1 month story / getting the word out there

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1 month story / getting the word out there

Postby wayneb » Sat Sep 23, 2017 7:52 pm

I am a newcomer to this forum and recently posted in the Lounge, however I would like to give an overview of my experience over the past month.

In all honesty, I came to McDougall by accident. I had recently been going through some health problems, and I had to unexpectedly take some time off work. On the dreaded day where I had to call into work to my boss to say I was unwell, I had a sudden thought flash across my mind: "you have to stop eating meat". It was quite strange and unexpected, but immediately I committed to the decision and have stuck to it since.

Although I guess - like most people - we are not too happy at killing animals in order to eat, I had no real ethical reasoning behind it. It was more an instictive decision that came to me in terms of something I had to do immediately in order to improve my health. From committing to no meat, it was then a very natural subsequent decision to commit to no dairy either, as I have never really been a big fan of dairy. I guess I ate plenty of cheese and a little cream, but I always thought consuming cow's milk and butter was particularly strange and quite distasteful in general.

I had often looked at vegetarians previously as a 'little bit weird' and vegans 'well they are a whole other kettle of fish', yet here I found myself pretty much an extreme vegan in the space of one day. I started reading up on vegan diets and quickly came across Fork Over Knives (shame it's not free on YouTube to spread the word....), Campbell, Esseltyn, McDougall, etc..

The info and lecutures that really stuck was from Dr McDougall. I literally spent 3 weeks reading everything he ever wrote and spoke, and he made much more sense than anyone else out there. I do have a particular liking for Neal Barnard also, however he doesn't appear to have as much material out there. Yet McDougall's reasoning behind fats was enlightening and something I'd not really properly considered previously. I had to be fair thought that oils were fairly unnatural and instinctly disliked fatty foods, however I never understood how widespread fat is is in all our lives and I had generally consumed to the usual abandon with no thought of consequence.

I have been now 4 weeks on a plants-based low-fat diet, and I have noticed some incredible improvements:

1. Incredible sense of improved confidence. I suddenly have much more energy to be able to perform my work effectively and to be able to engage with people much more enjoyably. Previously I would be quite slow and lethargic, now I am much more out there and in your face as my role requires.

2. I have lost 13 pounds (5.9kg) in weight since I started 4 weeks ago. I am totally committed to it and enjoying every moment, feeling lighter and more energetic by the day. I have tried previous diets with zero success previously, especially the low-carb diet which left me feeling absolutely miserable. This is effortless and enjoyable at the same time, I am on cloud 9 knowing that the weight will continue to drop off with zero doubts.

3. By not eating animal foods, I somehow feel much happier spiritually, knowing that I am not contributing to murdering several animals per day, every week, every month, every year, just to keep my belly satisfied unnecessarily. As I said previously, it's not something I've ever really thought about strongly - you have your blinkers on and just try to ignore the brutal facts - but by not eating animals, I do genuinely feel more humane and less guilty as each day progresses. Not something I expected.

There is one major point however that I would like to open up for discussion:

- EVERYONE has heard of Dr Atkins.. (despite his diet being terrible)
- A lot of people at some point have gotten fed up of being overweight and ended up trying the Atkins diet amongst numerous others
- Pretty much no-one I know has ever heard of or mentioned McDougall Diet or even a plant-based / low-fat diet as even an option out there.
- If I didn't stumble upon this because I was suffering ill health and something 'told' me to stop eating meat, I would never have come across this alternative solution either

The question is:
------>>>>>>> How can we get the word adverrtised out there more succesfully?

All suggestions welcome.

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Re: 1 month story / getting the word out there

Postby viv » Sun Sep 24, 2017 9:31 am

Welcome Wayne!

Congratulations on finding the McDougall path to health and healing! Whether you call it God, Instinct, Intuition, Inner Voice, Inner Wisdom, Survival, whatever… (it's all good!) it got you here. You are a hero for saving your own life and it is the most wondrous discovery to know that by simply eating starches, fruits and vegetables your life will take on new meaning.

Dr McDougall is very well known by many people but of course there are many millions who could benefit, in fact the whole world. Some posters have started their own blogs, some you tubers, some have taken the Starch Solution certification and started their own nutrition businesses. Many talk to their co workers, friends relatives etc. Get the word out any way you can. Of course many of us are frustrated by the lack of interest and downright hostility by some people. I know after nearly five years I am more awestruck than ever about this way of eating and I still talk to people about it and two co-workers are now eating plant based with great results.

5'8", Started March 2013
Starting weight: 217
Current weight: 157
60lbs gone--for good!
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Re: 1 month story / getting the word out there

Postby pundit999 » Mon Sep 25, 2017 8:18 am

The info and lectures that really stuck was from Dr McDougall. I literally spent 3 weeks reading everything he ever wrote and spoke, and he made much more sense than anyone else out there.

Interesting you brought this up. I started on this path due to severe problems with my heart. I first started with Dr Esselstyn's advice because that is what showed up on Google regarding heart disease.

I liked Dr Esselstyn and I follow him to this day (five years hence), but Dr McDougall just struck a note in me. He writes very well, does not hold punches and his advice makes a lot of sense to me: a whole starch based diet with some added veggies is what the nature intended, what most long lived civilizations ate, etc. His advice is easy to follow, inexpensive and is for the long term. The longer you are on it, the better you will feel.

It is weird since when I first came across his lectures on YouTube and heard him advocating starches, I thought he was mad since the starch word is much maligned in the popular culture. But then I found his beautiful books!

The word is getting out. A lot more people are aware. But if I were you, I would not worry too much about spreading the word or standing up for this knowledge in social settings etc. It is a losing battle most of the time.

Just follow this path and people will notice. If they insist, you may want to share a few links and resources.
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Re: 1 month story / getting the word out there

Postby wayneb » Sun Oct 01, 2017 3:40 pm

Thank you for your kind words and best wishes to you both. You make a good point that leading by example is probably the best way to demonstrate the success of this lifestyle and the results will speak for themselves.

I've recently been on holiday with friends and they thought I was a bit mad, but I really have now completely lost any appetite for meat. We were in a Chinese restaurant in the Lake District in England, and while they were gorging themselves on multiple courses (never quite satisfied?), I had just a simple but really wonderful vegetable curry with boiled rice and it was one of the best meals I've had in a long time.

Whilst they were utterly bloated and couldn't move at the end of the meal, I was fully satisfied, yet still light and energetic, so I think it did make them think a little bit.

I'm still adjusting and my focus at the moment is to to get a few favourite meals in place and keep it simple, meals that I can repeat most days - that would usually have bored me with lack of variety, but it's something I'm now really looking forward to.
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Re: 1 month story / getting the word out there

Postby Cathmc » Thu Oct 19, 2017 3:53 am

Congratulations wayneb.
Very inspiring post to read. Well done.

I´ve been wondering about telling a friend of mine about this way of eating ( He subscribes to atkins type way of eating, as did I for a long time ). I´ve decided to first of all live it properly myself and let him see the proof.
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Re: 1 month story / getting the word out there

Postby Bougainvillea » Thu Oct 26, 2017 8:46 pm

I mentioned to a couple friends what I was going to do - but they are also used to me coming up with all sorts of ideas for all sorts of things. They don't see me regularly, and I stopped giving them updates on my health because I think they kind of figured it was just my new "thing" and they didn't really respond. I really can't say it was because they don't want to change - it's probably more about it just being Karen's latest wacky idea LOL.

So, I think the opportunity will come when they actually see me again. I'm still really overweight. You can see my face is thinner, but I still weigh 192 pounds on a 5' 5" frame. Losing 12 pounds so far, isn't that noticeable. And they aren't really going to care about me bringing up how much better my blood tests are.

So, I think we need to wait until we look so great that people come up to us and ask us what we did. We need to "have" what they want. Just like anything, including religion. If you have something that other people see and want, they will come and ask how you got it.

Eventually, I think that day will come for me. But, I think we all also really need to be aware that even then - most people are not going to want to give up their way of life to get what we have. I think the key is to wait to be asked, then give them the info, but not be invested in whether or not they choose to also do what we do.

As they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Slowly, though, the market is changing, as far as more people wanting dairy and meat alternatives, etc. So, it shows a slow change for the positive. You just can't force it, though, I don't think.
Off meds/animal products 8/13/17, oil-free since 8/29/17
BP WAY down right away. In 3 months: Cholesterol down 26pts, Triglycerides down 27pts. Next 3 mos way back up ???
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