Concern about knees and exercise

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Concern about knees and exercise

Postby Louese » Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:02 pm

Hi there
I am a newbie. I am 42 and weighing in at 250+lbs at the moment. I have not been active for a while and last week started walking again. Yeap my calves have been rather painful but are now loosening up - yeah! My concern is my knee as I have a torn tendon and am awaiting surgery plus the weight doesn't help with my knees. My DH is concerned that if I only walk that I will strain and damage my knee more. Is this a real concern or misguided?
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Re: Concern about knees and exercise

Postby nayasmom » Fri Dec 12, 2014 1:36 pm

The best answer you can hope to receive is to check with your doctor and get the okay to do whatever activity and within what restrictions/boundaries.
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Re: Concern about knees and exercise

Postby Hapsy » Fri Dec 12, 2014 11:06 pm

I can't walk much at the minute due to knee problems, but bike riding is doable and good for knees because you are taking the weight off them and yet strengthening the quadricep muscles that support the knees.

So, if you can find an exercise bike or have weather to use a regular bike I would suggest that.

All I can tell you is that I damaged my knees again three years ago trying a walking program--they haven't been right since. And yet, when I first hurt them, after 4 months of healing I was riding my bike and helping them to heal. If only I had stuck with that instead of trying to walk.
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Re: Concern about knees and exercise

Postby Spiral » Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:33 am

I have been a runner for the last 4 years and only on rare occasions have I had any knee pain. This despite running 30 miles each week most weeks.

This does not mean that running can't be bad for the knees. A guy in my running club started running when he was in his 20s, about 35 years ago. He's still a fast runner.

But he has no cartridge left in his left knee. :shock:

He still runs. Just not as often or as fast. But he still beats me in races. He's 10 years older than I am.

What's my point?

I would say a couple things:

If you feel pain, you should probably stop walking and maybe see a health care provider about it.

If you don't feel pain, you should probably go ahead and keep walking. But there are no extra points for walking too much longer than your most recent longest walk. Don't push it too hard. Listen to what your body, especially your knees, are telling you.

Walking, in moderation, can be great for your joints. But don't walk on an injured knee. And don't over do it.
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Re: Concern about knees and exercise

Postby sincereheart » Sun May 08, 2016 8:20 am

My concern is my knee as I have a torn tendon and am awaiting surgery plus the weight doesn't help with my knees.

The sole reason I came to McDougall diet is due to my knee going bad 4 years ago.

I tried a lot of things... but my knees would sprain and swell and go bad all the time.

Then I got onto into vegan eating lifestyle.

I lost about 40 lbs in about one year. My inflamation disappeared and I felt much better.
But then after year and half of vegan diet, once I thought that I am out of trouble, I
sprained my knee again while running.

I went back to the research to see what I was missing....

I found out that I was missing special compounds that can strengthen my knee joints.
I was missing the "glue" or "cement" in my diet.

I needed the glue / cement to keep my knee joints in good shape.

At that time, I ran into Dr. McDougall's way of doing things.
Although I was doing every thing that he says except the focus on "Glue / Cement" in the

As soon as I switched on the "Glue or Cement" in my diet, things changed for the best.
My knee problem seems to have gone away for the last 5 months. I feel much better
and am convinced that this thing works.

By now as you may have guessed that Glue or Cement is the "Starch".

Yes. "The Starch Solution" is the way to go.'

Although I never got an x-ray for my knee when it was bad....
But I feel that now by changing to this new lifestyle I may very well have regrown
my cartilage for the knee.

I feel more strength in my knees while running and feel much much better.

Thank you Dr. McDougall for all the good things that you do.
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