Results of my 5 months Whole Plant/Starch Based Journey

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Results of my 5 months Whole Plant/Starch Based Journey

Postby TaterCowgirl » Tue Dec 05, 2017 5:42 pm

Hi, I am new on this forum. Thank you Dr. McDougall for pointing me into this direction. Pictures are better than words, so I show you some lab results of my 5.5 month Whole Plant Based Journey on the link to my blog below. When I got diagnosed with diabetes 2 in 2012, I got put on Glypizide, Metformin and Insulin and the dose got increased and increased and I got told to eat a low carb diet and I gained weight. Look at the 10/1/16 marker of A1c, ALT, and cholesterol: This was when my liver was severely inflamed from Metformin and Glypizide while my glucose was sky high and did not get better. I was asked to add Statins to the drug cocktail to improve my cholesterol. I felt so bad healthwise that I told them that they can stick their drugs where the sun doesn't shine and refused to take any of it any longer except of insulin (45 huminsulin PM and 38 AM). Mid June 2017 I found Dr. McDougall's starch based approach and the movie Forks Over Knives. I went on the starch based, whole plant based lifestyle cold turkey from one day to the other because it made sense and I have always loved eating taters, pasta, beans and brown rice and now I could do that without the guilt trip I got trained to have from my physicians. Now look at the markers on July 1, 2017 for A1c, ALT, and cholesterol: All went significantly down after only 3 weeks although I did not take any pills and I had lowered my Huminsulin to 20 PM and 10 units AM, sensational! Why did nobody tell me earlier that diabetes 2 is curable with diet alone!! As my readings were a bit high without taking ANY insulin for a while, I switched to Lantus with only 20 units PM. Now look at the last readings in November, 2017, and I am even better now in December and ready to kick the insulin to the curb again, give my body the chance to heal without medication, even if my physician says otherwise because I want to lose more weight. I lost 36 pounds and have to lose another 30 pounds. My diabetes is reversing!!! I cry every day for this gift. I have more energy. This is me, 58 years old and healthier than ever in my life, and I hope I can give back to my grandchildren Adriana and Pepe what I got from Dr. McDougall - a life without obesity and related illnesses. I started a cooking channel on youtube, The Tater Cowgirls, with my little granddaughter Adriana who I raise, and she started eating what we cook together (sneaky grandma) and my husband loves Mary McDougall's bean recipes and slowly but steadily goes away from meat (quote: as long as I get to eat those beans, I am ok). ... c=postname
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Joined: Tue Dec 05, 2017 3:10 pm

Re: Results of my 5 months Whole Plant/Starch Based Journey

Postby rjsupersonic » Thu Dec 07, 2017 10:17 am

Great story!! Thanks for sharing I will be following you on YouTube.:)
Posts: 18
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:44 pm

Re: Results of my 5 months Whole Plant/Starch Based Journey

Postby SilverDollar123 » Wed Dec 13, 2017 4:30 pm

Wonderful! Congrats! to another grandma raising again! Keep up the good work.You are worth it.RAS
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Location: North Carolina

Re: Results of my 5 months Whole Plant/Starch Based Journey

Postby Okra Lover » Mon Apr 30, 2018 2:04 pm

Amazing! So glad you are having good results. I too have brought down cholesterol but my triglycerides are up.

Just wanted to tell you, I love the recipes on your blog. I have made so far the (forgive spelling) Lenten raviolis Maultaschen? Wonderful, I made a bunch and froze them. When I need something quick, I boil some veggie broth, put some frozen or fresh veggies in and then the spinach packets Yum Yum. My mother liked them also.

I also made the Goulash which was AWESOME! I am going to try your pretzel recipe next.

I was in Army many many years ago and lived in Darmstadt for three years. I fell in love with the people and the food! I will be visiting this December for Christmas markets in Nuremburg and Darmstadt and am keeping my fingers crossed that I can find something acceptable to eat! My will power will need to be very strong!

I don't know why doctors won't push the plant based, no oil, starches way of eating - but many many do not. I have not been able to find a doctor that does. When I think of the many years I could have felt so much better, even in my teen years when I had bad acne problem. If I only know diet could have gotten rid of it, I know I would have eaten that way. Even now, my blood pressure is down, hair and nails are doing great, and most spider varicose veins have disappeared! It is wonderful.

You are a sneaky grandma lol. I have a third grade great nephew, and I may try a blog for him, because they are all into Utube and that may get him involved. I have to sneak veggies in the best way I can. He refuses to give up meat and cheese, but I am not giving up!

Take care and keep up the great recipes!!!
Okra Lover
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 10:30 am

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