Updated January 25, 2019
Dr. McDougall’s FREE Online Webinars
Title: Dr. John McDougall, MD, Discusses 2019 Canadian Dietary Guidelines, Interviews Jeff Nelson, Daughters Nina & Randa about Acne
Presenter: Dr. John McDougall
Host: Moderator, Gustavo Tolosa, DMA
Recorded: January 24, 2019
About Jeff Nelson
For more than a year, Jeff Nelson’s wife, Sabrina, suffered with a rare incurable autoimmune disease called Relapsing Polychondritis. Sabrina discovered a book by John McDougall, changed her diet, and put the disease into remission. That was 23 years ago. Since then, Jeff and Sabrina went on to create one of the first vegan-oriented websites on the internet – vegsource.com – as well as helping launch the internet presence of many of the top vegan experts you see online. A lot of the positive culture you see in the online vegan community today – had its origins at vegsource, such as documentaries, conferences, community intervention programs (Meals For Health), and more.
You can learn more about Jeff on his YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/vegsource and his website http://www.vegsource.com
About Nina & Randa Nelson
Natives of Los Angeles and life-long vegans Nina and Randa were raised in the San Fernando Valley and attended Sierra Canyon School and Chaminade Prep School. They paused their college career at California State University at Northridge by taking a year off to pursue work in acting and social media. They’ve been busy building a successful social media presence and acting careers since. They are authors of THE CLEAR SKIN DIET released by Hachette Books in April 2018.
You can learn more about Nina & Randa at their channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/NinaAndRanda and their book at http://www.clearskindiet.com