May 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

Re: May 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby chaz01 » Sat May 30, 2020 9:15 am

Weight Change
Week: -0.8 lbs
May: -5.4 lbs
Year: -64.6 lbs

From an accounting perspective, my fitness club has reopeed its doors to the public this week. I'm finally able to weigh myself on the same scale I used to start the year. I suspected there was a difference between that scale and my home scale, so for YTD purposes, I've been conservatively adding 5 lbs to my home scale readings. But now that I have a chance to compare the two within a short interval, the difference appears to be only 2 pounds. So the bottom line, I get to bump up my year to date totals by another 3 lbs (but that weight was released in March when the health orders started applying).

I'm going to have to keep this short this week, but I had a good week in following the 10 MWL principles, especially on Memorial Day. That's always a big cookout day, but this year I replaced the hamburgers and hot dogs with grilled vegetable skewers. They turned out great and were just as good, if not better, than anything else I've grilled before!

Hope everyone is having a great week!

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Re: May 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby NateKruse » Sat May 30, 2020 9:37 am

01 May 2020 weight: 230.6 pounds.
08 May 2020 weight: 227.6 pounds.
15 May 2020 weight: 225.0 pounds.
22 May 2020 weight: 225.8 pounds.
29 May 2020 weight: 225.6 pounds.
Weekly Change: -0.2 pounds.

It's still progress! I feel like I am always eating. I think in the past two weeks I was using food to procrastinate focusing on a project at work. I always wanted to eat but if I had just had a meal a few hours previously I didn't want to bothered with the effort of making another "meal" which would require heating up soup, vegetables, and my starch in order to stay compliant. I ended up just eating bananas or oranges any time I wanted to eat.

I recognized the lack of focus and forced myself to finish the tasks last night. I am interested to see what next week holds in terms of focus and weight loss.

I also am still pleased with the results I see in the mirror. And I must be a narcissist because I've been doing that a lot lately. :D

I could improve by reducing salt, fruit, and added sugar (ketchup with homemade air-fried fries), but I don't see the motivation to at this time.

  1. Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit.100%
  2. Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches. Choose fruit for dessert. 90%. Still room for improvement by having less starchy vegetables.
  3. Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts, too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them. 50% Still using canned vegetables with sea salt. Also adding garlic salt at the table.
  4. Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood). 100%
  5. Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy). 100%
  6. Eliminate any added oil. 100%
  7. Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e., bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit. 100%
  8. Don't drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages). 100%. One gallon of water every day.
  9. Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself. 100%
  10. Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking).100%. 45 minute morning walk with the dog and a 45 minute home workout every day.
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Re: May 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Hope410 » Sat May 30, 2020 10:23 am

Hello All,

Weight change: -3.2 LBS

Had a good week, Points 1-9 all at 95-100%. Weekly weigh-in and accountability for the 10 point checklist has really helped when temptation rears it's screaming head.

Point ten is an ongoing challenge, but I am working to overcome being sedentary.

Have a good week!
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Re: May 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Belana » Sat May 30, 2020 11:02 am

Gonna call it a wash this week.
I'm struggling a lot this time around with losing weight on MWL.
I think because I've got it stuck in my head to move, I'm not really focusing as stringently as I need to in order to make MWL actually work in a way that I lose weight.Thankfully, I'm not gaining any weight despite eating as much food on MWL as I want and allowing myself to drink some alcohol.
For the record: I didn't drink at all last week before weigh-in this week, but that didn't make any difference regarding losing lbs/kilos.
I believe my age has a lot to do with the level of difficulty I have sloughing off blubber. Age, and also that I'm very distracted about wanting to move.
I'm certain that if I were eating the MWL diet when I was younger, I would've already hit my weight-loss goal! It took nothing for me to lose weight when I was young compared to now! :lol:
Oh well!
I've got a relocation reconnaissance (RRRT) road trip impending which will make it even tougher to lose weight.
Actually, I'm gonna be leaving Oregon soon for Sac, then the bay area, then back to Sac, then my RRRT in Washington State. That's three states all in a row worth of traveling!
I'm definitely gonna stay with friends and family or in airbnbs with kitchens. That way, I'll be able to stay as compliant as humanly possible, since I'll have my own kitchen (hopefully), so I can make my own food and stay away from restaurant food as much as possible.
The last time I was successful doing MWL, I was in one place, with an iron-clad fitness and eating routine. That really works great for me!
I'm afraid I won't be able to do that anytime soon. :(
Weight: 110 lbs.
Loss: A big fat zero.
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Re: May 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Noella » Sat May 30, 2020 12:18 pm

Hi Mark, Hi Everyone finishing up the May MWL!

-2 pounds! :nod:

Once again, I am very pleased to report my MWL experiences for this week. I am also looking forward to reading everyone’s ‘observations’ this week and thank you, everyone, for sharing.

My hopes, dreams and motivation include having better overall health and energy plus less pain in my hands and knees specifically. Each week I am enjoy more relief from pain and enjoy being able to walk and exercise more each day. It’s wonderful to be experiencing noticeable improvements in my health each and every week.

I was at a store yesterday to buy a patio umbrella base and it was so heavy I couldn't lift it. I looked at the packaging and noticed it weighed 60 pounds! That’s about the amount of weight I have lost, so far, following the Dr McDougall’s starch based diet. When I tried to lift that base and couldn’t, it really made me think how hard being overweight has been for my joints....just five months ago I carried 57 extra pounds with each step I took. To think that I am still carrying around about forty excess pounds...sigh...I am so glad to know that eating starch based works and I plan to continue eating this way. I’m inspired to get back to being healthy.

I think, perhaps for the first time in my life, that I know the truth about how to eat to be healthy. I love that I am never hungry as I’m losing weight and that I get to eat such a great diversity of vegetables, fruits, beans and grains.

Please sign me up for the June MWL, Mark.

Thank you, Mark, for your conscientious responses to every post. Thank you to Wildgoose and Jeff. Thank you to everyone at MWL for your support. I am grateful for every word you write.

Best regards,

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Re: May 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Mark Cooper » Sat May 30, 2020 1:12 pm

Moonlight - Let me also acknowledge those significant accomplishments - those are some important behaviors you are turning into habits! :thumbsup: Feeling good about your progress and proud of your efforts seems like a salient signal. I'm sure you will find that any investment in preparation almost always pays dividends. Keep on doing the best you can and aim for continued improvement on those remaining guidelines; the behaviors deliver the outcomes, so I expect ongoing diligent efforts will have a noticeable effect. :D

tinathescreamer - Wow! Those sound like wonderful daily walks! It makes sense to me that a return to a prior routine could make it easier to "slip back" into past habits; any time you can spend preparing adherent meals ahead of time seems like it could give yourself (and your willpower) a welcome break when faced with troublesome food choices. Do you think bringing some appropriate food with you when you go out could help?

Miss Kim - Good for you in not letting the inclusion of those few "extras" knock you off track. It seems like you still succeeded with 7/10 points from the checklist, and it sounds like omitting those "cheats" heading forward feels attainable for you.

kirstykay - Ugh, knee injuries are no fun! Sorry you are having to deal with that. It appears you had another successful week, in spite of the injury; good for you!

josietheschnauzer - Let me know how you like it. :)

Lucas - That looks like a really good week! Kudos on having "stuck to the plan!" :thumbsup: You mentioning corn on the cob is a welcome reminder that I ought to pick some up on my next grocery trip; my family really enjoys it, too. :-D

carwex - I'm sure those technical difficulties were frustrating! Glad to have you back and able to post again. Those little "picks" at non-MWL food can really start to accumulate, right? You are absolutely correct to note that there is no reason "slips" have to continue forward into the future; getting right back on track the very next time you feel hungry is exactly the right approach. I'm glad you are feeling some relief from that foot injury, and wish you continued improvement.

AmandaSue - Way to go!

Rufus_519 - Apart from your "fall off the wagon" with those almonds, were you successful in adhering to the other 9 points? They do all have an effect.
Rufus_519 wrote:If I can lose 2 lbs/week and still eat some walnuts, that's a win-win to me.
Why does that feel like a win-win to you? Are walnuts a particular favorite, or some other reason? (I don't intend for these questions to be confrontational, I'd like to get a better sense of your perspective on this :nod: ).

I don't think it would be fruitful for me to speculate on what various factors may have contributed to this week's weigh-in; in general, I would avoid coming to any conclusions based on a single point of data (or attributing that one particularly noticeable correlate was the cause behind a given measurement). Jeff's article Going Nuts Over Where The Calories Go? examines some of the factors that could be at play here based on the findings from a trio of relevant studies. (I wasn't able to find this specific article on the discussion board, so the link above is to Jeff's website).

The balance of scientific evidence (as well as decades of clinical experience provided by Dr. McDougall and Jeff Novick) demonstrates that the behaviors outlined in the MWL 10-Point Checklist are very effective for achieving healthy, sustainable weight loss. Of course we're all free to make our own decisions with respect to our food choices, and you are the best judge of your own satisfaction with your results. Likewise, if the situation changes, the guidelines highlight opportunities for impactful changes in behavior. Within the context of this group, my continued focus is on bringing our behaviors into adherence with the MWL 10-Point Checklist, not just our weight change from one week to the next. For me, the primary goal is to work toward establishing an ongoing pattern of behavior and a way of living that produces steady, healthy, and lasting weight loss. :)

Zoey - Do you feel like you had a successful week adhering to the guidelines? I'm sorry things are feeling frustrating. An ongoing "membership in the pound-a-week club" would leave someone 52 lbs lighter this time next year. :D

Tian-De - It's hard to go wrong enjoying meals of whole starches and lots of veggies! Your farro and bean bowl sounds quite appetizing! To provide a little context in regard to practicing MWL while at a healthy BMI, I can share my own experience. I'm 45 years old, nearly 6'3" and I weigh ~155 lbs. None of my biomarkers indicate any concern, and I don't have any health issues apart from my CRPS. I've been at the same weight (+/- 2 lbs) for over 2 years, while continuing to adhere to the MWL 10-Point Checklist; so, at least in my case, it has been completely possible to practice this way of eating without a focus on weight loss (but I do consume a substantial volume of food each day). You are absolutely welcome to continue participating in this group and focusing on maintaining the appropriate behaviors, without concentrating on further weight loss. That said, one alternative could be to transition to the Maintenance Group - there are at least a few participants therein who continue to follow MWL while in the maintenance phase (including myself, although I haven't had much time to post there lately), while others follow the regular McDougall Program.
Lyndzie wrote:Many of us have lost weight and/or reached other health goals. We’re ready for that next chapter, maintaining the gains we’ve accomplished.

This group will have Friday check ins, where everyone can touch base. Weigh-ins are optional, and will not be tracked. Please feel free to share your non-scale victories (NSV) as well.

pootsy - You make an important point that the relative freshness of our spices can make a noticeable difference in how recipes might turn out. Pulling free from those strong cravings can be a real struggle! Hopefully, the memory of how easy it had gotten to adhere to the MWL guidelines can serve as a motivation to get back into that groove. Enjoy those lectures from Dr. Lisle, and thank you very much for your kind words. :D

courtneywagasky - Congratulations on your 25 lb cumulative loss! Holidays and other celebratory occasions can frequently present challenges - any ideas about how you might approach your next social engagement differently?
courtneywagasky wrote:This is the fastest and most consistent rate that I've lost weight. I'm really happy with this WOE.
Awesome! That is so great to hear.

chaz01 - A good week following the MWL principles and an adherent Memorial Day celebration! That gets a big THUMBS-UP from me! :thumbsup: Nice work.

NateKruse - Progress in moving toward health-supporting behaviors and maintaining those changes ALWAYS counts as progress! :D It is great that you are pleased with your results - including what is reflected in the mirror, those non-scale victories are important, too. You have a good assessment of the areas where increased focus could make the most difference, I think.

Hope410 - Sounds like a great week! I'm glad the accountability provided by this group has been useful for you in overcoming temptations as they arise. If exercise feels really daunting, would it help to aim for just doing some specific activity for some amount of time each day? Maybe a short walk or something similar?

Belana - That lengthy list of considerations, distractions and travels certainly does sound intimidating! I agree with you that being able to prepare one's own food makes it much easier to stay as compliant as possible while on a trip. If you can, try not to be discouraged - you've lost ~3.3 lbs since starting this round of MWL, right? :)

Noella - What a beautiful, generous and inspiring report! I'm thrilled that you continue to experience relief from pain and better mobility. Your story describing that heavy umbrella base paints a vivid picture. Congratulations on no longer needing to carry around those 57 pounds! I will count you in for June and look forward to seeing you in the June thread. :D
Last edited by Mark Cooper on Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Weigh-In Report Compilation - May 29, 2020

Postby Mark Cooper » Sat May 30, 2020 1:23 pm

By my count, 27 participants reported for our final May 2020 MWL weigh-in! If I neglected to include anyone, or you notice an error in the tally, please let me know (via PM so we can keep the thread as tidy as possible, or in a post here if you cannot PM).

Here are the results for the last Friday in May:

Week ending 5/29/2020: 27 participants reported a total loss of -24.20 pounds
Squealcat +2.20
Moonlight +2.00
Carwex +1.50
NomeOslo +0.60
Total gains: +6.30
Belana 0.00
Rlechols 0.00
Abible -0.20
NateKruse -0.20
Tinathescreamer -0.30
Courtneywagasky -0.60
Kirstykay -0.60
Chaz01 -0.80
Zoey -0.90
Miss Kim -1.00
Pootsy -1.00
Jan_npr -1.20
Josietheschnauzer -1.60
Wstokes -1.60
Abe -1.70
Lucas -1.80
Noella -2.00
Tian-De -2.00
Rufus_519 -2.10
Ejg -2.20
Judy_Bell -2.50
AmandaSue -3.00
Hope410 -3.20
Total losses: -30.50
Cumulative group loss for May 2020: 191.50 pounds
Average loss for week ending May 29: 0.90 pounds
Cumulative group loss for January 2020: 384.15 pounds
Cumulative group loss for February 2020: 96.60 pounds
Cumulative group loss for March 2020: 60.10 pounds
Cumulative group loss for April 2020: 218.00 pounds

Next Weigh-In is on Friday, June 5, 2020, in the June MWL Group thread.

Cheers to everyone who participated this month! I applaud each and every one of you! You showed up, put in the work and made important changes in your patterns of behavior - not always easy to do, but definitely rewarding. Recognize that you made this month count in a real way.

During the month of May, this group lost a cumulative total of 191.5 lbs! That's about as much as an adult male red kangaroo, or three dalmatians, or 13 bowling balls, or 20 gallons of paint! How about that?!?

This was our last weigh-in for May, but the June 2020 MWL Weigh-In Group thread will go up on Monday, June 1. Onward we go!

In the meantime, keep working on your pattern of behavior, and check out these
JeffN wrote:Exciting Updates from The McDougall Team ... 8409c0bd21

Greetings from Santa Rosa!

Thank you to everyone who has reached out asking about how the McDougall Team has been doing over the last couple of months. Like many of you, we’ve been finding our bearings in the midst of so much change. Our days have been filled with homeschooling, lots of cooking, puzzles/board games, reading, movies/TV shows, and walks around our neighborhoods.

As a team we have been coming together (remotely!) to figure out the best way to stay connected with you and serve this wonderful community going forward. We are so excited to share some of the ways we are transforming our business to reach and help more people.

New platforms for online learning and Telehealth: We are working on developing new platforms for both online learning and Telehealth to bring the McDougall experience into your home. This will allow so many more people access to our Medical Programs and Intensive Weekends, including lectures, cooking demonstrations, and more one-on-one health coaching - all in the comfort of your home!

Website updates: Our website is getting a makeover! Once complete, our website will be easier to navigate so that you can find all of our recipes and educational content faster and more efficiently. Not to mention our site will have a brand new look.

We’ll be making these changes over the coming weeks and months, and you’ll be the first to hear about additional updates.

In the meantime, we have a lot of digital content on our website for you. The Starch Solution and Dietary Therapy courses are available for free.
. . .
Wishing you continued health and safety,
The McDougall Team

Take care everyone, and have a safe, rewarding week to come!
Last edited by Mark Cooper on Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: May 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Zoey » Sun May 31, 2020 4:01 am

Mark Cooper wrote:Zoey - Do you feel like you had a successful week adhering to the guidelines? I'm sorry things are feeling frustrating. An ongoing "membership in the pound-a-week club" would leave someone 52 lbs lighter this time next year. :D

Mark, you are my favorite spin doctor. Thank you for that, because I really needed it. I was doubting whether I would even bother participating in the June weigh-ins because of my oh-so-slow losses. But your kind perspective on things has made me decide to keep posting.
As for last week, I had a bad slip on Tuesday and Wednesday with a homemade almond cake that was baked and shared with so much love, I couldn't resist. But then I regained control, and decided to share the love with the neighbors.
Otherwise, it was an easy week of nutritious food and exercise. So I guess I'll see you all in June!
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Re: May 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Zoey » Sun May 31, 2020 4:36 am

jan_npr wrote: Looking forward to this week but a little nervous about a planned "cheat" on my husband's 65th birthday, May 31st.

I hope you both have a lovely birthday celebration today!
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Re: May 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby jan_npr » Sun May 31, 2020 4:56 am

Zoey wrote:
jan_npr wrote: Looking forward to this week but a little nervous about a planned "cheat" on my husband's 65th birthday, May 31st.

I hope you both have a lovely birthday celebration today!

Thank you Zoey!!
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Re: May 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby moonlight » Sun May 31, 2020 8:23 am

Mark Cooper wrote:Moonlight - Let me also acknowledge those significant accomplishments - those are some important behaviors you are turning into habits! :thumbsup: Feeling good about your progress and proud of your efforts seems like a salient signal. I'm sure you will find that any investment in preparation almost always pays dividends. Keep on doing the best you can and aim for continued improvement on those remaining guidelines; the behaviors deliver the outcomes, so I expect ongoing diligent efforts will have a noticeable effect. :D

I'm not giving up! I'm afraid if I decide to take a break from the MWL plan that I will gain. "Treading water" should get tiresome at some point! I have had good compliance before. I'm confident it will happen again. When I think that I'm 100% sure that I will continue to lose weight, I get my resolve back. May today be the day I start back being "all in" on this journey. :)

Thank you, Mark, for your kind words.
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Re: May 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Mark Cooper » Sun May 31, 2020 3:13 pm

Zoey wrote:Mark, you are my favorite spin doctor. Thank you for that, because I really needed it. I was doubting whether I would even bother participating in the June weigh-ins because of my oh-so-slow losses. But your kind perspective on things has made me decide to keep posting.
Like Steven Wright said, "Everywhere is walking distance if you've got the time." :D

moonlight wrote:I have had good compliance before. I'm confident it will happen again.
Well said! :nod:
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Re: May 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby carwex » Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:53 am

Hi everyone,

This is carwex, formerly carolw.
This week I lost 600 grams= 1 1/3 lbs. I am getting more exercise because my foot is much better. In another week my swimming pool will reopen and I will happily be getting lots of exercise.

I decided this week even before seeing the weight loss that losing more weight no longer matters. I have lost close to 10 pounds since starting in April. My BMI is a normal healthy 22.7. The important thing now is not to gain. My big realization is that going forward, the MWL way of eating is best for me, without all the higher fat foods (avocado, soy products, nuts, bread). I believe that at this rate I will naturally get to my ideal weight for MY body. I am understanding why Mark and Goose adhere to the MWL of eating in order to maintain weight.

This is not to say that I cannot imbibe from time to time in a tofu dish or have some avocado, tehini or bread , but it is wiser for me to adhere to the MWL at home and have the non-compiiant foods at a restaurant on a once a week basis. As Pootsy said once, one needs to balance socializing and MWL.

Something nice happened this week apropos. I have a friend who has decided to try this “diet” even though she is not plant based. She is using it for weight loss but it felt so nice to share the MWL with someone my age and stage. In the last 10 years of doing McDougall, and talking it up (without pushing it upon people) and mainly providing a model I have convinced NO ONE (aside from my daughter) to try WFPB. Some of this has to do with the age of my peers- 70’s early 80’s. Difficult to change habits so late in life, the young seem to be more open to veganism because of animal rights. I sometimes really feel lonely since I am quite dedicated to this lifestyle, not only for my own health but the health of my community and the good of the environment.

If any one has ideas on how to carry this message to other older people in the community, I would love to hear them.

I realized just now that we are in June. Next time I will use the June discussion board.
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Re: May 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Belana » Fri Jun 05, 2020 8:25 am

Well, more of the same for me, so no weight loss this week, but no gain either which is certainly looking at the bright side.
To continue looking at the bright side and because we're all still stuck in coronarama, I'd rather be with my best friend here in Davis, CA than in Bend Oregon all alone and losing weight/getting back into riding shape.
Being with a loved one and people who love and care about me feels much more important to me than the choice of being all alone and completely isolated, just so I can lose weight.
The difficultly for me is that last time I was successful on MWL, my only problem was being social, now I've chosen the social (difficult) part over losing weight.
Indeed losing weight is still a goal, so is getting into riding shape, but the prospect of being totally miserable while being on MWL is a gigantic factor for me. In the end, I'd rather be with my people than anal about losing weight and getting back into riding shape.
I'm unfamiliar with Davis, but soon I'll start venturing out to try and get into a cycling routine, even though I'm not going to be here very long.
Luckily, my friend loves eating my MWL diet, so that makes things a lot easier.
Thanks for all your support Mark. It helps to know that you're there reading and giving feedback.
Weight loss: zero
No weight gain thankfully.
Weight: 110.
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Re: May 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Thread

Postby Belana » Fri Jun 12, 2020 11:36 am

Holding steady.
Normally, I don't step on the scale except for Fridays or Saturdays for this weekly weigh-in, but I did step on the scale yesterday cuz I thought it was Friday instead of Thursday.
That's pretty much my life. Sometimes, I don't know what day of the week it is! :-o :-)
The scale read around 108 yesterday. I think that happened cuz I didn't eat an evening meal the day before. Today, I weighed in at approximately 110, which is why I'm calling it 'holding steady' this week.
I don't have my 'normal' cycling routine going this summer at all. Mainly, because of covid. I'm staying in Davis, CA with one of my closest, longtime best friends in her hour of need, but also because we haven't seen each other in over a year.
I don't really know any decent rides around here yet, so it's been tough cycling since I've been here. I'm only gonna be here until the 28th, but that's not etched in stone. Hopefully, I'll be able to get some good cycling in during the time I'm here. That always helps me slough off blubber
After the 28th, I'll be on the road again (no reference to the song!). I'm not into country music anyhow.
I'm doing well sticking to eating strictly the MWL way, with an occasional glass of wine or cocktail. I know if I quit booze altogether, I'd probably be better off regarding weight loss, but that's not something I feel like nailing down right now. Perhaps when I get more serious cycling, I'll be feeling like eliminating booze. For now, it's not putting any weight on me and it's nice to be able to have a cocktail or wine occasionally.
Weight: 110 lbs.
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