's Mini with potatoes. I love sweet potatoes, but I want to mix it up a little. I haven't lost any weight yet, but am hoping that this works and I start to lose this weight.

I still have a little bit of a cold, it is so annoying. I need to get better. I don't want to be sick if that baby comes.

I deep cleaned my kitchen today and it felt good to get it all clean. Later I am going to take the kids to the duck pond. I am excited that it is finally nice out. Now I just wish I felt 100%. I feel like I am in a fog from being stuffy.

E: 1 hr. step aerobics

B: oatmeal with 1/2 banana, stevia

L: sweet potatoes with 1 tbsp of sour supreme and salsa, carrots

S: green smoothie

D: sweet potatoes with dijon mustard or plain, salad

S: oatmeal if still hungry
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Re: mtns journal 2011

Postby mtns » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:29 pm

Well I stuck with my eating except one slice of rice bread and some rice crisps. I just let myself get too hungry yesterday. I am finding though for the most part eating this way is helping me with cravings and I feel a little more in control of my eating. The next couple of days may be hard to stick to the Mary's mini with the wedding coming up, but I will still eat on plan.

Well if my sister in law doesn't go into labor this weekend they will induce her on Monday. I am so excited to meet this little baby boy. I got to feel him move around for the first time.
Well I have to finish cleaning my house, since family will be in town tomorrow morning.

E: 1 hr. zumba, 30 min. weights

B: oatmeal with 1/2 banana, stevia ( I forgot we had fresh strawberries, I was planning on having that this morning)

L: hashbrown potatoes, salad, 1 slice of rice bread ( I was planning on having sweet potatoes again, but didn't have any ready)

S: green smoothie

D: sweet potato nachos, steamed veggies

S: oatmeal If still hungry
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Re: mtns journal 2011

Postby mtns » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:29 am

I have a busy day today so just a quick post. I am going out to eat for lunch for a bridal luncheon for my sister. My mom and dad are in town. I am excited. I can't wait for her wedding.

I got my hair done by my sister yesterday and she showed me what she is going to wear for the wedding. They are doing it casual. This is their second marriages so it is informal. They are both wearing shorts and and nice shirts. I looked at my sister and was so jealous of her yesterday. She looks so good and I was hoping to look good for her wedding as well, now it looks like I won't. She watches what she eats, but pigs out on the weekends, I know I have seen her. If I did that I would balloon up for sure. I try not to be jealous, but I am. I am excited for her and I love the guy she is marrying. He is wonderful.

E: 1 hr. x-biking

B: oatmeal with strawberries, stevia

L: we are going to mimi's so I think I will have a veggie burger or see if I can get a baked potato

S: green smoothie or fruit

D: don't know yet, what the plan is for dinner

S: popcorn or oatmeal if still hungry
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Re: mtns journal 2011

Postby mtns » Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:09 pm

Well it has been a crazy weekend with my sister getting married. I would like to say that I did good Saturday, but it was not perfect. Sunday wasn't too bad and today has been crazy as well. I went in with my sister in law for her to be induced to have her baby. Well she ended up staying for 6 hrs. and going home, they said she was not ready. Wish they would have figured out that sooner. I felt bad for her. I could tell she was disappointed. So if she doesn't have her baby tonight or tomorrow they will induce her on Wednesday. I need to get back to eating properly.

E: 1 hr. elliptical

B: oatmeal with cinnamon, a few raisins, stevia

S: apple and 2 slices of tofu

L: veggie sandwich at the hosptial, baked chips( I know big no no)

S: 4 slices tofu, a few slices of sweet potato

D: can't imagine being hungry, I am stuffed, so probably a salad or green smoothie
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Re: mtns journal 2011

Postby simoncat » Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:26 pm

Hey mtn, you are really working out. Good for you. I have never done the elliptical, but I know it's hard. Anyway, I just thought, since you are working so hard at this, you might like to know about what Dr. McDougall says about soy. In "Maximum Weight Loss" on p. 42 he says, The fattiest foods in the plant kingdom are avocados, nuts, seeds, olives, and soybeans". Likewise, on p. 11, he recommends that while you are on his diet you avoid soy and soybean products for the same reason (high in fat). He says they are okay after you lose the weight but you want to be careful. I am not criticizing you, because I struggle with this myself, but thought you might be interested. (I have to stay far away from avocados, myself).

Hope your sister is okay and doesn't have to be induced. When I had my little girl, my doctor wanted to induce me almost as soon as I walked into the hospital. I later found out that he wanted to go play golf (my nurse told me that and she discouraged him). Can you believe that???!!! Luckily, he left and I got another doctor and everything went normally. Anyway, have fun being an aunt and I hope the little one arrives safe and happy.
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