Dissolution's Solution

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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Adrienne » Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:12 pm

I was also offered free popcorn when I went to see FOK!!! There was only like 5 people in the theater. Three of us were already vegan.

Make sure you read Dr M's articles on BP and the j curve effect on mortality BEFORE you go to the Dr. Perhaps you should print out the articles and/or print up the studies referenced. Remember some doctors are rather ignorant and rely on info from drug pamphlets handed to them by the drug companies. It sounds like you need to decrease or get off your drugs.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby nicoles » Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:33 pm

I went to see FOK in Los ANgeles, and we didn't get anything free, and no Q&A, either! :crybaby:

However, this guy was there. And he was was very passionate about the subject - he talked to his date throughout the whole movie about how much he agreed :lol:

The theater was not full by any means, but at the LA screening it seemed like the room was full of those who had "already drank the Kool-Aid"

Congrats on 221#'s!, and have fun with the Personal Trainer - they really do light a fire, so to speak. Fitness Gains Will Be Made.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby carollynne » Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:36 pm

Dis and all who come this way too! that sure sounds awful for a veiwing of the FOK. makes me very glad that I saw it at home with my 2 sons then. but buttered popcorn, :shock: :shock: now that is craziness is you ask me. Hey when you said there were only 2 vegans there, you must have meant 3 including you I thought.
Nice and you and the wife are still duking it out then, :evil: :evil: communication is the key. Hope she can soon see some merit in how you are eating and improving your health by leaps and bounds. I mean aren't you off your diabetes meds now and HBP meds, n o more angina, etc, how can anyone complain about that is beyond me!! and losing a ton of wt! the personal trainer is a nice addition too. I love my fitness workout and it has helped me beyond measure to get in the workout 3-5 times wkly. my knees are getting so much better too. Amazing Grace that one is!
Let us know how you are progressing in the family art of communication too. We do care about each other on this forum and WOE. The encouragement we all get here is immeasurably helpful too.
Good Luck to you !
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Sat Mar 17, 2012 6:39 am

toadfood Sounds to me like you're due to stop the diabetes medicine. When I did it, my BS spiked a bit here and there, I think that was just my system getting used to doing things on it's on.

I'll have to try giving her carrots. She was eating colcannon puffs with me last night.

I decided that we're all just freaks or something. It never occured to me that someone could sit through FoK and decide the message was "Eat more vegetables". Maybe they should have used to word vegan more often int he movie, cause these people didn't get the message.

scooterpie I figured as much, just wouldn't have expected it to seem so much like someone threw a switch.

Yomom Huh...Never would have expected dogs to get excited about sweet potatoes. Sounds like you have a good vet.

AlwaysAgnes Great find with that video, might be perfect for my DIL. Her and #1 just moved right down the street from #2. So I think #2 is going to be helping her transition. As I mentioned he does Engine2, which does allow for the fake meat products. Which for us, I guess are junk food, but they are still much much healthier than the regular SAD food.

My wife's favorite term to use for me when we are at restaurants an explaining how I wish my meals prepared is Ultra-Vegan. It's kind of funny, she was mad at me last night thinking that I am right. I said, "But honey, how can you be mad at me for THINKING that I am right, when I AM right?"

Your extreme dinner sounds lovely!

VegSexy I did notice that the deep fried tortilla chips said organic. I didn't get too close, cause I knew I would not be able to resist the urge to look at the nutrition label.

The PT session went pretty good. Was a little more of an orientation thing though.

Adrienne I don't know why I haven't checked McDougall on BP already.

I had the impression that most of the people at this event, come to whatever event this little group puts on.

nicoles Well everybody knows that LA is full of hippies, so of course they are all vegans and kool-aid drinkers.

Haha...Reminds me, before last Mothers Day I was out shopping and heard one woman say to her friend, "He was all up in my kool-aid, and didn't even know what flavor it was!". :lol:

carollynne Made me glad I had already seen it and drank the kool-aid. There were 4 vegans in the theater, myself, #2 son and two others.

The wife does not deny my fitness level increasing. She still says I'm heading for disaster and that this diet is harming me. Her argument though is that my increased fitness is not fair to her, it's not what she signed up for in our marriage. That I'm leaving her behind. I do feel her pain, I really do. She gets mad if I point out that she could be experiencing the same benefits as me, if she drank the kool-aid. She misses our "hobby" of going out to eat and trying new restaurants. I've told her I will go eat anywhere she wants to. She says she hates going out to eat with me now.


Ok, I have a confession to make. I was not honest with the gym about my medical history. At the very least, I would have had to get a letter from my cardiologist ($90 - $250) visit. They might have even refused my membership and directed me to a rehab center. So I don't tell them, they're off the hook.

I was sitting down with my PT yesterday, going over medical history, injuries, weight-loss. When we go to diet, I explained what I was doing, he asked me about supplements, I said I was only really concerned with vitamin-D and B-12. He put me down as a 10 out of 10, in the diet and nutrition section. I was glad not to have had to debate him.

Haha, so then he asked me about fitness goals. I told him, my first and main goal is to be able to run a mile. He said, easy, we'll have you doing that in 2 weeks. I immediately began re-evaluating my decision to NOT inform them of my heart condition.

We moved to the tread-mill first. He cranked that thing up to 3% incline and 5.5 mph and said I need a quarter mile out of you. Then of course his sadistic side came out and he wanted to TALK, while I'm running UPHILL...both ways! I made it...Switched to walking, and then ran the last 1/10 of a mile. No angina. My legs felt like they were on fire...but my heart was fine.

Then we did weights and stuff. He still thinks the two week goal of running a mile is doable. While I didn't spill the beans about the hear thing. I did tell him that I had only run a mile one or twice in my entire lifetime. Even as a freshman in high school, when I had to do a mile for football, I walked a good portion of it. So we'll see. It's kind of exciting.

I made these last night: http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2009/03/colcannon-puffs.html

I forget who, not sure if it was mentioned in my journal or in one of yours, but that's where I got the recipe. Wow these things are good! I felt very Irish. BTW, the Yorkie-Poo was born on St. Patrick's day 2 years ago. Maybe that's why she liked them.

I hope everyone has a good Saturday!
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby didi » Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:22 am

Dis, your story sounds like a remake of Days of Wine and Roses only with food instead of alcohol.

I am surprised your wife could find nothing on the net to contradict the McDougall diet. There is low carb stuff all over the place and if she hits on the diabetes group from web md you will really have arguments.

Love is unconditional. You love her while she remains overweight and does not care for her own health and if she gets fatter and sicker and you still love her then she should love you unconditionally if you change or don't change. Not fair, only one partner loving unconditionally. No fair not trusting your spouse to love you unconditionally.

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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby AlwaysAgnes » Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:54 am

Your confession makes me uncomfortable. The gym and PT may be off the hook, legally, but it will be small consolation for your PT if you drop over at his feet with a heart attack that could have been prevented had he been informed about your medical history. You were a naughty boy. ::wags finger:: Now, drop and give me twenty, or I'll have to drag Lani in here to whoop your butt. :evil:
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby carollynne » Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:12 pm

Dis, I am wondering if the "drank the kool-aid" reference is from that Jones' Cult in British Guyana, gee whizz that is some reference, is you ask me!! no possible connection to McDougalling at all. Maybe to her SAd and over fat eating.....
I wil have to piggy back on that others just said that you need to come clean with the PT so that you will not over do it at first. Oh, but you are doing so great all over the place within every category, that I cannot believe that your wife would not be cheering you on and on!! She's get there, is my guess and then reluctantly join you after a fashion. Kicking and whiny all the way, but what choice does she have? Isolation, and all around her thinking that she is a mental case for not seeing what is in front of her own 2 eyes..o_O
and then having to admit that some of it does taste ok, afterall!! yumm yumme. But sounds like you 2 are used to communicating like this, and some habits are so darn hard to change too. Don't give in to old habits, and that is a tall order believe me!
Happy St Paddy's Day to you all!! My oldest son and I went to an Irish Pub Gary Owen's in Gettysburg for a veggie burger, that is was too long of a wait, so we decided to get Thai food instead, and it was by far the better choice anyway. Just had to see that place I guess.
Keep at it, the rewards are so great!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:48 am

didi I've heard of it, but I am unfamiliar with that book/movie. I'll have to check into it.

I don't know, I think she realizes deep down, that any scientific argument against this way of eating she could fine, I would be able to dismantle and disprove. So even though I spent the last year as a doctor diagnosed diabetic with BS never below 200 and the final 3-6 months with it never below 300, and was able to quit diabetes medicine after 2 weeks. Her only response to that was I was never REALLY diabetic in the first place. Cause after all, she has lost 80 pounds over the past 2 years, and her BS has never budged. I have also pointed out to her that 60 on those pounds she lost, she put on in the previous 2 years from taking insulin, and the first thing Dr. McDougall would do, besides putting her my diet, would be to get her off all diabetes medicine.

AlwaysAgnes But according to Dr. Esselstyn, I'm now heart attack proof. :D That personal trainer session was one of the free ones that comes with the trial membership. I'll get 3 more free ones once I join. So I won't be working with him very often, probably just have him re-evaluate every couple of months.

A couple of years ago, I was having a horrible tooth ache. My dentist couldn't fit me in for a couple of days. So my Mom got me an appointment with her dentist. I went in, got x-rayed. The dentist came in and asked me to leave. Told me with my medical history it was too risky for him to treat me. So I guess I'm a little paranoid sometimes.

carollynne Yes that is definitely what the "kool-aid" reference means. From Wikipedia:
"Drinking the Kool-Aid" is a metaphor commonly used in the United States and Canada that refers to a person or group's unquestioning belief in an ideology, argument, or philosophy without critical examination. The phrase typically carries a negative connotation when applied to an individual or group. The basis of the term is a reference to the November 1978 Jonestown Massacre, where members of the Peoples Temple were said to have committed suicide by drinking a "Kool-Aid"-like drink laced with cyanide

She has admitted that if she did start eating my way, that she could make some really good food. But still insists she'll never do it. The gym thing is a little bad timing on my part, because her ankle is still injured, and she can't really do too much except limp around the house right now.
Went to the gym in the morning. Ok, so remember when I told the PT that I wanted to be able to run a mile, and then he made me run .25 miles before switching me to walking? I got on the treadmill by myself yesterday and ran .40 of a mile @ 5.6 mph before having to switch to walking. I was then able to switch between walking and running for the next half hour doing each for 2 minutes at a time. Oh yeah and NO angina. One year ago, walking @ 3.0 mph for half a mile would give me angina. I have no clue what's going on, but I like the ride.

Stopped by a flea market on the way home, picked up a full set of golf clubs for $30 and a bike rack for my car for $10, still don't have a bike, but I'm looking. I also stopped by Wal-Mart to pick up half'n'half for the wife and fruit for me.

Wife was mad when I got home, cause I was gone longer than a workout should have taken and I didn't look sweaty. I explained to her, that even when I was a freshman in high school and played football, I still wasn't physically fit. I've never been fit. And now I have a glimpse of myself being fit and healthy, and that yes, I was going to be selfish and pursue it at all costs. She said it was just bad timing, with her just losing her Mother, and her Sister losing her mind and her best friend (me), not acting like her best friend anymore. She started crying and I hugged her, and the yorkie-poo jumped up into her chair with a rubber squeaky pig and gave it to my wife, it was very very cute.

We didn't really resolve much of anything. I guess I have a little more empathy for her, and her current emotional state. I had not given much thought into how her sister's complete mental break down was effecting her. I did get her to agree to let me take her out last night.

It's Lobsterfest® at Red Lobster this month, so that's where we went. My wife even suggested we go to the one near the organic market, so we could stop in there. I swear they grow their kale in cocaine water or something, it's SOO good. I got some of that and some swiss chard. Not sure about picking swiss chard is redder better or greener better?

The wife ordered Lobster Lovers Dream aka most expensive thing on the menu. She pointed out the good thing about me eating this way was it made me a cheap date, so it made her feel less guilty about ordering the most expensive thing on the menu. I just smiled and reminded her that it had never stopped her before. Staff was so awesome. I ordered baked potato, rice pilaf, asparagus, I ate the wife's side salad with pico de gallo. Our waitress even had them make the biscuits without butter or cheese. I was very impressed and everything was really good. I tipped very well.

My BP was a little better yesterday after my workout, wait, I guess not 91/56 pulse 98. Wife checked it last night after getting home and it was 95/65. This is not taking the diuretic as the doctor suggested. Guess I'll monitor today and with no workout and then Monday with working out and and put another call in to the doctor.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby SFJ » Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:02 am

keep asking her for help cooking. it probably annoys her that you are so satisfied with what you are eating without her help, and that it's so easy for you. maybe you should act like you need her to help cook, she probably wants to feel needed and it would get her involved, and she'd be tasting stuff. just stay with her and make sure she doesn't sneak fats it!
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby carollynne » Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:12 am

Dis your bp # are just so remarkable ! I am so impressed. I loved your biscuits at red lobster, and never knew they had some without the butter and cheese. May get there again, and ask about that. So nice that you and wife went out to eat! thanks for the update on the drank the kool-aid!! I watched a TV doc on the ones who escaped and the kids whose parents told them to run and hide in the forest and met up at some train station. Sad all around to have to remember it all. But drank the kool aid does not come close to describing this WOE.
My son told me yesterday that I was looking skinnier!! wow!! I am shocked for real!
loved hearing about your workouts. Keep at it and you will know when to stop and cool down.
It must be so gratifying to get into shape for the first time in your life , HEY ENJOY IT ALL! I love that line that says: You don't have to wait to be happy!! You are too young to ever ever, give back control of your life to what you are eating that is giving you all the trouble etc..... I mean you did not drink any kool-aid after all..... perhaps the rest of the SAD world has, but not you!!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Christine in Cali » Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:22 pm

Dis......I love reading your journal. It's so exciting. Keep at it my friend, your doing great.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby carollynne » Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:42 am

Dis, Good morning, and have to say it again, it was just a glorious weekend here in our area, near Gettysburg. Hope you are having a great workout and eating a ton of food that will make your wife jealous enough to start her own journey with you! I can only imagine that when she does join you, it will be an even greater journey for you. It will happen. We tried out our brand new stainless steel grill master, yesterday and Dh had a steak, and Son and I had a vegan homemade gluten and bean sausage and veggies roasted on grill. and smashed reds with peas and carrots on top. Dr McDougalls' fav food from his childhood! it was great! The point of this story is that DH in the bathroom, was a huge stinky situation and it amazed me again, how the human digestion can really run amok on the food that is just not for us to begin with!
I just got an email about our Healthy adventure community pot luck get together at the doctor's house!! Will have to go this time, I missed the holiday one as it had been on son's birthday! Won't miss this one. I love seeing all the great whole foods planted based food people tote in. It is a ton of food, and all so healthy for you. Better than any restaurant for sure. Around here anyway, that might have a few vegan options maybe, and ask them to hold the grease back! This is the rural side of my area, which is filed with a lot of plain people 's small farms and country bulk stores, so partly good, and partly not so good. All the fund raisers and get together-s are going to be stuff like ham sandwiches and chicken corn soup, steamers, pulled pork bbq ox roast and of course french fries or some greazy deal. never did much of that anyway, but oh the sweets called my name too often!
Have a great day out there Dis and keep us posted on all your wonderful wt loss and numbers dropping and how about it---- when your wife does join you, a pix of you 2 again??
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:19 am

SFJ That's an excellent idea. I tried that before when we bought several different types of sweet potatoes at an organic market. For the next couple of weeks, on my way home I would ask her if she wanted to cook those sweet potatoes for dinner, and she never did. Of course, then when I finally cooked them, and offered her some, that was me "shoving my diet down her throat". Once her ankle is healed I'll bug her some more about helping me cook.

Christine in Cali Thank you, you are very kind.

carollynne We were at the Red Lobster in Frederick, MD. If you make it there ask for Alicia.

I've also heard some of the survivors complain about the "drink the Kool-aid" comment, because they were forced to at gun point. Most did not drink it willingly. Even if they did, I did not buy into this way of eating without doing research and seeing the science. Which is a hell of a lot more than most people do to justify their ways of eating.

Congrats on the compliment from your son about looking thinner. We can say all we want that we are doing it for ourselves, but those compliments really can make your day.

How was the gluten and bean sausage? I made a version once and it was very good. I've avoided it since then, because I was a afraid of the slippery slope back to meat, I'm not really worried about that so much anymore.

Good luck with your pot luck. One of the vegans I met at the FoK movie said they tried to do a vegan pot luck a few months ago and it wasn't very successful, but that they were going to try another one soon, and she would post it on her facebook page.


Funny story...First of all. I'm not the kind of guy who will normally wear t0shirts that often in public. Unless I am going to the gym or doing something sporty. #2Son called me yesterday morning and wanted me to meet him at the golf driving range. So I put on shorts and my "I need a bacon IV stat!" t-shirt. The wife hates it when I wear the shirt now, I think it''s funny and ironic.

So the driving range didn't open until noon, so #2Son wanted to take his bike to a nearby bike store for a tune up. We parked downtown and walked over to the bike store. It didn't open until noon. So we decided to go into the cafe next door. We walked up to the counter and I was looking at the menu, and was just getting ready to point out that they had vegan items listed, when the girl behind the counter says, "Sir, if you're looking for bacon, you've come to the WRONG place." I looked up, #2son and I looked at each other and we started laughing. Explained to the girl that I was vegan and wore the shirt because I thought it was funny, and she agreed.

Ok, so my remaining medications are Simvastatin, my cholesterol lowering one. Based on my research, including Dr. McDougall and Dr. Esselstyn, and the opinion of my cardiologist, I plan to remain on that one for at least a few more months. I'll re-evaluate, once I reach my destination weight.

I've also been taking a baby asprin, Lisinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide (HCT). HCT is a diuretic that is supposed to help with blood pressure. That is the one my cardiologist told me I could try not taking anymore. That's what I did Friday and Saturday and it didn't seem to help much. So I finally re-read McDougall's opinion on blood pressure and the medications used to treat high blood pressure, and decided to try dropping the Lisinopril too. Had the wife check BP last night and she got 120/79. I'll keep monitoring it for the next few days a couple of times a day, maybe watch my sodium intake a little more carefully and cut down of coffee and see if I can stay off all the BP medicine.

Of course the down side is my weight has gone up (226 this morning). But healthier is healthier and the scale is just a number.

Happy Monday...
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby MixedGrains » Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:24 am

HCTZ is one of the BP meds I'm still on (to be revisited at next doctor visit) and I know that if I forget to take it on a given day, my scales will bump up a few pounds the next day because of the water I didn't pee out in response to it. So I'm not at all surprised to see your weight bump a little bit if you are experimenting with your meds.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby nicoles » Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:37 pm

Dissolution wrote:]...Of course the down side is my weight has gone up (226 this morning). But healthier is healthier and the scale is just a number.

Yes! healthier is healthier, numbers be darned!

You are running on a treadmill without angina for gosh sakes! What the what?!?!? HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?! :nod:

I am thinking positive for you. I believe your wife will come around. She might be kicking and screaming now, and a royal, crazy pain-in-the-patootie about it all, but that comment about her making great food if she ate this way seems like a chink in her armor, so to speak. At least to me. So take legal action, guard your finances and stay positive, all the while taking care of yourself.

And I am sure it will help if you take it into consideration and perspective all the hard stuff she is dealing with. That must have amped-up her crazy behavior considerably.
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