Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Dec 11, 2019 8:24 am

serene wrote:Your posts are super encouraging to me. Thank you!

Thank you so much Serene!

Yoga. Yesterday's yoga had a section of "chair pose" which amounted to about a dozen squats and WOW are my thighs telling me about it today. Today I chose one titles "Easy Breezy Yoga" and it still kicked my butt! LOL But I feel so good. It was only 15 minutes but the stretching and truly the strength building through down dog, planks, etc...I can feel my body becoming stronger, and I love the calm, focused energy. What a wonderful combination: eating this way and doing yoga.

I haven't weighed in quite a few days, but the last time, I was up 4 lbs...one of the reasons I haven't stepped on the scale. Who wants to see that their weight is up? I'll probably weigh tomorrow, but might wait until Friday or Saturday.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Dec 12, 2019 10:20 am

I am SO loving my daily yoga. It's just amazing how good I feel. I decided to deeply modify because the several times I've tried to get back in the yoga habit over the past year I have ended up hurting my knee or my ankle. So...not trying to perfectly emulate the yogi on YouTube, but adapting for my belly fat and thick thighs, I'm going as far as my own body will let me. It isn't super high cardio or anything, but the endorphins flow just the same and I feel so strong and capable. And I'm mindful of "soft neck and shoulders; loose jaw" all day long.

Went to see a REALLY good movie last night: Knives Out. What a treat. And out to dinner beforehand. My daughter works in a theater and gets free movie tickets, so I bought dinner. We went to a close-by Vietnamese place and I had Pho. Yum! That stuff stuck to my ribs all night long. No popcorn or other movie treats. And I wasn't starving when I woke up. I love pho.

I baked a dozen potatoes before going out, so I have something to grab and eat quickly as needed.

My oatmeal for brekkie. I sliced a large banana into the oats before cooking. That cooks the banana, and is delicious. I also stirred in some dark chocolate into it. Yummy! Today I brought veggies sticks with me for with lunch, or just as a munchie. Trying to follow Doug Lisle's guideline of including raw veggies every day. Since I don't like salad unless it is drenched in ranch dressing, I'll slice up some carrots, cukes, cauliflower, zucchini. You bet I will.

Waiting to hear back on the drug test for the part time job. It actually is just a tiny bit iffy, since my hubby and I had a treat at 4:20 on Saturday...four days before the drug test...we'll see, eh? Who ever thought I'd be worrying about this in my late 50's :lol: From my research, not being a frequent user, it will most likely be out of my system inside of three days. Still...what a situation. :| What am I, in high school?

On the other end of the childish to grown up spectrum, I actually have done some adulting in the past couple of weeks, taking care of a money chore I had been putting off. But I finally got things moving for a rollover of my retirement account, from my former employer to my current. I don't know why I put that off so badly, but FINALLY last week I took the necessary steps. I've got some $9,000 in that former account, and about $11,000 :eek: in the current account. That's not nothing, kids. Well, Lynch is sending two checks to Fidelity...one for the 401K and one for the Roth...and those will both go into my current retirement. Which makes me happy. I'm glad I finally grew up and took care of this. Keeping an eye on it.

Since it isn't terribly cold today, I might stop and take a short walk on my way home from work. Get outside, see the naked trees and The Birds that Stay. The gray sky, the tan leaves on the ground. The nearly dry creek. Sounds just lovely, doesn't it.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Dec 13, 2019 9:11 am

Got in the groove this morning on my drive to work. Bob Marley was on my mind..."every little thing...gonna be alright" so I plugged in my air buds and found the song and listened/sang along all the way to work. I was overflowing with joy as I walked in the door. :)

Wylie started a new job, part time as he plans on taking early retirement in Feb. Anywayzzzzz, it is 20 hours a week, and his shift is very early morning, 4:45 to 10:00, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon. Which means on my days off, the first half of the day will be ME ALL ALONE AT HOME! Even with this part time job (if I pass the drug test...honestly... :roll: ) I'll have Friday after work, and Sat Sun 3pm to 8pm. Still leaving me my morning alone time on the weekends. I can diggit!

Feeling really good about my eating. The calorie density "aha" moment from July, (all processed foods, including fat free breads, etc, are too calorie dense for weight loss) plus this chart by Doug Lisle that I posted the other day, where I can mark off my starches, veggies, sleep, and exercise...well, it's got me clicking along very nicely right now. Oh! And the accountability thread flat out stopped me from eating cookies yesterday :)

It's lovely when the energy is good.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Dec 13, 2019 3:39 pm

serene wrote:Woo-hoo! Don't you wish we could bottle the good mojo to use on the tougher days?

It would be great! Usually gratitude snaps me out of a pity party though. :) don't know if that is bottled or not. But I'm glad I wrote some of my funky time here, so I could see my own fighting spirit.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Dec 16, 2019 11:57 am

Years ago, decades really, when I was a homeschooling housewife in the Idaho country, I went looking for a part time job. I ended up with an interview in an office, and left 1) knowing that I did not have the job and 2) not even wanting the job. Why didn't I want the job? Seriously, the main reason why it was a turn off was that it was 100% women in there. I saw gals in their capris and flip-flops coming and going, standing with their coffees and chatting, and working at their desks and I did NOT want to work there.

I knew there was plenty of drama to be found among a bunch of gals, and knew I didn't want to be immersed in it every day, so that job was utterly unappealing thanks to all the estrogen. I know it sounds as catty as what I pictured an office full of women to be like, but seriously, I knew how a bunch of gals can be and I wasn't wrong. Now that I work in an office with mostly women, I'm finding drama to the left and to the right and none of it directly involving me. I WAS wrong about one thing. Not every woman jumps into the pool, IYKWIM. There are a few who indulge in griping or gossip, and there are a few who are perpetually negative even if they aren't overtly gossiping. I'm getting good at avoiding the lunch room when certain people are there, because I don't need to feed my own Bad Mood Wolf. And I'm grateful that my desk is among a group of jolly, goofy guys (along with two of the negative nellies, but they're easier to avoid when the dudes are being bro's :lol:)

I'm fighting hard to keep myself from being negative and stressful, and to dip all the way to my neck every day in it. Ugh. I'm thankful for those who don't flap their lips.

Eating over the weekend was okay. I went off plan a few times, but nothing like I was a few weeks ago, when I was eating all the things. Did some big cooking, and want to make more today after work. Not Chicken Soup. YUM! And noodles. I dunno why, but noodles are just calling my name right now.

Wylie's job started on Friday. He's working very part time, very early. Fri-Mon, from 5:15 to 10:30 am which means that on Sat and Sun, my days off, I get to have several hours first thing in the morning all to myself. I don't mind that AT ALL, believe me. I packed in so much binge watching :lol: but that's okay. Next weekend I'll be busier for sure. Just...it was so nice having the place to myself in the morning.

Haven't heard back yet from the PT job that I applied for. Drug testing was last Tuesday and they told me 24-48 hours, and I don't even know who to contact to find out. I guess the company will notify me. The background has already come back, and I was notified of that. I guess it's just a matter of waiting, now. *shrug*

Hm...looking at the emailed job offer, it says I must do the drug screen within 24 hours of the interview (done)
I must look for an offer letter via email (Got it)
I must fill out the background stuff on a laptop or desk top (done)

does this mean that it all came in and now I just wait for a call or email with a confirmation of my start date? :duh:

Breakfast today was just baked potatoes. Wasn't really hungry. They sufficed.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Dec 17, 2019 9:49 am

Okay, the job offer came and I start training on Dec 23. Xmas Eve and Day I will have off and because I already know this job, I predict I will pass training the first day. Then start on Friday the 27th. I hope that's how it pans out. The basic job is identical to what I did with them before, but there are a few things new in the actual computer part...like, what to click on for this, how to post that, etc. Easy peasey job. It'll be 15 hours a week and there are a couple of goals. 100% of the paychecks are going to two largish debts and building my savings. They say to have three months worth of your current salary saved up. I have about half of one month in a money market account, and about $100 in my "car emergency" account. I can make ends meet on my current full time job, but there isn't much left over to save...so...The plan is to keep at it for a year. I gotta get my financial goals down on paper.

Foot pain galore starting yesterday and continuing on this morning. It hit while I was doing a quick grocery run. I was at the store for maybe 20 minutes. Walked in doing okay in the foot pain department, and walked out absolutely limping and leaning heavily on my cart. And wore The Pain Sock the rest of the night. It hurts a little bit this morning and would flare up badly if I walked anywhere. I'm SICK OF IT :angry: I mean, it's perfectly reasonable for my foot to hurt like anything, considering it has been bearing WAY too much weight for my entire adult life BUT why does it so randomly wig out? Some days I can go forever and not have a single twinge. Then BAM, it hits with a vengeance for who knows what reason. Sometimes, I'll be standing at the stove stirring something. Sometimes (actually pretty often) at the grocery store, as happened last night. I'm beginning to think there's something about that store, because it isn't just the one close to home. Any time I go into THAT particular store, at whatever location, my foot starts freaking out. SMH

Just found a bunch of Chair Yoga videos and moved them to a playlist that I can find easily in the morning. Going to give that a try, since I do detect a pattern: get going on daily yoga = get foot and/or knee pain. Chair yoga, or floor yoga might be a way for me to keep going without hurting myself. What a place to be. :( But truly, for instance this morning's yoga was foot-centric. Tree pose, down dog, standing front leg lift, Warrior 1 and 2 etc. Lots of balance, lots of lunge/twist. A LOT on my feet, though I was careful not to strain things.

My weight went up to 242 after a few weeks of post honeymoon indulgence. Now that I've been back on track, I'm down' to 239 which is good. Looking back over this journal, I was at 235 for a little while, and I know that about two years ago I was up in the high 240's...like, 247 ish? So I guess the lbs are trending downward, though slowly and in fits and starts. I mention this because I need to face it: Being in menopause is NOT an excuse not to lose weight. Yes, my metabolism got slower which I didn't think was possible but guess what. My body responds to consistent McDougalling by dropping fat. Period. It works, even with a slow metabolism. Gotta stick to my guns.

Lo, and behold! a huge basket of treats brought into the office. Me=ignoring the treats. :nod:

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Dec 18, 2019 8:40 am

Thanks Serene

I'm not looking forward to a 65 hour work week, but I've guarded my weekend alone time by taking an afternoon shift on Saturdays and Sundays, still leaving me the mornings after Wylie goes to work. Friday will be tough, as I start at my FT job at 7:00 am and won't get away from my PT job until 9:30 pm, with a drive from FT to PT from 4:00 to 4:30. :shock:

So...Wylie got me a new iPhone for Christmas. The screen alone is the size of my old iPhone S5 or whatever it is. And it doesn't fit in my pocket as well BUT...there's a lot of fun stuff in this version and way more data storage space. I've been having fun with it. And this, after his going on for days about not being able to afford expensive Christmas gifts this year :\ But I know what I'm getting him and he can't stop me.

My return to "chocolate only on weekends" is working well for me. Cravings are minimal and easy to ignore. It feels like I'm back to "in the game" and it's good.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Dec 19, 2019 8:52 am

Frustrated because I woke up at 3:43 and never did get back to sleep. Finally got up at 5:15 ish. This is the hardest part about Wylie's work shift. Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon from 5:15 to 10:45 in the morning, which means his alarm is set for 4:30 for those four days and on his days off he goes back to sleeping past MY wake up time just fine, but I never go back to sleeping until MY actual wake up time. My body resets pretty much right away

Oh! You woke up at 4:30? Is that what we do now? Cool. But I'll do even better and wake you a half hour EARLIER!

Yesterday morning was just fine, but mid-afternoon it suddenly hit me like a 4x4 to the head and BAM I was tired. Tired and cranky and yes I made a poor decision about food, eating buttered toast with my dinner AND as a snack. Today morning I am already feeling SO tired. I was THIS CLOSE to bringing chocolate with me to work. I did pour a cup of coffee, but it's best that I didn't bring chocolate ;)

Gotta figure out my exercise for the day. Knee and foot still hurting some.

Oh, I wanted to say something about this upcoming 31 Day Challenge that Dillon over at Well Your World is putting out. One of the things that went through my mind yesterday when I was choosing buttered toast to eat was "well, I'm going to be getting really serious and strict with myself starting Jan 1. Better have something WAY off plan while I still can"

That is pure, unadulterated, 100% diet mentality, and I don't like it. I think I need to treat the challenge like "oh, cool. A printable calendar that I can use" because I have already been thinking about segueing into MWL from this pretty good place where I currently am, starting 1/1/2020 so why not just take what I can use and NOT let that mindset take hold?

Here's hoping my shift goes by quick.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Dec 20, 2019 10:32 am

Feeling better rested today. I managed to sleep through Wylie getting up, and stayed in bed drifting until 5:00 when I got up and did some AMAZING yoga. I found a video Floor Yoga and that's what it was. All on the floor, gravity focused, with lots of opening, stretching, and twisting. It was lovely and I feel great for doing it! Yoga is my current favorite self-care activity. :nod:

Yesterday a huge bundle of treats came into the office and I did end up having some. Really, not that much comparatively...four or five cookies and maybe half a dozen pieces of candy. I say comparatively, because I've eaten more than that in one sitting in my life time FOR SURE. However yesterday my stomach rebelled and I stopped. Not going to have any of the treats today, but I did bring some of my extra dark chocolate. I feel like it is a little more allowable than all the fat pills. But what I really wish I had with me was some baked potatoes. As usual, the oatmeal I had for brekkie has left me empty a few hours later. I think probably chocolate, even dark chocolate, is not going to do the job. Stupid oatmeal. :\ Thankful for a couple of cuties oranges at my desk.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Dec 20, 2019 11:08 am

Wishing to heck I hadn't heard about or decided to participate in the 31 day challenge, starting Jan 1. Seriously, it has launched a diet mentality on me that is making it VERY hard to stick to plan today. The office treats are right across from me, my stomach is empty thanks to oatmeal for breakfast, and I have this thought in my mind "I'll get TRULY serious on January 1" It isn't a good place to be AT ALL. It's like saying "Starting my diet on Monday so until then I'm going nuts"

well, I am not planning on going nuts, but the thoughts are insidious! It adds to the temptation horrendously. Geez, how much power our minds have over this kind of thing. Ugh.
Last edited by bunsofaluminum on Mon Dec 30, 2019 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby moonlight » Sun Dec 22, 2019 7:18 am

bunsofaluminum wrote:Oh, I wanted to say something about this upcoming 31 Day Challenge that Dillon over at Well Your World is putting out. One of the things that went through my mind yesterday when I was choosing buttered toast to eat was "well, I'm going to be getting really serious and strict with myself starting Jan 1. Better have something WAY off plan while I still can"

That is pure, unadulterated, 100% diet mentality, and I don't like it. I think I need to treat the challenge like "oh, cool. A printable calendar that I can use" because I have already been thinking about segueing into MWL from this pretty good place where I currently am, starting 1/1/2020 so why not just take what I can use and NOT let that mindset take hold.

I saw this 31-day challenge on Dillion's YouTube video, too. I'm considering it but I don't have a FB account so I won't be participating in the group. I may try it and post on the Mutual Accountability thread. I liked the space he has on the calendar where you decide what percentage of the month you plan to do a certain goal, or "rule" for the month as he said. I think if I set a realistic percentage with some wiggle room, it might help me. I hope you decide to do it. We can support each other. :D
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Re: Buns Again

Postby deweyswakms » Sun Dec 22, 2019 9:22 am

bunsofaluminum wrote:Wishing to heck I hadn't heard about or decided to participate in the 31 day challenge, starting Jan 1.

Free yourself! You don't have to do that 31 day challenge. Heck, each day of MWL is challenge enough for me. I remember my working days with tables of temptation. I found I simply could not have even one bite, because that sugar/butter/salt addiction would not be denied.

I don't sleep so well now at my age, so I am so sympathetic to your undesired early mornings. YES to yoga! Exercise of some kind really helps me too.

Good luck, Marsha
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Re: Buns Again

Postby Shmookitty » Sun Dec 22, 2019 11:27 am

I agree with Marsha - you don't have to participate in the challenge if it's going to be too triggering. Self care comes first.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sun Dec 22, 2019 11:52 am

Oh my goodness! What wisdom! I don’t have to do the damn challenge. I think I’m pushing it out of my mind now and going to carry on like a normal couple of weeks until the new year when I was actually planning on going 100% un-processed for the month of January. That was the original plan… To continue where I’m at, with a feast day on December 25, and then back to regular until January 1 when I would start 100% unprocessed. It does free me up, immediately! wow Thanks gals!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby moonlight » Mon Dec 23, 2019 12:54 pm

Hey Buns,

I'm with you and Marsha and Shmookitty. Good advice. The challenges are appealing because I think it will drive me to do what I want but it does add stress. Like you, I just need to concentrate to getting on plan and being kind to myself. I hope you enjoy Christmas and the holidays!
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