Updated June 2, 2014
Pediatrician Dr. Jay Gordon discusses some of the controversies surrounding the health of children, regarding: breast feeding, childhood obesity, immunizations, and antibiotics. As the author of Good Food Today, Great Kids Tomorrow: 50 Things You Can Do for Healthy, Happy Children, Dr. Gordon says that most families are not well informed when it comes to feeding their children. “We’ve got a huge mountain of scientific evidence and this thimbleful of folk wisdom that our parents gave us about eating, and we use the thimble and ignore the evidence that says you can feed your children better,” says Gordon, who advocates a “clean diet” of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and pastas for children. In this 1993 interview with Dr. McDougall, Gordon also talks about the detrimental effects of too much protein and calcium in children’s diets.
Note: This taped interview from “Your Good Health,” hosted by Dr. McDougall has been edited. Any contact information provided during the interviews should be confirmed first since it may have changed since the original taping.
Download Jay Gordon, MD (taped interview) – Duration: 35:03