Covid and good current resources and Dr. McDougall

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Covid and good current resources and Dr. McDougall

Postby REWohsnus » Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:55 pm

I realize that many governments have long since stopped tracking covid / the pandemic and that the measures for tracking have changed. I would like some quality information on the topic.

I am looking for quality resources that discuss the following issues:

1) current best practices for pandemic related issues for individuals, families, communities and nations as a whole. Here, I am thinking about how we handle any future issues of these kinds and if we have the infrastructure in place and/or solutions.
2) current thoughts on covid best practices for individuals - such as how to navigate scarce information. I haven't quite bought into the idea that the pandemic is over as announced earlier this year in the US. But I am looking for quality resources on the all sides of the issue.
3) quality media / medical / health resources? on the topic or related topics
4) any info that Dr. McDougall and/or others have shared on current thoughts on Covid and / or the pandemic and individual practices and community and government best practices. I recall Dr. McDougall's video from when the pandemic began but perhaps I have missed something since then.

I continue to mask and have refrained from large gatherings and indoor gatherings, though I am often the odd man out. The holidays are coming and again I and some others believe it is still best to not attend especially as these events would be indoors and without ventilation. But life seems to have totally moved on from the topic of the pandemic.

One website I've run across may possibly be of something of note - though please, share, if you disagree.

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Re: Covid and good current resources and Dr. McDougall

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Mon Nov 20, 2023 12:21 am

I, too, would love to hear what Dr. McDougall thinks about how to avoid getting COVID since conflicting information is abundant. Meanwhile, I will err on the side of caution, wearing masks on public transit, crowded locations and avoiding close contact with anyone who does not take similar precautions.
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Re: Covid and good current resources and Dr. McDougall

Postby CloverLeaf » Sun Dec 17, 2023 5:04 pm

I'd been vaccinating and boosting since Day One plus wearing an N95 mask in public. After four years of all this and not having contracted Covid, I thought I was good to go. Not so! My overconfidence led me to get Covid after a large indoor Christmas party just last week, unmasked of course. It's awful, the coughing, the shooting pains in my head and limbs, the constantly runny nose, the fever, bad sleep at night, etc. I started Paxlovid as soon as possible after the Covid test proved positive. Tylenol helps with the pain. But I'm on the sofa a lot and Christmas is around the corner.

I wish I could go back and say "no thank you" to that party (although I have no proof it was the culprit, just my suspicion.)

Covid is still out there. We may have moved on but Covid has not. All I can do it wait to get well, hope Paxlovid works, and I don't get Long Covid or a rebound. I, too, would like more guidance from this website and experts here. Unfortunately, this forum is a mere shadow of its former self when it was extremely active with participants and experts not that many years ago. A shame, really. :cry:
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Re: Covid and good current resources and Dr. McDougall

Postby DynoDan » Mon Dec 18, 2023 2:04 pm

I made the mistake of procrastinating, hoping to get the same brand of booster from a convenient local source (scarcity, go figure), since I had good results with all those initial vaccinations. Too late now (person next to me in a restaurant sneezing at me, the likely source of infection).
Symptoms after positive covid test: runny nose (leading to wet/productive cough), scratchy (then very sore, briefly) throat, and ‘run-down’ feeling that lasted over a week. Feel much better after two weeks +, but still producing phlegm. Looks like the newest covid strain is at least a 3 week ordeal.
I’ll wait a couple months + (since I now have antibodies), and then try to get that booster, but won’t be so picky re: the brand this time.
I got the flu shot in the fall, but not the RSV yet. I’ll likely get that too, along with the covid (learned my lesson).
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Re: Covid and good current resources and Dr. McDougall

Postby CloverLeaf » Tue Dec 26, 2023 8:46 pm

I posted above on Dec. 17. I got Covid on Dec. 14. I still have Covid on Dec. 26. After the Paxlovid, I seemed to have been almost completely well. Then about three days after the last pills, it all came back. Must have been that "Paxlovid rebound" -- all the symptoms with a very positive test. I'm just now feeling only slightly better at Day 13 but with an annoying chronic dry cough. This variant must be one that evades the vaccines and boosters. I'm normally a very healthy person.

Being sick made me realize I can always do more for my health in general. I've done some backsliding but now I want to be 100% compliant again! I really appreciate Dr. McDougall and this website for the support and inspiration I need. :)
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Re: Covid and good current resources and Dr. McDougall

Postby CloverLeaf » Tue Dec 26, 2023 9:12 pm

The John Snow Project:

Thank you for posting this link. I find it very helpful! :-D
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Re: Covid and good current resources and Dr. McDougall

Postby REWohsnus » Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:28 pm

DynoDan and Cloverleaf, thanks for sharing. I hope you are both feeling better. I did avoid the indoor holiday activities in 2023 and it turned out there was a good bit of stuff going around including Covid. Maybe I'll propose a Christmas in July for 2024? :) In the meantime, I continue look for sources of solid of information out there. Should someone find some, please share.
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Re: Covid and good current resources and Dr. McDougall

Postby michaelswarm » Tue Jan 02, 2024 3:09 pm

Recently on YouTube Shorts...

Ever wondered why creating a vaccine for the flu or COVID-19 feels like chasing a moving target? Dr. McDougall explains the rapid mutation and genetic drift of viruses, as we explore the constant battle against ever-changing COVID variants!

Dr. McDougall Health & Medical Center YouTube Shorts
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Re: Covid and good current resources and Dr. McDougall

Postby kirkj » Tue Jan 02, 2024 4:10 pm

Probably not what anyone wants to hear, but it's not going away. Things are never going back to a time without COVID. Like colds and flu, it is going to be part of life. The good news is that for most people the vaccines and/or previous infection prevent severe illness and death. This is not the case for people with multiple comorbidities, but those people need to be concerned about all illnesses, not just COVID.

To avoid ever getting COVID will require constant vigilance, forever avoiding crowds, airplanes etc., and wearing an N95 mask when venturing into those situations. Even then, there are no guarantees. I have read for an N95 mask to be fully effective, it needs to be tight enough to leave marks on your face. That is probably to achieve the supposed 80%+ effectiveness, but I don't think anyone wears them that tight.

Going forward, I think we all need to decide what is an acceptable level of risk to take. I decided not to continue taking precautions because 1) I'd have to quit my part time job which I love and 2) I want to move on and not live as I did in 2020 indefinitely.

I was double vaccinated in 2021 but still got COVID in January 2022. My partner got it in August 2022 but I didn't. I attribute that to immunity from having it in January. We both got it a second time this year about a week after Thanksgiving.

For me, both episodes were like having the flu for 3 days. I had a 102F fever, chills, headache, a slight cough and my nasal passages were inflamed - it hurt to breathe through my nose. Both times it lasted 3 days and on the 4th day the headaches and fever were gone. I felt a little rough for a few days afterward, but I expect that after a high fever for 3 days. For me there were no lasting effects.

I'm not minimizing COVID. I was plenty sick and it was no fun. But, I had protection from vaccines and previous infection, and don't have any comorbidities besides being 66.

If you want perspectives different from the John Snow Project, I watch YouTube videos about COVID by Vinay Prasad, Jay Bhattacharya and Sunetra Gupta. They all strongly opposed lockdowns and closing schools, but were not opposed to vaccines. Prasad does question the need for repeated boosters. Sunetra Gupta is my favorite but there aren't very many of hers.
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Re: Covid and good current resources and Dr. McDougall

Postby VeggieSue » Sat Jan 06, 2024 1:48 pm

kirkj wrote:Probably not what anyone wants to hear, but it's not going away. Things are never going back to a time without COVID. Like colds and flu, it is going to be part of life. The good news is that for most people the vaccines and/or previous infection prevent severe illness and death. This is not the case for people with multiple comorbidities, but those people need to be concerned about all illnesses, not just COVID.

To avoid ever getting COVID will require constant vigilance, forever avoiding crowds, airplanes etc., and wearing an N95 or KN95 mask when venturing into those situations. Even then, there are no guarantees.

As I mentioned in another post, my husband has leukemia and kidney failure and had been hospitalized for various other problems, too, and between hospitalizations he's been in a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) short-stay rehab unit. Every time he has a discharge date lined up something else happens to him to necessitate another trip to the hospital and prolonging his stay in the SNF afterwards. He hasn't been home since Labor Day weekend.

Everywhere he goes, there's a mask mandate, and in some of these places, like the leukemia unit in the hospital, the protocol is for everyone, even visitors, entering the room they have to wear not only a mask but also gloves, the yellow disposable paper gowns, and many people also choose to wear the face shield, too. In the nursing center it's masks and gloves, gowns when in quarantine, and in dialysis it's mask for clients, mask and gloves for nursing staff. At the cancer center, everyone is masked, with the staff wearing those KN95 or N95 masks, and many of them wear at least one of the disposable masks over that. And hand sanitizer dispensers are located outside of ever door and every few feet in hallways in all these places, and everyone uses them freely and frequently. Most of the nurses wear little bottles of them on a lanyard or clipped to their pockets. You can't even register at the cancer center's reception desk without a mask and lathering up.

Not only did my husband test positive for 2 different strains of Influenza A in early December, but 10 days ago tested positive for covid. He's been in a private room in the hospital and the care center since September 1st, staff has always been covered up according to that facility's protocols, and as a leukemia patient, strict protocols are always followed when staff is near him. The germs are just in the air, on everyday objects. They're unavoidable.

To be honest, he only knew he had covid because of the weekly testing done on everyone in the rehab center. He finally started getting his strength back from the debilitating flu that sapped every ounce of energy he had for a month, and was finally getting his appetite back. His legs are stronger and he's walking again with a walker and assistance. Before the flu he was already walking and doing stairs without even a cane. He was going home in 2 days! Aside from the lousy cough that's lingering, he feels better than he had in over a month. He laughed when they told him he was positive for covid, because he feels so much better now. He's so frustrated because he's missing out on badly needed strenuous physical therapy that will allow him to walk by himself again, to climb stairs, to care for himself. They've just been doing gentle exercises in the bedroom.

He can't wait until quarantine is over so he can get back to the gym and working out on the bike, weights, and doing the stairs again. He wants to finally get out of that place! At least once he's in a private home again he'll be less exposed to those nasties floating around the air and hopefully get through the rest of the winter without any more communicable diseases, especially during chemo rounds.
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Re: Covid and good current resources and Dr. McDougall

Postby kirkj » Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:52 pm

Glad to hear that COVID was the least of your husband's worries, VeggieSue. I hope he gets home soon.
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Re: Covid and good current resources and Dr. McDougall

Postby Daydream » Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:58 am

VeggieSue, I'm so sorry to hear of the health battles your husband has endured (including getting covid while at the hospital). I'm sending healing thoughts to your husband and hope he is able to build up his strength again.
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Re: Covid and good current resources and Dr. McDougall

Postby JeffN » Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:43 am

Vegetarian and plant-based diets associated with lower incidence of COVID-19
BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health
2024;e000629. doi: 10.1136/bmjnph-2023-000629 ... 023-000629

"After adjusting for important confounders, such as body mass index, physical activity and pre-existing medical conditions...."

"Plant-based and mainly vegetarian diets were associated with a lower incidence of COVID-19 infection. These dietary patterns may be considered protective against COVID-19 infection."

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