10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby Chile » Sun May 29, 2011 9:03 pm

Long day, a big project completed.

Upset stomach most of the afternoon. Bad raspberries at lunch?

Here's the food. Too tired to make any other observations.

Breakfast: plate of Potatoes O'Brien with ketchup

Lunch: 2 baked Yukon Gold potatoes with some chopped baked sweet onion, topped with arugula and a quick raspberry "dressing" made of mushed raspberries, mustard, and apple vinegar

Snack: 2 cups popcorn

Snack: cantaloupe smoothie (includes prunes, applesauce, froz. oj concentrate, vanilla, maple syrup, brown rice syrup)

Dinner: baked Yukon Gold potato with chopped baked sweet onion; steamed broccoli
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby burgh_grl » Mon May 30, 2011 2:51 am

Hey Debbie...i've been enjoying reading your posts for a long time now ;-) You offer so much wisdom and GOOD food advice!all~ really appreciated! YUM...cnt wt to do the mm w/rice, as U are. I strt on Fri. w/ a "buddy" frm ths brd.
Debbie. wrote:Interesting Chile that you got rid of the salad dressing because of the soy ingredients and not because of the oil.

Today was okay. I didnt eat alot. It was just weird.

B- 1.5 c brown rice w/vanilla and 3/4 of a banana.

The only other things I had today were, 5 crackers at a bday party, some sliced cucumber, starwberry, bite of watermelon and 2 handfuls of bluberries this evening.

Not sure whats up with that. And I didnt even finish my breakfast this morning. I have a twinge of hunger tonight, but at this point its not enough to make me want to go through the effort of making something.I hear tht...but it's RARE for me. Rice...is just so satisfying, isnt it? I'm just STUCK at 159 Debbie. Twenty away frm my goal. scale wnt move..dispondant this morning ovr no loss ths week. :( shoot. But last night it did. (I'll go back and edit that by the way). So we'll see. Just a strange day.

Ive still got this cough, maybe thats whats up. I cough rather hard at times.Tellme about it...GAWD!! I didnt walk this am for two reasons. One, I was coughing alot and that kept me up and my middle daughter was also up coughing a bunch. Ohhh nooo...your lil girl too? arrrrgh!! I'm so sorry! I gave her something and she finally fell back to sleep around 430.it's my time of day to be up and on line :roll: (I peek a sneak look on the boards then, kinda quiet at 4am ;-) )i'm relating BIG time..hd an allrgy cough for two-three mnts now. Enough already!! is tht the reason for ur's? Walgrns "waltussin" lsts 6-8 hrs..their Robitussin i gss. Live in Fla. but -pollens r evrywhre tho!

Other than that, Im good.
have a wonderful day girl...thank you for all that you write!!
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby Chile » Mon May 30, 2011 8:44 pm

Day 8 is down. I have to be honest and say I am so looking forward to having pasta after this is done! But, I also love looking at the new number on the scale each morning. After months of neglecting my health, it's great tdo see a lower number instead of a higher one.

I stuffed myself today, maybe because I walked this morning and then walked on the treadmill at the gym, too, plus did some time on the exercise bike and a short weights workout.

I also went to the store and bought 10 (TEN!) more bags of frozen shredded hashbrowns (while they were still on sale). I'm really enjoying the hashbrowns for breakfast and plan to continue that most of the time after this is done. I hate oatmeal so the potatoes are a better morning plan for me.

Breakfast: big plate of Potatoes O'Brien mixed with shredded hashbrowns, topped with ketchup

Snack: banana

Lunch: 2 baked Yukon Gold potatoes with seaweed and dried veggies in soup

Snack: small fruit salad of rapsberries, cantaloupe, and 1/2 banana with lime juice

Dinner: big bowl of baked Yukon Gold potatoes with steamed broccoli, baked sweet onion, and nutritional yeast, with a dressing of mustard, maple syrup, and apple vinegar
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby simoncat » Mon May 30, 2011 10:12 pm

Hi, Chile and all. After seeing Mike M.'s video, I'd like to try this too. Although at times when I've eaten potatoes or rice, I find I am tired, but I wonder if that will pass or if it is something else. Anyway, even if it's late, can I join? I need some support as my family, although mostly vegetarian, eat snacks a lot and stuff I can't have. I also am a celiac and have a cholesterol problem and my doctor is trying to get me to take Statins!! So, I'd love some company. Would it be okay? I am learning a lot here. :)
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby Chile » Tue May 31, 2011 9:07 am

Debbie, I'm sad to see you leave the mini, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I'm holding out for the last two days.

Simoncat, sure, join in. I'm ending in a couple of days but may still post here occasionally. Be sure to read Dr. McDougall's newsletter articles on the mini. No need to limit how much you eat. If hungry, eat!
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby kittyadventures » Tue May 31, 2011 11:48 am

simoncat wrote:Hi, Chile and all. After seeing Mike M.'s video, I'd like to try this too. Although at times when I've eaten potatoes or rice, I find I am tired, but I wonder if that will pass or if it is something else. Anyway, even if it's late, can I join? I need some support as my family, although mostly vegetarian, eat snacks a lot and stuff I can't have. I also am a celiac and have a cholesterol problem and my doctor is trying to get me to take Statins!! So, I'd love some company. Would it be okay? I am learning a lot here. :)

Simon Cat.. I am starting a MM today with beans as my starch.. if you want to join me I am posting a new thread so as not to mess up this one... Just join in when you are ready I will be running mine till June 10th as a start and may run on through all of June.. depends on how I do I guess... I would love to have you join me.
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby simoncat » Tue May 31, 2011 3:18 pm

Simoncat, sure, join in. I'm ending in a couple of days but may still post here occasionally. Be sure to read Dr. McDougall's newsletter articles on the mini. No need to limit how much you eat. If hungry, eat!

Thanks, Chile. Please excuse my ignorance, but how do I access Dr. McDougall's newsletter articles re the mini? I tried "Search" but that took me to posts re them.
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby StarchBeet » Tue May 31, 2011 3:53 pm

hey chile, Im curious about what the sale price of the potatoes was and where you bought them? I just noticed that Safeway had their frozen potatoes (hash and potatoes O'brien) on sale. I also notice that the bag of potatoes O'Brien seems smaller! I do believe they've made the bag smaller! I think I'll be making my own unless I'm too short of time (since I got a 50 pound bag :eek: ).
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby Chile » Tue May 31, 2011 4:06 pm

simoncat, to find them, you just use the Search button up on the top right. I typed in "Mary's mini-McDougall" and here are the results: click here.

There are articles in the June and July newsletters of the year he did it. Do you know where the newsletter archive is?

Click on "Home" to get to Dr. McDougall's home page. The newsletter archive is listed partway down on the left side. Find the month and year you want - from the search above - and click on that to display the newsletter with the article on the diet.

StarchBeet, they were $2.79 each at Fry's, with an additional 50 cents off each if you buy 10. Sale ends TODAY!
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby Chile » Tue May 31, 2011 9:58 pm

An old injury is inflamed today, I think from trying another trainer at the gym. He didn't believe me when I told him I have lots of conditions that require modifications of exercises. I spent the day in pain but hope it will be better by morning.

Eating was good. Still no cravings for unhealthy foods, just for other starches. I really wanted to make sweet potato patties today but I forgot the recipe calls for cooked rice as well as flour, so I'm putting that off for a couple more days.

Breakfast: big plate of shredded hashbrowns with ketchup

Lunch: baked Yukon Gold potato with steamed broccoli and sweet onion; salad with mustard-maple syrup-vinegar dressing

Dinner: dehydrated diced potatoes simmered in water to rehydrate with fresh spinach added at end, mixed with grilled sweet onion and portabello mushroom; steamed asparagus
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby simoncat » Tue May 31, 2011 11:17 pm

Thanks, Chile and Debbie. Wow, that was interesting. So, I gather after reading the articles that our snacks are to be the same as whatever we choose as our main starch. Thus, we can't use fruit as a snack? Am I correct?
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby burgh_grl » Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:28 am

Chile wrote:Debbie, I'm sad to see you leave the mini, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I'm holding out for the last two days.

Simoncat, sure, join in. I'm ending in a couple of days but may still post here occasionally. Be sure to read Dr. McDougall's newsletter articles on the mini. No need to limit how much you eat. If hungry, eat!

Thanks from me as well chile...i'll be starting my mm w/a buddy on fri. his...newsletter articles on the mini...ooookk..i'll do tht! I'm sure i'll find em! I'm building up food ideas, trying some early..getting ready!! I'm diggin it...really, i am!! Welcome Simoncat...we're all in ths together!! you've found a GREAT place here!! A great day all!
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby simoncat » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:05 pm

Debbie. wrote:
simoncat wrote:Thanks, Chile and Debbie. Wow, that was interesting. So, I gather after reading the articles that our snacks are to be the same as whatever we choose as our main starch. Thus, we can't use fruit as a snack? Am I correct?

No, I think you can as long as your fruit doesnt go over 2 per day per MWL rules ;-)

I think he was meaning that you cant choose say a bowl of rice as a snack. So if a piece of fruit wont do it, then add your chosen starch to it to make it a more substantial snack.

You may find however, that you dont need to snack after a few days, but everyones different.

Thanks, Debbie. I hope you are over your cold. I had one like that recently and it took a long time to go away; but then, I was around runny noses all day (kids at school). Anyway, I decided to post with KittyAdventures since she was just starting as well. I've already lost!!! I have to say it's amazing and anyone here who has had trouble losing, should try it. I keep wondering if my scale is really working :-o . Also, in the past, eating potatoes used to make me tired but now that does not seem to be the case. I am wondering if my body just needed to adjust to them or something!
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby Chile » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:53 pm

It's over! I've done my ten days of potatoes with good success. I'll post a full report tomorrow after I've weighed myself in the morning.

Here's what I ate for my last day of all potato meals. Don't worry, I'm gonna keep eating spuds.

Last Day of Potato Diet!

Breakfast: 1/2 small banana, couple bits of cantaloupe; big plate of - guess what? - hasbrowns, this time with salsa instead of ketchup

Snack: large raw carrot, couple of arugula leaves

Lunch: large plate of leftover dinner potato mix (potato cubes, spinach, grilled onion & mushroom)

Snack: carrot juice

Dinner: mashed Yukon Gold potatoes with fresh garlic and dried toasted onion; steamed broccoli, carrot, and snow peas
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby kittyadventures » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:07 pm

Yeah chili You did great. Can't wait to hear your stats tomorrow.
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