My wife and I began the McDougall program January 20th, 2018. The picture on the left is from a year ago when I was at my heaviest weight 322 pounds. The photo on the right is a picture I just took today. I am happy to say that I have lost 45 pounds! I am currently at 275 pounds and I am still losing! I fit into all of my clothes comfortably now and I am close to having to get smaller clothing sizes! I love it!
My wife Heather has lost 24 pounds, achieved remission of her ulcerative colitis and has been off all of her meds for a little over 3 months now. My 11-year-old son Dominic and my 9-year-old son Lucas have both lost about 11 pounds. We love this program! This has changed our lives for the better so much so that even our children have learned the consequences of eating off the McDougall diet. We stick to the McDougall diet 100% and have worked very diligently to find compliant options at some of our favorite places such as veggie sushi and oil free veggie bowls from Chipotle.
It has been wonderful getting our whole family on board with the McDougall diet and I can’t thank everyone in the McDougall program enough for giving me my life back. I have tons of energy and I can go to an entire Zumba class without getting tired. I get more things done in a day than I ever have before. My body is better, my skin is better and my life is better! I am close to testing for my 2nd degree black belt because my skills have improved 10 fold! I love this lifestyle and I am the happiest I have ever been! And most of all, as a family, we have a new lease on a longer and healthier life!