Monthly Food Log - November Unprocessed People

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Monthly Food Log - November Unprocessed People

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:57 am

Post your daily food here and edit your post daily. I like to bookmark the "edit" so I can go right to it.
note: I drink my coffee black ALWAYS because just a little bit of any kind of creamer hammers my feast receptors real bad. And yes, I still drink coffee. :unibrow: So deal with it.
note 2: A teenager here "calibrated" my scales. On Oct. 30 I was 166 and Nov. 1 I was 168, and he has no idea if he moved it "up" or "down". He just "calibrated" it. :\
B: coffee, oats, cherries, banana, flax
L: Farley's Curried Lentils - oh, this is good stuff
S: more lentil stuff, West Bay Diner Tomato Soup
snacks: baked potatoes with Dijon mustard. Ate one with Muir Glen ketchup, about one tablespoon and it was terribly salty! :eek: What a surprise that was. 230 mg sodium per Tablespoon.....

B: coffee, oats with cherries, banana and flax
L: refried bean soup
S: minestrone (adapted from The Frugal Gourmet to be McDougall-legal)
snacks: baked russet potatoes, plain
bedtime snack: small bowl of oats with a banana

Had our traditional post-voting trip to Farmer's Home for the guys to have their greasy fried crap. I had a gin and tonic and felt quite festive doing that. :unibrow:

Exercise: One mile Leslie Sansone, 15 minutes, felt like 3 miles and it was work because I'm so stinkin' out of shape it's not funny. I used to be able to do a 5 mile "super challenge" and feel great afterward so I'm looking forward to getting back to that spot!
B: coffee, oats with cherries, banana, and flax
L: baked potatoes with nice pretty green steamed cabbage
S: ? minestrone
snack: apples, banana

http://mrsdoodlepunkslaststand.blogspot ... nov-3.html
Last edited by Mrs. Doodlepunk on Sat Nov 06, 2010 2:04 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby Wendy » Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:20 pm

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Re: Monthly Food Log - November Unprocessed People

Postby Teresa1986 » Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:07 am

Nov. 1 151.2
B - Oats, apple and coffee
L - Did not have any
D - 2 potatoes and homemade spagetti sauce ie black and white beans, onions, peppers, tomatoes, pumkin, red chard and spinach
S - Banana, Grapes and potato

Nov. 2 150.6 Down
Total down - .6
B - Oats, apple and coffee
L - small potato, not really hungry
D - brown rice, black beans and corn
S - Grapes and about 1.5 oz pita chips. =(
Funny Mrs. D and Debbie and Bob talked about last month not really being hungry and I said I wish that bug would bite me. Well, since cutting out the salt a couple of weeks ago, I am now in the same boat and happy to be sharing the boat. =)

Nov. 3 150.8 up I am sure it was the pita's to much salt.
Total down - .4
B - Coffee, Oats and apple
L - Banana
D - Brown rice, beans, corn, cucumber, onions, tomatoes, red chard
S - Grapes, 1 vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie =( Ok that is it. I am staying completely focus from here on out. No reason to do this and it is not even the holiday's yet.

Nov. 4 151 up
Total down - .2
B - Oats, coffee
L - potatoes, corn and pea's
D - beans, peppers, onions mushrooms, cucumbers, salsa and 3 bites of flour tortilla =( (daughters bday celebration)
S -grapes

Nov. 5 151.2 up again!!
B - Sweet Potato and coffee
L - Potato, corn and peas
D - Potato, onions, broccoli, and mushroom
S - Grapes

Nov. 6 Daughters 29 birthday. =)151 down finally!! =)
Total down for Nov. .2
B - baked potato
L - Potato, corn and peas
D - Potato, spinach, onion, mushrooms
S - potato

Nov. 7 152 =( up

B - oatmeal, strawberries and coffee
L - Fruit, somegrains at church potluck that did have oil in it. =(, 2 slices homemade whole wheat bread, PROCESSED
D - Potato, salsa, pretzels and hummas =( PROCESSED

__________New Start_____No Processed Foods________________

Nov.8 151.2 down
Total down - 0 sq. 1 again
B - oatmeal, apple and coffee
L - Potato
D - Potato and Spagetti sauce with tons of veggie
S - 1 Chocolate Chip Cookie, couple of pita chips

Coming back here, hope I am welcome. I am not giving up and I am following the MWL, just struggling big time right now. I am to tired at night and let my guard down. =(

Nov. 9 151.6 up grrrr!
B - rice and coffee
L - rice, black beans, tomatoes and salsa
D - rice, pinto beans, romaine, tomatoes and salsa
S - Banana and Apple
Need to go shopping!! Hardly no fruit or veggies :)
And made it to the store today, yeah!! Go fruits and veggies on a roll. =) Probably to much salt in the salsa, but that is the only thing I eat with salt. I am soon going to get back to no added salt.

Nov. 10 150.6 down
Total for month .6
B - rice and coffee
L - rice, beans, tomatoes, lettuce salsa
D - Curried Lentils, rice, coffee
S - Grapes and apple

Nov. 11 150.6 same
Seems to be waiting to make a drop. I feel really skinny so hope it drops soon. Pants are way to big, not sure what I am going to do. :D Good problem to have.
Total for month - .6
B - rice and coffee
L - potato and spagetti sauce
D - rice and stir fry
S - Banana, grapes

Nov. 12 150.2 down =)
Total for month - 1
B - Oats, pumpkin, and coffee
L - rice
D - Potato and spagetti sauce, roll
S - Grapes, handful of chips =(

Nov. 13 149.8 =)
Total for month 1.4
B - rice, and coffee
L - curried rice and green beans, Tomatoes and celery
D - curried rice, green beans, onions, peppers, and chickpeas
S - melon, pineapple

Nov. 14 151 up
Total for the month - .2
B - Oats, berries and coffee
L - rice, mushrooms, corn, broccoli, huge salad
D - rice, celery, onions, mushrooms
S - 3 Chocolate chip vegan cookies, 20 Almonds, 4 dates. =(

Nov. 15 151 same
total for the month - .2
B - Banana and coffee
L - Potato
D - Stuffing rice, salad and sweet potato
Did exercise for 1 hour moderate =)

Nov. 16 151 same
total for the month - .2
B - Banana and coffee
L - Stuffing rice
D - 1/2 veggie burrito processed =(
S - Chocolate =( Made cake pop's for a couple of events I had promised them for. Thought I was strong enough to make them, no not strong enough yet. =( Back to really no processed and no salt tomorrow
Did exercise for 1.5 hours, walked 5 miles =)

Nov. 17
Total for the month
B - Oatmeal, mixed berries, and coffee
L - Rice, celery, onions, poltury seasoning
D - Lettuce, tomato, beans, peppers, onion rice
S - Banana, and apple
I think I have discovered I need to be eating a bit more. I am getting hungry and making really bad choices. =(
Last edited by Teresa1986 on Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:29 am, edited 31 times in total.
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Re: Monthly Food Log - November Unprocessed People

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:59 am

Nov. 1
wt 180

B: oatmeal with cherries, cinnamon, and banana cooked in; sliced banana on top. (this is leftover from yesterday.)
S: cold baked potatoes
L: veggies and rice primavera with "creamy" tomato sauce
D: ratatouille over rice;
S: potatoes, carrots, sweet potato? Stuff like that...

edited to add: punkin seeds :\

Ooh! I just remembered I have red chard in the fridge...oooh, I'll have to do something with that :unibrow:

Nov. 2
wt 180 (and I changed my ticker making it official!)

B: five grain cereal w/cinnamon, berries, banana cooked in YUM; 1/4 c rice milk PROCESSED
L: ratatouille over spaghetti squash
S: carrots, cold baked, etc (as needed)
D: creamy tomato marinara over vegs; garlic saute'd chard :unibrow:

edited to add: punkin seeds :\

I ended up making a double batch of ratatouille and eating some for dinner over rice. It's amazing, I ate at sixish, and I"m still full at nine-thirtyish, and nothing I ate was calorie beans or anything. MAN that was tasty stuff! I also didn't snack hardly at all. got hungry halfway through the afternoon and ate a baked sweet potato and that's it. :shock: Loving the in-control appetite.

Nov. 3
wt 180

B: quinoa w/garlic saute'd chard; the rest of the creamy tomato marinara *slurp*
L: ratatouille over spaghetti squash
D: ratatouille over quinoa shared with Bill :) :) :) :) :)

edited to add: punkin seeds :\

Two hours of walking on the job with my client. Training a new girl for MR J's Domino's job. I LOVE this aspect of my employment: walking along in a neighborhood in the bright autumn sunshine with a brilliant sky overhead, with the air cool and clear, while my dude puts domino's flyers on doorknobs! ha! awesome job!

Nov. 4
wt 180

B: oatmeal w/banana, bing cherries, and cinnamon cooked in
L: refrito soup (I'm taking the ingredients and making it there)
D: hmmmm...maybe some dahl over steamed vegs. :unibrow:

edited to add: punkin seeds :\

Dinner ended up being refrito soup with Bill at the mission. I also had one tortilla chip at work with some homemade AWESOME salsa that a coworker brought. PROCESSED! OFF PLAN! Also, I had a bite of bread pudding PROCESSED! OFF PLAN!

Now I'm thinking back to whether I've tasted before today...Nope. But I'm not going to taste anymore, either. It was "tasting" that got me stuck at 190, eh?

Nov. 5
wt 180 :\ stuck again. hallelujah.

B: the usual oatmeal w/banana and frozen cherries, cinnamon; 1/2 c rice milk PROCESSED
L: ratatouille over spaghetti squash
D: last of the ratatouille over brown rice.
S: didn't snack today...EXCEPT:

edited to add: punkin seeds :\

and today, for the first time this month, I recognized punkin seeds as FOOD durr da hurr...sheesh.

Nov. 6
wt 180

B: oatmeal with banana, berries, cinnamon cooked in; 1/2 c rice milk this morning, I noticed little globule/droplets of fat in the rice milk! Looked at the label...sure enough, oil is added to it :mad:
S: chai latte w/soy milk PROCESSED! SUGARY!
L: two sweet potatoes nuked
D: refrito soup
S: edamame I ate some, maybe half a serving, then noticed they tasted salty. Sure enough, they have salt AND they are high fat... dude...but that's okay. Not that appealing

Nov. 7
wt 179 DOWN A POUND!

B: Oatmeal w/cherries, banana and cinnamon cooked in; 1/2 c rice milk PROCESSED! ADDED FAT! :\
L: prolly refrito soup PROCESSED CANNED BEANS
D: baked potatoes; fresh garden tomatoes (the last of them)

Nov. 8
wt 180

B: oatmeal w/banana, berries, cherries, cinnamon and fresh ginger YUM; 1/4 c rice milk PROCESSED! ADDED FAT! :\
L: savory garbanzo beans, rice, carrots, celery
D: sactobob's roasted vegs over rice...they cookin right now! slurp :)
S: punkin seeds :? a coworker brought them and I had some; also some spinach straight out of the bag :nod: also, a carrot

Nov. 9

B: saute'd onion and cabbage over rice
L: roasted veggies on a bed of spinach
D: dunno yet. Prolly same as lunch
S: baked reds with some of that "creamy tomato marinara" sauce that Someone (?) invented and posted in October. YUM!

:shock: NOTHING PROCESSED!!! yahoo! :D :mrgreen:

wt 179

B: baked reds w/creamy tomato marinara sauce
L: roasted vegs on a bed of spinach
D: hm. probably savory garbanzos and veggies

I'm going to make soup this afternoon. Maybe I'll have that :nod:
Okay, for dinner I did make soup, a delicious potato cabbage soup. I started fixing at 4:20 and it was ready to serve and share w/Bill by 5:15 :nod: I LOOOOOVE soup!
The whole pot of soup had 2 TBSP of soy sauce in it (it was incredibly bland. Impossible for me to enjoy, so...)also 1/4 c of nooch yeast

Zero processed! :D

Nov. 11
wt 179

B: oatmeal w/the usual cooked in
L: savory garbanzos, rice, fresh veggie stix
D: cabbage potato soup ( I poached 2 oz of salmon and put it in the soup :shock:) (it tasted good, and my cats went nuts)
S: baked reds SLURP!

Nov. 12
wt 179

B: oatmeal w/banana, fig bits, spices cooked in; 1/4 c rice milk PROCESSED
L: lentil soup over rice
S: this is where I really stumbled two tortilla chips w/salsa; a medium piece of birthday cake (not "just a bite" a PIECE OF CAKE
:\ )
D: chili verde soup: Potatoes, roasted green chilis, onion, garlic, etc. INCLUDING Habaneros! :shock: whoo, HOT! but it was a very tasty soup. No meat.

Nov. 13
wt 179

B: oatmeal w/the usual
L: cooked lentils and steamed vegs over rice
D: soup w/tomatoes, potatoes, lentils, anaheim peppers, etc. YUM!
D2: baked potatoes w/mustard (I worked all afternoon at the mission, ate there early, and kept working into the evening and came home hungry, so I'm nuking some tatties right now)
S: celery, grapefruit, a couple bites of crusty French bread PROCESSED! OFF PLAN

When I ate the cake yesterday, it was because I was hungry when I saw it. My client wanted a piece, and I just cut me a piece, too. :roll: so...NO GETTING HUNGRY argh! edited: I ended up eating a couple bites of French bread because I GOT HUNGRY

Nov. 14
wt 179

B: a baked potato
B2: mashed pots, salad w/regular dressing OFF PLAN, pancakes OFF PLAN PROCESSED
L: the other baked potato
D: Appelbee's grilled chicken and portobello, hold the chicken. tasty, but as with all "dining out" NOT worth the price.

but the company was DIZZYINGLY enjoyable :D

Nov. 15
wt 179
B: baked acorn squash w/rice and lentils; two baked pots w/mustard and ketchup
L: savory garbanzos and rice over spinach
D: chow mein over brown rice PROCESSED and HIGH SODIUM SAUCE
S: a spoonful of peanut butter :shock: it was skippy's natural and it wasn't worth it. Salty, and sweet :? and not good. I've gotten used to Adam's. Skippy just don't cut it.

Nov. 16
wt 178 :)

B: two bowls of black bean and butternut chili
L: savory garbanzos; spinach; pepper strips (?)
D: mac and not cheese (rip essy) ...I'm making this for Bill at my house tonight, so. It's got cashews and the mac of course is processed, but I'm doin it anyway. :D
S: a half cup of potato salad; a J&J's samwich...I got the extreme munchies in the middle of the day, and didn't have any baked potatoes with me...both the tater salad and the samwich were off plan (added fats, and the hard boiled egg in the pot salad) and then my period started. Yup. Out of control eating is pretty much my only remaining PMS symptom. I WILL keep baked potatoes nearby at ALL TIMES.

BTW, Bill thought the mac n not cheese was wonderful! :D We had that and a big tossed green salad with 321 dressing, which he also said was delicious.

Nov. 17
wt 180 <<< :\ My recent choices are showing, eh?

B: oatmeal w/banana, cinnamon and fig bits cooked in; strawberries sliced on top
L: LO mac n not cheese;PROCESSED! salad w/321 dressing
D: butternut and black bean chili; edamame tossed in
S: baked red pot w/delicious mustard

Okay, I had some processed, but nothing McDougall Unfriendly (though the mac n not cheese is high fat due to the cashews, so it isn't MWL)

Nov. 18
wt 178

B: oatmeal with the usual and rice milk PROCESSED
L: spaghetti squash with butternut and black bean chili; mini peppers; grape tomatoes;
D: boiled red potatoes; steamed veggie blend; spaghetti squash all under that yummy creamy tomato marinara sauce! *drool icon*
S: peppers, tomatoes, and A HANDFUL OF POTATO CHIPS :\ durr.

that is the ONLY non-plan food I had ALL DAY. mad at myself.

Nov. 19
wt 178

B: oatmeal w/banana,figs,cinnamon cooked in; 1/4 c rice milk PROCESSED! OIL ADDED!
L: butternut and black bean chili over baked potatoes
D: ??? eating at the mission. I hope bill can vegify whatever for us to eat. THEN OPEN MIC NIGHT! :D :D :D I ended up packing some leftovers for us. Black bean and butternut chili for Bill; steamed pots and vegs w/creamy marinara tomato sauce for me. Yum!
S: baked pots for sure. maybe some mini sweet peppers.
had a nibble of smoked turkey

Nov. 20
wt 178

B: oatmeal w/the usual
L: butternut squash soup over baked pots
D: butternut squash soup
S: don't remember ...had a nibble of smoked salmon

Nov. 21
wt 178
B: oatmeal w/banana, cinnamon, etc. NO RICE MILK
L: i think i forgot to eat lunch! hahahahaha!
D: curried vegetables over rice

Nov. 22
wt 180
B: oatmeal with the usual, minus the rice milk...I'm out
L: savory garbanzo beans and rice over a tossed green salad
D: ??? dunno yet edit: leftover butternut squash soup with rice
S: baked potato; a serving of tortilla chips; a handful of m & m style peppermint patties. *sigh* It sort of isn't enough to "be aware" of my processed and off plan food choices. I am aware AND I KEEP ON EATING JUST A BITES and I'm stuck at 180ish and I know it...not happy with myself. AT ALL.

Nov. 23
wt 180

B: quinoa w/garlic saute'd beet greens
L: vegetable marinara sauce over spinach; LOTS of garlic bread :angry:
D: vegetable marinara sauce over noodles. PROCESSED
Not a great day, food wise. A fun day, Bill-wise :D

Nov. 24

wt 178
B: oatmeal w/banana, etc cooked in
L: ???
D: mashed potatoes, yams, roasted root vegs, stuffing from the bird, real gravy; cranberry relish.
S: three samples of pie (Punkin=one bite; cream pie=one small piece; soda cracker=one small piece) and several bites of turkey meat. MCDOUGALL'S REVENGE! blch.
Nov. 27
wt 178
don't remember specifics. I don know I ate my meals on MWL, and ate many nibbles off plan :( the feast for Thanksgiving opened the floodgates to the Pleasure Trap.

Nov. 28
wt 179
ditto from yesterday

Nov. 29
wt 179
B: oatmeal with banana, etc cooked in;
L: last of the roasted vegs
D: baked potatoes w/green peas and mac n not cheese sauce

Nov. 30
wt ?? I didn't weigh :shock:

B: Leftover oatmeal w/things cooked in; a bowl of green peas
L: baked potato w/minestrone
D: same maybe over pasta instead of potato
Last edited by bunsofaluminum on Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:38 pm, edited 35 times in total.

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Re: Monthly Food Log - November Unprocessed People

Postby ETeSelle » Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:36 am

NOTE: I am NOT weighing in daily. I find it counterproductive. So I’ll be posting weekly weights only.

Nov. 1 (weight=153.6)
    B-fast: Green tea, but otherwise, none. Lately I haven’t wanted it! Not sure why. I had a big dinner last night.
    Lunch: Salad bar at work cafeteria. Nothing but TONS of veggies, some beans, and balsamic vinegar.
    Snack: Apple.
    Dinner: Leftover SNAP meal (tomatoes, tons of veggies, garbanzos) and some Yukon Gold potatoes cooked up crispy in my non-stick pan.
Nov. 2
    B-fast: Green tea
    Lunch: Naked veggie burrito at Qdoba. This contains white rice, which is processed, but otherwise I think it’s o.k. I have them put on it a very small amt of rice, a small amt of beans, TONS of lettuce, 2 pico, 2 corn salsa, and verde salsa. I eat this once a week--it's a long-standing date w/ a friend.
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: SNAP meal (tomatoes, tons of veggies, corn, beans, cumin, and chili powder, on rice). 2 big servings.
Nov. 3
    B-fast: Green tea, hashbrowns made from Yukon gold taters (decided I really NEED to eat b-fast even if I'm not terribly hungry b/c I do get hungry later on ;)).
    Lunch: Salad bar at work cafeteria. Nothing but TONS of veggies, some beans, and balsamic vinegar.
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: Rice primavera with tomato “cream” sauce ( viewtopic.php?f=5&t=19052 ). Yummy! (Yeah, I guess nutritional yeast is processed, but oh well. ;))
Nov. 4
    B-fast: Steel cut oats with peaches.
    Lunch: Salad bar.
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: Leftover rice primavera.
Nov. 5 (weight=152.4)
    B-fast: Green tea
    Lunch: Salad bar
    Snack: Carrots
    Dinner: SNAP meal.
Nov. 6
    B-fast: Steel cut oats w/ peaches and blueberries
    Lunch: Leftover SNAP meal on taters
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: Vegan sushi.
Nov. 7
    B-fast: Yukon gold hash browns.
    Lunch: Longevity Soup (Jeff's DVD)
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: Longevity Soup
Nov. 8
    B-fast: Steel cut oats with peaches and blueberries.
    Lunch: Salad bar.
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: Longevity soup on taters (this stuff lasts forever, LOL!)
Nov. 9
    B-fast: Yukon gold hash browns, green tea.
    Lunch: Naked veg burrito. NO rice--just black beans, no-oil salsa, and lots of lettuce.
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: SNAP meal (lots of veggies and brown rice-no beans) on taters.
    B-fast: Leftover SNAP meal from last night.
    Lunch: Salad bar (balsamic vinegar for dressing, as always)
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: Leftover SNAP meal from last night.
    B-fast: Baked sweet tater w/ peaches, blueberries, and cinnamon (YUM!)
    Lunch: Salad bar
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: Lentil, rice, onion and turnip green SNAP meal.
Nov.12 (weight=150!)
    B-fast: Leftover lentil dish from last night.
    Lunch: Salad bar (am I boring or what?? :lol: )
    Snack: Apple (ditto!)
    Dinner: SNAP meal
    B-fast: Yukon gold hash browns.
    Lunch: Taters and triple succotash (on the road)
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: Indian food NOT on plan (restaurant food, as vegan as I could manage). This was a special Diwali celebration I went to, wearing a friend's sari, and sorry (haha) but food is just part of it. I didn't eat much, though--just tasted mostly.
    B-fast: Yukon gold hash browns.
    Lunch: Leftover SNAP meal
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: MORE leftover SNAP meal.
    B-fast: Oatmeal w/ peaches and blueberries.
    Lunch: Salad bar, balsalmic vinegar
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: SNAP meal (leftovers again!)
    B-fast: Yukon gold hashbrowns.
    Lunch: Salad bar, balsalmic vinegar
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: SNAP meal.
    B-fast: None. Herb tea.
    Lunch: Salad bar, balsalmic vinegar
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: Sushi (vegan, of course). At a restaurant, so white rice, but otherwise fine.
    B-fast: Oatmeal w/ peaches and blueberries.
    Lunch: Salad bar, balsalmic vinegar
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: Leftover SNAP meal.
Nov.19 (weight still=150)
    B-fast: Leftover SNAP meal.
    Lunch: Salad bar, balsalmic vinegar
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: SNAP meal.
    B-fast: Oatmeal with blueberries and peaches.
    Lunch: Sushi (vegan, white rice)
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: SNAP meal.
    B-fast: Leftover SNAP meal.
    Lunch: Leftover SNAP meal
    Snack: Apple
    Dinner: WW pasta with no-salt added, FF spag sauce (with collard greens and mushrooms)
    B-fast: Apple (need to go grocery shopping!).
    Lunch: Salad bar.
    Snack: Apple.
    Dinner: SNAP meal

Nov.22-24 Forgot to log and can't remember exactly what I ate. Mostly the same as all the above, LOL!

Nov.25: Thanksgiving
    B-fast: Nothing. Didn't dare. ;)
    Lunch: T-Giving dinner. Tofurkey, Tofurkey gravy, stuffing, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, and coffee-chocolate cake. All vegan, but most very processed and not 100% McDougall.
    Snack: You're kidding, right?? :eek:
    Dinner: Chamomile tea. My tummy wasn't feeling great, LOL.

Nov.26-28: Forgot to log and can't remember exactly what I ate. Mostly the same as the other days, though. I'm boring, LOL!

    B-fast: Oatmeal w/ blueberries and cinnamon.
    Lunch: Salad bar.
    Snack: Apple.
    Dinner: Longevity Soup (Jeff's DVD)
Nov.30 (weight=149.6)
    B-fast: Longevity soup.
    Lunch: Vegan naked burrito (tons of veggies, no-fat salsa, and a little beans and rice).
    Snack: Apple.
Last edited by ETeSelle on Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:37 am, edited 27 times in total.
Weight now: 124 (20.0 BMI)
Weight in 2010: 207 (33.4 BMI)
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Re: Monthly Food Log - November Unprocessed People

Postby kirstykay » Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:53 pm

I'm excited to join you all! Here we go! :-D

Nov. 1-
Starting Weight:211.5
Blood Sugar:129

B:Steel cut oats with cheries and bananas
L: 16 bean chili
S: Honey Crisp Apple
D: Collard Greens and White Beans soup-followed recipe below, except I added a chopped sweet potato and some wild rice. ... -soup.html
This soup was very good. I guess I DO like collard greens. Excellent! I'll put this in my normal rotation.
Nov. 2
fasting bs 132
weight 211.5

B: steel cut oats with cherries and banana
L: black bean soup and green mixed veggie salald, no dressing
D: Collard Greens and White Bean soup
Nov. 3
fbs 127

B: pumpkin pie oats
L: taco soup (small bowl)
S: mixed veggies; 2 Tbs pumkin seeds (homemade)
D: greens and beans soup; mashed potatoes, mixed veggies
Nov. 4
fbs 130
weight: 211
B: oatmeal with raisins
L: raw veggies with hummus; sliced apples
D: taco soup over brown rice
S: pumpkin bread and soy latte :oops: (processed)
Nov. 5
fbs 132
weight 210.5

B:Oatmeal, water and cinnamon only
L: Veg soup and classic salad from Panera (meeting friend)
D: Taco soup with brown rice
S: Honey Crisp apple
Nov. 6 & Nov. 7:Bad weekend. :-( Not completely a disaster but not very good. (I journaled about it in my journal if you want details.) One good thing I did was to go to two classes at the gym on Saturday morning. One was aerobic (think Jane Fonda :eek: ) and the other was a whole-body strength training; a total of 1 1/2 hrs. My DH said I can do this weekly, so that is great. I had processed food I shouldn't have had, but I'm over it and on to better things. I probably won't reach my goal by my birthday, but maybe still by the end of the month. I'm okay with that.
Nov. 8
fbs 137

B: Pumpkin pie oats with raisins and walnuts (off MWL but not processed-I needed them to keep my from going to buy a pumpkin walnut muffin from Panera-it worked-I didn't. I will not make this a regular thing). I feel content and satisfied with my breakfast and ready for a great eating day today. I won't let my weekend derail me. What's done is done. Now for better days ahead.
L: whole wheat pasta with veggies.
D: Just made a delicious veggie marinara that I'll have with rice and veggies...serving pasta to kiddos and dh. Also big green salad with no dressing. edited to add: 1 Tbs lowfat organic dressing-PROCESSED. I just couldn't do the plain salad :-(
Nov. 9
fbs 132
weight: 209.5 :)
pumpkin pie oats with water only
I'm going to make soup today-I'll record what's in it after I make it. Having that for lunch and dinner with some sweet potato fries. Boys have been asking for "real food"- they are tired of soup. So, I'm going to make them some garbonzo spinach burgers for dinner-and I'll probably try one (without bun). I'll post recipe if it's good.
L:Large baked potato with carmelized onions and mushrooms and steamed broccoli! YUM!-Didn't have time to make soup yet.
D: Made the veggie soup: onion, garlic, carrots, cabbage, froz green beans, cauliflower, tomatoes, seasonings, water. Turned out GREAT! Served over brown rice. Oh yeah, I also added some tri-colored gnocchi(processed), but added some good texture and taste to the soup. My dh loved it!
Also, did Spin class for the first time in long time! Was great!
fbs 139

B:2/3 c oatmeal, 1 apple, 1 Tbs pure maple syrup, 1Tbs raisins, 1 tsp apple pie spice, water-YUM :)
L: Veggie soup
D: Garbonzo burgers over mixed greens, sweet potato fries -didn't make these yesterday, so I HAVE to tonight!
Feeling lighter today and happier-less of a struggle. Funny, how it's just easier and feels better to do the right things!
chickpea spinach burgers were DELISH!!! Here's the link: ... h-burgers/
I made them without any oil and they turned out GREAT!
Nov. 11
fbs: 127 :-D
weight: 209-slow, but steady!
Exercise: 30 min elliptical intervals; 60 min strength class

B: Banana; oatmeal; soy latte
L: chickpea spinach burger, sweet potato fries, small bowl taco soup (really hungry/shakey after my workout)
S: Honey Crisp Apple :-D
D: Veggie soup with baked potato
SHEESH! I am soooo hungry today! I just opened up a can of green beans and ate them cold because I was forraging through the pantry. I have potatoes cooking in the oven...hopefully that will help. I'm tempted to pop some popcorn! ARRRRGH, I don't like this feeling.

Nov. 12-will be heading off for a college visit with oldest son...I'll post when I get back. Making potatoes for the car ride. Will probably have to stop for dinner...

Hey, guys...I'm stepping out of this challenge for now. I'm staying MWL, just not really keeping up here. Good luck to all of you!!!! You're doing great!
Last edited by kirstykay on Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:05 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: Monthly Food Log - November Unprocessed People

Postby Loveskale » Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:30 pm

Nov 1
W: ??
Breakfast: A blur. It was monday.
Lunch: Polenta and squash ragout
Dinner: Lemon-kale pasta
Lots of tea...Lots of points
Approx: 12 points? Hmmm

Nov 2
W: ??
Breakfast: Lemon kale pasta
Lunch: Lemon kale pasta
Snack: potatoes
Lots of tea
Points: 15

Nov 3

Nov 4

Nov 5

Nov 6

Nov 7

Nov 8

Nov 9

Nov 10

Nov 11

Nov 12

Nov 13

Nov 14

Nov 15

Nov 16

Nov 17

Nov 18

Nov 19

Nov 20

Nov 21

Nov 22

Nov 23

Nov 24

Nov 25

Nov 26

Nov 27

Nov 28

Nov 29

Nov 30
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Re: Monthly Food Log - November Unprocessed People

Postby Dallasmom » Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:42 pm

Okay, I'm in.

Nov 1
B: oatmeal w/ ff soy milk, one banana
L: Mexican snap meal w/ potato
S: Honeycrisp apple
2nd S: potato
D: Mexican snap meal w/ organic rice pasta
S: strawberries and a banana

Nov 2

Nov 3

Nov 4

Nov 5

Nov 6

Nov 7

Nov 8

Nov 9

Nov 10

Nov 11

Nov 12

Nov 13

Nov 14

Nov 15

Nov 16

Nov 17

Nov 18

Nov 19

Nov 20

Nov 21

Nov 22

Nov 23

Nov 24

Nov 25

Nov 26

Nov 27

Nov 28

Nov 29

Nov 30
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Re: Monthly Food Log - November Unprocessed People

Postby Silver » Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:58 pm


I will list in CAPS what I eat that I consider is processed.

Nov. 1
B - Oatmeal, blueberries, bananas, cinnamon. Decafe Green Tea
L - Split Pea Soup - incl. onion, carrot, celery, potato, spices
S - apple
D - brown rice and stir "fried" vegies with glaze (arrowroot, ginger, water, & SOY SAUCE - total in glaze is 1 TBSP, serves 3, my portion 1 tsp.)

Nov. 2
B - Oatmeal, blueberies, bananas. Hot water to drink.
L - Roasted potatoes, steamed broccoli, brown rice. Water.
D - Millet Mashed Potatoes with Emerald Sauce from The Health Promoting Cookbook by Alan Goldhamer. Water

Nov. 3
B - Brown rice with dates and banana. (One date mixed in a blender to make "sauce".)
L - Roasted potatoes
D - Mexican Night. Brown rice, black beans, corn, salsa, 1/4 of an avocado, lettuce, jicama. I just noticed that some TACO SAUCE that I put on the lettuce was processed. I used about 1 tsp.
S - 1/2 orange

Nov. 4 - Big Sale Day at Work. Temptation abounds! Lets see how I handle it.
B - Hot Water. Refrigerator oatmeal with one date, blended with water to make sauce, banana sliced on top.
L - Chili over Brown Rice
D - Mashed Yam with cubed apple on top sprinkled with cinnamon.

Nov. 5
B- Hot Water. Oatmeal with blueberries and banana & 1 tsp. pure maple syrup.
L - Roasted potaotes, bell pepper and onion. Water
D - Brown rice, black beans, corn, home-made salsa over a bed of lettuce with <1 Tbsp. TACO SAUCE - PROCESSED. Jicama. Water

Nov. 6
B - Hot Water. Grapefruit - no sugar, I like 'em plain.
L - Roasted potatoes, bell pepper, onion.
D - Potato and Kale Enchilidas. Used no oil CORN TORTILLAS - PROCESSED.

Nov. 7
B - Decafe Green Tea. About 1/3 of my grapefruit that was left over from yesterday.
L - Rice with one date (blended with water) and 3/4 banana.
S - banana
D - Stir "fried" vegies (carrot, celery, onion, snow peas, water chestnuts, cabbage) over brown rice. Glaze - water, ginger, SOY SAUCE, arrowroot. My portion of soy sauce was about 1-2 tsp. Decafe green tea.

Nov. 8
B - Oatmeal, blueberries, banana, 1tsp maple syrup. Hot Water.
L - Rice with black beans and corn. Home made salsa on top. Jicama on the side. Water
D - Roasted Potatoes, Onions, and Bell Pepper. Steamed Broccoli.

Nov. 9
221.0 - Didn't want to post this after bragging about my weight loss yesterday - but did anyway to be honest. Don't know why it went up.
B - Baked Yam. Hot Water.
L - Brown Rice with one date and 1/2 banana. Water
S - Cup of Chili. Hot Water.
D - Recipe Fail. Was planning Compassionate Cook's Quinoa with Corn Medley - found out I don't like Quinoa. Had old standby Roasted Potatoes.

Nov. 10
220.6 - Turns out my weight from 11-8 was not correct. Has gone down every day.
B - Oatmeal, blueberrier, banana, 1 tsp (measured) pure maple syrup. Hot Water.
S - Jicama
L - Chili over brown rice. The Chili was restaurant bought, vegan, and no oil, but probably had SALT. Water.
D - Steamed Broccoli and Cauliflower. Boiled Potatoes. Sm. serv. of the dinner I turned up my nose at last night. Quinoa Corn Medley which I added carrot and celery to and ate as a cold dish.

Nov. 11
B - 1/2 grapefruit.
S - Oatmeal with blueberries and 1 measures tsp. pure maple syrup.
L - Hash brown potatoes cooked in the Foreman Grill.
D - Brown rice, with pinto beans, and corn and home made salsa, 1/4 avocado and 1/2 of a FAT FREE CORN TORTILLA made into 3 chips and then crushed and sprinkled on top of meal. Jicama.

Nov. 12
B - 1/2 grapefruit. Hashbrowns.
L - Same as last nights dinner without the corn tortilla. 1/2 pear.
D - Roasted Potatoes
S - 1/2 baked Yam

Nov. 13
B - Oatmeal with one Banana, 1 measured tsp. pure Maple Syrup. Hot Water.
L - 1/2 cup Chili, Brown Rice, steamed Broccoli and Cauliflower
D - Sloppy Lentils (from original McDougall cookbook) over Brown Rice. Brussel Sprouts with carmelized onion and garlic.

Nov. 14
B - Oatmeal w/ Banana and Blueberries and 1 tsp. Maple Syrup. Hot Water.
L - Roasted Potatoes.
D - Chili over Brown Rice.

Nov. 15
B - Brown Rice with date (1) and banana. Hot Water
L - Roasted Potato. 1/2 Yam w/cinnamon.
D - PROCESSED MEAL. Salad in a Pita/baked Tofu. Pita was whole wheat no oil. Baked Tofu had oil and medium level of sodium; had one serving. Salad dressing was Newman's Light Balsamic, Oil and sodium; had 1/2 serving.

Nov. 16
B - Oatmeal with blueberries and 1/2 banana. 1tsp. maple syrup.
L - Left over PROCESSED dinner from last night. Salad in a Pita/baked Tofu. Pita was whole wheat no oil. Baked Tofu had oil and medium level of sodium; had one serving. Salad dressing was Newman's Light Balsamic, Oil and sodium; had 1/2 serving.
D - Tabouli served on lettuce. Steamed Brussel Sprouts.

Nov. 17
B - Oatmeal with blueberries, banana, & 1 tsp. maple sugar
L - Chili over brown rice.
D - Golden Split Pea Soup from Moosewood Restaurant Low Fat Favorites. I didn't like this soup (husband did) due to the unusual mix of indredients. I will not be making this again. I had to have two crackers to get it down. WASA LIGHT RYE - no oil, some salt - not alot. Roasted potatoes.

Nov. 18
B - Oatmeal with banana and blueberries.
L - TEMPEH skewer with TERIYAKI over brown rice. Coleslaw with approx. 2 tsp DRESSING (processed and oil)
D - Southwestern Corn Soup.

Nov. 19
B - Roasted Potatoes
L - Oatmeal with blueberries and banana. 1 tsp. maple syrup.
D - Tabouli Lettuce Rollups. Steamed Broccoli and Cauliflower>
S - Mashed Yam with a sprinkle of BROWN SUGAR.

Nov. 20
B - Oatmeal with blueberries and banana. Hot Water.
L - Salad with DRESSING (Processed and Oil) in a PITA (Processed, no oil)
D - WHOLE WHEAT SPAGHETTI w/ SAUCE and steamed Broccoli and Cauliflower.

Nov. 21
B - Apple. Hot Water
L - Salad in a PITA with DRESSING (w/OIL)

Nov. 22
B - Apple
L - Sloppy Lentils over Boiled Potatoes. Steamed Brussel Sprouts.
S - 1 serv. PRETZELS
D - Stir "fried" Vegies with 1/6 c. Cashews. SOY SAUCE.

Nov. 23
B - Banana
S - Apple
L - Split Pea Soup
D - Salad in a PITA (Processed but no oil) w/ DRESSING (Processed and oil)

Nov. 24
B - 1/2 Grapefruit
L - Split Pea Soup. 2 CORN THINS
S - PRETZELS - 1 serv.
D - Roasted Potatoes

Nov. 25 Thanksgiving
B - Banana
L - Sweet Potato with maple syrup and CANDIED NUTS - last two items added impulsively to be festive - Whoops!
S - CANDIES NUTS - an impluse - there were some leftover - Whoops!
D - Minestrone Soup w/ WHOLE WHEAT NOODLES; WW ROLL with vegan SPREAD; home made Apple Tart - no oil, or egg, but high in fat due to the pecan, almond crust.

Nov. 26 - out of town after lunch
B - grapefruit
L - Salad in a PITA w/DRESSING and TOFU. 1 piece leftover tart.
D - Cafe Yumm. TEMPEH over Brown Rice. Cole Slaw w/ DRESSING (Oil). Rice, black bean, salsa, carrot, avocado, cabbage salad.

I asked for it without the dressing and it came cold instead of the usual warm when they do use the dressing. It wasn't good cold so I dipped my fork in the dressing a few times and then gave the rest to my husband. I have had a stomach ache since them. I don't know what I ate that upset my stomach. I didn't have enough oil to get McDougall's Revenge. Maybe the stress of travel. :-(

Nov. 27 - out of town - a sad, sad day of eating. That's what happens when you run out of time and eat on the run. Moving our daughter today and grabbed what we could when we could. Will try better tomorrow.
B - Apple, banana. This was OK the rest of the say we ate :-(
D - Red Robin BOCA BURGER. It was the only place we could find open at 10:30 pm.

Nov. 28 - out of town
B - Banana.

Nov. 29 - out of town
B - Apple
L - Cafe Yumm again. 1/2 VEGAN VEGETARIAN BURGER. Some TEMPEH over Brown Rice. Some Cole Slaw w/ DRESSING over the top. Some TORTILLA CHIPS. (When we go here my husband and I eat "family style" - order a few things and share)
D - All Fruit SMOOTHIE. Soft PRETZEL with salt. Guess where we were?

Nov. 30 My Birthday
B - 1/2 cup GRAPE NUTS with RICE MILK
L - VEGIE BURGER - Mom took me out for my birthday
D - Minestrone Soup. Roasted Potatoes.
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Re: Monthly Food Log - November Unprocessed People

Postby rainbowfirefly » Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:47 pm

I'm excited to begin!! :D

Nov. 1 - 169.4

B: bowl of roasted veggies (sweet potato, acorn squash, brussels sprouts, green beans, beets & garlic)
S: apple & one bowl of Esselstyn's Marrakesh Express red lentil soup

- Decided this afternoon to withdraw from the challenge
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Re: Monthly Food Log - November Unprocessed People

Postby pretty skinny » Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:57 pm

Last edited by pretty skinny on Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:56 pm, edited 29 times in total.
pretty skinny

Re: Monthly Food Log - November Unprocessed People

Postby RAS » Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:22 pm

Ok Going to give this a try:
Starting Weight 176
FBS 209 :-(
Nov.1-B:oatmeal,tea,Sn:oatmeal&apple,L:boiled red potatoes,salad with small amt of ff italian dressing, D: boiled red potatoes with creamed corn,a few string beans..will eat salad again later plain.and maybe a tangerine. -for 1tsp.sugar and a few artificial sweetners...a big + for that as I have cut back. Hope everyone is doing well.

Nov.2Good Morning!
FBS 136!
B-Oatmeal & Tea Back later...have a great day all Sn-apple&oatmeal
L-vegie soup with extra green beans S-Brown rice,creamed corn,string beans,and salad with ff Italian dressing small amt.Several cups of tea durring the day... tangerine at 4pm. 1/2 C. Applesauce befor bed..

Nov.3 Hello
Weight 173
FBS 163
Breakfast-Oatmeal & an apple. L-Left over veggie soup with brown rice.S-mashed potatoes,remainder of green beans,and brussell sprouts,with dijon mustarn(just a little) teas,water.

FBS 120!!!!!!!!!!!The lowest I've been in awhile..will bring it down more.
12Mn-6am Leftover potatoes,brussel sprouts,apple
7:30am-1pkg.instant oatmeal with 1 bananna,1tsp.sugar,
2:30pm- salad,with ff italian dressing,veggie soup.
later- left over mashed potatoes,creamed corn,brussel sprouts,and carrots.teas,water. only proccessed was the sugar and dressing

Nov.5 FBS 136 Weight 170.6!
12mn-6am Tea,potatoes,brussell sprouts.8am instant oatmeal,and bananna,1tsp.sugar. busy and didn't eat..6pm baked potatoe and salad plain at Wendy's. later another potatoe. Feeling much better.

Nov.6 FBS 120
B-Had the extra potatoe I didn't eat last night.with 1T.barb-q-sauce.bananna,tea..L-Mashed potatoes,brussell sprouts.Tangerine.
S-Sweet Potatoe,cabbage,rutagaga,tea. the big batch of mashed potatoes I made earlier in the week,was more like smashed not creamy...lumpy,so they weren't too processed.Grandson does not like them that coarse.hehehe

Nov.7 Early Breakfast-oatmeal, sugar free applesauce.Later-baked potatoe,apple.L-cabbage,rutabaga,carrot mix.S-salad,sweet potatoe baked.about 1/2C.veg.baked beans..some sugar in mix.teas,water.&a bananna befor bed

Nov.8 Lost 8.6 lbs. this week!!! :eek: Weight 167.6 Fbs 145 :(
Breakfast-Oatmeal,Tea, L-Large bowl of canned Lentil Soup processed(lot of salt) but was busy.D-Large Salad. Snack applesauce.
Nov.9 12mn-6am Tea Apple cut into many pieces so I could "pick" and veggie soup. 8am Oatmeal & Vegetarian Baked Beans.L-will be salad.& oven baked french frys.D-rutabaga,cabbage,carrots,with mustard...did 1 mile cd with Leslie Simone

Nov.10 Hello! Looks like everyone posting is doing Great! :nod:
12-6a -Tea,Water,apple,sweet potatoe 8am-oatmeal with 1 tsp.sugar. L-baked beans D-Veggie Soup...I think I ate too many beans.Stomach is rumbly :oops: using peppermint tea.Not very hungry lately. :D
Nov.11 Good Morning...12-6a Apple,pepperment tea,potatoe with 1T.catsup..Oatmeal with 1T.maple syrup.Yum....Not feeling so great today :cry: tummy upset.Maybe some stomach virus. Ate some brown rice...maybe oatmeal later...and some diet ginger ale.Not an excuse to go off plan.!

Nov.12 Weight 166.8 Lost 9.2 Lbs. since 11/1/18!!!!!! :D :D
12-6a ginger ale,apple...Feel better today. 8a-rice,1/2C.peas. L-salad with baby spicach..and 321 dressing. Recipe:3T.any flavor vinegar,2T.any kind of mustard,1T.Maple Syrup.stores well in bottle in fridge. teas,water...S- Bowl of Canned Progresso Tomato soup.*processed* will go shopping later.
FBS 113!!!!!! :-) B-Oatmeal &1T.Maple Syrup - L-Lrge.salad with Lemon Jc.and Spices.&remainder of above tomato soup.Teas&water thru-out the day.S-Remainder of above salad mashed potatoes,cabbage,rutabaga mix. Made a big pot of soup for the week. Butter Bean Corn Chowder..It called for 2 cans of creamed corn.I put only 1 can&one small bag of frozen corn,so its lets processed. :nod:
B-Apple,few hrs. later oatmeal L- Butter Bean Corn Chowder.and some mashed potatoes.Tea. D- Don't know yet Not hungry Oatmeal with 1 T.Maple Syrup.

Nov.15..Good Morning Challenge is 1/2 over 166 this morning & fbs 124. Feeling good. Face not puffy any-more....B-Tangerine and mashed potatoes, L-oatmeal with 1 tsp.sugar....D-Baked potatoe and broccolli,cauliflower mix.

Nov.16 Early Morning Mashed potatoes&tea.B-oatmeal,tea/ Sn-apple water.L-Salad with ff italian dressing >salt...Butter Bean Soup with fresh spinach on top. D-Baked potatoe,and broccoli/cauliflower mix and spinach lightly cooked. :D

Nov.17 B- Left over mashed potatoes,Tea,water, Sn-1 Cup of dry cheerios :eek: (processed)I only did 1C.though..usually2-3. L-Salad.with lemon.trying to cut back on salt.D-Green Beans (wasn't hungry) before work 1/2dry cheerios..(got to get rid of them)! :roll:

Nov.18 2am Apple,tea. Bowl of bb corn chowder with rice,green beans,and spinach.Yum. 8am-pkg.instant oatmeal and1T.maple syrup.L-Salad Baked potatoe,D-??? Impromtu visit to Pizza Hut.Had salad& diet coke. Again 1 C. cheerios (proccessed) the good part is that I'm measuring not the whole box!

Nov.19 Down 2 lbs this week.Total of 11.2 lbs.
Early am Tea and Apple. 4am Butter Bean Corn Chowder with spinach,rice,green beans. 8am instant oatmeal 1T.maple syrup. L-lge bowl of tomato soup Progresso somewhat proccessed with my brown rice and 2T.peas. very filling..D-oatmeal with Maple Syrup.(I think this is my comfort food)

Nov.20 Will weigh 1x a week.Daily weighing upsets me when I see a flluctuation. 4a.McDougall style french fries,tea. B-oatmeal and 1T.Maple Syrup.Late Lunch-Lrge.Salad.Tea and lots of water.Did really well at the banquet..lots of people brought salads fresh fruit,veggie plates all McDougall friendly..did have 1 small cup-cake.

Nov.21 B-oatmeal,with 1/2T.maple syrup. Sn-Apple& salad with very small drizzel of ff italian dressing.-L.Rice,carrots,leftover chick pea cranberry mix.D-Baked potatoe,brussell sprouts with mustard.

Nov.22Good Morning! B-Oatmeal 1T.maple syrup.Tea. L-Baked potatoe,brussell sprouts. Not weighing until Fri.Fbs,I need to get more testing strips.

Nov.23 1am-apple&tangerine,5am-rice,carrots,spinach,with the cranberry chick-pea combo.(it's ok,but will not make it again).8am-oatmeal 1T maple syrup.L-& D- combined late...several small potatoes,in microwave.corn,canned diced italian tomatoes.(sf)chopped cuccumber plain. Oh I just remembered I had a cup of dry cheerios...ate woken up too early....Oatmeal befor work

Nov.24 1am apple.4am-Lge.salad with lemon and pepper. 8am oatmeal with 1T maple syrup. Ok I'm ready to be lectured lol.was hungry after shopping..didn't want Wendy's Had a veggie sub at Sub-Way1st bread since 11/1/ & I didn't even finish it..! :eek: Later I'll have rice,& sf tomatoes.and salad...Happy Thanksgiving All

Nov.25* Hi! Wasn't going to post this but I want to be accountable.So here goes..I had 2 small pieceds :oops: of cake at work..This will NOT set me back.will have salad later,& be really picky about what I place in my plate and mouth later. Good luck to all. I plan not to fail.Will check back later. :roll: Did work at the church and had some of the usual thanksgiving fixings 1 desserts.! Opt.out of going to eat again with my daughter...too much temptation...Will eat light tonight & move on.

Nov.26 Good Morning..I am now 165. Up 1/2lb. 1am small piece of cake.10:am broccoli,carrots,cauliflower, water chestnuts frozen mix with brown rice.D-oatmeal with 1T maple syrup

Nov.27- B-broccoli,rice medley.tea.Sn-More broccoli mix.L-Oatmeal with 1t maple syrup, Sn-Large bowl of veggie soup. D-mashed potatoe,with steamed spinach,salad...Seems like I was hungry today.!Ya think! LOL :roll:

Nov.28 B-Tea&Bananna Late Br-Dry oats mixed with apple&1T.maple syrup.(Very good).L-Soup(veggie)& salad. D-mashed potatoe,Butter bean corn beans..Tea,water. Bowl of instant oatmeal.

Nov.29 1 more day of the challenge!! Wow I didn't think I could do it.I plan on continuing. B-Apple,Bananna,dry Oats,1T.maple syrup.
L-Soup Veggie & Salad.ff dressing.Snack-Baked potatoe, D-Baked potatoe with chick peas and cranberry bake..(Glad that is finished..will not make that again)LOL tea water.Oh and 2 peanutbutter cookies.Grandson made them from scratch for cub scouts.

Nov.30We did it! 1 Complete Month.!Yea us :unibrow: Br-Dry oats,with apple&bananna,1T.of maple syrup. Sn-2 baked potatoes.L-didn't eat busy & not hungry..D-soup salad and kidney beans &rice
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Re: Monthly Food Log - November Unprocessed People

Postby uncgirl » Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:00 pm

I'm doing it too...

Nov 1-
B=steel cut oats w/1 tsp raisins and mixed berries cooked in.
L=Pasta Primavera from Jeff's new dvd, 2 small clementines
S=4 small packets candy corn :mad:
D=more Pasta Primavera
Drank decaf unsweetened iced tea all day, 1 cup peppermint hot tea, and 10 oz water. Note to self: drink more water! Also need to take more McD food to work b/c I was starving and succombed to the candy corn.

Nov 2-
B=steel cut oats w/1 tsp raisins and mixed berries cooked in
L=Pasta Primavera, 2 small clementines
S=organic red grapes
D=guacamole and blue corn chips :eek:
I drank nothing but water today, probably still not enough of it though. Totally went nuts eating guacamole and chips. I am really craving it!

Nov 3- Wt was 160.1 this a.m. :eek: Probably all that salty stuff.
B=organic brown jasmine rice w/hot sauce, banana
S=organic red grapes
L=same brown rice, steamed veggies, hot sauce, 1 clementine
S=more grapes
D=Mexican dish from Jeff's new dvd. BTW, it's delicious!!!

Nov 4-Wt 158.4
B=Jeff's Pasta Primavera, banana
L=Jeff's Mexican dish, 1 clementine
D=Steamfresh bag of broccoli/carrots/edamame/water chestnuts to which I added salt-free seasoning.
I did drink more water today along with 32oz. decaf unsweetened tea. I was very tempted to eat leftover chocolate Halloween candy my coworkers brought to work, but I am very happy to say that I did NOT!
S=Made the chocolate sauce from Jeff's dvd; used 1 not-ripe-enough mango and 1 banana, blended it til smooth, and added Hershey's Special Dark cocoa powder. Had about 4 tsp of it as a pudding. Great!

Nov 5-Wt. 156.6 :-D
B=steel cut oats to which I added frozen cubed mango, mandarin oranges, cinnamon, & a 4 chopped walnuts and then cooked overnight in my Zo. Made enough for at least 6 servings. Good stuff!
S=organic red grapes
L=Jeff's Mexican dish, 1 clementine
S=more grapes
D=more of Jeff's Mexican dish, finished off the Jeff's chocolate sauce from last night
Didn't drink any water until getting home after work; only drank decaf unsweetened iced tea. MUST drink more water!

Nov 6-Wt. 155.4
B=More of my "tropical oatmeal"
L=Plain baked sweet potato/steamed veggies without any seasoning at all/small salad of lettuce, tomatoes, & cukes with 321 dressing
S=Another plain baked sweet potato
D=Asparagus with lemon pepper seasoning, brown rice with homemade hot sauce
Today I was on the road visiting family and didn't drink anything but tea and even then not much of it... didn't want to have to stop at rest areas all the way home!

Nov 7-Wt. 155.0
B=Cubed potatoes with onions and peppers, 2 clementines, water. I did use approx 1 tbsp of organic Heinz ketchup with the potatoes.
L=Japanese restaurant meal of white rice, stir-fried onions/carrots/broccoli/some veggie I don't know, iced tea. I know the meal also had soy sauce and a little (I hope) oil. Processed!
D=Apple, 1 tsp almond butter.
Drank more water today... Yay!

Nov 8-Wt. 156.4 :x
B=Tropical oatmeal. Again...
L=Jeff's Mexican dish, organic red grapes.
S=Salad bar (romaine lettuce, cherry grapes, carrots, cold asparagus, chick peas, cold red potatoes, no dressing, just black pepper)
D=Steamed broccoli/snowpeas/water chestnuts.
My "snack" today was at 4 p.m. - I was STARVING. Went to the hospital cafeteria and assembled this snack. Note to self: take more food to work tomorrow. I drank 32 oz decaf unsweetened iced tea and more water. I guess the 1.4 lb weight gain was from eating out yesterday at the Japanese place.

Nov 9-Wt. 156.0
B=Mrs.D's Cherry Pie oatmeal. Delicious!
L=Brown rice, black beans, salsa & 2 clementines. 3 tsp baked sweet potato.
D=Nothing. Not even hungry tonight. Kind of excited about something that happened at work and I guess it has curbed my appetite. :) I did make sure I took plenty of food to work today and I didn't even eat it all!

Nov 10-Forgot to weigh this a.m.
B=Cubed potatoes/peppers/onions w/1 tbsp organic ketchup
L=Brown rice, black beans, salsa & 2 clementines
S=Salad of romaine lettuce/carrots/navy beans w/processed dressing
D=2 organic brown rice cakes w/almond butter (processed!)
Didn't sleep long enough last night-woke up at 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep so I got up, walked 1 mile on the treadmill, cleaned my kitchen, then went to work. Ready for sleep now!

Nov 11-Wt. 156.0
B=Cherry Pie Oatmeal.
L=Jeff's Mexican dish, 2 clementines
D=Plain baked potato, salad of romaine lettuce/carrots/salsa, processed dressing.
S=Peppermint tea

Nov 12-Wt. 156.0
B=Tea. Felt very queasy and bloated this a.m.
S=Grits w/hot sauce. Feeling better.
L=Same as dinner last night.
D=4 bite-size chocolate candy bars and 1 slice cheese pizza. :crybaby: I had to work 2 hrs overtime and didn't have enough food. Our boss had bought the pizza for lunch and I didn't have any but by 7:30 p.m., I was starving and that's what was available; I ate all this on the run while still seeing patients. It was a very hectic, stressful work day.

Nov 13-Wt. 154.2
Forgot to mention that I've started getting up earlier and walking 1 mile on the treadmill before getting ready for work. :nod:
B=Cherry Pie Oatmeal
L=Japanese restaurant meal of white rice, stir-fried onions/carrots/broccoli/some veggie I don't know, iced tea. I know the meal also had soy sauce and a little (I hope) oil. Processed!
D=Banana. I feel really guilty about what I ate last night and the lunch I had today with my friend. Not eating anything else tonight!

Nov 14-Wt. 153.4
B=Cherry Pie Oatmeal
L=Salad, guacamole & chips at my favorite Mexican restaurant while out shopping all day. At least it was vegan...
D=Plain baked potato

Nov 15-Didn't weigh today
B=Brown rice w/hot sauce
L=None; wasn't hungry
D=Early Thanksgiving dinner w/my Dad; roasted veggies, potatoes, salad.
Drank too much tea today and now I'm not sleepy at all. :-(

Nov 16-Wt. 154.0
B=Oatmeal w/1 tsp brown sugar and 1 tbsp raisins
L=Brown rice, steamed broccoli/carrots/snowpeas/water chestnuts
S=1 bite size Snicker
D=Brown rice w/hot sauce
Definitely not perfect today but I need to get over my perfectionism.

Nov 17-Wt. 153.0
B=Tater tots and ketchup.
L=Brown rice, steamed broccoli/carrots/snowpeas/water chestnuts, mango, 2 clementines
S=1 packet peanut M&Ms at work. Processed and SAD!
D=Jeff's hummus, 3 organic brown rice salt-free rice cakes. Processed, I know.
Only drank water today.

Nov 18-Wt.154.0
B=Grits w/hot sauce
L=White rice, salad of romaine lettuce/asparagus/chickpeas/cherry tomatoes, cantaloupe
S=Candy at work.
D=Several spoonfuls of Jeff's hummus. No rice cakes. Vegan hot chocolate.
Today was quite the challenge. Thanksgiving lunch at work where everyone brought a dish. White rice and cantaloupe were the only options for me. I accidentally forgot to bring my lunch with me today. I was STARVING after my measly lunch and broke down and ate candy. Now I'm disgusted with myself. Tomorrow is another day fortunately.

Nov 19-Didn't weigh today
B=Grits w/hot sauce
L=Brown rice w/steamed broccoli/carrots/water chestnuts/edamame
S=Several pieces candy again. Obviously I am having issues staying out of the candy drawer at work! :mad:

Nov 20-Wt. 152.6 :-D
B=Unsweetened iced tea, apple fritter (given to me while I was at the vet with my cat; guess they thought I looked hungry; I was; I didn't eat breakfast b/c I felt guilty that I didn't let the cat eat before leaving for the vet appt)
D=Guacamole and chips.

Nov 21-Wt. 153.0
B=Guacamole and chips. Finished this up! Time to move on...

Nov 22-Didn't weigh
B=Grits w/hot sauce
L=Black beans and rice
D=One rice cake w/homemade Jeff's hummus

Nov 23

Nov 24

Nov 25

Nov 26

Nov 27

Nov 28

Nov 29

Nov 30
Last edited by uncgirl on Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:12 pm, edited 29 times in total.
Posts: 126
Joined: Thu Dec 31, 2009 7:59 am

Re: Monthly Food Log - November Unprocessed People

Postby RAS » Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:08 pm

Hi Looks like everyone is doing pretty good.Keep up the good work all.
Last edited by RAS on Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: North Carolina

Re: Monthly Food Log - November Unprocessed People

Postby Riva » Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:28 pm

Nov. 1 123.8 Weight
oatmeal + sugar
bowl of spinach, salt

brown rice, soy sauce
grilled (no oil) zucchini and eggplant
oatmeal+ sugar

white rice, soy sauce
edamame, salt
Pear/apple juice

1 piece white french bread
handful of raisins

Nov. 2 123.8 WeightNov. 3
Oatmeal + sugar

cooked carrots
home cooked whole cranberry beans, salt

NOrland red potato with organic ketchup
Oatmeal + sugar

Nov 3 Did not weigh
oatmeal + sugar
potatoes, cooked carrots, ketchup
1/4 apple with lemon and sugar
large bran muffin
1/2 brownie

Miso soup with fresh rice noodles (had oil) and corn, tofu and sea vegetables
Salad with light vinegrette dressing
sweet potato with maple syrup

1/2 alcoholic drink

Nov. 4 whoops I didn't keep track. Nothing unusual compared to the last few days.

Nov. 5 122.4 Weight (down!)Oatmeal + sugar
Potatoes and cooked carrots, ketchup
apple chunks, one banana, lemon juice + sugar
1 piece of whole wheat bread

lentil burger (no doubt has some oil), whole wheat bun, tomatoes, pickled onions
Looked like there might have been some margerine (vegan restaurant) I avoided the "special sauce" and the salad dressing
green salad
sliver of vegan pumpkin pie

Nov. 6 122.4 weight
oatmeal + sugar
Potatoes and cooked carrots
Chai masala tea
pasta and red sauce
lettuce salad
ww bread
small piece of chocolate

Nov. 7 122.4 Weight
oatmeal + sugar
chili black beans, kidney beans, frozen corn and oil free salsa
ww bread
Lots of cooked kale
Big lettuce salad with apple chunks, saurcraut and 3-1-1-1 dressing

Nov 8 124.4 (up) WEight
oatmeal + sugar
veg soup: cauliflower, potatoes onions, salt, herbs
1 vegan ww/white flour combo roll
1 vegan cookie
big lettuce salad, with apple chunks, saurcraut and 3-1-1-1 dressing

Nov. 9 124.4 (stable) weight
Oatmeal + sugar
1/2 banana
mushroom, kale soup with herbs and salt
2 pieces french bread
potatoes, cooked carrots and ketchup
green lettuce salad with apples and 3-1-1-1 dressing
1 piece ww bread and jelly
1 bowl of raisin bran with soy milk

Nov. 11
Nov. 12
Nov. 13
Nov. 14
Nov. 15
Nov. 16
Nov. 17
Nov. 18
Nov. 19
Nov. 20
Nov. 21
Nov. 22
Nov. 23
Nov. 24
Nov. 25
Nov. 26
Nov. 27
Nov. 28
Nov. 29
Nov. 30
Last edited by Riva on Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:19 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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