Journal of my journey

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby squealcat » Sun Sep 13, 2020 10:13 am

My youngest son hiked part of the Appalachian trail this summer and said he also packed too much food. He thought he would be hungrier. His hike was rough too but sounds like yours was more so. He brought his dog (who cut his paw while hiking ) but says he won't bring this dog next year when he goes as it slowed them down when he got the cut.

So glad to hear about your adventure ! Carry on !

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Sep 17, 2020 9:24 am

Sept 16, 2020

Weight - 140.4 coming down a bit, but yesterday was a super active day. I mowed 2 sections of my yard and weeded the asparagus patches. I put my fitbit on my ankle and set the exercise for hike - 7.26 miles back and forth in the yard. Mind you that is only 2 sections of the 10 that I divided my yard.

I did not eat compliant with the starch solution yesterday. Too be honest, I was too lazy to meal prep. It is a different story today: I am steaming some delicata squash and making some potato chickpea curry. It should be enough for about 3 meals. Plus I will be eating watermelon throughout the day for my snack.

Hoping to do one more section of the yard. My exercise was 45 minutes on the recumbent bike 16.5 miles. Did a leisure ride while watching Steph and Adam meal prep. I like their ideas for putting together quick and easy meals -- but, oh my, their personalities grate on my nerves. Maybe its because they are too cheerful. :lol:

Well, hoping to have a starch solution day and get that grass mowed before rain comes
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Sep 18, 2020 7:58 am

Sept 18, 2020

Weight - forgot to weigh before I had coffee. But that is okay as I am not under the scale police patrol. My one pair of jeans has more room in the waist.

Exercise - I pulled my weight bench out of storage, but need to find a spot to set it up. I want to start doing some weight training to stay strong as I age. My youngest brother told me he was proud of my accomplishment on the SHT because he said he cannot even walk on his uneven lawn without being unsteady. I look at my parents and I am concerned about muscle loss as I as and lose this gained weight.

I managed to get more than one section of the yard mowed yesterday. I want to get the grass mowed around the house today if the weather stays dry. I am trying to get the grass mowed before the leaves fall. Then, I'll be outside raking.

I am still having difficulty getting on and staying on plan. I made some extra meals for me to have on hand so when I come in from yard work I can just heat and eat. Hubby returned home earlier than expected and he ate some of my meals. I think that is part of my difficulty staying on plan because when I do plan and prepare, hubby eats it even if he says he does not want it. I end up eating bread -- bread is a trigger for me. I don't know, I hope to get this figured out.

June 2019 is when my stress started - when my parents sold the house and my father's health went downhill overnight, and then with the lock down this spring and taking care of the grandchildren. And dealing with hubby's negativity on a daily basis. --- This time around it is hard for me to pull myself up and out of it.

On the positive - even with the bit I am doing I am having less aches and pains.

Plan for today - recumbent bike for at least one half hour. Mow the yard around the house. Check the garden for frost damage.

Meal plan:
curried potato, corn and greens
delicata squash

lentil soup - onion, celery, carrot, potato, and lentils
plain rice
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Daydream » Sat Sep 19, 2020 5:51 am

Morris wrote:I am still having difficulty getting on and staying on plan. I made some extra meals for me to have on hand so when I come in from yard work I can just heat and eat. Hubby returned home earlier than expected and he ate some of my meals. I think that is part of my difficulty staying on plan because when I do plan and prepare, hubby eats it even if he says he does not want it. I end up eating bread -- bread is a trigger for me. I don't know, I hope to get this figured out.

Hi Nancy,

One solution: buy some frozen veggies that you can microwave in the bag and buy some frozen brown rice (many markets have prepared frozen brown rice that you can microwave). Canned beans and canned vegetables are an option too (canned corn, peas, green beans, etc.). If bread is a trigger for you, I would get it out of the house or you will continue to fail. If your husband wants bread, he can get it when he leaves home or put it in a locked storage area where only he has the key. That is what I would do. I wish you all the best!
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Sep 21, 2020 8:02 am

Sept 21, 2020

Weight - no weigh in this morning. Ate out at a restaurant yesterday and It was salty -- bloated today. That is one thing I do not like about eating out -- no control of how things are made.

Yesterday was a slow moving day - trying to do some fall cleaning in the house. I got 1/2 the yard taken mowed, but needed a break from it. I think I was getting a bit dehydrated even though it seemed I was drinking enough water. Then I spent the afternoon with D2 -- we went to a state park and it was the first time she visited that park. It is right on the outskirts of town and she never knew it was there.

I am eating that lentil soup I made - looks like hubby does not like lentils. So, I think I found something he will leave alone if I make it ahead of time.

Breakfast and lunch for me will be the lentil soup -- I think I will be able to finish it up today. I added some curry powder to it and I cannot taste the spices only feel the heat. Maybe my curry powder mix is old and lost its flavor.

I was going through the freezer and found that riced cauliflower I bought a while ago. I realize that I have not eaten my tri-grain cereal for a while. Last time I made it, it was a texture thing and was hard to get down. I need to find something else to use that riced cauliflower -- anyone try that in mashed potatoes? Maybe I'll make some taco filling to add to a salad.

Well, time for me to start my day.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed Sep 23, 2020 8:40 am

Sept 23, 2020

Weight 141.6 -- up a bit. I am sort stuck in this range so if I am going to see any change I will need to commit to commitment and get with this plan.

I will admit that I really like filling my plate with starches. However, it seems that I could be including more of the lesser calorie dense veggies.

Yesterday, I went to to visit my parents and sister. My mom fell getting back into the car after visiting with my dad at the nursing home -- that sort of shook me mainly because I have not yet added strength training to my exercise routine. I see he getting more frail each week I visit and it is because she does not move unless she has to. I recall her doctor telling her to use her muscles or lose them. And, on my health scale, I always get a low score for muscle.

Since I got back from the hiking trip, I have not been exercising as I want and my body is sort of craving it today. The leaf colors are starting to change, and the weather is warm; so I think I may load up a day pack and head for the trails nearby. The only thing is that the bears are still out and about and they are feeding to fatten up. So, I think I will just do the smaller of the loops.

Today, I plan to eat:

mashed potatoes/riced cauliflower
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:54 am

Hey there Nancy

Sorry to hear about your mom's fall. It's so true...if you don't use it, you lose it. Muscle is one of the things that deteriorates rapidly if it isn't replenished, especially when we get older. With Wylie and me renting from my mom, we're right close by and I'm grateful for that with the quarantine. We'd be a lot more worried if there had been no one at home with her, even though she's healthy and not at all feeble.

Have fun out on the trails!

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Sep 24, 2020 8:32 am

@ bunsofaluminum - thanks. I wish my parents were a bit closer, but when we looked for a place for them they wanted to stay in the area they were familiar with and did not want to chose a location close to hubby and I. Your are fortunate to have your mom close by. It only takes one fall for the elderly to become dependent on someone.

Weight this morning - 140.0 --- surprise! I had to step on the scale a couple of times because I couldn't believe the number. I am mostly focusing trying not to binge with the snacking and trying to make that meal time last 20 minutes. Sometimes, I still feel hungry but I am finding that if I wait a bit eventually my mind catches up and tells me I had enough to eat.

It helps to stay busy so I am not so focused on wanting to stuff my face. Plus, I am also attempting to drink more so I am not dehydrated. I tend to snack more when I really just need more water. Other than the midnight snacking on those Pocky sticks, I am doing alright and staying in control. They are still in the house so that means I am exercising some self-control. :nod:

I managed to eat the mashed potatoes and stir fry vegetable mix for my meals yesterday. I added the riced cauliflower to the potatoes along with some onion and garlic powder. I did not bother with the chickpeas. I have one meal left so I will have that for breakfast.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:39 am

Sept 25, 2020

Weight 141.1 -- up again, but did not drink enough water and ate at a Mexican restaurant. I had the vegetable bowl, but something had oil in it because I definitely had the mouth feel -- most likely it was the onion and pepper mix and/or the cooked mushrooms. Usually they use minimum oil, but yesterday it seemed more than usual. My rice was loaded with beans, spinach, lettuce, tomato, tomato onion mix, red onion, corn, cilantro and black olive.

My snacking was controlled -- I think I need to work on eliminating that and make smarter choices. But, I know what I need to do. I make too many excuses. The other day I came across a quote, "Projection is perception." -- I attribute a lot of negative attributes to my hubby and that quote is causing me to take a deeper look at myself and see where I need to change for the better. As they say, "The faults you see in others are usually your faults magnified." --If that is the case, I am a negative person. I think I will start a gratitude journal --again.

What I plan to eat today:
spinach, beet and orange salad
rice and beans

?? - we have a meeting to go to and it will take us through lunch - so I am not sure what will be available. That is why I am starting with a hearty breakfast this morning
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Sep 26, 2020 9:32 am

Sept 26, 2020

Weight - no weigh in this morning.

Yesterday's restaurant meal was totally non-compliant, except I asked for the rye bread dry. But for breakfast I ate: rice and beans with onion, spinach and beets (the grandkids ate my oranges so I went without)

Today I am starting my day with:
tri-gain (oats, barley and rye) flakes with riced cauliflower, blueberries, flaxseed and banana

I plan to have for the other meals:
rice and beans
spinach with beet
mixed fruit cup

I have two over ripe bananas and some zucchini so I am thinking of making some type of whole grain banana zucchini bread

Exercise today with be a hike in the woods. I wanted to go camping but all parks are booked for the weekend. I could set up my tent in the yard somewhere, but it is not the same feel. I am working on a spot in the corner of our property to set up a campsite so then I can camp for free. I like going to the state parks because I hike the trails, but I have trails close by that I could do. But, getting off the property gives me that "get away" feeling.

We are going to harvest our squash and melons now that the weather is getting cold. Looking at what others are setting out by the roadside, it was not a good year for squash. Lots of small ones.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:15 am

Sept 29, 2020

Weight - 141.0 slow and steady

Saturday and Sunday was spent with D2, GS2 and GD2 - we went to her camper -- not my idea of camping. They have an RV set up in a campground. Lots of people all crowded together. The best part was we hiked to the waterfalls at a nearby state park. Beautiful! This is a park I do not visit often as it is more popular and often the campsites are full. So, it was nice to go to the RV because the leaves are almost at peak for the color.

Yesterday, I finally got that weight bench that was in storage put back together. Only missing one screw -- not bad for being in storage for a few years. It is a simple bench that I got from Walmart forever ago. I did a few exercises on it off and on throughout the day. After I did that, I was totally aware of my leg muscles with every step. I usually get the delayed onset muscle soreness 24-48 hours later. So far so good today.

This morning my jeans were loser and the belt I used was too big (went past the holes). So, I guess I will be needing to focus on inches lost more than weight. I am hoping to gain muscle (lose inches).

Yesterday, my meals were:
rice and beans on spinach

rice and beans on spinach

Exercise: weight bench exercises and working out in the garden-lots of weeding (and was visited by one of the grouses, but it was just curious as to what was moving out there and it went on its way after it scolded me)
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Oct 01, 2020 9:24 am

October 1, 2020
weight 141.8 up a bit (I think)

I am slowly getting back into taking care of me again. I am starting the Beck Diet Solution one more time. As I was reading those introductory chapters some things popped out at me and I realize these are areas that I need to work on:

1. To make this WOE (way of eating) a higher priority than pleasing others or to satisfy a momentary desire.
2. To learn to accept the restrictions I impose on myself in order to reap the reward of better health, especially as I get older.
3. To have faith in my ability to make good choices decisions about what, when and how much to eat --- and to follow through with those decisions.

These are the things that I struggle with whenever I try to follow my way of eating plan. I often let me and my desires fall to the wayside and just go with the flow with others and those just gotta have it now moments. I am thinking that has got to change because...

This past week, I have slowly been gaining back control of what I am eating and am experiencing less aches and pains. This past week end, I was achey, especially in the knees. But then, every since I went to that amusement park I have been having issues with one knee. I think it is finally getting better. But the little bit of aches and pains I felt is nothing compared to what hubby experiences on a daily basis.

I visited my parents yesterday and then spent the day with my sister. We went to the Olive Garden for the soup, salad and breadstick. Ordered the salad with the dressing on the side, minestrone soup and only ate 2 bread sticks. I even left a bit on the plate and ate real slow and did not get overstuffed. The bad: stopped at a bakery, the good only ate one roll, the bad it was a big roll with frosting and peanuts. This is why I need to focus on those reasons listed above.

trigrain flakes with riced cauliflower, strawberries, triple berry mix, apple and flax

Brussel sprouts
Delicata Squash
red bean with rice
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:01 am

October 2, 2020
weight 140.6 - down a bit, encouraging considering those chocolate covered orange peels

One of the things I am attempting to focus on this time doing the Beck Diet Solution (retraining my brain to think differently):
To make this WOE (way of eating: whole food plant based) a higher priority than pleasing others or to satisfy a momentary desire.

Yesterday, other than the chocolate treat and the bread I added for supper, I did well. I ended up making the red beans but made it with quinoa/rice.

This morning I started my day reading some of the articles from Dr. McDougall that I had saved to an old jumpdrive. I was checking them out to see what I had on them. I found the article about pushing the limits - in it he described the order of food at the buffet tables for the 10 day program --- from that I get where some say eat your vegetables first because that is what was stated.

My experience, I find I have to eat the starch first or else I do not seem to get satisfied. Yesterday, I tried to limit how much I ate, filled my plate, but not too high. Afterwards I wanted to eat more, but decided to hydrate instead and had some water - often I eat when I should really rehydrate.

Today my meal plan is:
I don't know what I am making leftover soup (onion, riced cauliflower, corn, kale made with water leftover from boiling potatoes)--like a corn chowder
delicata squash

Navy Bean soup
multi-grain bread

cooked apples for dessert

Grandchildren are coming to spend the night.

Exercise: I already did some weight training. I am hoping to get out there and start running again, but otherwise a hike will be just as good. Planning on cleaning up the gardens, we pulled all the squash last night
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:03 am

Update: just updated my little ticker on the bottom of my post - lost 1.6 pounds since my last posting
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:22 am

October 6, 2020
weight - 139.8 --- finally broke that 140 but not sure if it will continue but up and down is expected

I am on day 5 in the Beck Diet Solution - retrain my brain training -- and I am really focusing on making me the priority this time around. I have to give of myself to so many others that I let myself fall by the wayside. I remembered when I first started this WOE that I often told myself that I need to take care of myself because I have no one that cares for me to do so.

Today is eat slowly and mindfully day -- This is a skill to be learned and practiced. The other day, I was really hungry and started to devour my food, so I told myself (outloud) to slow down and then I took a deep breath and began to focus on what I was eating. I have noticed that real food tastes so much better when I focus on it. But the overly processed stuff tastes nasty a lot of times.

Today I will eat:
navy bean soup

? - I need to go to town to be with my dad at his doctor appointment, meet with my mom and give her some supplies. Not sure if hubby is coming along yet or not -- that will determine the future meals
Nancy (aka Morris)

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