Updated May 19, 2014
This is part two of a three-part interview:
Dr. Montgomery discusses the Health Disparity Among the Races.
Baxter D. Montgomery, MD, FACC: Founder & President, Houston Cardiac Association (HCA) and the Montgomery Heart & Wellness Center
Baxter D. Montgomery, MD, FACC received his undergraduate degree from Rice University in Houston. He earned his Medical Degree from The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas. Dr. Montgomery is the founder and president of the Houston Cardiac Association (HCA) and the Montgomery Heart and Wellness Center, which guides clients and patients toward optimal health through nutritional excellence. In his programs and books like The Food Prescription, Dr. Montgomery has used a novel food classification system that helps people reverse chronic conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes without medications or surgeries. He has refined this process over the past 10 years with profound positive results in severely ill patients. His website is http://www.drbaxtermontgomery.com.