APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

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Re: APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Mon Apr 08, 2019 8:37 pm

Happy Monday everyone!

I love all this talk about food. I've been to two grocery stores this past week in search of bulgur, but no luck. I'm planning a trip to the international grocery store on Thursday and will pick some up there and hopefully get some tabouleh going.

Erin - I just noticed your post, sorry for not responding sooner! Your mention of falafels got me looking for recipes, and I found this pdf from McDougall Made Irresistible that recommended using a mix, but all the mixes I've come across include oil, drat. The Vegan 8 has a good looking Easy Vegan Baked Falafel recipe that uses potato for texture in place of oil (is there anything a potato can't do?!). That book you posted is one I came across in a health food store that really caught my attention, I should see if the library has a copy.

I bring up all this cooking because, well, this lifestyle really revolves around food choices, and also because of the saying "Flat stomachs are made in the kitchen." I just recently read that in the amazing article about our very own Amy (aka amandamechele). If you haven't wandered over to the MWL support thread lately, Amy posted her very own success story, and it is truly inspiring!

Aside from the falafel and tabouleh, what else do you have on the menu this week? I have a batch of white bean soup in the fridge, and am planning on making sushi on Thursday for dinner, and getting together with my sisters on Saturday for a dumpling party. Since the weather is getting warmer, we're back to lots of veggies and hummus for snacks, and finally getting out and about for neighborhood walks.

Have a super week!
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Re: APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

Postby Suey51 » Tue Apr 09, 2019 8:14 am

Thanks Ejeff for the recipe. It looks good, although I might leave out the salt and just sprinkle a little on when eating them :wink: I was very excited to find some Mrs Dash seasonings when in California recently as haven't been able to get them in my usual UK supermarket. The table one was good for sprinkling on food when serving.

Your clean and simple food sounds good. Tonight we're having some roast beetroot, sweet potatoes and potatoes with some leftover lentils and a mix of leafy greens. I'm also trying out a new barbecue sauce recipe as my husband's requested it! I think/hope he's making a veggie paella tomorrow :D

Thanks Lindsey for the recipe links. Love the sound of your food and the dumpling party with your sisters sounds like fun!

Hope a you all have a good week x
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Re: APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

Postby Ejeff » Tue Apr 09, 2019 8:39 am

Wish I could join the dumpling party!! I love dumplings, but never make them. I guess I better do that. What do you use for the wrappers? Sue, yes I did not include the salt either. I have been super lazy planning and cooking, so this week it’s just super simple for me. Yesterday lunch was 1 cup brown rice into a big bowl with many veggies....roasted peppers and zucchini, purple cabbage and onions, frozen spinach, kale, black olives. I love black olives and tend to put them in any bowl or pasta dish. I also put some green salsa verde sauce that I bought. It was so tasty. Dinner was cold potatoes with spicy mustard and some corn. Had a couple pieces of bread that my hubby baked, so it was compliant and nice and whole wheat tasting :D Late snack was Bobs red mill 7 grain hot cereal with a splash of maple syrup. I have all the ingredients for chili so I think I will make a pot with lots of onion and garlic. I agree Amy’s story is so wonderful I even showed her before and after pictures to my hubby. I love talking about food also, love eating it even more haha. Sometimes I just have to shake my head how fortunate I was to hear Dr. McDougall on the radio 4.5 years ago and decided to try this way of eating. Who knew you can eat and eat and not gain weight!
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Re: APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

Postby Suey51 » Fri Apr 12, 2019 7:45 am

Hello everyone!

My plan to use the average weight shown on the Fitbit app hasn't quite worked as I hoped; it averages on a Monday to Sunday week not Saturday to Friday, hmmm! Anyway, my weight is roughly the same as the last weigh in.

We've eaten all but one meals at home this week and shared the cooking. My husband made a huge veggie paella last night and we'll reheat the leftovers tonight for a quick meal with some spinach and kale on the side. We've been cooking without salt so we've only had added salt in some processed or packaged items like shop-bought bread and condiments. My only diversions from the McD guidelines were some after dinner snacks. A good week on the exercise front with some gym visits, yoga class and lots of walking :-)

Like you Ejeff, I feel extremely fortunate to have discovered this way of eating. The food is so delicious and the feeling of being well is priceless :-)

Best wishes, Sue
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Re: APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

Postby Starchyme » Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:01 am

Good morning all. I am down a pound from my goal weight. I'm sure I'll be back up next week! :lol: Wishing everyone a successful week.
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Re: APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

Postby Ejeff » Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:51 am

Good morning. Down a pound this week. Kinda surprising as I made a few bad eating choices...donut and some other sweets. I guess for the majority of the time I ate pretty good. I ended up making burgers and since I’m terrible with following recipes, I sautéed an onion, 3 garlic cloves and a package of mushrooms that I chopped fine in the processor. Then in the processor one can black beans, the veggies, bit of barbecue sauce and some oat flour and spices oregano, basil, garlic, onion. I then scooped the “mixture” out onto parchment, flattened and baked about 20 minutes each side. It looked really weird like a refried bean mixture and I didn’t think they were going to hold together. But they were delicious and even when reheated next day in the microwave they didn’t break apart. I have found that mushrooms seem to be the key to a super tasty burger. I had also planned to make a lemon fettuccine dish, but didn’t get to that so will make it this weekend. Not too many pickleball players around, but my daily exercise is an hour walk. It’s hilly where we are right now so I’m enjoying the walk. I listen to my music while walking and one song I am really enjoying right now is “Most People Are Good” by Luke Bryan. Have a listen it has very nice lyrics, and for us Mom’s the second line of the chorus is especially good :-P :D Hope your week is good!
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Re: APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:31 am

Erin - That is so interesting that you became aware of Dr. McDougall on the radio. What kind of show was it? I first came across his book The Starch Solution when I worked at Whole Foods. It’s so amazing how those chance happenings can totally change the direction of one’s life. For the dumplings I use wrappers that I found in the frozen section at the international grocery store. Most of the ones I’ve seen are oil-free, but some contain egg. Your food sounds sooooo delicious. We go through a lot of black olives around here, too. A few go a long way!

Sue - Veggie paella sounds great! Excellent on staying consistent weight-wise.

Starchyme - You’ve been so consistent in your maintenance. It’s very admirable!

Erin (again :-D ) - Burgers are perfect this time of year! I will have to try mushrooms next time. Let me know how the fettuccini goes. The warmer weather has been great for outdoor exercise here, too.

I’m obviously doing something wrong, because my weight is up another pound this week. Still within an acceptable range of variance, but definitely going in the wrong direction. As Sue stated, vigilance is needed! Today is our monthly pitch in. I’m bringing dumplings that I made yesterday and a sweet chili dipping sauce. Hoping you all have a great rest of the weekend!
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Re: APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

Postby Ejeff » Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:59 am

Sometimes the scale is frustrating isn’t it? I think I’ve had a bit more success lately, but purposely adding more veggies in as opposed to dropping anything out of my eating. I can’t recall which radio program it may even have been coast to coast, it was just a local talk station we like to listen to and they have various guests. And I agree it is totally amazing how you have a chance encounter and it can have a huge impact. It’s so great!! Okay thanks for the wrapper info. Once we get home in another couple weeks I am going to make some and I will read the labels carefully. The fettuccine was quite tasty I will make it again. Might add in white beans to the sauce as well and more lemon. Hubby liked it, so it must have been decent. It was nice with the asparagus I hadn’t had any in quite some time.
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Re: APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

Postby Starchyme » Sun Apr 14, 2019 10:24 pm

Thanks, Lyndzie. I do not want to go back up in weight so that's one reason I'm consistent. Been yo-yoing for many many years. But, the main reason, and the most exciting, is that I just finally stick with the program and it all happens naturally. Loving it!
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Re: APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:55 pm

Happy Monday everybody!

The old adage April showers bring May flowers has been especially true in my neck of the woods, along with an ever earlier dawn accompanied by songbirds and days with spring breezes and blue skies. With the changing seasons I’ve been making the effort to resume regular exercise by getting outside and walking.

With this renewed focus, I looked up Jeff’s FAQ and found the article Exercise, Health and You: How Much is Enough?. I am so grateful these recommendations are so achievable. Spoiler alert: 30-60 minutes of physical activity most days of week is all that it takes.

One of the statistics that I found most interesting is that 23% of Americans meet the minimum recommendations for activity, but a whopping 30% are considered completely sedentary. That is a lot of people.

Last month when I was in Arizona I went hiking almost every day (with a 20 lb baby tied to the front of me, and sometimes the diaper bag, too!). With the mild days here I’ve been putting the baby in a stroller and walking her for naps (today I walked laps around the playground while my other kids played). We joined a hiking club this summer, which I’m pretty excited about as well.

What are you all doing for your physical activity these days?

P.S. Finally got the tabbouleh made today! Added the zest of one lemon, and mixed in some chickpeas. It’s mighty tasty!
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Re: APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

Postby Suey51 » Tue Apr 16, 2019 12:39 am

Morning all!

Thanks Erin for alerting me to golden gravy! It was yummy! Here it is with a lentil and veggie 'shepherd's' pie (might have to rename that gardener's pie :lol: !) with some kale and spinach.


Thanks for sharing the burger recipe. I don't usually add mushrooms to mine so will give that a try next time!

Good job Lindsey on the exercise front and thanks for sharing Jeff's article on the subject. I try to get outside for a walk every day, as the fresh air makes me feel good. At this time of the year, seeing the trees bursting into leaf/blossom and hearing the birds singing is a source of joy! Joining a hiking club is a great idea - will the children go with you? Do they enjoy walking? I'm also trying to establish a morning gym habit so been doing some cardio and weights most days, plus a couple of yoga and stretch classes.

Tabbouleh - yayyy! Like the thought of adding lemon zest :-D

How was the monthly pitch in? And the dumpling party?
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Re: APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

Postby Ejeff » Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:20 am

Sue, that dish looks so delicious! Glad you enjoyed the gravy. Lindsey, that is so awesome you hike with the baby, that’s a good workout. My motto is use it or lose it, and it is good to know that it doesn’t take excessive exercise just 30 to 60 minutes. I just started playing pickleball so I would like to continue doing that 3 to 4 days a week. Then ideally I would hike and swim one day a week also. I always have a lot of energy in the morning so have been walking for 60 minutes each day. I like to stay on my feet a lot in the first half of the day. That is great you joined a hiking club, that is what I am also hoping to do for the summer, just need to find it. :D
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Re: APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Fri Apr 19, 2019 7:46 pm

Hi all! I haven’t had a chance to sit down at the computer yet to type proper replies to your posts. Will get to that tomorrow, at the moment some virus has taken hold of the household here (all three kids AND husband!) and is requiring full attention. Stay healthy, I’ll touch base tomorrow!

My weight is the same, kind of a bummer but at least it’s holding steady.
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Re: APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

Postby Starchyme » Sat Apr 20, 2019 12:17 am

Thanks for taking the time to write, Lyndzie. Wishing all of you a speedy recovery.

My weight is still at maintenance. This is a miracle and a half since reaching it in December. Hail to Dr. McD, Jeff, and all the awesome supporters on this thread, especially Lyndzie who gives of her time to keep it together.
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Re: APRIL 2019 Maintenance Thread

Postby Suey51 » Sat Apr 20, 2019 1:20 am

Hope everyone is soon on the mend Lindsey. Staying the same weight is good :)

Starchyme - great news on your weight maintenance since December - woo hoo!

My weight is up by a little under a pound on last week, so 2 pounds over my goal weight. There's a couple of off-program snack items that have crept into my eating the past 2 weeks, so I'll be working on replacing those with healthier options this week.

Best wishes to all xx
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