January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

Re: January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby Dave Dardinger » Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:40 am

Well, I'm like a lot of the others this week, up 1.0# to 172.6. But I didn't eat entirely on plan, so I deserve it. I plan to eat better this week however.
I'm just here for the food.

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Re: January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby Chelspaz » Sat Jan 28, 2017 9:05 am

I gained a pound...even though I started the gym this week. -sigh- Guess my body is adjusting or something.
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Re: January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby Loralei » Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:19 pm

Hi everyone,

My loss this week was .9 lb. I was listening to Chef AJ and Dr. Goldhamer speak about intermittent fasting. I realized that I am eating when I don't feel any hunger symptoms, so I decided to try to narrow my eating time frame. I was eating breakfast at about 9am (instead of 6:30am) and lunch was around 3pm. So I was not eating any dinner, which I normally would eat around 6pm. I expected a greater weight loss this week (I am grateful for the loss I had)...but maybe it was less because I was eating more than my satiation point at my lunch meal! :roll: Maybe psychologically this is not a good idea for me, but it was interesting to be aware of my hunger drive. I also wanted to see if I would sleep better. I did see slight improvement.

Best wishes for a great next week!
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Re: January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby plant_eater » Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:05 pm

Chelspaz wrote:I gained a pound...even though I started the gym this week. -sigh- Guess my body is adjusting or something.

Cheer up, that is a pound of lean body mass, your building muscle. Keep in mind body composition, building muscle and losing body fat is difficult and a slow steady progress. I train for triathlons and did 10 races in 2016. I stayed pretty much at 170 and 20% body fat, I even gained body fat toward the end of the year but also muscle.

My last triathlon on Oct 29th I was my heaviest in almost 2 years at 180 and 23% BF. Yet I posted my best times and it was my best race of the year.

I am working on losing my spare tire around the midsection and it has been a brick wall for 2 years now. I focus entirely on Body Fat. Whatever my final weight is, I don't really care.

In the end don't get discouraged. Keep going to the gym, eat clean and train mean.

Remember this winning formula....80% Nutrition, 20% Exercise, and 100% Attitude. :-D
Robert the Triathlete
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Re: January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby Chelspaz » Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:47 pm

plant_eater wrote:Cheer up, that is a pound of lean body mass, your building muscle. Keep in mind body composition, building muscle and losing body fat is difficult and a slow steady progress. I train for triathlons and did 10 races in 2016. I stayed pretty much at 170 and 20% body fat, I even gained body fat toward the end of the year but also muscle.

My last triathlon on Oct 29th I was my heaviest in almost 2 years at 180 and 23% BF. Yet I posted my best times and it was my best race of the year.

I am working on losing my spare tire around the midsection and it has been a brick wall for 2 years now. I focus entirely on Body Fat. Whatever my final weight is, I don't really care.

In the end don't get discouraged. Keep going to the gym, eat clean and train mean.

Remember this winning formula....80% Nutrition, 20% Exercise, and 100% Attitude. :-D

That's what I kind of thought...that maybe I gained a bit of muscle from my first week of going to the gym...but all I did was the treadmill and cardio to try and burn some fat faster, but maybe I did burn some fat but still gained muscle. I have no idea lol.

I never did say my starting weight, but when I went vegan last June,I was around 215-ish at 5.5 ft. Then once I went vegan, I dropped around 10 pounds just from elimating meat and dairy, but was still eating quite poorly. Since starting MWL, I've really been excited to get back in the 100's, and now that I'm here, I would like to stay there! Lol. So going from my weigh in last week at 198.2 to 199.6 this morning was a little discouraging, but that's definitely not gonna make me give up. I know overall that my body is happy I'm changing and the weight might take a little longer than I had expected.

Thanks for the words of encouragement. :)
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Re: January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby amandamechele » Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:27 pm

Hi Gang,

Congratulations on getting through the first month of 2017 together! We lost a total of 136.75 pounds. This is approximately what that looks like:
We all lost a whole person, although it's a really short one. :lol:

I'll be starting up a new thread for the February Weigh-Ins sometime this week where we can do it all again.
Best wishes everyone. Let's refocus for February!

Here are the results for the last week in January:

Next Weigh-In is on Friday, February 3rd, 2017

January 2017 Weight Loss Group :: Weekly Weigh-In Results
Total group loss reported in 2017: 137.25 pounds
Total group loss in January 2017: 137.25 pounds
Week ending 01/27/2017: 18 participants reported a total loss of 3.7 pounds

Asia - 1.0
Nurse_Kim - 2.2
GlennR - 0.5
Hazelrah - 2.1
Dave Dardinger - 1.0
Chelspaz - 1.0
Amandamechele - 1.5
Total gains = 9.3
Audmor - 4
BMcCloud - 2
Fancyfinch - 0.6
Waterfit - 0.0
Plant_eater - 0.5
Wgroscost - 2.5
Yomom - 0.0
Bernadette.S - 0.6
Stillcrazy - 1.4
Loralei - 0.9
Rresn50 - 0.5
Total losses = 13

Total group loss in January 2017: 137.25 pounds
Week ending 01/27/2017: 18 participants reported a total loss of 3.7 pounds
Week ending 01/20/2017: 22 participants reported a total loss of 36.4 pounds
Week ending 01/13/2017: 24 participants reported a total loss of 40.9 pounds
Week ending 01/06/2017: 42 participants reported a total loss of 56.25 pounds

Edited to add 1 participant and this edit note.
Last edited by amandamechele on Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby rresn50 » Sun Jan 29, 2017 1:48 pm

Down 0.5....but feel quite good in general.
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Re: January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby GlennR » Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:16 pm

Amy, how does the month end transition go?

Next Friday Do we enter into a February 2017 Weigh In Group post any weight changes we might have over this week ahead?
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Re: January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby amandamechele » Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:40 pm

Audmor - Woohoo! That's a fantastic loss. I think your edge comes from more than just your time zone...lol...

BMcCloud - Double yay, for a 2 pound loss!

Asia - No apologies necessary. You are doing just fine considering you just had surgery and you're hormonally challenged this week. :lol:

Fancyfinch - You have done amazing thus far. 12 pounds in a month is a fantastic loss when you consider that you have gotten to eat until satisfied to get there. I'm sending you a virtual hug. I understand your fear and still feel it too sometimes. I think it is based on a diet history that many of us share that goes something like this:
Start a diet based on some sort of calorie or portion restriction - Lose some weight - Stop that diet based on restriction - Gain some weight
If you are able to take the mindset that this way of eating is now just how you eat (happily but indefinitely and with the acceptance that small diversions away from guidelines do not equal failure) some of that fear and stress may lessen because you are removing the implicit timeframe that we tend to feel when dieting. Since you will be eating this way anyway, and by eating this way weight loss will occur anyway, just keep doing what you're doing and trust that it's going to happen. Genetics, activity level and most heavily the calorie density of your diet will determine how long it takes. It will probably be longer than you expect in the short term, but when looking at it in hindsight it was time well spent and truly not that long in the grand scheme of things. So YAY to your 0.6 lbs!

Welcome Waterfit! I'm glad you're joining us.

Nurse_Kim - Having a written plan is a great idea!

GlennR - You have such a great attitude about this Glenn. Best wishes this week.

Chelsea - That's really neat that your gym has a movie theatre. As for the gain this week, as plant-eater was saying, it could be due to your change in workout. Please try not to be discouraged, remember you are doing your best and that this kind of lifestyle change takes way more time than we realize. Very few people are able to consistently lose larger amounts of weight week after week. Most of us lose a bit, stay relatively steady for awhile then lose a bit more. Take heart that as long as you apply the guidelines correctly it will trend down, slowly but surely. As I mentioned to Fancyfinch above, if we can remove that mental timeline of how we expect this should happen, the process will "feel" a lot smoother. XO You are doing great!!

Robert - Yahoo! Congratulations on breaking the 20% barrier. You must be so proud of yourself. How is training coming along?

Mark - I hope you had a lovely birthday with friends and family or whomever you wished. I had no idea that you had already lost 50 pounds, that is amazing. That last 20 will come off, eventually, the more often you eat MWL over the regular McDougall Plan. It just takes deciding to do that...I'm still working on this myself. Best wishes this week.

Wgroscost - You're a machine! Great job this week.

Kathy - How was snowshoeing?

Bernadette.S - You have lost a lot of inches. Congratulations! That's determination paying off. It sounds like you had a great family visit! I love visiting and travelling and I equally love returning to my routine afterwards. I find it calming.

Vee - You are definitely headed in the right direction. :-D Trusting ourselves (and the process) just takes time and adherence! Best wishes for the coming week.

Dave D - I have no doubt that you will ensure that you continue your "new low" streak this coming week.

Loralei - I love that you are experimenting with yourself. That is a good solid loss for the week.

Rresn50 - Wonderful to hear. Here's to another good week!
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Re: January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby amandamechele » Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:43 pm

Glenn - With regards to the February Weigh-In thread, I'll set it up on the first (before the next weigh in) and that is where we will all post after that date (so, yes, just like here type in your loss/gain for the week, and maybe a joke or two just for fun...lol). I'll try to remember to link it here after I create it to make it as simple as possible to find.
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Re: January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby Yomom » Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:58 pm

Amy (Amandamechele)
You asked how the snowshoeing went. Well, we snowshoed 5 miles, including more than 1000 feet of vertical climb, at a spanking pace. I was wiped afterwards, chagrined to realize that I have obviously been neglecting aerobic conditioning. Must Work Harder :lol

Hope you & your family are well. I enjoy your posts, pictures, and encouragement of this group.

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Re: January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby Chelspaz » Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:27 am

amandamechele wrote:Chelsea - That's really neat that your gym has a movie theatre. As for the gain this week, as plant-eater was saying, it could be due to your change in workout. Please try not to be discouraged, remember you are doing your best and that this kind of lifestyle change takes way more time than we realize. Very few people are able to consistently lose larger amounts of weight week after week. Most of us lose a bit, stay relatively steady for awhile then lose a bit more. Take heart that as long as you apply the guidelines correctly it will trend down, slowly but surely. As I mentioned to Fancyfinch above, if we can remove that mental timeline of how we expect this should happen, the process will "feel" a lot smoother. XO You are doing great!!

Thank you for the words of encouragement! I guess I got too high of expectations for immediate weight loss, which happens to a lot of people. But I do understand that this WOE is better for me in general, and no matter what the scale tells me, I am trying my best to stay compliant.

I go to the gym Mon, Wed, and Fri and the movie lineup for the days I'll be going are Gravity, Iron Man, and Avengers. Definitely the kind of movies I like to watch while working out! :-P
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Re: January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby Bernadette.S » Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:25 pm

Hi Team,

What's peoples thoughts on air-popped popcorn as a snack? Does it comply with MWL?

If it complies with MWL Program, how much would you say is a serving.

How often is too often to have it?

I really do love a crunchy treat and my lettuce leaves with bruschetta need an alternative.

Thanks, Bernadette
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Re: January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby amandamechele » Tue Jan 31, 2017 8:44 am

Kathy - Thank you! <3 I am amazed that you did such a big climb and went 5 miles. Your new home sounds very conducive to healthy living!

Chelsea - :) Have fun with your workouts this week. Enjoy the superhero movies; Robert Downey Jr was one of my favorites as a teen (though James Spader probably was my true favourite). I loved the Brat Pack movies. Best wishes and keep up the effort this week.

Bernadette - Though popcorn can be a healthy choice it is quite high on the calorie density scale and should be eaten minimally while you are trying to lose weight, especially if you are eating it while doing something else at the same time which can lead to overconsumption. Jeff Novick explains it in detail below in a thread about rice cakes and other puffed grain products:


I try to stick to crunchy chopped veggies and fruit right now. Does anyone else have a favourite MWL crunchy snack?
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Re: January 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby Chelspaz » Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:46 pm

So I just want to say that yesterday at the gym I jogged/ran for 6 minutes straight. Never in a million years did I think I could ever run longer than maybe a minute or two without stopping. This is why I love the movie room at my gym. I stick my headphones in to listen to music and I keep my eyes pinned on the big screen, and I'm completely distracted and can just run. It felt so good! This was during a climactic scene in the movie they were playing, and after I'd been running for a little bit I looked at my timer and noticed I'd be running for 5 minutes, and it surprised me! I still felt like I could have kept going but I didn't because I was no longer as distracted, and then I even starting giggling a little to myself because I couldn't believe it...so only made it to about 6.5 minutes. Can't wait to see how much longer I can go next time!
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