The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - November 2022 Group

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Re: The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - November 2022 Group

Postby Drew*# » Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:27 am

Hi all, hope you all had a happy holiday. I stayed away from any meat or dairy so I at least got that right! I am almost 4 weeks post-op and it turned out well, I hope. I started walking on a trail without a pack two days after the operation! My hernia was just a small opening under the mesh in the inguinal region. The surgeon removed the mesh. He sewed up the small hernia. The doctor says my main nerve may have been caught in the scaring from a previous operation. He did not see the nerve. However, I feel much better without the mesh. The doc may be right about the nerve in a good sense. Perhaps the weight loss from before also helped. I want to keep it off and lose a bit more. My plan is to get involved in the December Behavioral Path to MWL group by starting now. I am aware of the 10 steps and have some frozen meals that I prepped to get me started up again! Hope Mark is OK with me joining in again! Looking forward to catching up with you all!


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Mark's Replies for November 25

Postby Mark Cooper » Mon Nov 28, 2022 2:38 pm

BambiS - Hang in there! Sometimes we have to learn these lessons the hard way, right? A feeling of deprivation from restricting starches almost always leads toward non adherent foods. :nod:
BambiS wrote:I plan on getting back on plan and not trying to do short cuts.
Exactly right! Whenever you feel hungry, just eat of the recommended foods, in the recommended fashion, and the results will come in due course. :thumbsup:

VegSeekingFit - Definitely seems to be going well, Stephanie! Keep it up. :D That Thanksgiving "Turkey" is outstanding! A real showstopper, and it looks absolutely delicious to me. :-D

Hjklost55 - YAY! Making it through a holiday celebration in a satisfactory fashion is DEFINITELY a VICTORY!
Hjklost55 wrote:I went prepared, and came home comfortably full, and happy with my accomplishment.
That is awesome, Holly; all three of those things are really important accomplishments. :thumbsup:
Hjklost55 wrote:My goal is to just stay the course as best as I can through the busy holidays. I have to remember, this is a forever lifestyle. Not just today!
Well said and exactly right! :D

Ellen Withrow - I'm sure seeing that feedback from the scale feels motivating! It seems like Whole Foods is a really challenging environment for you - fraught with temptation. Could you put together a "cope ahead" strategy for dealing with that? Maybe take some time to think through the context of that environment and brainstorm some ways to circumvent obstacles and rely less on willpower. Alternatively, avoiding shopping at Whole Foods until you feel like you are on firmer footing might be worth considering. I would really encourage you to give yourself a month where you "experiment" by strictly following the recommended pattern of behavior - you might be surprised by how it goes. The key is to do all the things you are able to adjust your environment and routine to SUPPORT adherent behaviors and DISCOURAGE non adherent choices. It takes a lot of work, but it is really worth it!

Rebecka22 - I applaud you for making the effort to stay positive, and for reframing this week's challenges in a way that, I hope, supports and encourages your efforts toward adherence! One day at a time, one meal at a time. If need be, one action / behavior / choice at a time. You ongoing efforts will deliver over time. Onward!

Noella - Those ski trips sound amazing! I hope you really enjoy them. Social events can still be a big challenge, right? Do your best to learn what you can from the experience, carry forward any lessons of value for the future, and then put it all behind you. Cheers to you for not losing sight of all the many things you are doing right over the course of a week!

Greens - It sounds like you had a really wonderful time celebrating and socializing with your family, Marilyn! That sense of connection is one of the best things in the world, right? Having those most tempting foods out of the house now that the festivities have passed should make things easier, I expect. With continuing time and adherence, you will likely find those sorts of foods less tempting, and you'll also gain experience and strategies for avoiding them when tempted. We all learn over time. It is our prevailing pattern of behavior over time that produces results, so any one meal (or even day) is less important than the things you do consistently, day after day. I love Jeff's Longevity Soup!

Gimmelean - Back on track and doing great! :thumbsup: Nice work thinking and talking your way through that experience with after dinner "picking."
Gimmelean wrote:Thanksgiving was wonderful. We had a small family gathering at my house and everyone brought dishes to share to complete our traditional dinner buffet. I made stuffed delicata and acorn squash filled with grains and corn on the cob. I served fresh fruit for dessert. I had no desire whatsoever to eat pie. I packed up all of the non adherent leftovers for everyone to take home and felt good about it. Plus I was so busy preparing and cleaning up I had little time to overeat. I felt even better that I had no need to give into the myth that eating too much is par for the course on this holiday.
I wanted to repost this; I think this is a wonderful demonstration of how one can make this sort of occasion work in a way that satisfies both behavior AND social/communal goals. Well done! The stuffed squash sounds amazing! Feel good, be healthy, and have a good week - love it! :D

Lizzy_F - Making the choice not to dive into any "CRAP", and following through on that intention is a HUGE VICTORY!
Lizzy_F wrote:Just RECOGNIZING that the better choice is a positive thing rather than beating myself up for not being perfect is probably the biggest victory of all!
This feels significant; I can tell that you are staying aware of how you treat yourself, and choosing to do so with self-compassion. :) I hope your surgery went well and you have an easy recovery. Enjoy the mini-courses!

Drew*# - Eliminating meat and dairy are definitely two positive actions congruent with your goals! I'm so happy to know that your operation turned out well and you are feeling better. :) I will see you in the December group thread!
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Mark Cooper
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Summary for November 25 Reports

Postby Mark Cooper » Mon Nov 28, 2022 2:45 pm

WOW! Really great conversations and interactions this week! Maybe I should go away more often. :lol:

My wife, daughter, and I had a lovely time visiting my mother, my brother and his partner; it was long overdue. In case anyone was wondering, my "Thanksgiving Dinner" was a huge salad (lettuce, celery, carrots, cucumber, tomato, habanero pepper, banana, apple, and raspberries) and a SNAP meal (sweet potato, California blend, collard greens, NSA diced tomatoes, and curry seasoning); very similar to what I would eat on an average day, but I really enjoy it, so why mess with a good thing, right?

That is it for November - CHEERS to all our participants!

I will post the December group thread on Wednesday, November 30; I very much hope to see you there! :D

Take care & be well, one and all!
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Mark Cooper
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Re: The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - November 2022 Group

Postby Lizzy_F » Tue Nov 29, 2022 6:19 pm

Thank you for your feedback Mark! Sounds like you had a fun trip, and your Thanksgiving meal sounds DELICIOUS to me!

Looking forward to seeing everyone in the December T&A thread! :D

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