Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby earthmonkey » Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:51 pm

mandybee wrote:2 lbs is 2 lbs! Good for you!
Anyway, when I read you were 2 lbs down and saw what you ate it made me wonder if you lost 2 lbs because, in essence, you cut back in calories a little bit, is that possible?

Hello Buns and Mandybee!

I am chiming in here (Tina), about the calorie issue that Mandybee brings up. Yes, the Rice Diet Solution does involved portions and therefore does lessen calories relative to the MWL general program. One need not count calories, the portions as outlined by the Rice Diet Solution automatically set a relative calorie amount PER DAY of about 1000 calories (Rice Diet REPORT is about 700 calories). Sticking to the portions is enough. I found it WAY TOO EASY to eat more of the starches if left free to eat "until feeling full". Yes, one's stomach does rumble a bit during the time one follows the SOLUTION, however I found myself smiling when it would happen, each time it did it REINFORCED that I am making a healthy choice (for all the reasons for not being morbidly obese, and the reasons for being trim).

Buns-- I was thinking today about SOLUTION and REPORT and about Mary's Mini (which I imagine everyone here has heard of) the 10 days of eating only one starch. If one truly follows the Mary's Mini for 10 days (and doesn't add all kinds of compliant MWL sauces), let's say eating only potatoes for every meal for 10 days, I GUARANTEE you won't be eating more portions/calories than you eat using SOLUTION or REPORT because just boiled potatoes is BORING! and after 1-2 cups of plain ole boiled potatoes, you know you are not TRULY hungry if you don't eat more, yet hanker for a more flavorful food. I dare anyone to try it.

Congratulations Buns on the 2 pounds. It is STILL 2 pounds, and it IS inspiring!


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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:27 am

2 lbs is 2 lbs! Good for you!

I have been struggling a little bit myself so I can feel your frustration. I understand completely.

I've been wondering about calorie intake. I went weeks without any cheating and lost minimal weight. I found a calorie counter website which told me the number of calories I'd have to consume to lose 1 lb a week (you put in female/male, age, current weight)...I thought this may be a fluke because it seemed like a heck of a lot less calories than I've been eating. I follow some people on YouTube who make it sound like you can just eat your face off in starch and the weight slides off. That hasn't been my experience. I started MWL because I was thinking mostly - maybe I haven't been doing the 50/50 thing as much as I should, figured I'd give it a real shot. While I have no interest in counting every calorie, I have scaled back a bit -- making sure that I don't eat until stuffed and that already seems to be helping, I honestly feel better. I eat because it's breakfast time, I eat because it's lunch time, etc. Anyway, when I read you were 2 lbs down and saw what you ate it made me wonder if you lost 2 lbs because, in essence, you cut back in calories a little bit, is that possible?

I'm cheering you on! Don't give up! We can do this! I really do think we are on the right track, I really do.

Hi Mandybee,

Yeah, it is about calories when you get right down to it. We don't have to count calories on McDougall, because we're eating all our foods from the light end of the calorie density spectrum, but any weight loss comes about because we're taking in fewer calories. We just don't count them, but they are fewer for sure. Same with this Rice Diet Solution. You don't count the calories, but you measure the portions, which I haven't been doing with McDougall. I'm positive that even following MWL, I eat too much. I've been doing better eating just until satiated, but I still don't have a "good eye" for measuring volume. A 50/50 plate...well, if I'm using a 10" dinner plate, I'm eating a LOT of food. And quite surprising is how small a 2/3c portion of rice LOOKS, but combined with 1.5 c of cooked vegetables, this turns out to be enough.

I've seen some of the starchers on YouTube too...maybe if someone came into the Starch Solution after a lifetime of eating SAD, and shifting from highly processed non-foods to the whole foods, low fat, low protein...and their body is able to release the fat because this is so new. ??? That's my guess anyway. When I started about 11 years ago, the weight came off slow but steady, and all I was doing was McDougalling with 100% compliance, no cheats at all. I gained it back when I went to the ADDED FATS side, and now I'm in menopause and my adherence hasn't been as complete, so the weight sticks. Now I'm eating to satiation, and with the added control of portion sizes, I know I'm eating less. But I also bet these YouTubers aren't stuffing themselves. Eating to satiation :nod:

As for the 2 lb drop, for sure it is water weight, due to the very low sodium. And it's still there this morning, and I'm hoping another pound drops this week. But I try not to be too freaky about the scale. My biggie is the reduction in joint pain, and the clarity and calm energy I have mentally. It's just NICE, you know?

Hi Tina,

When I was having dinner last night, I wanted to sprinkle some balsamic vinegar over my potatoes and spinach, just for some dang flavor, you know? I ended up putting a little bit of garlic powder (no salt) and a sprinkle of Nooch over the top. As for nothing but potatoes. I've tried that, and potatoes bind me up. Probably my favorite thing about eating this way is the really good regularity I experience. With potatoes only, I stop pooping. :lol: Not a comfortable feeling. But I am finding already that not adding the extra flavors really does help me listen to my stomach and stop when full. So yeah gonna skip the MWL sauces and spices for now. I'm sure I'll want to add them eventually, just to maintain this dieta. Some people look at MWL as their daily lifestyle, with regular McDougalling for feast days, and Mary's Mini when they need a temporary "diet" ... in my experience, when I did a MM using rice and spinach as LITERALLY my only meals for 10 days, I didn't lose an ounce. Probably had too much rice, I guess. But it was in the midst of steadily losing w. McDougall/MWL so I didn't worry about it. I've wondered though. It always comes back to eating too much, seriously.

Stepping on the scale daily. I lost two from day 1 to day 2 and it stayed the same.

SW 240
CW 238

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Re: Buns Again

Postby earthmonkey » Wed Oct 21, 2020 7:03 pm

One of the things I liked reading in The Rice Diet Report, was that the investment to stay compliant to the eating program (and also one's desired goal, ideal, values of being slim and healthy) and that helped/helps me stay compliant while I walk the path toward goal weight, is that right now, while 82 pounds above my goal weight, if I eat off compliance, it makes a big difference: I gain weight, I don't lose weight, I feel badly and the cycle goes on. Judy Moscovitz points out that once one is down to their goal weight, a detour off the compliance path occasionally, doesn't have the same effect because our body-calorie burning machine is in an entirely different mode of metabolism.

What I liked about reading this is that: my higher fat WFPB choices won't set me back the same way as now. I can partake in that truly special occasion meal, dessert, cocktail, whatever. I don't have to keep the treat off the table FOREVER, just FOR NOW.

I find this truly motivating.

I am glad that you like the internal process type content in SOLUTION, as I do believe that it is more than will power, but an actual self regard, self love and appreciation that we invest in as we engage in becoming trim, lean, healthy slim.

Have you seen a recent Forks Over Knives success story Hazel Dixon-Cooper? She looks like she was 70 when she finally got on the WFPB and lost 122 pounds over three years. She looks like a whole new self, and hers is a very motivating story:

https://hazeldixoncooper.com/ (scroll down and you'll see before and after)

Keep up the self love! You deserve it~


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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Oct 22, 2020 9:53 am

earthmonkey wrote:One of the things I liked reading in The Rice Diet Report, was that the investment to stay compliant to the eating program (and also one's desired goal, ideal, values of being slim and healthy) and that helped/helps me stay compliant while I walk the path toward goal weight, is that right now, while 82 pounds above my goal weight, if I eat off compliance, it makes a big difference: I gain weight, I don't lose weight, I feel badly and the cycle goes on. Judy Moscovitz points out that once one is down to their goal weight, a detour off the compliance path occasionally, doesn't have the same effect because our body-calorie burning machine is in an entirely different mode of metabolism.

What I liked about reading this is that: my higher fat WFPB choices won't set me back the same way as now. I can partake in that truly special occasion meal, dessert, cocktail, whatever. I don't have to keep the treat off the table FOREVER, just FOR NOW.

I find this truly motivating.

I am glad that you like the internal process type content in SOLUTION, as I do believe that it is more than will power, but an actual self regard, self love and appreciation that we invest in as we engage in becoming trim, lean, healthy slim.

Have you seen a recent Forks Over Knives success story Hazel Dixon-Cooper? She looks like she was 70 when she finally got on the WFPB and lost 122 pounds over three years. She looks like a whole new self, and hers is a very motivating story:

https://hazeldixoncooper.com/ (scroll down and you'll see before and after)

Keep up the self love! You deserve it~


Hi Tina,

It really is a matter of getting my mind "in the game" ... hard to do when you come back, at least in my experience. My normal pattern is to get into hyper-focus mode and "do a diet" perfectly with zero cheats for however many weeks or months. Lose some weight, feel good about myself, have a few treats, and slowly (or sometimes quickly) abandon the diet. And I NEVER go back. Usually, I think "Oh yeah, I lost weight with that blah blah diet" and try it again and it never sticks. I can never get my mind back in the game and I abandon those forever.

With one exception: McDougall. I lost weight with it in the mid-90's and got off it completely. But in 2009 when I was sick with IBS and obese, I knew I needed to fix my health, and lose weight, and thought back on the various things I'd tried, and McDougall appealed by far the most, because of the energy I experienced back in the day. So I restarted in 2009 and lost 55 lbs and kept it off for four years, ANNNNND in 2014 got stupid with the added fats and gained 55 lbs back plus some. I even restarted my journal a couple of times, but that never stuck either. And in 2018 I started back up journaling here and it has taken me two years to get my mind in the game, no lie.

This seems to indicate that I've always thought of it all as something to do, to get the weight off. The click that needs to click is "This is how I eat" period. And I also need to ditch the whole "Occasional Feast Day" thing. Dr. McDougall even says if you need to lose weight, to stick with MWL and not indulge in feasts. So yeah, treats are just not a thing. Today. That's a 12 step thing, eh? I'm also hoping that my emotional relationship with food will change. It's better now than it has been. I think eating super simple helps me not think "hmmmm what would be good for lunch" or have food on my mind all the time.

I'm excited for the Report to arrive, and sticking to the Phase One part of the Solution.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Oct 23, 2020 7:03 am

Day 5 of Rice Diet Solution.
236 lbs (down two) !!!

Funny, I'm eating pretty close to MWL, but using portion sizes and it's working. Low sodium as well, another difference. I started this on Monday, and lost 2 lbs the first day, and now the scale shows down again on the 5th day :nod: I have managed to get in some activity each day, as well. Walks, or yesterday moving large stones out of the way where we are planting bulbs and garden mums.

This morning I also got in some visualization time, which I haven't been consistent about. Need to get that habit back up.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby earthmonkey » Fri Oct 23, 2020 7:42 am


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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:07 pm

The Rice Diet Report has arrived. I started reading it during lunch :lol:

Feeling really good about the dropped pounds, but have a UTI that is bothering me. Fighting it hard with oregano oil and lots of fluids. Energetic, clear headed.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby earthmonkey » Fri Oct 23, 2020 7:52 pm

bummer about the UTI!

excited about RD REPORT! Judy's targeted cheerleading blended with SOLUTION I think is a great combo. And I will say that once used to Phase 1 and 2 of SOLUTION, it feels good to slip in a day of REPORT phase 1. I do toggle between the two or a combo.


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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:15 pm

earthmonkey wrote:bummer about the UTI!

excited about RD REPORT! Judy's targeted cheerleading blended with SOLUTION I think is a great combo. And I will say that once used to Phase 1 and 2 of SOLUTION, it feels good to slip in a day of REPORT phase 1. I do toggle between the two or a combo.


I'm enjoying the Rice Diet Report, and found the author Judy Moscovitz on YouTube, as the guest on a podcast, where she talks about her life a little bit. She sold all she had except a TV set and her dog and went to Durham, NC where she lived at the Rice House and lost 140 lbs. But interestingly (and answering one HUGE question I had)...she ran into some kind of trouble in her life (didn't catch the details) and went into a deep depression where she didn't get out of bed for three years, pretty much. And gained 140 lbs back.

And then she found another diet which is the opposite of the Rice Diet (aka Meat and Vegetables, no dairy) and lost 140 lbs and now advocates for the Rice Diet if a person is deathly ill, on their last stop before dialysis, or wants to lose 20 lbs fast to get into their wedding dress. She swears by this meat based eating now. :\ to quote her on this interview: "Any and all meats and animal protein, no butter or dairy, almost all vegetables, no starches. No tropical fruit" (???) I forget how she met the dr that thought up this one, but his name is Jackson, not Atkins.

She also talks about the 700 calorie limit on the Rice Diet, which truly isn't sustainable.

However, I recognize the value in what it is teaching me about portion sizes, and eating to satiation...and the surprise of 2/3c of rice and 1/3 c of beans, plus some salsa, and some steamed broccoli being MORE than enough to fill me up, and keep me satisfied until about a half hour before the next meal. The very first meal that I prepared in this was breakfast on Monday morning. It didn't look like enough, yet there I sat wondering if I'd be able to take the last few bites, and 3 1/2 or so hours later, just barely beginning to feel the slightest grumble of my appetite. Quite a surprise.

So I'm going to ignore her current passion of Dr. Jackson's Carnivore Diet, and run with what I've got.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby earthmonkey » Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:43 pm

Oh dear! Yeah, forget about current day Judy! Too bad she bought that flim-flam about meat and dairy, we know that is as false as can be.

I listened to that recording. Interesting that I I saw her website in May 2019, and this interview was later. That's why I missed her evolution.

I agree that the 700 calories/day of the RD REPORT is absolutely unsustainable in the long term, however as you are discovering, in the short term, maybe even medium term depending upon a person's situation, and as an intermittent way to be more conscientious about what one puts in one's mouth and body, it is perfectly fine, and as you are also finding out the RD SOLUTION phase 1 is adequate for loss as well, AND IS sustainable. I really am helped by the portions as well, and if I feel a need to eat more, I simply eat more green and yellow vegetables.

have you seen this? Dr. Rosati who kept the RICE DIET going for awhile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xjs0xk-LD74 and then the more detailed vid by his wife https://youtu.be/YzazcQxU5nA


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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sun Oct 25, 2020 7:47 am

earthmonkey wrote:Oh dear! Yeah, forget about current day Judy! Too bad she bought that flim-flam about meat and dairy, we know that is as false as can be.

I listened to that recording. Interesting that I I saw her website in May 2019, and this interview was later. That's why I missed her evolution.

I agree that the 700 calories/day of the RD REPORT is absolutely unsustainable in the long term, however as you are discovering, in the short term, maybe even medium term depending upon a person's situation, and as an intermittent way to be more conscientious about what one puts in one's mouth and body, it is perfectly fine, and as you are also finding out the RD SOLUTION phase 1 is adequate for loss as well, AND IS sustainable. I really am helped by the portions as well, and if I feel a need to eat more, I simply eat more green and yellow vegetables.

have you seen this? Dr. Rosati who kept the RICE DIET going for awhile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xjs0xk-LD74 and then the more detailed vid by his wife https://youtu.be/YzazcQxU5nA


Yes, I can see myself using the rice diet to dramatically decrease calories for one day a week. It reminds me of a technique that I learned in Fit for Life, where one day a week they recommend eating nothing but salads in order to bring your calorie count way down for a day. It helps weight loss like nothing else.

Currently I’m following phase 1 as outlined in the rice diet solution, which includes “starch” other than just rice. I’ve chosen rice and potatoes, also used up my minestrone as a starch for a few meals. I’ll probably continue this way for a while. Already I can see that my addiction behavior towards food is different. Simply the fact that 2/3 cup of rice and 1c vegetables is satisfying… Most surprising thing so far. I absolutely love the simplicity too. My choices are limited, starch, veggies, fruit, and all simple to prepare. Make a big batch of rice and scoop out as much as you need for a meal. Vegs from the freezer to the microwave to the plate. Easy Peasey.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby VivianS » Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:59 am

VivianS October 25, 2020 Sunday
Fold your middle and ring finger down and look at your palms with your other fingers extended. "I love you!" Thank you for your service to Deaf and the hearing world! I hope you will have a wonderful day and be able to relax with deep breathing and quiet thoughts. May God bless you, strengthen you, give you success with the Maximum Weight Loss CHECKLIST and give you peace!.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby VivianS » Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:14 am

VivianS October 25, 2020 Sunday
Fold your middle and ring finger down and look at your palm with your other fingers extended. "I love you!" Thank you for your service to Deaf and the hearing world! I hope you will have a wonderful day and be able to relax with deep breathing and quiet thoughts. May God bless you, strengthen you, give you success with the Maximum Weight Loss CHECKLIST and give you peace!.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:33 am

SW: 240
GW: 135
CW: 234 :) :) :)

I lost six lbs in seven days. Just got done calculating the calories for the Day 1 (which is starch and fruit for all meals) and one other day. The low calorie day comes in at about 750. The other day that I added up was about 1,000. Before anyone gets on me about such low intake, I know that this isn't something I'm going to do every day for the rest of my life. But I needed to see the scale move, and so far my appetite is pretty normal, I have good energy, my hair isn't falling out :lol: etc. In fact, if I could do it, this would sustain me for a long time because I have a LOT of storage. I'm taking in a deficit of calories, and my body is using my fat stores to make up the difference. That's all it is. I *could* fast completely for a month and survive, you know? My body is ready for an out-and-out famine, to be honest.

Now that I did that little bit of calorie calculating, I'm done with it. Just was curious, you know?

Looking at the foods, I really am eating from the MWL guidelines, but using a measuring cup to put the food on my plate. That is the main thing different from actual MWL/zero processed. I also have stopped putting salt on my food, but I'm not going to be as severe as the Rice Diet about avoiding foods with high sodium content (spinach is my foundation and I also enjoy celery and tomatoes so...) and one of my favorite recipes is a soup that uses miso in the broth. So yeah, not going to worry about the sodium content of any of my foods, but also not going to sprinkle it on my foods. And on the low calorie day, I won't be consuming any sodium anything. Rice and Fruit, eh?

The low calorie day is one day a week and I've seen such a thing recommended by other diet plans. Fit for Life had a salad day each week, where you ate two huge salads with lots of raw vegs, and no starches or meats, and a homemade salad dressing. FFL didn't care about fat intake so their dressings were olive oil, lemon juice, and various herbs. They had a tarragon sauce for rice and zucchini that was to die for. Anyway...of course I'm not going to use a fat based salad dressing and therefore, not going to eat salad. But the low calorie day of rice and fruit? Doable.

Because right now I'm definitely in the "cage stage" and my mind is all in, and I'm DOING IT woot! and no cravings, no wishing for rich foods or treats or cheats...and I know this stage is temporary. So I've got to get it settled in my mind that this slightly modified MWL is good until I'm tired of it AND THEN decide what's going to be my daily. What will I do every day for the rest of my life? Let's say this continues for six months. Heh. which I already know there's going to be opportunities to eat out, and Thanksgiving Dinner, and birthdays, and Xmas. Right? Anyway. Let's say there's five times that I can choose off plan eating between now and the end of this year. I know I'm going to. There's not a chance that I will perfectly adhere and not have a rich treat at a family celebration. Not going there right now, but I'll need to think about it for sure, as an actual "event" comes up.

For now, I'm losing weight YAY by measuring my serving size of McD compliant foods, and not sprinkling salt. It's true. Salting food makes you want to eat more. So LET'S SAY that I do this whole heartedly for six months. By then I've taken off let's say 40 lbs. And feeling skinny. THAT is when I need to be set in stone about not straying from MWL or McDougall. My goal weight is 135 lbs, and Dr Kempner would say 122 lbs which I don't think I ever weighed that, except in passing when I was 13 years old and on my way up rapidly. Anyway, 135 lbs means a weight loss of over 100. I want to meet that goal and maintain it for the rest of my life. That will only happen if I continue in MWL as my daily regimen. That is where I want my mind to be when the "cage stage" wears off.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby VivianS » Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:55 pm

VivianS October w6, 2020
Read that 10 item checklist everyday and stick to it. You will have success.
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