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The McDougall Program Basics

It’s the Food.™
Colorful curvy line Beets and potatoes
Image of The McDougall Program Basics Play icon

The McDougall Program is a diet of plant foods, including whole grains and whole-grain products (such as pasta, tortillas and whole-grain bread), and a wide assortment of  vegetables and fruit.

We use plenty of spices and usually small amounts of sugar and salt to enhance the flavor of food.

Exercise can be as simple as a daily walk.

The McDougall Program excludes animal foods, including red meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs and fish – all of which provide toxic levels of fat, cholesterol, protein and, very often, infectious agents and harmful chemicals.

It also excludes all oils including olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil. Oils are nothing more than liquid fats that increase obesity, which in turn, depresses immune function and contributes to the most common chronic diseases.

Just 12 Days to Profound and Lasting Change

The dietary and lifestyle habits above may sound challenging at first, but taken step by step over just 12 days, it will become a way of life that is so natural you won’t believe how easy it is. Most importantly, you‘ll experience an almost immediate improvement in your health. And once you do, the profound difference will make it hard to imagine doing it any other way.