Still not feeling my best

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Re: Still not feeling my best

Postby Willijan » Wed Dec 26, 2018 4:29 pm

haze5736 wrote:I'm not sure where to start. I've been eating WFPB no oil, low SOS for over 2.5 years now. While I do feel better overall in certain ways, I definitely do not feel my best. I don't know what my best feels like but I know I have not reached it because I sometimes feel not so great.

I'll start with the things that make me feel not so great.

1) Most days after I eat lunch and dinner, say within 2 hours, I get to a point where I am so sleepy I can not keep my eyes open. I have literally fallen asleep at my desk at work. I'll be reading something on my screen and just doze off. When I sit down and watch TV at night the same thing happens. Sometimes I'll doze off then wake up within maybe 20 minutes and have no problem staying awake for a couple more hours.

2) Joint pain. This one is really bothering me. I've been suffering with joint pain for over 8 years. Left shoulder, right hip/groin and both knees. Right now as I'm typing this I can feel my left knee and hip throbbing. Some days are better than others.

I've tried all sorts of things for the pain. I stopped running, the hip pain started about 8 years ago when training for a marathon. I finally gave up running a couple of years ago. I've tried physical therapy, chiropractors, massage therapy and Egoscue therapy. Egoscue therapy is the only thing that seems to have any lasting affect on the pain, although it just won't go away. This past week seems to have gotten worse for the pain.

This past year I had a bunch of blood tests done and the only thing that came back as being off was Vitamin D. Of course, I live in Syracuse NY. I may as well live in a cave for almost 6 months of the year. I can't change that for at least another 4 years. Two other things that I am not familiar with. MCH was high at 32.1 pg and RDW was low at 11.0%. Everything else came back within range.

I do know one thing I struggle with is over eating. Although this is confusing to me because I have not gained any weight. I am 6' 3" and between 148 and 150 pounds. I lost 20-25 pounds within 2 years of eating this way while stuffing myself at almost every meal. I eat until I am stuffed at just about every meal. I feel like I can't help myself. One bowl of oatmeal is never enough for me at breakfast. One bowl of rice and chili is not enough I have to go back for toast with peanut butter. This is just an example from today's lunch. I know I'm over eating, I will finally feel full and my stomach will feel like it is pushing out and I'll feel the pulsing of my blood behind my ears and in my head. Sometimes I can even see the pulsing if that makes sense to anyone. I also tried an elimination diet for two weeks but couldn't stick with it. I continued to stuff myself on brown rice, sweet potatoes and some greens. I didn't notice any improvement after 2 weeks.

I'm wondering if my over consumption is related to my joint pain not going away. But then I get confused because, if I start to eat less won't I lose weight? I have tried eating less a few times but it takes every ounce of will power and I eventually cave in. I really don't know what else to do.

This article kind of resonated with me where it talks about Toxic Hunger vs Real Hunger . I don't know how credible the info is but it does strike a chord with me. However, the article is framed in the context of people eating low micronutrient diets and being over weight. I'm pretty sure my diet is high micronutrient. Although I will eat whole wheat flour products like home made sourdough bread and pastas. And I probably eat more sugars than I should but I have not gained weight doing so.

I really don't know what to do. I would actually prefer to gain some weight at this point. I definitely don't want to lose any. If I knew I was over eating for certain then I could probably make adjustments knowing there may be hope. But not making progress in 2.5 years has really put a damper on my motivation to "just do" anything else. I am the type of person that could do that but I feel so defeated I don't want to put the effort in.

Unfortunately, I don't have any suggestions to directly help with your joint pain. But I do have ideas on two other things you mentioned.
1) At 6'3" and 150 lbs., you are not overeating. Your BMI is 18.7, which is very near the low end for the officially accepted BMI. While according to Dr. McDougall you can go lower, you don't need to. So I think you can just go ahead and enjoy stuffing yourself, as long as the foods are on this diet.
2) Vitamin D: Even in New York, you can get sunshine in the spring through fall months and make enough to store vitamin D in your body for the rest of the year. Of course, you do need to get outside during the middle of the day with some exposed skin. According to Dr. McDougall (look it up in his newletters), dressed in shorts and a short sleeved shirt, you can get significant sunlight in 5 minutes during the summer.
I believe that vitamin D can have an effect on joint pain. So it is possible sunlight would help with that to some degree.
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Re: Still not feeling my best

Postby moonlight » Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:48 am

My experience with not staying asleep led me to do a sleep study. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. Once I treated the apnea many things came together for me, mainly energy. I felt like a new person after I gave the treatment sometime to make a difference.
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Re: Still not feeling my best

Postby Poison Ivy » Thu Dec 27, 2018 2:25 pm

Grammy Ginger wrote:Dr. M has some interesting articles about arthritis that you should read.

I've been eating this way for a decade. Before that, I alternated between carnivore and vegetarian. Although many, many of my various issues resolved, not all did. These are better than they were but not perfect. I was really frustrated about this a few weeks ago. These are the epiphanies I received.

1. Eating the optimal fuel for our human machines will result in the best outcome. If the machine has been damaged and abused for decades, we can't expect it to return to factory new condition. But it can be restored in a lot of ways.

2. Regardless of all the beautiful foods we consume now, our bodies will age. While we delay, reverse, and sometimes eliminate degenerative disease, our bodies do have inherent weaknesses and sometimes bad dna. We may get sick. Our parts wear out. We are not immortal. We will die. However, the beautiful foods give us the best scenario for the longest, healthiest life possible.

3. Even all the good food in the world cannot help us if we continue to abuse the body with too much or too little exercise, sleep, and calm.

So....In spite of the pain, eat right, smile more, love more, laugh more, move more, dance more, sing more, paint more, play more, garden more, be optimistic, be kind, meditate, pray, serve, cook, and rest when you need to without apology.

I wish you all the best.

I really like this post. I agree with basically everything you said btw. Thanks--
Poison Ivy
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Joined: Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:05 pm


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